Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 230 This is simply impossible! 【Subscription】

Yellowstone National Park is one of the largest wild parks in the world.

It has one of the largest forests in the world, and the landforms include lakes, volcanoes, canyons, and swamps.

This is a paradise for wild animals and a very famous tourist destination.

Livia was besieged by a herd of wild buffaloes.

This animal was originally gentle,

But I don't know why, it suddenly attacks humans.

A total of seven bulls surrounded Livia and her Leviathan.

"What should we do now?" asked my best friend Ai Hua.

"Maybe our car frightened them," Livia said. "Let's stop and wait for them to leave. 99

But after the bison herd surrounded Leviathan, they had no intention of leaving at all.

Livia frowned, but there was nothing she could do.

Perhaps it was the sound of the engine that made them uncomfortable.

Livia simply turned off the car.

The bison herd still has no intention of leaving.

"It's okay, we'll just stay in the car and won't get out." Livia comforted.

"Well, I hope they won't be stupid enough to crash the car." Ai Hua said with a broken mouth.

The result was a prophecy.

One of the bison actually raised its horns and rammed into the Leviathan.

bang ━ ━

The Leviathan's body shook slightly, but there was no accident.

bang one

Another horn crash.

Ai Hua was so frightened that he slumped on the chair.


Leviathan is still fine.

Buffalo shook his head and stepped aside after two consecutive collisions and failed to collide.

through the rearview mirror,

Livia was relieved when she saw the bison retreat.

"The bison that hit us is gone." Livia comforted again.

"Really? That's great." Ai Hua was happy, "What about the rest? Are you gone too? 35

Ai Hua said, got up and leaned on the window to look out.

The remaining bison are still eyeing the Leviathan.

"Aren't they going to bump into each other?" Ai Hua said again.

things are so dramatic,

Let her be right again.

I saw the remaining six bison horns at the same time,

One of them screamed, and the six collectively rushed towards the Leviathan.

A series of 25 collision sounds came from all directions like raindrops.

One on the front, one on the rear, one on the left, and three on the right.

One hit was not enough, several more hits.

Ai Hua covered his mouth and lay down on the chair again.

Livia didn't know what to do, so in a panic, she had to slam the door tightly.

She didn't dare to drive directly out, so she could only pray in her heart that the door would not be knocked open.

Fortunately, the Leviathan's body stiffness is still reliable.

Even if the bison herd collided several times in a row, all of them were dizzy, the Leviathan did not have a major malfunction.

It's just that the body has more dents and the paint has been scraped off.

Others, not even holes.

Although they knocked themselves into a dizzy state, the wild bulls still didn't seem to have any intention of retreating.

at the same time,

Just behind the haystack not far away.

Several people with cameras were filming on Livia's side.

They've been here since the Leviathan was surrounded.


No one has come forward to help.

"Professor, they seem to be in trouble."

A young man in the crowd said to the middle-aged man who was filming next to him.

The man is a professor of natural sciences, and the boy is his camera assistant.

They came here to shoot documentaries.

The title of the documentary is "Explore the National Park" and it focuses on wildlife.

The few people behind are the expert consultants who participated together.

"Wait, don't worry, these buffaloes are going crazy. 35

The professor said, "You can't rush up until they get tired.

"Beware of them attacking us back, a mad herd is hard to deal with."

What he didn't say was,

This rare phenomenon of bison madness cannot be missed because of saving people.

When they make documentaries, what they want is the most realistic picture.


The rarer the scene, the better.

Bison goes crazy and attacks pickups, which is worth researching.

Seeing the herd of bison shake their heads, they are about to launch a second horn strike.

The young man was a little unbearable, but was held down by the professor.

the second end,

The dents on the Leviathan's body have doubled.


Still no major damage.

The car shook, and the two women shivered in the car.

The third time, the fourth time, the fifth time...

Round after round, Livia was almost numb.

in the haystack,

The professor and his advisors also took pictures they liked.

Seeing that the cows were also tired, a few cows obviously wanted to retreat.

Then they picked up their self-defense shotguns,

He touched it quietly, shot into the sky as he walked, and drove away the bison.

Livia looked at the person who came to rescue them, and met the young man at a glance.

"It's not a bad car."

The professor hits the Leviathan with the shotgun.

