Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 224 Pickup? Is it a tank? 【Subscription】

"God, what happened?"

"Looks like an avalanche."

The spectators sitting on the cable car watching the game watched in panic as the snow fell from the top of the mountain in the distance.

in the live room,


A piece of heavy snow hit the camera, the screen flashed, and the screen went black.

The organizer immediately switched to other cameras and started the drone.

The screen came again.

Vehicles behind can no longer move forward because of the snow covering the road.

Fortunately, they fell far away, otherwise they would have been buried in the snow at the moment.

ford f550 emergency braking,

But the road was too slippery and hit the snow.

Ford F550 Sudden Stop, Front Hood Damaged.


It was the sound of snow melting into water vapor, and a burning smell came from the hood.

Immediately after,

Black smoke seeped out of the snow, and the white snowflakes were dyed black.

The driver stepped out of the car and was a man of the United States.

He touched the exposed hood, and a tingling pain came from his fingertips, as if he had touched a red-hot soldering iron.

His fingers flicked away quickly, and the whole person also retreated in horror.

For fear that the pickup truck would explode and affect him.

The off-road vehicles behind also stopped, and although there were several small rear-end collisions, no one was injured.


A sudden explosion shocked the people at the scene.

Everyone looking for prestige, the Ford f550 has been scrapped.

see here,

Some netizens breathed a sigh of relief.

Despite the accident, the players were all safe.

Some people are restless.

"Is that dead stick on purpose? I suggest that after the game, catch this crap. 35

"As we all know, the sticks have never been competitive. This is the root of a nation."

"No matter what game it's in, those who make small moves that endanger their lives are always those dead sticks.

"Only a weak country, a weak nation will always think of winning by all means, and the humble hope to gain pride by relying on that little so-called honor. As everyone knows, the exchange is really countless and can't be said. contempt. 99

"However, people are not ashamed and do not want to make progress, they just rely on despicable means to win. 99

"How humble does a nation have to be, so that it can always think of cheating to win the "047" and win the eyes of others?""

"Is there really no competitive spirit at all?"

"In the Olympic Games, they can play tricks on athletes from other countries in front of audiences all over the world, as well as referees. What kind of competitive spirit are they talking about?"

"That's a luxury for them.

"It is strongly requested that all future competitions be disqualified from the competition."

"Yes, not only for the competitiveness of sports, but also for the safety of athletes from all over the world.

"Strongly agree!



the other side,

The drone has recovered the live footage.

in the canyon,

The avalanche continues.

Like dominoes, the snow that falls first falls with the snow behind it.

Going forward layer by layer, the road behind the three cars was completely blocked.

The snow fell faster and faster, gradually catching up with the three cars that were still competing.

ranking at this time,

The Parisian came first, the Leviathan second, and the Jeep Wrangler third.

Avalanche Fourth...

When this happened, the host didn't know how to explain it.

He frowned, a look of obvious disgust on his face.

"Due to some personal factors, a lot of accidents happened at the game.

"But just now, the organizer has dispatched the rescue team to come back from the finish line to reinforce."

"The situation is urgent, I know everyone is anxious..."

"But we have to trust the drivers, they will be able to get out of the avalanche and go to the finish line.

The host thought about it for a long time and could only be so comforted.


Today he seems to be giving out poisoned milk.

Everything he said happened in reverse.

in the screen,

The three cars are almost at the end of the canyon,

As long as you get out of the canyon, the road ahead is safe.


The Avalanche picked up speed, too, and quickly caught up to the rear of the Jeep Wrangler.

Pu Dao Shilian glanced through the rearview mirror,

The majestic disaster scene behind him made him almost throw off the steering wheel.

He was thinking of doing something,

But I didn't think about getting into it myself.

In this case,

I'm afraid it will be over.

The strong desire to survive drove him to step on the accelerator again.

But the speed was going up, but Pu Dao Shilian was distracted because of fear.

The road beneath my feet is not smooth,

a careless,

Parisi's grip was not enough, and the body slipped violently.

