Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 232 Super cool concept car! 【Subscription】

After Selena joined Wuling,

Her work style is different from that of ordinary employees.

Rather than saying that she is an employee of Wuling, it is better to say that she is a spokesperson for Wuling.

In addition to helping manage the forums on the app,

Selena often participates in various prefecture-level events in the name of Wuling.

She is not fighting for herself now, but carrying the label of Wuling on her back.

That night,

Outside Zhongyun, there is a car racing field somewhere.

The audience outside the track had a lively discussion.

"See that Red Rabbit Lightning? That's Selena, the Queen of the Track."

"I heard that she was using an Audi R8, why did she change it to Chitu?

"You don't know, it is said that her R8 was abandoned by her after she lost the last race.

"Oh, so that's the case. But Chitu is obviously an electric car, can this car run a race?

"I don't know, let's take a look first, maybe there is some kind of black technology?"

"That's right, it's started, it's started."


This is an individual event organized by the riders' association, and anyone who joins the riders' association can sign up to participate.

After several knockout rounds, whoever is left can participate in the final at this time.

The dark night has stricter requirements for drivers, which also makes this game more attractive.

Game start,

The bunting of the car baby fell, and all the cars rushed out.

Just when everyone was not optimistic, Selena was the first to reach the finish line.

The queen of the track is still the king of the amateur division.

She is accumulating experience and preparing for a higher stage.

"After so many races, it was the first time I was beaten by an electric car. 35

after the game,

A middle-aged man walked up to Selena.

"I'm curious, how exactly did you modify it?" the man asked.

"Modification?" Selena shook her head, "This is just the original car, the highest configuration, without any modification. 55

"There is such a thing?" The man asked in surprise.

Immediately, 047

He regained his composure and invited Selena, "Have a drink together? Celebrate our meeting, if you are willing to take the time to understand, I will definitely surprise you.

racing world,

Except Ye Qiu, no one can resist Selena's charm.


Besides Ye Qiu, no one could invite Selena.

She made no answer to the invitation,

He just smiled slightly, tucked his hair behind his ears, and got into the car to leave.

Leaving behind a crowd of nympho eyes.

the next day,

Selena drove the car back to Wuling,

The engineering department will overhaul the car and recover the race data.

Selena can also make use of the existing conditions in the factory to modify the car or propose changes.

In short,

She is in Wuling, and it can be said that she has a high degree of freedom.

This also made Selena work harder, she didn't want to live up to Ye Qiu's expectations.

The establishment of the Wuling Club requires more talents.

Ye Qiu gave this task to Selena.

Selena simply used her father's network to make a direct phone call.

"Hey, Sister Yun, I want to build a club, can you help me?"

"Don't, Sister Yun, you won't help me, but you can't trick me, I won't go home anyway. 99

"I know that Sister Yun, you are the best to me, then we will see you in Zhongyun.

Ye Qiu didn't know that he had picked up a big bargain.

at this time,

He is accompanying the little cutie Xiuxiu to the hive together.

"Boss, I have already designed what you want." Lin Xiuxiu said while walking.

to the laboratory,

Lin Xiuxiu will show it to Ye Qiu.

Putting on the Queen's glasses, Ye Qiu saw the model of the Red Rabbit Trailblazer appear in front of him.

"Look, boss, is this the result you want?

Lin Xiuxiu said, adjusting the animation display.

I saw that the sunroof part of the Red Rabbit Trailblazer was changed to full metal.

As the animation shows, this piece of metal can actually be dispersed into a (cfai) piece of "scale"


When the sunroof needs to be opened, the scales naturally turn up.

When the sunroof is closed, the scales form a whole again, and no traces can be seen.

when animated,

All parameters are displayed next to it, and the link body fit rate is 99.99 percent, perfect fit.

"Yes, this is what I want." Ye Qiu was pleasantly surprised.

"The next step is to apply this design to the latest supercar."5


Lin Xiuxiu happily went to Qin Mengyao to connect.

The good news doesn't stop there.

On Lin Xueruo's side, the design of the latest eight-cylinder engine has also been completed.

According to her estimation, after several detailed calculations, the wheel system of the supercar can almost get the result.


Basically everything is ready, only Qin Mengyao's design is needed.

"Okay, let's go here first today."

Ye Qiu clapped his hands, "The girls are all tired, I'll have a late-night snack. 35

"Thank you Darling." Lin Xueruo showed love in her eyes.

During dinner at night,

Except for Qin Mengyao, everyone was very happy.

"Yaoyao, what's wrong with you?"

Yan Ran noticed her abnormality and asked, "What's wrong?"5

"I'm fine." Qin Mengyao forced a smile.

after dinner,

Let's go back to the villa together.

Chen Mengna is not here today, she went back to Hangcheng to visit Ye Mu.

Just because of Xu Xiumei's words.

"Daughter, come home often when you have nothing to do."

This said,

They didn't treat them as outsiders at all, as if they were already recognized as the daughter-in-law of the Ye family.

Chen Mengna was very happy and promised to go home to accompany Xu Xiumei every month.

Among several women, she is the only one who has the most free time.


Before sleep.

Qin Mengyao sneaked into Yan Ran's room.

