Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 233 To keep Wuling completely away from the European market! 【Subscription】

half a month later.

There is a lively exchange on the forum.

"Hoohoho, look what I found? [Picture] 39

"I wiped it off, this is to do something.""

"I said that Wuling has been so lively recently, there is not even a single announcement on the official website, it turned out to be on the official website of Hongqi.

"Power? It seems everyone guessed right."

"Do you hold up the power that is super afraid of taking off?"5

"Hongqi wants to build a supercar, and it's a flying supercar."9


not long ago,

Ye Qiu asked people to update the homepage of Hongqi's official website.

Similar to "I-am-the-future" on the homepage of Chitu last time, the homepage of Hongqi displayed "The-Pow-er"

This has aroused all kinds of reverie among netizens.

"Power? Or power?"

"Can you support the power of supercars to fly? I said that Wuling will definitely do it."

“Honestly, I have never once looked forward to Wuling so much. 35

"Did you find it? The letters are clickable, and there's a silhouette of a supercar in there."

"Although there is only one shadow, I still think it is handsome.

"Guess who I am? Wuling Hongqi.


The changes to the official website of Hongqi have been spread abroad.

The big manufacturers have also begun to follow suit.

the next day,

A similar design appeared on the official website of Mercedes-Benz, "The-Manipulation"



The meaning is obvious, the Mercedes-Benz concept car advocates slash driving.

Truss was not alone, and followed the modification of the homepage, "The-Speed"



This time, Musk decided to have a speed competition.

"Tras Rter will definitely be the new generation of speed king. Musk is full of confidence.


And Ferrari, Silber, Porsche and more.

Almost all car companies that have paid attention to Wuling responded by changing the official website.

They don't want Wuling to stand alone.

This lively scene is also the first time in history.

in international forums,

Car fans cheered for their favorite car companies while eating melons.

"Although Wuling gave me a great shock, I still stand by Mercedes-Benz."

"Me too, in terms of handling, Mercedes-Benz is more reliable.

"Speaking of the history of making supercars, nothing can last longer than winning a country, and foreign car companies should step aside.

"I'm looking forward to the Tesla Rter, the electric supercar, the technology of the future.

"Forget it, supercars enjoy speed and passion, and they can't even roar the engine, so what can be considered a supercar.

"Didn't you read the trailer on Tesla's official website?"

"That is, Tesla's Rter this time will use rocket jets, and then it will be faster than you will all be brothers." 5

"I suggest that Wuling should build a pickup truck. Don't come to the muddy waters of supercars. Not everyone can build supercars."

"Let's build a pickup truck, the North American market likes it, but our European market can't.""

"North America is savage and likes exaggerated things, we Europeans are elegant and more inclined to luxury.

"Look at our Italian supercar, the Ferrari, which is truly romantic and elegant."

"If you want to talk about romance, but also we people from the country, you can't do it.""

"Eternal Kingdom? Romance? Is it a crime to surrender you?"

The Bali Motor Show is getting closer.


Fans were arguing.

After a few days,

Wuling's first concept supercar was finally assembled.

In the design of this supercar,

According to Ye Qiu's embarrassing reminder, Qin Mengyao spent a long time sublimating all the details.


This dazzling supercar was displayed in full for the first time.

Honeycomb, concept car area.

Ye Qiu was pulled by the beauties to inspect the goods.

just walked in,

What catches the eye is a pure black supercar.

On appearance,

In this supercar, there is no shadow of any foreign supercar.


When I saw it for the first time, I must have felt strange and surprised.

This is one of the most rude requests Ye Qiu made to Qin Mengyao.

Wuling wants to build its own supercar,

Before coming up with this idea, Ye Qiu had already thought about it very clearly.

The pedigree of the supercar is very important.

Silber can run the world number one in speed, but he can't expand his reputation, because of the problem of pedigree.

In the design world,

No matter what it is, plagiarism or imitation is a fatal weakness.

Since Silber was labeled as an imitator, he has not been able to get rid of the criticism.

Even if Silbert keeps working hard on hardware, he makes his own supercar run faster and maintains the world's first speed.


So what's the use?

The first impression of fans is very important, and Silber just lost the first impression.

