Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 225 The mysterious organization of Wuling! 【Subscription】


Toyota developed an LFA project to develop a top-of-the-line production supercar.

But the end result is,

The supercar is out,

But this LFA supercar, Toyota loses at least one Bugatti money every time it sells.

The reason is simple,

The research and development cycle is long and the capital consumption is too large.


Toyota's supercars, just in terms of brand culture, can't compare to Lamborghini, Porsche and so on.

At the same price of tens of millions, car owners will definitely not choose Toyota.

So if you want to sell the car, you must reduce the price.

can cost,

Lowering the price means losing money.


Toyota has lost billions of dollars because of this LFA project, and it has not been completed.

From this matter,

Ye Qiu summed up some valuable experiences.

First, brand culture is very important.

today's market,

Building a supercar from scratch is tantamount to talking about a dream.

What a supercar needs is a strong, high and very high level.

Make people nod their heads from the heart when they hear the name.

Well, it's a luxury brand.




Ye Qiu had already prepared and put the red flag into his pocket in advance.

Hongqi is Xia Guo's luxury car,

at this point,

Naturally it is useless to question.

The debut of the Hongqi L5 further strengthened the public's noble impression of Hongqi.

As long as the red flag is raised, consumers can think of dignity.

In terms of brand culture construction for Hongqi, it is already very mature.

The second point of experience is that ultra-luxury cars are different from supercars.

Ultra-luxury cars, such as the Hongqi L5, can only be considered luxury.

What solid wood accessories, what hand-stitched high-end seats, what starry sky tops...

Anyone can do it with money.

But supercars are different,

Supercars need not only luxury, but also a sense of technology.

To put it more simply,

It just needs a lot of bells and whistles, full of functions.

in this regard,

Wuling now has polarizing screens, queen glasses, and jet electromagnetic fluid technology.


Ye Qiu was still discussing with Lin Xueruo the possibility of the car running sideways.

These are all pretentious.

the most important is,

He also has a system mall, and the research and development cycle is not a problem at all.

What about Toyota?

Cheaper and more cost-effective?


People who can buy supercars will miss you by hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions?

Their consumption concept will not linger on saving money.

When Abdullah's father heard that his son wanted to buy the Hongqi L5, his first reaction was to buy the entire enterprise.

How many odds are he missing?

As long as you are interested, the rockets are the same to buy.

The third point of experience is that of comparison.

What can a supercar do?

Not much use.

If you are stuck in traffic, you have to wait for the traffic lights.

Sometimes encountering a higher roadblock, it is not as good as a private car.

At least a private car can pass the speed bump.

Since it is useless, why are almost all men yearning for super running?

Not because of contrast, to show individuality.

Can those who drive Cadillac to the bath center and those who drive Lin Iken to the business center be the same group?

And what about driving a Porsche 911?

It's not just the price surprises.

People who drive supercars will inevitably have to compare.

See whose car is better and more powerful.

Who is faster at 100 km acceleration, who is more violent when running, and then look at high-tech...

If you play this, Wuling will have more say.


It is only a matter of time before Wuling captures the American market.

In less than a month,

The Chitu Meriken Super Factory was completed, and Wuling's industrial value surpassed Ford's.


Ye Qiu turned his attention to the European market in advance.

When it opened up the European market, it also killed GM in terms of industrial value.

"How is it?" Ye Qiu asked Lin Xueruo again.

"I have these ideas for your reference.

"Darling, talk about it." Lin Xueruo's eyes lit up and her beautiful eyes showed.

"The first is the axis of rotation..."

Ye Qiu came up with a total of four options.

The rotation axis was learned by him from the bat motorcycle in the super British movie "Bat-Man".

The motorcycle that drove countless fans crazy, worked hard on the tires and axles.

The shaft connecting the body and the tire is "L" shaped, and the middle can be rotated.

When the motorcycle needs to turn,

The rotation of the shaft drives the tire to rotate laterally, thereby completing the lateral walk.


Ye Qiu handed Lin Xueruo the motorcycle model he had drawn.

"So handsome, Darling."

Lin Xueruo looked at the drawings and said in surprise, "Darling has so many things in his head.


She will flatten, saying: "Red Queen, scan. 35

"Okay, please wait..." The Red Queen said after appearing.

"A scan is in progress, and my analysis is a motorcycle."

"Unknown information is about to be added... The information is added."

"Space 3D model building in progress..."

"Queen Xueruo, the motorcycle model you want is complete.

"Tip: I have made some intelligent processing on some details, you can manually adjust the details according to your ideas.

"Excuse me, what else is there to order?"

Ye Qiu widened his eyes,

Watching the Red Queen synthesize various parts in front of him, each time a part is generated, it will fly to the corresponding position.