Bang Bang Bang --

"It's amazing, I don't know if I can still open it.

"It's definitely fine.

Livia said, got in the car and started, there was really no problem at all.

"Next time we go out to shoot, we will drive this car." The professor patted the stunned consultant.

"It's much better than the tin garbage we drove here."

After so many attacks by the bison herd, it turned out that there were only a few dents on the body.

As for the Leviathan,

In the wild, it would be a fortress.

when it is time to leave,

Livia took the documentary team along for the ride.

Their car was also damaged by a herd of bison.


Livia took the professor's young man to go out to the wild, and when they came back, the two of them were blushing.

With love in the boy's eyes,

When Livia looked at him, she also smiled contentedly.

This is a love story of a hero saving beauty and making promises to each other?


This is Meriken.

the next day,

Before dawn, Livia dragged her best friend and disappeared from the world.

When the young man woke up, he was stunned.

It's hard to think that I've found true love,

He didn't expect that people might not even be playing, and he even knew the woman's name.

Ai Hua's special hobby for girlfriends has long been no surprise.

She was happy to be a broken shoe.

after that,

The young man's love story never ended, but the professor's documentary got a good response.

After pulling the sponsorship,

The professor immediately replaced the team with a Leviathan.


The title of the documentary became a promotional video for Leviathan.

A group of people sat on the Leviathan and walked west over the mountains.

While shocking the audience, it also fiercely played a wave of free advertisements for Leviathan.

Documentaries are broadcast in multiple episodes,

Every time there are netizens ridiculing comments and seeing the new Leviathan road movie again.

During this time,

Not only America, but Leviathan's global sales are on the rise.

To this,

The most annoyed was Ford's Henry.

"Why is he? Why can he be treated like this?"

Henry looked at the documents sent by his subordinates, which showed the recent sales curve of Ford pickups.

By analogy with last year,

Sales of the Ford F550 have fallen off a cliff.

Not only that,

Ford's other series, also more or less produced declines.

In this case,

Henry didn't have to think about it to know that it must be the Leviathan's problem.


Henry picked up the phone and dialed the assistant.

"You go to organize, notify all the high-level executives, and hold a group meeting.

"If you can't be present, you can attend by video conference.

"Everyone, must show up.


equally uncomfortable,

And Musk.

Although Tesla did not compete with Wuling for pickups,

But the rise in Leviathan sales made him unhappy.

Right now he,

Pulling engineers to work overtime until late every day.

just now,

It was already after midnight.

"When Tesla's electric pickup truck goes on sale, I see how long you can be arrogant.

Musk is sitting in the office,

After watching the video, throw your phone aside.

At this time,

Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," Musk said impatiently.

The person who came did not belong to Tesla, but a rocket engineer transferred by Musk from Space-X.

He was here to report on the progress of the work.

"Boss, our flying car project test failed."

He said, "The rocket launcher is installed on the bottom of the car, although the car can float, but it can't control the flight."

Musk also read the news from Xia Guo,

It was said that Wuling wanted to build a flying car, so he also decided to give it a try.

did not expect,

Even the use of rocket jets can only achieve simple floating of the car.

"Then how did Ye Qiu do it?" Musk wondered.

At Wuling's annual meeting,

Ye Qiu was clearly riding a flying skateboard and flew all the way to the stage.

Musk watched it many times,

From Ye Qiu's comfortable posture, Musk concluded that Ye Qiu could control the direction.

"If Wuling really builds a flying car with a jet device, it will be the biggest rival at the auto show. 99

There is currently a flying car that relies on spiral wings to fly.

such a car,

Only gimmicks, nothing to watch.

If the jet device is used, the car can fly.

In terms of energy, a new generation of industrial revolution is bound to be triggered.

"Keep trying and sleep in the factory until you see the best results for me. Musk told me to go on.

He now has two plans.

One set is the Rter, powered by a rocket jet for acceleration.

another set,

It is the use of rocket jets to achieve car flight.

Rter has become.

Then at the Bali Auto Show, Tesla will have Rter on display at the bottom of the guarantee.

As for flying cars...

"These people are just scolded." Musk hates that iron is not steel.

After the rocket engineer left Musk's office, the slightly flattering face turned impatient in a second.