This is what Ye Qiu must avoid.

Let's take a look at Wuling's new supercar,

The whole body is dark, and the paint is more advanced than that of the Red Rabbit Trailblazer.

When blending, a higher percentage of expensive material was used.

After all, it is used in super running, and it is normal to be extravagant.

The wheels of the supercar are dark red, and from different angles, the shades of red are different.

One black and one dark red add a lot of mystery to the whole supercar.

"Darling, have you decided what it's called?" Lin Xueruo asked curiously.

"Well, let's call him Son of Dragon." Ye Qiu nodded.

So far,

The Hongqi Dragon Son series supercar was officially born.

The test of the new car is scheduled for the day after tomorrow.

As it happens,

During these two days, the list of companies at the Bali Auto Show was also announced.

Wuling is the first time to participate in the exhibition, and its name appears at the end as usual.


This time,

Wuling is no longer ignored by other car companies.

At the moment when the list was announced, almost everyone concerned was looking for Wuling's name.

Mercedes-Benz Headquarters,

William sat on the sofa, took out a pen and circled "Wuling" on the list of the Bali Auto Show.

"You're still here, so don't blame me for being rude.

William received a request from the board of directors that Wuling must not be allowed to enter the European market.

It is clear,

Wuling wants to participate in the Bali Auto Show this time, just to try to enter the European market.

Wilhelm serves as the head of Mercedes-Benz, and the Daimler Group is the initiator of the European Auto Union.

He must do everything possible to create difficulties for Wuling.

the most straightforward,

It is to let the auto show distribute Wuling to the "frontier".

Just like at the North American Auto Show.

Not too bright, but very effective.

"This time, I won't be so stupid that someone will drive traffic to you.

Reminds me of the North American Auto Show,

With Chevrolet's brain-dead operation, William couldn't wait to spit on Durant's face.

"Thank you for the groundhog-like maneuvering you can think of, Durant.

"But I wouldn't make such a low-level mistake..."

make good decisions,

William immediately went to the other members of the Auto Union to discuss.

on a conference call,

William revealed his plans.

"It's very simple, I need you and me to sign a joint document and a non-disclosure agreement.

"What we have to do is to stand up collectively and threaten the person in charge of the Paris Motor Show."

"He can't stand our pressure and will definitely isolate Wuling into a corner."

"At that time, I don't want someone to make a foolish operation like Chevrolet and make Wuling cheap."

"This is just the first step..."

"After that, I will have a second step, or even a third step.

"I will definitely keep Wuling completely out of the European market."


William transmits the files to the major car companies in the Auto Union.

"Let's take a look, and if you don't have any opinions, sign it. 35

After everyone in charge briefly read it, they all expressed their opinions.

BMW: Agreed.

Modern: Agreed.


"very good.

Seeing that all his allies had no opinion, William was very satisfied.

After the meeting,

He immediately printed out the scanned copy of the joint document and asked the vice president to take a trip to the Bali Motor Show.

The vice president's name is Brabus, a middle-aged man in his late fifties.

Brabus went to negotiate in person, which has already given enough face to the Bali Auto Show.

The head of the auto show, Rhodes, warmly received Brabus.

Brabus didn't say anything polite, and after sitting down, he handed the document to Rhodes with a serious face.

"Mr. Rhodes, this time I am here to negotiate with you on behalf of Mercedes-Benz and all the members of the Auto Union behind Mercedes-Benz."

There was a hint of disdain in his tone of voice.

The conversation seemed less like a negotiation and more like a threat.

"Yes, yes." Rhode took the document nervously.

After dismantling,

At first glance, I saw at the bottom of the document, the signatures and seals of the heads of up to ten car companies.

He swallowed and glanced at the non-disclosure agreement again.

This negotiation will be kept completely confidential.

That is,

Even if the Bali Auto Show wanted to expose the incident afterwards, no one in the entire car company alliance would admit it.

How ruthless, Wuling kicked the iron plate this time... Rhode thought to himself.

"Mr. Rhodes, this time I came with an olive branch and a shotgun."

"" As for how to choose and how to weigh the pros and cons, I think you should know better than me.

this time,

Babos didn't even bother to use the courtesy, and directly threatened.