In just a few minutes, a large number of parts were assembled into a motorcycle.

He was a little surprised...

Didn't think the Red Queen had such a function?

He was just a sketch, just a view of the motorcycle.

And it was very sloppy.

The only place for details is the remarks for the tires and axles.

But with such little information, the Red Queen actually restored the motorcycle in a splendid manner.

It can't be said that it is exactly the same as the Batmobile, it can only be said that it is exactly the same.

in addition,

Another point, Ye Qiu was curious.

"Why does the Red Queen call you Queen?" Ye Qiu asked.

"Darling, this is not important."

Lin Xueruo said, her eyes fixed on the motorcycle model.


Even if Lin Xueruo didn't answer, Ye Qiu understood.

With the intelligence of the Red Queen, this function is already considered a very small child.

More features will be discovered in the future.

"Don't worry about this first, I have a second plan.

Ye Qiu dragged Lin Xueruo back.

The second option is to use a universal wheel.


The universal wheel is really too low-end.

It's really unreasonable to use it in super running.

halfway through,

Ye Qiu gave up on his own.

How outrageous is it to put the wheels of a cart on a supercar?

The third plan,

It is to use the Leroy triangle to build the axle wheel model.

Most people only know that a circle rolls smoothly on a flat surface.

But in fact,

There is a kind of figure, although it has long edges and corners, it can also roll smoothly on a flat surface.

That's the Lelo triangle.

The principle is also very simple, the Leroy triangle is a curve of fixed width.

Although it is called a triangle, its sides are arcs.

It is also easy to draw the Lelo triangle.

Just overlap three identical circles so that the centers of any two circles are on the arc of the other.


The area covered by the three circles is a Leroy triangle.

The Lello Triangle can smoothly carry the formwork without jolts.

If the fixed-width curve is divergent in thinking,

It is also possible to make quadrilaterals, pentagons, and arbitrary sides similar to the Leroy triangle.

If it is an infinite polygon of the limit, it is a complete circle.

Ye Qiu's idea is,

Lateral travel is available, but does not replace longitudinal travel.


The horizontal scroll axis is constructed using the Leroy triangle.

"It's very thoughtful, Darling. Lin Xueruo praised it.


Ye Qiu went on to say, "Let's just make the supercar tire into a spherical shape.


Lin Xueruo pursed her lips in a rare way, as if thinking in a naive manner.

"Ok, I told you the idea, and the rest will be left to you.

Ye Qiu is very comfortable to be the hands-off shopkeeper.

Before Lin Xueruo repented, he hurried away.

When passing by Yan Ran's laboratory, he was suddenly stopped.

"Dear, don't go yet, you go over there and wait for me.

Yan Ran lay beside the door and pointed to the corridor.

"Yes, yes, right there.

"Oh." Ye Qiu obediently waited by the corridor.

in a while,

Yan Ran walked over, her hands behind her back.

Coming to Ye Qiu, she pushed Ye Qiu inside a little bit.

in an instant,

Her little face turned red.

Ye Qiu was puzzled.

I haven't done anything yet, so why am I blushing.

"this is for you."

Yan Ran handed a box to Ye Qiu from behind, then looked at him eagerly.


Ye Qiu took it and opened it.

Inside is a big red scarf.

"You knitted?" Ye Qiu asked.


Yan Ran lowered her head and scribbled on the ground with her toes.

"It's the first time I learned to weave, so don't blame me." 5

"No, it's too late to like it."

Ye Qiu smiled and tried putting on the scarf.

don't say,

Apart from the larger weave, there are no other shortcomings.

As for how big?

Three or four meters long and half a meter wide.

She spent a lot of time on this scarf, didn't she?

Ye Qiu thought to himself.

Looking at Yan Ran again, his face was much haggard than before.

I have to work and weave scarves again, and I must have stayed up many nights.

"Why are you knitting a scarf for me?

Ye Qiu asked knowingly.

When a girl knits a scarf for a guy, you don't have to think to know that the girl likes that guy.

But Ye Qiu wanted to hear Yan Ran say it himself.

Yan Ran frowned and glared at Ye Qiu.

Has he forgotten our agreement?

He promised to be his girlfriend after the annual meeting was over.

It's not that Ye Qiu forgot,

He just doesn't like to threaten people he likes with conditions.

He likes Yan Ran, but he won't force it.

Yan Ran said that he wanted to be his girlfriend after the annual meeting.

He just took it as a joke.

But Yan Ran is serious.

"Hmph." Yan Ran stomped her foot and turned her head to one side.

"What's wrong with this?"

Ye Qiu was about to come forward to comfort him when Yan Ran suddenly turned around, hugged Ye Qiu, and gave him a light peck on the mouth.

"Isn't it the most normal thing for a girlfriend to knit a scarf for her boyfriend?"

