Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 238 What a horrible company Wuling is! 【Subscription】

I just thought about it, I didn't let you really run sideways.

This is too much to look up to me, what to say.

Musk's heart is bitter, but he dare not say anything.

At this time,

William was still smug in his lounge.

Thinking of the Mercedes-Benz concept car, it will definitely make fans' eyes light up, William laughed out loud.


The assistant called him and let him rush to the showroom.

"You'd better report something important, otherwise, I'll send you to the workshop to screw the screws.

When the good mood was disturbed, William became very upset.

He left the lounge to go to the car showroom.

just arrived,

William saw that Wuling's booth was crowded with people.

what's going on?

William was puzzled when he heard someone say "this car is driving sideways"


Open sideways?

"What's the big deal, can't the Mercedes-Benz concept car also drive sideways?" William told the man, "I don't know.

"No, just look at it." The man replied, "What kind of thing is a Mercedes-Benz?

"What did you say?"

William got angry, but because of his face, he didn't dare to curse.

He found his assistant, and the two of them squeezed to the front.

"I'd like to see what happened to Wuling that can attract so many people.

William squeezed and scolded, "Can we still surpass our Mercedes-Benz?"

After a while,

He finally saw the Son of Dragon.

at this time,

Xu Feifei was driving the Son of Dragon around the booth.

Unlike ordinary cars,

From the beginning to the end, the front of the car did not turn back, but pointed forward.

But it can walk diagonally, and even more horizontally.

Most exaggeratedly,

Dragon Son can not only reverse, but also move diagonally backward.

Watching the Dragon Son move back and forth, William was dumbfounded.

The person next to him patted him excitedly, and said to him, "New? How is it, isn't this car amazing?"

William opened his mouth, his eyes twitched wildly, but he couldn't speak.

Running sideways perfectly?

Does this car really exist?

Mercedes-Benz invested in research and development projects several years ago, and now it can only run diagonally.

The history of Wuling is not as long as that of Mercedes-Benz.

Is this really possible?

not only him,

The heads of other car companies were also stunned when they saw that the Son of Dragon could run sideways without hindrance.

What technical support is required for this?

one can imagine,

What a horrible company Wuling is.

Musk has long since faded.

What is this better than?

A car of Son of Dragon has killed all the cars present.


Except for the son of Wuling Dragon, all of them are clowns.

"In addition to walking in a straight line, the son of the dragon can also draw circles. 99

Xu Feifei was having a good time, so he just started to work.

Since the wheels can be driven in any direction, it is not a problem to draw circles.


Might need some technique.

In order to learn how to draw circles well, Xu Feifei was scolded by the coach a lot.

Another thunderous applause.

The fans were very excited, and some people jumped up and applauded.

"I've never seen such an interesting supercar, it's just a man's fantasy.

"The first time I saw a supercar with wheels that can change, is it future technology?

"Parking will be more convenient in the future, good news for female drivers.

"This car is already like this, do you think you still need to park it yourself? I'm afraid you haven't seen Wuling's automatic driving?

"Haha, I know, I know. How can I not know that it can beat Tesla's L8 level autopilot.

"Every function of the Dragon Son is beyond my expectations, especially the convertible.

"I think the front of the car is too powerful, like a robot.

"The wind resistance coefficient of 0.1 is the application of bionics to the extreme.

"Am I the only one who thinks the headlights are handsome? I feel like the lamp factory Audi can't compare. The moment the dragon opened his eyes, I was shocked."

"I only look at the speed, but I didn't expect the speed of the Dragon Son."5

Fans are getting louder and louder.

They are all exchanging the advantages of Dragon Son, because there is really no way to tell the disadvantages.

Xu Feifei walked out of the car and watched the crowd lively without interrupting them.

Just watch them talk in silence.

"Excuse me, beauty, what is the price of this car?" Someone raised his hand and shouted loudly.

If it wasn't loud, his voice would definitely be drowned out.

this question,

The crowd quieted down.

Everyone has heard the price of the Wuling Leviathan, and began to have expectations for the Son of Dragon.

this car,

In the eyes of most people, no one complains when it sells to tens of millions, or even 100,000,000.