"Yes, what is the matter, you just order. 35

Rhodes nodded and bowed.

Who dares to offend you?

In the entire European market, in terms of robbers, who else can compare to you?

"Then may I ask... what are your orders?" Rhodes asked again.

Although he knew that it was definitely aimed at Wuling, Rhode still had to ask clearly.

"The meaning here is to hope that your auto show will take good care of Wuling and not let everyone suffer too much grievance."

Brabus said, "Like . . . it's good here."

He pointed to the most inconspicuous location on the distribution map of the exhibition hall.

Rhodes breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he didn't point to the outside of the exhibition frantically.

"Arrangement." Rhodes assured.


Brabus stopped drinking coffee and got up satisfied.

Hmph, Wuling, what are you going to do with Mercedes-Benz?

This is just the beginning, and there are more good shows waiting for you later.


We will let you know that the success of the Xiaguo market can only be counted as your luck.

When you come to the European market, you will feel what is called despair.

Brabus looked contemptuous, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Without saying hello, he left.

His mission has been completed, and he is in a hurry to return to his life.


William's first steps seem to have been made.

But at a critical time, uncertainties emerged.

And this uncertainty,

It was Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.

last time,

After Abdullah bought the Hongqi L5,

Not only him, the brothers and sisters in the royal family love it.

This made him have a great impression of Wuling, and he always wanted to go to Xiaguo again to visit Wuling's factory.

Mainly want to know,

What kind of factory can make such a great car.

Since driving the Hongqi L5, his Rolls-Royce has been accumulating dust for a long time.

This time he heard that Wuling was going to build a supercar again, so he decided to take the opportunity to take a look.


Abdullah arranged the itinerary and stopped by the Bali Auto Show.

Wuling's new car will be exhibited here, and he has to explore the route in advance.

When coming to the venue,

Brabus had just left.

Rhodes received Abdullah and led him to the VIP room.

Oil tycoons like Abdullah are important customers of top luxury car companies.

It can often bring good profits to the auto show,

When Rhode saw him, he was as kind as he saw his parents.

"I came here this time to see where Wuling's booth is." Abdullah expressed his intention.

Another visitor to Wuling...

Recently, Wuling has offended a lot of people.

Rod thoughtfully took out the branch map of the exhibition and pointed to the corner.

"Wuling's booth is here," he said.


Abdullah frowned.

"If you didn't say it was a booth, I would have thought it was a lounge.

"Is there no other place for such a large venue?

"You mean..." Rhodes was puzzled.

"Let's ask for a price, how much money, so that Wuling can exhibit here. 55

Abdullah pointed to the very center of the exhibition hall with his finger.

It is close to the entrance of the venue, and it is the largest booth, a proper C position.

There was originally prepared for Mercedes-Benz.

"This..." Rhodes was a little difficult to do.

Abdullah didn't talk nonsense with him, he took out the checkbook and threw it in front of him.

For the Saudi prince,

The most important thing is money.

He is now a fan of Wuling, how can an idol company suffer this kind of grievance?

"Write it," Abdullah said.

This is what you said.

Rhodes crossed his heart, picked up the pen and wrote a series of "0" on the amount column.

After writing, he handed the check to Abdullah.

Abdullah looked at the numbers and counted.

"This amount..."

"Is there more?" Rhode said nervously, "The price can be negotiated."

"It's too little, you add more, lest you go back later.

Abdullah said,

Picked up the pen again and added a "0" at the back.

"Are you serious?! Rhodes is completely stupid.

This is the first time I saw such a bargain, and I added "0" directly to the end of the amount.

have to say,

This one-handed operation is simply awesome.

that's it,

Abdullah bought the C-seat at the Bali Auto Show for Wuling for $10 million.

ten million dollars,

It is worth the net profit of the auto show for half a year.

After Abdullah left, Rhode was still staring at the check in a daze.

This day is so dreamy.

A second ago, it was still discussing with Brabus' Auto Union to deal with Wuling.

next second,

Wuling became the biggest VIP at the auto show.

"No way, he gave too much."

Facing the check, Rhode did not feel any guilt towards Brabus.