"Hmph, wood.


Yan Ran pushed Ye Qiu away, blushed, and trotted back to the laboratory.

"So that's how it is." Ye Qiu was in a good mood.


in the villa.

Ye Rongtian brought his wife a cup of hot milk.

"Wife, drink it while it's hot.""

"You still know how to come back?" Xu Xiumei said angrily.

There are only three people in the family, and this son and Laozi are never at home.

I also know that when I come back, I will pour a glass of hot milk for my daughter-in-law,

The son is better, he doesn't even make a phone call, he is busy with his car group all day long.

Even the last Hangzhou Auto Show, I came to my doorstep, and I don't know how to go home to take a look.

She was an old mother, and it was very boring.

I often hear people complain that there are too many housework, cooking and washing clothes are too troublesome.

Xu Xiumei is really envious,

With her hands, she hadn't washed clothes or cooked for a long time.

"What's wrong? Who made you unhappy? I'll help you fix him." Ye Rongtian said proudly.

"This family, deal with me, you, and my son, can there be other people?" Xu Xiumei choked him.

"Oh, son."

Ye Rongtian was reluctant to hit Ye Qiu.

His son is so good, it is too late for him to be happy.

He had no choice but to comfort him: "My son is busy, look at such a big group with a market value of trillions.

"Now it's hard to go to the world, and it's normal to be inseparable.

"Then you can't even forget your mother at home.

Xu Xiumei became angry, like a stubborn little girl, "What's the use of earning so much money?

"I can't spend it all, it's better to marry me a daughter-in-law and come back."

Xu Xiumei's thinking is more traditional, and she believes that the first important thing is to inherit the lineage.

"Not even a phone call," she complained again.

"If he doesn't call us, we'll call him.

Ye Rongtian handed over the phone.

"Hmph, you're still funny. 35 Xu Xiumei took over the phone and dialed Ye Qiu's number.

The phone is connected...

"Hey, is that the good son Ye Qiu?" Xu Xiumei said softly.

No matter how upset I was in my heart, but in front of my son.

Xu Xiumei is as cowardly as a rabbit.

She had never lost her temper in front of Ye Qiu, a typical son slave.

Wuling here,

Ye Qiu heard 047's mother's voice, so he also put down work and had a good chat with her.

But women, there is nothing to talk about.

Talking, talking, and talking about girlfriends.

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, son, remember to bring back your girlfriend and show it to mother.

When Xu Xiumei said this, she was extremely nervous.

For fear that Ye Qiu would reject her.

"Okay, which one do you want to see, or take them all back?" Ye Qiu said casually.

"Son, what do you mean by that?" Xu Xiumei didn't understand.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'll take it back for you to take a look at during the Chinese New Year. 99

"Okay, son, you should do it first.

Xu Xiumei said happily.

Looking forward to this new year.

It was her son who said "bring it all back", but she didn't quite understand it.

Maybe it's a slip of the tongue. It only needs to be able to bring a decent girl back...Xu Xiumei thought to herself.

Ye Qiu hung up the phone and stretched.

Curiously, I opened the forum in the Wuling app.

Now that he has nothing to do, he likes to open it and take a look, and every post on the top is interesting.

The top post this time is a link.

click on the link,

The jump is a foreign post.

Title: I have discovered a great secret of Wuling, you must watch it...

I don't know since when, rumors that Wuling had a mysterious organization spread on the American side.

After a brief combing, Ye Qiu knew the ins and outs of things.

It could have been during the Iceland cyclocross race, or it could have been earlier.

A foreign netizen posted a video shot with a drone,

The video shows Wuling's honeycomb.

After trying to visit and being rejected, the netizen insisted that it was a mysterious organization of Wuling.

How powerful is this organization?

"Did you know? Leviathan was actually built in one day, specifically to beat Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge Ram and other American car companies at the North American Auto Show." The netizen said.


After a meal analysis by other netizens.

came to a similar conclusion.


This post is on fire, and the fire is a mess.

a few days,

There are over a million messages.

No one knows what's inside the hive or what it's used for.

"I have seen Wuling's annual meeting, which was held here." Someone said.

"That's what they used to deceive us. Who would have the money to build such a large base just for an annual meeting?"5

"It makes sense, Wuling is really mysterious."

"Wait for a great god to unravel the mystery of Wuling, this mysterious organization must be made public."

"Is there a great internet god? 39


Netizens even launched crowdfunding and established an online fund.

This fund is specially used to hire the great hacker to explore the internal secrets of Wuling Hive.

They must solve the Leviathan's quick mystery.

"I accepted this reward, I will definitely get first-hand information, and give everyone a truth."

"Wuling, right? So far, there is no firewall that I can't break through.""

"Look at my performance, if I fail, I'll quit the Internet.35

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