Pu Dao Shilian hurriedly adjusted the parking space and operated in a hurry...

The busier and more chaotic the success, Parisi's front deviated from the main direction.

Seeing this, Pu Dao Shilian panicked and stepped on the brakes unconsciously.

speed down,

At this time,

Only then did he realize that there was an avalanche behind him.


When Pu Do Selian wanted to speed up again, it was too late.

Leviathan and Jeep Wrangler quickly overtake him.

In Pu Dao Shilian's almost desperate eyes, Xue Beng also caught up with him at this moment.

Boom one by one

The entire Parisian was buried in the snow.

at the same time,

Almost everyone in the live broadcast room cheered.


"It's really relieved, although I don't want to see disaster, but seeing this stick buried, I can't help but want to cheer.

"No matter what you do, God sees it, and this kind of person cannot be forgiven."

"Is this retribution? It came so quickly, it's so cool."

"It's been a long time since I felt so relieved. It's really heartwarming. 35

"I wish disasters and diseases an early victory over this stick.



Soon after Pu Dao Shilian was buried, the avalanche also caught up with the Leviathan and the Jeep Wrangler.

in no time,

The two cars also disappeared into the snow under the watchful eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room.

Just before leaving the canyon, the avalanche was over.

no one reaches the end,

The game doesn't know how to play.

The host was flustered and had no idea what to say.

"This..." He hesitated and read according to the manuscript prepared by the organizer temporarily.

"My condolences to everyone, this game was originally about challenging nature."

"In the game, if there are special circumstances, we can only express our great regret."

"Humans are still too small in front of nature."

"This incident also tells us that we must not destroy nature, otherwise the result will be very terrifying.

The host can only do everything in his power to comfort the audience.

In front of him, there are two screens, one for the live broadcast and the other for the audience to barrage.

His task at this time,

It is to calm the audience from the intense emotions.

But the audience was already furious, and no one listened to him at all.

"It's just a little bit, and it's a pity for two excellent drivers.

"But you are still scolding the owner of the Leviathan, saying he looks like a stupid groundhog.

"You also said that Leviathan would definitely be left behind."

"With this serious atmosphere, don't slap in the face, okay? Can't I apologize?"

"The Leviathan is a good car, I was wrong."

"But what about the best car? It still can't save his life.

"In the end, it's all because of that hateful stick."

"If Leviathan can rush out at this time, I will place the order on the spot.

"Me too, didn't you say it's a giant beast? Then let's see it, alas.

"I don't know what to say, but I hope Leviathan can bring surprises.

"Don't think about it, with such a big avalanche, do you think it's a tank? 95

"That's right, alas..."


The host also lowered his head with a lonely expression.

There are no miracles in this world...

in the next second,

A change has occurred.

The thick layer of snow suddenly loosened and cracks opened.

A car head emerged from the crack.

The domineering front face is covered with flame patterns.

The Leviathan's parking lot spewed thick smoke, pushing the snow away with powerful horsepower.

engine roar,

The two lonely pickups left the canyon and set foot on the road to the finish line.

"Oh hoo!"

"What did I see? It was the Leviathan, and it came out."

The host clenched his fists and stood up excitedly.

"It did, it broke through the catastrophe.

"If a miracle has color, it must be a Leviathan."

"Today, we will always remember the flame pattern on its body, its cooling pipes like wings, and the huge scissor door."

"I saw the demeanor of a king, and saw his heroic appearance.

The host became emotional and became eloquent.

The live broadcast room was also boiling.

"Wang Defa, did the miracle really happen?

"I'm going to keep my promise, and I'm going to place an order.

"It's so shocking, I really want to cry, it turns out that a car can really create miracles."5

"I apologize for all the bad things in front of me, Leviathan is the real NO.1.95

"I think I already know what to buy."

"Leviathan, you deserve it.""


game scene,

The rescue team and Leviathan met, and several cars passed by.

The people in the car looked at Leviathan in amazement, wondering if they were wrong.