In the face of interests,

Fragile allies are hardly worth mentioning.

And he has never signed any documents, so there is absolutely no need to abide by the agreement.

Thinking of the start of the auto show, Brabus must have a very wonderful expression when he saw Wuling in the most conspicuous position.

Rhodes smiled unkindly again.

After Abdullah arrived in Xiaguo, he did not forget to interact with Weibo fans for the first time.

Fans are also very enthusiastic.

"Warmly welcome the prince to Xia Kingdom, I hope you have a good time."

"Yo, the prince is here to buy again? I don't know which car company did you take a fancy to this time?"

"Why don't you ask? It must be Wuling. Apart from Wuling, what other car can satisfy Abdullah?"

"This time when the prince came, only one plane was opened, and it was still empty.

"You don't understand this, aren't the baskets empty before buying vegetables?"

"Oh, it turned out to be an airplane to load a car, I was superficial.

“Everyone else buys cars, only Abdullah wholesales. 35

"Makes sense, haha.""


Looking at the comments and comments of fans, Abdullah also gave a like on Wuling.


He posted another message about going to Wuling.

this matter,

Ye Qiu had been notified in advance.

Ye Qiu also wanted to get to know this super rich man.


He sent Lin San to pick up Abdullah specifically.

After arriving in Wuling,

Ye Qiu personally received Abdullah.

"I heard that the chairman of Wuling is a young talent, and today I finally met a real person."

Abdullah looked at Ye Qiu in surprise.

.....for flowers 0........

The chairman of Trillion Group in his twenties makes him have to admire.

"Where, it's just luck. Ye Qiu said modestly.


Ye Qiu took Abdullah to visit the Wuling factory.

After the visit, Abdullah was still unsure.

"I heard that Wuling is building a supercar, but I don't know..." he asked.

That's what he came for.

He's only interested in super luxury cars.

"As a friend, I can show you, but..." Ye Qiu said, "You have to keep it a secret.

"Don't worry, idol." Abdullah patted the belly.

He is now a little fan of Wuling.

Ye Qiu took him to the hive.

"Is this the legendary Wuling's beehive?"

As soon as Abdullah entered, he raised his head and read every detail of the hive very carefully.

He has also heard the legend on the World Forum that Wuling has a beehive.

always curious,

What is it like in the hive?

Is it a mysterious organization, as in the legend?

"Let's go.

Ye Qiu took Abdullah to the test site of the Dragon Son supercar.

Lin Xueruo and the others were also there, busy preparing for the test.

"It really is a mysterious organization.

Abdullah's eyes straightened when he saw the group of beauties.


He completely believed that the hive must be a mysterious organization.

And this mysterious organization is very special, only accepting high-value members.

This may be Wuling's "Ark Project", which is selecting "fire seeds" for the future of mankind


Why are there such top-notch beauties in the hive?

The radiance radiating from their whole bodies is something that even Hollywood actresses may not be able to match.

This is worthy of being an idol company, this trip is worth it... Abdullah thought to himself.

"That is the supercar that Wuling is about to quit, Son of Dragon.

Ye Qiu interrupted his fantasy and said.

Abdullah looked in the direction indicated by Ye Qiu, and a black supercar was displayed on the screen.

At a glance, Abdullah fell in love.

It is a style that has never been seen before, and the shape is very surprising.


To say amazing words, there are.

But for people like Abdullah who have seen and owned countless sports cars.

The first sight of the Dragon Son was not enough to surprise him.

The face value is indeed much higher than that of ordinary supercars, but the design is inevitably out of the way.

After all,

But looking at the appearance of the son of the dragon,

It has the potential to become the world's top supercar, but the road to competition will definitely be difficult.

this world,

The most not missing is the supercar that looks amazing.

Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bugatti, which one is not top-notch?



Son of the Dragon is not without its point of view.

"Why no rearview mirror?" Abdullah wondered.

"You will know soon." Ye Qiu replied.

Immediately after,

Ye Qiu ordered again, "Let's start.""


The Dragonborn's test begins.

in the video,

Shows the entire process.

Various parameter tests are carried out on Son of Dragons by specialized people.

There was one report after another in the audio.

