Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 231 Super run? Are you a rocket? 【Subscription】

"Okay, then leave it to my little cutie. 39

Ye Qiu pinched Lin Xiuxiu's little face happily, and Xiuxiu responded with a smile.

"Well, I'll definitely do my best, boss."


Ye Qiu glanced at Lin Xueruo who was working beside him.

"How's the wheel thing going?" he asked as he walked over.

"It may take some time, Darling." Lin Xueruo said, "There is still a need for a comprehensive appraisal of the plan.

"No problem, leave it to you and I can rest assured. Ye Qiu nodded.

He asked again, "One more question..."

"You said, how much horsepower can our efficient engine produce if it adopts eight-cylinder technology?"

"It should be able to easily break through 2,000 horsepower." Lin Xueruo replied without thinking.

"Then leave it to you."

Ye Qiu winked at Lin Xueruo and gave a thumbs up.

It is clear,

Ye Qiu wanted to use an inline-eight engine in a supercar.

This engine, only the four-cylinder has achieved the effect of the ordinary engine eight-cylinder in the new energy.

If you use eight cylinders...

Ye Qiu felt that the run must be very exciting.

"Okay, Darling."

Compared to running the car sideways, the eight-cylinder engine was much simpler for Lin Xueruo.

"Then I won't disturb your work.

Ye Qiu said, patted Lin Xiuxiu's head, and glanced at Lin Xueruo again.

Lin Xueruo understood and lowered her head slightly.

She is tall and full of aura.

But when Ye Qiu touched his head, he seemed very well-behaved and sensible.

such a contrast,

Ye Qiu couldn't help but get angry when he saw it.

He fled quickly.

Came to Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran's side.

"Yaoyao, your design is handed over to Xiuxiu, she can handle it.

Ye Qiu said, "Now, the design department still needs to solve a problem.

"What's the problem?" Qin Mengyao was curious.

"The appearance of the supercar may need to be greatly revised. I need you to reduce the drag coefficient as much as possible and increase the stability of the body, at least to ensure that the car does not roll over under 3,000 horsepower." Ye Qiu said seriously.

"3,000 horsepower?" Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran said in unison.

Even experts in the field of automobiles, the two were almost stunned when they heard it.

"Genius, do you want to build a supercar or a rocket?" Qin Mengyao couldn't help but complain.

At 3000 hp,

The maximum speed that can be reached is at least 700 kilometers per hour.

This value is already more than 0.5 times the speed of sound.

Not to mention that there is no possibility of hitting the road at such a speed, even maintaining the balance of the sports car is a big problem.

This really created a big problem for Qin Mengyao's design team.

"Genius, are you serious?" Qin Mengyao asked again.

"Yes, it has been considered very seriously. 35

Just now,

Ye Qiu really thought about it on the way to their research lab.

The eight-cylinder power engine can provide 2,000 horsepower for the supercar,

If coupled with the help of the electromagnetic concentrating transmitter, the maximum horsepower is expected to be 3,000 horses, which should not be too much.

"Okay, the mission must be completed.

Qin Mengyao had a rare expression of embarrassment.

To know,

The biggest problem with most supercars is speed.

According to aerodynamics, Bernoulli's theorem.

The faster the gas flow rate, the lower the pressure generated.

This principle is widely used.


The wings of the aircraft are designed to be convex on the top and flat on the bottom.

the air above the wings,

Flowing through the convex surface, the flow rate is fast and the pressure is low.

The pressure below is high.


When the aircraft is traveling at high speed, there is an upward pressure difference between the two sides of the wing.

Then according to the pressure formula,

The larger the wing area, the more upward pressure the wing gets.

The plane can also be lifted into the air.


When the supercar is running,

The chassis is flat, while the body is convex.

In this case,

The difference in gas pressure above and below the supercar will generate upward lift for the supercar.

The faster the speed, the greater the lift.

When the lift is greater than the sum of the supercar and the driver's gravity, the supercar will be overturned by the airflow.

This is why,

When designing a supercar, aerodynamics must be considered.

At this time,

The role of the super-running rear wing is also reflected.

The design of the supercar tail is just the opposite of the aircraft wing, which is flat on the top and convex on the bottom.

The purpose is to generate downward pressure and increase the grip of the rear wheel when the supercar is driving.

This is why,

Whenever people see the supercar's rear wing up, they know it's about to accelerate.


There is another problem here.

The pressure generated by the rear wing improves the grip of the rear wheels.

What about the front wheel?

You can't add a "tail" wing in the front, right?

That would be too ugly.

For supercars, aesthetics is the number one criterion.


Supercar manufacturers, when designing supercars, all consider the smoothness of the body design as much as possible.

Reduce body airflow to minimize lift.

so that,

Do not let the supercar be overturned from the front by the airflow when the speed is too fast.

Many drivers who don't know how to do it like to change the sedan into a sports car.

