Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 237 Kill all car companies! 【Subscription】

I don't know when it started, but all the car media people in the venue have gathered around.

Some of them have cameras, some have DSLRs, and some simply use mobile phones.

In short,

The amount of information in Wuling's booth is too large, and every detail needs to be photographed clearly.

Xu Feifei got off the car and came to the rear of the Dragon Son.

The crowd also moved to the side.

The design of the rear of the car is also angular and aggressive.

"To use twelve exhaust pipes, shouldn't a tank of fuel run for long?" Someone asked loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone corrected him.

"The engine has 2000 horsepower, so the twelve exhaust pipes are also normal. 995

"I just want to know who is faster than Tras Rter.

Hear the questions below.

Xu Feifei was puzzled at first, and then he pointed the way: "Twelve exhaust pipes?

"I think you're reading it wrong, there are only four exhaust pipes in it.

"The remaining eight are not exhaust pipes.

Not the exhaust pipe?

Everyone widened their mouths and their expressions were slightly dull.

Is it...

"Are the remaining eight jets? Can this car really fly?" another asked.

Xu Feifei shook his head.

The expressions of everyone were a little disappointed.

"However, you guessed the ejector correctly. 55 Xu Feifei said again.

Everyone's expressions returned to surprise.

"I wonder if everyone still remembers Wuling's flying skateboard? 35 Xu Feifei asked.

The crowd nodded.

"The skateboard uses the newly developed polyelectric transmitter by Wuling.""

Xu Feifei explained, "The principle, which is what we have said, is jet electromagnetic fluid technology.

"This is an ultra-high-end technology, I don't belong to the R&D department, and I don't understand it very well. Luo

"There is no way to give you a more in-depth explanation. 35


Xu Feifei squatted down gracefully, swiped his fingers across the "exhaust pipes" from left to right, and stopped at the third one.

"Starting from this one, and going all the way to the right eight, all are concentrated electricity emitters.

"Everyone can understand it this way, the concentrating launcher is a kind of injection system.

"Converts electrical energy into kinetic energy extremely quickly, giving the car extra horsepower.""

"And that's what I call, 'unusual' driving. 35

Xu Feifei stood up and moved out of the way so that the fans could see more clearly.

Everyone looked carefully and found that it was really not the same.

"I understand, as long as the left and right sides, two on one side are exhaust pipes, and the remaining eight are condenser emitters."5

"It turns out that, in terms of structure, the 047 is indeed much more complicated than the exhaust pipe.

"Yeah, looks like an energy tube.""

"I don't understand, I don't understand at all."

"It's right if you don't understand. If you can understand it, then Wuling should invite you to become an engineer."


"Can you put it more in layman's terms? Someone asked.

"In layman's terms, it's..."

Xu Feifei smiled slightly, "Under the work of the condensing transmitter, the Dragon Son can reach a maximum of 3,000 horsepower. 99

"You heard that right, 3,000 horsepower.""

Boom one by one

Like a thunderstorm, the audience was shocked.


Another long silence.

Everyone doesn't know what to say.

Isn't this number a bit exaggerated?

Horsepower alone is worth two Silbers.

"With such a high horsepower value, wouldn't the zero-hundred acceleration be very fast?"

Someone finally couldn't hold back and asked.

"It only takes less than 0.9 seconds." Xu Feifei laughed.

Her expression was calm, as if she was saying something very ordinary.

Boom one by one

Another thunder struck.

This time it was not only the onlookers, but also Musk standing on the chair.

Musk felt the thunder strike him.

Less than 0.9 seconds.

Is this serious?

Rter with a rocket launcher, also needs at least 1.2 seconds.

"Eight concentrating emitters, a total of three gears.

Xu Feifei continued, "The first and second gears light up two condensing transmitters each time, and the third gear is all lit.

"Of course, for your personal safety, we don't recommend using third gear casually while driving."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Who is free to run so fast?

In a hurry to give birth?

"In addition, we will strictly follow the rules of each country."

Xu Feifei took out a document, "Dragon Son will intelligently analyze road conditions when driving.