"The engine maximum horsepower test, qualified.

"The test of the polyelectric launcher, the power is normal, and the maximum use time is 3 minutes.

"Wheel friction correction, normal."

"The body drag coefficient adjustment has been adjusted to the lowest level. 35

"Body anti-corrosion test, strong corrosion resistance.

The previous test belongs to the basic performance test of the body.

Abdullah, a layman, looked surprised, but his mentality did not change.


"The tail is extended, normal. 35

"Turn on all the lights, turn on the dragon's eye-opening mode, and you're done. 35

"Front fins deployed, accelerating to maximum speed, tires grip normal.""

"Turn on convertible mode, lower the windows, and the mirrors automatically open normally.""

"Wheel conversion, hub extension, lateral form test, OK."

"The dragon scale cooling system is turned on, and the heat dissipation is normal."9

"The center console...

see here,

Abdullah's face gradually paled.

Not because he was afraid, but because he was so shocked that it was hard to breathe.

He could clearly feel his heartbeat speeding up, but he didn't care about Gu Xia at all.

There are more incredible operations in the back, all of which he has never seen before.

Abdullah has lived in luxury cars since he was a child,

It can be said,

Know the top luxury car brands like the back of your hand.

in his garage,

Almost all models of top-of-the-line supercars are parked.

Drive one out every day and never bring the same one for a year.

but those cars,

In addition to the faster speed and exaggerated shape, there is nothing new.

He was already tired of seeing it.


When he first saw the son of the dragon,

Actually it's the same mentality.

It is just a similar exaggerated supercar, although it is also an independent design language, it will inevitably fall into the cliché.

But just for a moment,

After reading the Dragon Son test.

He had completely changed his mind about Son of Dragons.

It turns out that a supercar can be so cool, and every step of the command is amazing.

Is this the power of science?

"It turned out that the flamethrower was installed in the back of the car, not for flying.

Abdullah took a deep breath and said.

"Shh—" Ye Qiu put his index finger on his mouth.

Signal him not to speak out.

"I know, it's a secret. 99

Abdullah laughed,

Like a child who can't know the secret, he is serious.

"I hope you can also keep the content of this test confidential." Ye Qiu said again.

"Hmm, definitely." Abdullah nodded vigorously.


After watching the test, Ye Qiu took him to the lounge.

"Idol, I have a request, I don't know if it can be fulfilled?

on the road,

Abdullah asked.

Wuling is his idol company, so Ye Qiu is also his idol.

Ye Qiu also followed him.

"Tell me."

"Dragon Son supercar, I want to be the first booker, no matter how much it costs."5

Abdullah stopped Ye Qiu and looked at him sincerely.

"No problem." Ye Qiu promised him.

"Haha, thank you so much.

Abdullah danced with joy.

What's more exciting than getting your own favorite toy?


He posted another tweet.

"Invited by my idol Ye Qiu, I visited Wuling's Hive Research Lab, and I also saw Wuling's latest supercar, I was shocked and speechless.

"This is the first supercar of my dreams, and I've become the first booker. 35

"Although I am very excited, I promise my idols to keep it absolutely secret.

"Lalala, this will be the most unforgettable trip to Xiaguo in my life.

"My friends... believe me, this super run will definitely be unforgettable for you.""

"It's called the Son of the Dragon."

The name of the supercar, Ye Qiu allowed him to announce.

"Also, I'll give you another spoiler. 35

"Be sure to be full of fantasies about the Son of Dragons.

"Because, this supercar is definitely something you can't imagine.

post this,

Abdullah turned off his cell phone in a hurry.

He really wanted to write more.

A gossip heart is always unbearable.


Ye Qiu didn't allow it, so he had no choice but to give up.

Not long after the new Weibo was released, fans' comments have already exploded.

"Fuck, did Wuling really build a flying supercar?"

"The prince let us guess with confidence, it seems so. 35

"Wow, I'm so excited, so excited, I really want to see the Dragon Son supercar. 99

"The name is so awesome, Son of the Dragon, it's just right.

"We are all descendants of the dragon, sons of the dragon, and Wuling built a supercar for us."

"Chongchongchong, son of the dragon, invincible!"


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