"Yeah! Yaoyao, why didn't you say hello when you came in?" Yan Ran stared.

She was changing clothes, and Qin Mengyao had seen her perfect figure over and over.

Qin Mengyao didn't care.

"It's not that I haven't seen it before, Ran Ran, I even touched the mole under your fierceness.


Qin Mengyao narrowed her beautiful eyes and looked at Yan Ran with an evil look on her face.

"Idiot girl, I warn you, don't mess around." Yan Ran hurriedly changed into pajamas.

But he was still attacked by Qin Mengyao.


"Hey, it still feels familiar.

"Hey, I'm ignoring you.

"do not.

After Yan Ran changed into her pajamas, Qin Mengyao knelt down and massaged her to apologize.

"Ran Ran, are you and the genius the same as Ye Qiu?" Qin Mengyao asked tentatively while pressing the button.

"Which one?"

"Did you just sleep together? 35 Qin Mengyao said directly.

Yan Ran blushed and lowered her head.

"No, I dare not.


She reacted again.

"Yaoyao, why are you asking this this evening?

"I don't see it, why are you so gossipy?"

"Why, I'm not curious, hehe." Qin Mengyao smiled awkwardly.

"I don't think so, are you hiding something from me?" Yan Ran asked.

"Okay." Qin Mengyao sighed, "I don't know what Ye Qiu gave me, so I thought about asking you.

She originally wanted to ask Chen Mengna, but she was not here today.

"What kind of hint did my dear give you, as to be so mysterious. 35

Yan Ran became curious again.

"Then I said, don't laugh at me."

"Well, no. 99


Qin Mengyao looked left and right, and after confirming that no one was eavesdropping, she whispered in Yan Ran's ear.

One speaks earnestly, and one listens earnestly.


Both of them blushed to the base of their necks.

"Did he really say that?" Yan Ran was shocked.

"Yeah." Qin Mengyao lowered her head and played with her fingers, "Why do you understand after a sleep?"

"This...I really don't know.

Two simple-minded women,

I've been thinking about it for a long time, but I don't understand what Ye Qiu means.

"Would you like to go directly to him and ask? 33 Yan Ran really has nothing to do.

"No, I don't want to be looked down upon. Qin Mengyao pouted and turned her head to one side.

"Okay, then I'll go ask you.

Yan Ran got up, "You are waiting for me here.""

"Hmm." Qin Mengyao nodded obediently, "Thank you my dear Ran Ran. ""

After Yan Ran left,

Qin Mengyao pondered again, "Why do you have to experience the happiness of men and women in order to understand?"

"Oh, I don't want to. 39

"I don't want that scumbag cheap, hum. 99


Qin Mengyao is waiting,

For a whole night, I didn't wait for Yan Ran to come back.

late at night,

She was so sleepy that she couldn't stand it, so she lay in Yan Ran's room and fell asleep.

the next morning,

After Qin Mengyao woke up, she still didn't see Yan Ran coming back.

"Why did this little girl go all night?"

Qin Mengyao got up and went to wash in doubt.

After finishing,

She decided to call someone in Ye Qiu's room.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, the door opened, and Yan Ran came out with a yawn.

Her hair was disheveled and she looked tired.

"Morning, Yaoyao.

Seeing Qin Mengyao, Yan Ran rushed to her after saying hello.

"What's wrong?" Qin Mengyao helped Yan Ran back to the room.

After taking a nap, Yan Ran regained her spirits.

She stretched and saw Qin Mengyao sitting on the side.

"Yaoyao, you are still here.

"Why, let you ask a question, so you don't want to think about it?

Qin Mengyao held her arms tightly and looked at her as if she was interrogating.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Yan Ran stuck out her tongue.

"Have you asked?

"Hmm. 35

"Then tell me."

"Okay... okay." Yan Ran smiled awkwardly.

She leaned into Qin Mengyao's ear and whispered to her.

after listening,

Qin Mengyao's mouth widened.

"Last night... already... Qin Mengyao raised her eyebrows.


"No wonder I didn't come back one night, I was really happy.

Yan Ran bowed her head aggrievedly.

after that,

Qin Mengyao finally understood what Ye Qiu meant.

"Isn't it just a bulge, it's mysterious, why didn't I think of it?"


Qin Mengyao couldn't wait to go to the company.

Before leaving, he did not forget to pay attention to Yan Ran.

"Ran Ran, I'll go to the company first."

"You've been tired all night, you should pay more attention to rest, and don't go today."

"Well—" Yan Ran fell down and quickly fell asleep again.

to the company,

Qin Mengyao immediately called the design department,

According to the latest direction, make changes to the new supercar.

"A whole new solution."

"I need you to use your best imagination to make the body last for 3,000 horsepower without overturning. 99

"In order to increase downforce, you can add any component to the body.

"The premise is that the entire car must meet the requirements."

"Then, we do the drag coefficient adjustment."

In the end,

Qin Mengyao added a few more words.

"Be sure to give full play to your imagination, and you will treat our latest supercar as a piece of plasticine."

"Finally, it's a super cool concept car."

"All parts are extended by itself.

Qin Mengyao remembered Yan Randai's explanation that it would "get bigger by itself".

Feeling embarrassed...

Haha, don't say it, it's really pretty.

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