I thought it would be alright to add a rear wing.


However, when driving, the front of the car was lifted invisibly as soon as it accelerated, which eventually led to a tragedy.

Ye Qiu certainly understood Qin Mengyao's difficulties.

He smiled slightly, walked to Qin Mengyao, leaned over and whispered a word in her ear.

The voice was so soft that Yan Ran couldn't hear it clearly.

Only to see Qin Mengyao's face gradually turning red, her eyes widened.

The whole figure was stunned.

What did my dear say to Yaoyao?

Yan Ran was very curious.

"Do you understand?" Ye Qiu asked again.

Qin Mengyao bit her lip, her heart beat faster and her breathing was short.

She clutched her fierce breasts and quickly took a few steps back.

"You... are you serious?" Qin Mengyao swallowed, the expression on her face a little tangled.

"You haven't experienced it at first glance, and there's still a lot to learn.

Ye Qiu winked at her teasingly, and turned around to silently Yan Ran's head.


Leaving the laboratory with a big smile.

Yan Ran was a little stunned, she looked at the direction Ye Qiu left, and turned to look at Qin Mengyao.

"Yaoyao, what's the matter with you?" Yan Ran asked, "what did my dear tell you?

After being asked by Yan Ran, what Ye Qiu said flashed in Qin Mengyao's mind.

She looked startled, and her face was flushed to the base of her neck.

for a while,

She just adjusted.

But whenever I think of Ye Qiu's words, I can't help but blush.

No matter how many times of psychological struggle, it seems that they can't get over this hurdle.

"'s all right, Genius just mentioned to me how to improve the body design. 35

After recovering, Qin Mengyao replied to Yan Ran.

"Really?" Yan Ran couldn't believe it.


"Then tell me, what did he say?" Yan Ran became more and more curious.

When questioned, Qin Mengyao's face turned red again.

"I can't tell you." Qin Mengyao turned her head to one side.

Yan Ran chased after her, staring at her stubbornly.

"Oh, my sweet Ran Ran, don't ask." Qin Mengyao said embarrassedly.

"Very suspicious." Yan Ran pouted.

"Nothing suspicious, let's go to work."

Qin Mengyao pinched Yan Ran's tender shoulders, turned her around, and pushed her to the test bench.


He covered his face and hid to the side.

"There must be a problem." Yan Ran thought while looking at Qin Mengyao's back.

after that,

Yan Ran would always take the opportunity to ask questions from time to time, which made Qin Mengyao blush every time.

over time,

Yan Ran's purpose changed.

Although she was still obsessed with letting Qin Mengyao speak,

But what's more enjoyable is that there is nothing to make her blush.

As for,

What did Ye Qiu say to Qin Mengyao?

That is of course guiding her to improve the design, but...

Yan Ran will know soon.

And this time...

"Okay, Ran Ran, you've learned badly. 99

After Qin Mengyao learned of Yan Ran's purpose, she was so angry that she grabbed her small waist.

"I'm not scratching your ticklish flesh, am I wrong?"

"Haha, wrong, wrong."

in the research room,

full of cheerful air.

America, Washington.

Silber Headquarters.

President Gerald was leaning back in his chair thinking.

"This year's luxury car market seems to be extremely competitive.""

He has read all the rumors outside.

"Fortunately, Silber is well prepared. This Bali Auto Show must be Silber's home."


Gerald got up and went to the lab.

Lying in the hall is Silber's latest "Tau Lizard" supercar.

This supercar uses a black and white double-match color scheme, and then matches with fiery red wheels.

The drooping front face looks like a lurking beast.


The "Large Lizard" has a maximum output horsepower of 1,350 horses, a top speed of nearly 450 kilometers per hour, and a zero-to-hundred acceleration of 2.8 seconds.

This is only the most basic performance parameters.


Silber's engineers are improving the supercar.

Strive to carry forward Silber's reputation as the world's fastest supercar.

Silber is a relatively young supercar brand, which was born in America in 1999.

From the beginning,

Silber was ambitious, and first hired talented designers from Ferrari to help design the shape of the supercar.


It is also equipped with a 7.0L, V8 twin-turbo engine for its own supercar.

In 2007,

Silber challenged the world record and pulled the Bugatti Veyron from the world's first speed position.

Rely on, is the "big lizard"


But nonetheless,

Silber didn't seem to be very impressed.

the reason is,

Its shape is too imitating the Italian supercar.

Ferrari's designers could not completely break away from the influence of their original employers, which led to the "Tau Lizard" being a follower in the eyes of many fans.

Silbert has no blood of his own.

This is the general evaluation of it from the outside world all the time.

This time,

Gerald is determined to change.

To completely change the impression of Silbe in the public's mind, it starts with this "big lizard".


Gerd has high expectations for the Bali Motor Show.

On the one hand, it is to make Silbe appear again.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to prevent Wuling's influence in Meriken.