"If you're driving the Son of a Dragon on the road, the stronghold transmitter will not be able to light up.

"Also for driving safety, internal data adjustments can only be made unless permission is obtained."

"Hmm." He nodded again.

According to the documentation,

Dragon Sons adjusts to local driving guidelines as they enter each country.

There will be restrictions on the form of each vehicle.

not that,

After the owner gets the car, he can run as he wants.

"Having said so much, can you tell us the speed?" Someone asked again.

"Well, all right. 35

Xu Feifei stuck out his tongue and said, "When the third gear of Judian is fully open, the maximum speed of Dragon Son will peak.

"Over 700 kilometers per hour, which is about Mach 0.6.

"Mach knows, it's the speed of sound.


Musk couldn't believe it.

Not to mention Musk, even the fans at the scene didn't believe it.

Mach 0.6, can the body withstand it?

With such a design, it will roll over soon after running?

"Hmph, don't be afraid to flash your tongue when you talk big." Musk dismissed it.

"700 kilometers per hour, before reaching 700 kilometers per hour, the front of the car overturned."

"Isn't this treating people as fools? Do you think you are an F1 car? 35

Someone asked the same question.

Xu Feifei listened to their complaints quietly, and was not in a hurry to explain.

Instead, he got into the car and instructed the little rabbit to open the rear wing.

"Okay, the rear wing of the Dragon Son is rising.

only see,

Dragon Son's tail cracked a hole, and a fixed wind wing rose from the hole.

The body has become more handsome.

Fans still do not buy it, they have long guessed.

With such a fast car, there will definitely be fixed wind wings.

"With the rear wing, the front of the car can't stand it either."

"Aren't you afraid of a backflip?"

Xu Feifei raised his index finger and shook it.

"No, it's not over yet."

She instructed the little rabbit again, "Little rabbit, change the front of the car and show the front fixed wind wings. 99

hear this,

The crowd stirred again.


You heard that right? Where did the front winder come from?

Are you kidding me?


next moment,

Under the watchful eyes of the public, the "throat fan" on the front of the Dragon Son's car was actually changing.

The "throat fan" first extended to both sides, and then widened up and down.

After complete change,

It looked like a cobra with its neck open and lying on the ground.

At first glance, it is more aggressive.

in addition,

The rearview mirror that everyone was thinking about, finally surfaced.

There is no rear-view mirror in Dragon Son, but it is hidden in the body.

And the rearview mirror also has a special function, which is to act as the central fixed wind wing.

Needless to say,

The application principle is naturally the module linking technology.

And this series of designs,

It was Qin Mengyao who followed Ye Qiu's advice.


Ye Qiu's tip to Qin Mengyao was to let her watch a small movie.

Feel the process of love between men and women, and pay attention to their changes.

Simply put,

The key words are, expansion, protrusion, size transformation.

The change in the body used to describe the Son of Dragon is just right.

Qin Mengyao is a traditional girl, so she blushes and doesn't even bother to watch any small movies.

If she had let herself go a little, she would have knocked Ye Qiu down long ago.

Looking back on the Son of Dragon,

Fans watch the supercar in front of them like a futuristic robot, and it can also change shape.

Someone screamed with excitement.

Car media people will naturally not miss these moments, the shutter is pressed (cfai) faster than a typewriter.

"It turns out that the rearview mirror is hidden in the car, I should have thought of it long ago.

"This rearview mirror looks like wings.

"Let's not say whether it will work or not, I can't stand it just because of this shape. 39

"It's too exaggerated, if I hadn't been there, I would have thought it was a movie."

"If it wasn't for Xu Feifei sitting in the car, I would have thought that what I saw was a special effect."

"Are the special effects so exaggerated now? You can sit people. 55

"Extremely fast, luxurious, and deformable, the supercar of your dreams.


The fans who got off the stage talked a lot, and their exclamations became louder and louder.

It provoked people who visited other places to move closer to it curiously.


The crowd gradually stood near Musk.

Some people saw Musk standing on a chair watching, and they simply followed suit.

The audience behind them stepped on their chairs one after another.