The road in front of the bright side has been blocked by avalanches, how come there are still cars coming from there?

When they arrive at the scene,

Holding tools, they stood in front of the snow cave where Leviathan rushed out, gasping for breath.

The captain looked at the sky, the weather was fine.

Looking at the cliff again, the fault continued and fell into the canyon.

Looking at the canyon covered by the main film again, I began to doubt life.

Is this really a car that can rush out?

Are you driving a tank?

competition is over.

Although the process was a bit tortuous, but fortunately it was still successful.

Thanks to the hole left by the Leviathan, the Jeep Wrangler was quickly pulled out by rescue teams.

As for Park Island World Alliance...

Although everyone hates him, out of humanism and righteousness, they will still rescue him.

But his location is a little hard to find.

The fluffy snowflakes blocked his signal.

The rescue team took a long detour and dragged him out until late at night.

When he found him, his face was pale with cold, and his hands and feet could not be obeyed.

Fortunately, it was time to get to the hospital,

His fate was saved.


The organizer will sue Pu Dao Shilian.

A person who violated the rules of the game and tried to win by murdering others is not worthy of mercy.

The owner of the Leviathan, Antour, took home $200,000.

this game,

Exciting and thrilling, the organizers also received a lot of attention.

In the future, the competition of the same type will be even more popular.


a villa,

in front of the TV,

Chen Mengji took a deep breath and relaxed his tense heart.

When he was young, he briefly had a racing dream.


Watching games has become one of his few hobbies.

This cross-country race in Iceland,

Let Chen Mengji see the fragility of life and the strength of Wuling pickup.

This kind of pickup truck body should be small and compact,

But in terms of power, it is not inferior at all.

Isn't that the equivalent of a big truck that can go off-road?

Safety can also be guaranteed.

Those old guys on the engineering's time for a change.

Chen Mengji thought about it,

I have a new plan in my mind.

As it happens,

At this time, Chen Mengna came back.

"Dad, you are here." Chen Mengna greeted.

"Nana, come here." Chen Mengji beckoned.

Chen Mengna walked over and sat beside him.

"Nana, tell me the truth, you and Ye Qiu...'

Chen Mengji held her daughter's hand, "How far have you progressed?"

"What step? Dad, what are you talking about?" Chen Mengna asked in confusion.

"Aren't you acting stupid with your dad?""

Chen Mengji challenged Chen Mengna at a glance, "I haven't explained it honestly. 55

"I don't know what you're talking about." Chen Mengna blushed and looked aside, feeling awkward.

How can Dad ask people that?

Is your daughter shameless?

Don't you know your daughter is thin-skinned?

How could Chen Mengji not know, but he must ask clearly.

He desperately wanted to know if his daughter could handle Ye Qiu, the golden tortoise-in-law.

With Ye Qiu's excellence,

It was hard not to let him worry that the golden turtle son-in-law would be caught by others.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it, then you can answer the question, nod or shake your head."5

Chen Mengji took the next step, "Dad is also thinking about your happiness."

"So, have you established a relationship with Ye Qiu?"

"Well. 35 Chen Mengna nodded with a blushing face.

"Although this kid has a little conscience." Chen Mengji felt a lot more happy.

He asked again, "Did he start chasing you first?

Chen Mengna didn't speak, and Chen Mengji had the answer in her heart.

"It's alright, a woman chasing a man's interlayer yarn shows that my daughter is still very brave for love.

"Then did you hold hands?"

Chen Mengna nodded... Isn't this nonsense?

They are all in a relationship, and they don't even hold hands, so why not play Plato here?

What about spiritual love?

Chen Mengna despised her father in her heart.

"That's good, that's good." Chen Mengji became more and more happy.

"Then do you have hugs? Where's the kiss?"

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Chen Mengna asked rhetorically.

"It's nothing, haha." Chen Mengji's eyes dodged, "Just curious, just ask.

"Ask whatever...then you have something with Ye Qiu...