Due to the penetration of Leviathan,

Wuling's brand influence is gradually surpassing Ford's.


For Silber, this is not worth caring at all.

He Gerald wasn't going to make cheap stuff like that.


Wuling's recent announcement is a bit of a stab at Silbe's back garden.

"We must not give Wuling's supercar a chance to breathe."

"Whether it can be successful or not, we must kill Wuling's idea of ​​making supercars."

Gerd's face turned cold, "It's only been established for two years, and I wanted to build a supercar. 35

"Are your steps a little too big?

"Come on, let me show you the horror of the supercar market.

"I'll let you roll back to Xiaguo with your tail tucked in, just like Toyota back then.

The reason why he is so confident

It's not that they know that Wuling doesn't make flying cars.


He is well aware that this market does not need flying cars just yet.

Even if fans are full of surprises about flying cars,

But to mass production, it is almost impossible.

Even if Wuling took out a flying car, or a flying supercar.

cannot be replaced,

The status of traditional supercars in the industry.

Although Silber is a young brand, it can beat Toyota.

This is enough to give Gerde the young and vigorous capital.

As such,

This year's Bali Auto Show is bound to be a fight between gods.

Xia Guo, Zhongyun.

Wuling headquarters.

Before leaving get off work, Ye Qiu received another email from his assistant.

It was said that a woman was waiting for him in the reception room, and that the two had made an appointment.

Ye Qiu was a little puzzled and decided to take a look.

Along the way, I heard people talking in low voices.

"" "Did you notice? Just now, I saw a big beauty walk into the reception room. 35

"No, you won't be blind, will you?

"How is that possible? That figure, tsk tsk. 99

"Tell me?"

"She's wearing a racing suit, but the upper body is taken off and wrapped around her waist. Looking at the back, she is wearing a white tights, her long hair is fluttering, and a helmet is on her waist, which is arrogant.

"Oh ho ho, it feels so good.

heard here,

Ye Qiu seemed to already know who it was.

Coming to the reception room, Ye Qiu saw the woman with Erlang's legs crossed.

She lowered her head, as if thinking about something.

Hearing the movement, she raised her head and her eyes fell on Ye Qiu's face.

The two looked at each other.

Ye Qiu recognized her, Selena.

"Idol, hello.

Selena put down her helmet and stood up to shake hands with Ye Qiu.

"You are..."

Ye Qiu looked at Selena's outfit in confusion.

The lower body racing suit, the upper body tight T-shirt, the blue silk fluttering, the eyes are shallow...

Selena exuded an air of seduction.

"I just rushed over after participating in the competition." Selena said embarrassedly, "No, I haven't had time to change my clothes.

"It's okay." Ye Qiu motioned her to sit down.

Seeing that Selena didn't speak, he asked again, "How is it, have you figured it out?"

"Yeah." Selena Min lowered her lip and nodded solemnly.

"I want to join Wuling..."

Since the first time she met Ye Qiu, she has been paying close attention to Wuling.


Selena saw the Red Rabbit Trailblazers and Leviathan's excellent performance.

Now I'm building a supercar,

she believes,

Wuling can help her fulfill her dream.

"Okay." (Is Zhao?) Ye Qiu nodded.

Selena froze for a moment.

Is this gone?

"Do you have any doubts?" Ye Qiu looked at her and asked.

"Is it... no interview, or proficiency test?" Selena asked stupidly.

Although she has been pampered since she was a child, she has never experienced work.

But she knows the process of finding a job.

How did you get here without even having an interview?

"Ability test?" Ye Qiu laughed, "Isn't it already done?

"Really?" Selena thought for a while.

"Oh fine."

turn out to be,

Ye Qiu took the car race with her that night as an aptitude test.

Although Selena lost, Ye Qiu recognized her.

"I declare in advance that I will only race and modify cars. What is my job?" Selena said again.

"I want to set up an official Wuling club and an exclusive team, led by you."


Ye Qiu briefly explained the f1 plan.

Wuling wants to enter the world luxury car market with the latest supercar, and then set up its own racing club.


There are also car clubs, brand clubs and so on.

With Selena's influence and the mature forum culture on Wuling app,

These goals are easily achieved.


It is to impact the F1 arena and further expand Wuling's brand influence.

Supercars alone are not enough,

There is also a need to inject blood into the supercar.

in the future,

Wuling will not be absent from every speed contest.

"Okay, I see." Selena nodded.

"When can I start working?" Ye Qiu asked again.

"It's fine after I find the house. Selena lowered her head, "I just came to Zhongyun, I'm not familiar with it...

"Don't look for it.

Ye Qiu interrupted her, picked up the pen on the table, and wrote down an address.

"Just live here, it's a property I vacated."

"What's so embarrassing about this spoon?"

"Then let's pay the rent, just pay the normal rent price.

Ye Qiu's words had an unquestionable tone.

"Oh." Selena stopped talking.

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