Seeing that almost all the tourists are moving towards Wuling's booth,

The heads of other booths also stood on tiptoe curiously.

Except for Musk,

No one understood what was so attractive about Wuling.

The coffee that Musk held in his hand was already cold,

Ever since the Dragon Son's roof was folded, Musk had forgotten about it, and he was still holding coffee in his hand.

The exclamations came one after another, and Musk's heart also cooled for a while.

Although the two dragon sons of Wuling have never been seen running,

However, the official data given by Wuling has exceeded Rter.

It also means that Tras has lost again.

This failure brings not chagrin, but anger, extreme anger.

Musk is also a car maker,

Since the establishment of Truss, it has gone through an unknown number of rounds of competition to have today's market situation.

But no matter how much competition he has experienced, he has never seen anything like Wuling.

Every time a new car is pulled out,

I can't wait to kill other car companies on the market.

Look at this son of the dragon,

On horsepower, two Silbers.

In terms of speed, it surpassed the Tesla Rter.

In terms of comfort, Porsche can't even compare.

Even Ferrari, he has to use Shu embroidery to compare.

In terms of feelings, who can compare with cultural history?

Now there is only one Mercedes-Benz left. If you have the ability, you can also run sideways and kill the whole audience... Musk is indignant.

Without saying a word,

Musk is already gasping for breath.


What he didn't know was that this wasn't his hardest time yet.

Xu Feifei is still introducing.

"This is the front, middle and rear, with three fixed wind wings. Under extreme speed, the downforce generated can completely hold the body and give the tires enough grip."

"This has been calculated many times, and there are videos to prove it.


Xu Feifei is another set of old operations.

Turn the front glass of the Dragon Son into a display, and play a clip.

In the video, the Son of Dragon is testing, and there are some parameters that can be disclosed.

After watching the video,

Most people choose to believe even if they have doubts.

Except for Musk, he still holds the mentality of fighting the Son of Dragon.

But not now.

Xu Feifei was almost done talking, and she paused again, leaving room for fans to discuss.

After a while,

She waved her hand, signaling everyone to stop.

"Apart from the basic selling points above..." she said.

The car fans listened, and 10,000 heads of grass and mud galloped past in their hearts.

Is this all just a basic selling point?

Is it that we can't lift the knife, or is your son of the dragon floating?

Xu Feifei continued: "This Bali Auto Show, the core selling point of Dragon Son is actually here.

"Everyone, don't blink, please watch.


Xu Feifei simply operated Son of Dragon.


Fans can clearly see that the body of the Dragon Son is changing again.

The front fixed wings begin to retract and lift upwards.

Immediately after,

The hub of the wheel is also changing.

I saw the hub protruding outwards, gradually forming a cone-like surface.

Due to the coverage of the body, we can only see half of the cone-like surface.

That's enough.

next second,

in all eyes.

Xu Feifei drove Son of Dragon and moved horizontally on the field.

Unlike the oblique direction of the Mercedes-Benz concept car, the Dragon Son runs absolutely laterally.

The expressions of the crowd gradually became exaggerated.

Eyes widened.

"Open sideways? Are you serious?"

"Am I wrong, isn't this a Mercedes-Benz concept car?

"You are wrong, the Mercedes-Benz concept car can only be driven diagonally, the Son of Dragon is driving sideways.

"It's still a production car, can you believe it?"

"Did anyone pinch me, I can't tell the difference between reality and science fiction.

"It's all the same, I just want to know how many surprises this car has yet to reveal."

"Seeing how relaxed she is driving sideways, I suddenly feel distressed for Mercedes-Benz."

"That's what it feels like to be beaten in what you do best.


Look at Musk again,

He was already dumbfounded, his eyes widened and his mouth wide,

The whole person was motionless, like a dummy.

Ps: I just found out that the background will automatically turn R-o-a-d-s-t-er into Rter, there is no way to modify it, that's all.

Also, the serial numbers of the previous chapters are wrong a few times, but the content is connected, I have already revised it, and kneeled. orz!!!

In addition, thanks to the bosses for their flowers, comments, sharing, rewards, reminders, and what to do!!!!.

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