"It's up to you, you sleep in the factory every day, and when something happens, you just lie in the factory and don't leave.

The engineer's face was full of disdain, "This is simply impossible, and you have to waste money on it."5

"Shareholders invested money to make you spend like this?"


He actually had a little yearning for Wuling.

"I don't know, how is it over there?

"I heard that the chairman of Wuling, Ye Qiu is a very good boss."

As it happens,

Xia Guo, Wuling headquarters.

Ye Qiu sneezed fiercely for no reason.

"Does anyone miss me?" Ye Qiu wondered.

"It may be that the wives of the hive are lonely, it must be like this."

Ye Qiu was narcissistic and simply went to the hive to find them.

in the hive,

Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran are addicted to studying these days.

Even when I go home at night, I bring my notebook to review.

for nothing else,

I just want to learn the intelligent nano-sensing link technology thoroughly.


Ye Qiu's design makes them incredible.

After listening to the analysis of the Red Queen, that kind of thinking has long since vanished.

When Ye Qiu arrived at their laboratory,

The two were still concentratingly discussing the notes.

"Ran Ran, what do you think should be calculated here?"

"Let's see, this figure looks like fish scales, it's a bit complicated."

"Yes, but only in this way can it be the most attractive."

"It seems like this, then go and ask the Red Queen.

"No, ask her everything, what else do you want us to do? This time I have to do it myself, I can't let the genius laugh."5

"Yaoyao, are you...are you particularly afraid of losing Ye Qiu?"

"Why do you say that?"


"Obviously, in order to keep yourself excellent, you just don't want to be eliminated from Ye Qiu's side.

"Hey, I'm stunned too.

"Then confess to him, I support you."

"What did you say..."

Qin Mengyao stood up blushing, and happened to bump into Ye Qiu who was eavesdropping.

"Yeah—" Qin Mengyao was surprised.

He turned his head sharply and almost kissed Ye Qiu.

"Dear, why are you here?" Yan Ran asked in surprise.


She got up and hugged Ye Qiu's arm.

"It's boring, just come and see if you have any problems with your work." Ye Qiu explained.

"Hmph, is this why you eavesdropped?" Qin Mengyao pouted.

Yan Ran snickered: "There are no problems at work, but there may be emotional problems."


Yan Ran blinked at Qin Mengyao.

"Ran Ran, what nonsense are you talking about." Qin Mengyao glared at her.

"If that's the case, then I'll show mercy and accept you.

Ye Qiu acted righteous and awe-inspiring.

"Hmph, you think beautifully, Miss Ben is loved by people."

When saying this,

Qin Mengyao peeked at Ye Qiu carefully, for fear that there was something wrong with his expression.

You, you just want to save face and suffer... Yan Ran looked at Qin Mengyao and shook her head helplessly.

play for a while,

Yan Ran took Ye Qiu to see the latest design results of the supercar.

"Dear, according to your request, Yaoyao and I have already designed the appearance.

Ye Qiu put on the queen glasses,

A 3D concept car model appeared in front of him.

According to his request, all aspects of the characteristics have been added.

Ye Qiu rotated the model and glanced at the tail.

"If there are only four exhaust pipes at the rear, I am afraid it is not enough.

"What else is missing?" Qin Mengyao asked.

"Add a few more injection pipes. The specific number may need to be calculated by you."

"Okay." Yan Ran nodded.


Ye Qiu picked up Qin Mengyao's "fish scale" design.

"You should be able to achieve this, I'll ask Xiuxiu.


Ye Qiu took Qin Mengyao's picture to another research room.

Lin Xiuxiu had previously obtained the knowledge given by the system, and is now an aviation boss.

Aviation research and development, the most exquisite.

Industry specializing in surgery.

Qin Mengyao's design,

To Lin Xiuxiu, it should be easy to achieve.

"Here you come, boss. 35

Seeing Ye Qiu appear at the entrance of the research room, Lin Xiuxiu happily ran over.

"I'm here to arrange a task for you. 39 Ye Qiu touched the little cutie's head.

"Look, how long will this take?

Ye Qiu gave her Qin Mengyao's blueprint.

"Let me see..." Lin Xiuxiu's beautiful eyes blinked.

She bit her lip and rolled her eyes.

"It's easy, boss. 99

"Look at me.

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