Chen Mengji couldn't speak directly, so he clapped his hands twice.

"Clap hands? 35


Chen Mengna really didn't understand.

"This is not clapping, this is applauding." Chen Mengji explained.


"Just applauding for love." Chen Mengji raised his eyebrows, "That..."

"Dad, people ignore you.

Chen Mengna blushed and got up to leave.

"Is there any?"

Chen Mengji held her and asked persistently.


Chen Mengna didn't speak, but her face was flushed to the root of her neck.

"Understood, understood."

After all, Chen Mengji had seen the world and quickly understood.

The cabbage at home has finally been arched.

Brat, great...he praised Ye Qiu in his heart.

I am afraid that only Chen Mengji is the one who is in such a hurry to send the girl out.

Now that the family is done.

Chen Mengji decided to help her daughter stabilize again.

The young grandma of a wealthy family is not so easy to be, and Chen Mengji knows that her daughter still has a long way to go in the future.

"Nana, in a few days, go ask that stinky boy Ye Qiu and help me get an order." Chen Mengji said again.

"Dad, how are you talking?" Chen Mengna looked unhappy.

"What? Do you feel bad when I call him a stinky boy?" Chen Mengji pretended to be serious, "I slept with my precious girl, can't I scold him?"

"Humph." Chen Mengna ignored her.

"Before getting married, she has already turned to outsiders, it's really not a girl's choice.

"A little bit --" Chen Mengna stuck out her tongue at him.

"Speaking of which, I want a Leviathan from Wuling. Go and get me an order for 150 vehicles."

How much money, Chen Mengji doesn't care.

What he wanted was for Chen Mengna to generate weight in Ye Qiu's heart.


this thing,

Chen Mengna had to go to Ye Qiu and talk to Ye Qiu herself.

"Okay, then you can give me 100 million first. 39 Chen Mengna said casually.


She fled the scene.

Because at this moment,

Her mind was completely occupied by Ye Qiu.

Thinking about it, I feel my whole body trembling.

0.8 this face,

She didn't dare to lose it in front of her father.

"So it is. 99

Ye Qiu's curiosity was greatly satisfied after listening to Chen Mengna's brief explanation.

Look at the woman in front of you...

Needless to say, that is a good helper.

"How are you going to thank me?" Chen Mengna smiled and looked at Ye Qiu with love on her face.

"Let's talk about it at night, it will definitely satisfy you.""


Ye Qiu smiled meaningfully.

"it is good."

Chen Mengna got up shyly and tidied up her dress.

She still had something to deal with at the company, so she left first.

Ye Qiu sent her out and took a trip to the hive.

in the research room,

Lin Xueruo is improving the flying skateboard.

Seeing Ye Qiu coming, she put down her work.

"Darling, what's the matter?" Lin Xueruo looked at Ye Qiu with love in her eyes.

"Can't I come and see you if I have nothing to do?" Ye Qiu joked.

"Of course not, it's too late to like it.

Lin Xueruo smiled.

"I really have a question that I want to ask you." Ye Qiu said, "My concept engineer.""

"Darling, please say. 35

"How difficult would it be to make a car go sideways?"

"Darling wants to build cars that go sideways?"

"More than that, it's a supercar." Ye Qiu looked firm.

current supercar,

Luxury can no longer absolutely meet the needs of consumers.

Who can buy a supercar?

Those are a group of people who have money, leisure, and pursuits.

If it's just to look cool,

It's really hard to get into their eyes.

Supercars are often the culmination of all the black technologies of a car company.

And people who buy supercars,

The concept of consumption is different from that of ordinary people.

They don't usually look at price, they just look at hard power.

Or have the ultimate speed, the sound wave is unique.

Either you are covered in black technology and sit on it, as if you have stepped into the future world.

There is no black technology that can be used,

No matter how cool it looks, it's useless.

In the world of supercars, the competition pressure is high and the research and development cycle is long.

just this,

It blocked the way of many car companies.

Even a giant as big as a Toyota also has its legs broken.

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