According to the trend of Wuling, there should be room for imagination in terms of price.

more than the crowd expects,

It is the people in charge who are present.

not only expect,

They were still nervous, for fear that the Wuling catfish would disrupt the market again.

only see,

Xu Feifei smiled slightly, and everyone was eager to see.

"The Son of Dragon has no reference price." She said softly.

"The Hongqi Dragon Son supercar only accepts exclusive reservations, and all configurations must be explained in person.

"That is, the buyer's request will determine the price of Dragon Son."

This is a sell off.

But it did not cause the fans the slightest discomfort, but made them more curious.


There is also a reason why Xu Feifei does not directly announce the price.

as a supercar,

The price of Dragon Son is definitely not too low.

Based on everyone's views on Wuling's past performance, most people still hope that Wuling can give a lower price.

This is also Wuling's consistent practice, and it is very useful to seize the market.

But this trick is not necessarily useful in super running.

If the price is too low,

Instead, the brand's grade has fallen.

at this point,

Ye Qiu is still very clear.

he knows,

People who buy supercars don't care about the price,

And those who expect low prices can't afford it, or won't buy it.

They are just watching the fun, so of course it's best not to announce the price.

The people in charge breathed a sigh of relief.

did not hear the news,

That's the best news.


It's time to visit again.

The fence of Wuling's booth was removed.

Son of the Dragon allows fans to see up close and get in the car.


The car can be started, but not driven.

Lin Xueruo and the others developed a new model for Son of Dragon.

It's called Immersive Mode.

In this mode, the owner only needs to wear Queen glasses.

Sitting in the car, no matter how you operate, you will see the corresponding picture in front of you.

Apart from the lack of pushback, everything else, including the engine sound, is genuinely horrible.


This screen appeared.

The people who got on the bus were full of expectations, and after getting off the bus, their faces were shocked and full of praise.

But the people watching from the side had no choice but to be stunned.

Because in their eyes, the entire Son of Dragon has not moved.

This made everyone more curious, and they all scrambled to get in the car and feel it.


There are so many people on site that only one person can be on the scene at a time.

On this day, there will definitely be people who will not be able to line up.

Everyone rushed forward.

If you want to ask who is the most crowded, it is still the car media people.

for nothing else,

The manuscript will be out tonight, and they must get in the car to feel it and write the report in sufficient detail.

Some media people were at the back of the line, and even thought of using money to buy the people in front.

They have all thought of the title.

[Wuling's new generation, the Son of Dragon supercar, shocking debut! 】

【Real future technology, Dragon Son supercar, refresh your cognition!】

[Wuling's power, the-power, has been perfectly interpreted! 】

[Does the birth of Dragon Son mark a major reshuffle in the supercar industry?]

[No one can resist the temptation of the son of the dragon, this is the charm of black technology...]

[One car crushes all supercar companies, yes, it is the son of the dragon! 】


one more time,

Wuling organized the International Auto Show into a personal press conference.

The heads of other car companies can only sit on the bench.

William watched almost all the fans around the Wuling booth, and felt very uncomfortable.

He understood that Mercedes-Benz lost, but he didn't expect to lose so badly.

did not expect,

From the first step, they have already lost.

Damn Abdullah...

At this moment,

Ye Qiu and Kate also came to the fair in a low-key manner.

Both wore sunglasses to avoid being recognized, and walked around holding each other.

when walking,

Kate's posture is a little awkward, like twisting her hips.

And Ye Qiu also had a somewhat unnatural expression.

This country girl is too enthusiastic, but it's exhausting for him.

Looking at the stands of the fans at the venue, Kate smiled: "Dear, congratulations on your win again.

"As expected." Ye Qiu said to himself.

when this happens,

Ye Qiu wasn't really surprised.

The Son of Dragon is the work that he and Wuling engineers devoted the most effort to.

light is function,

It's enough to crush the previous supercars.

Harvest such a situation, it is reasonable.


"Tourists and friends, good afternoon everyone, and welcome to the Bali Auto Show. 39

Four p.m,

The loudspeaker at the venue suddenly sounded.

"The following is the egg time of the Bali Auto Show. I believe everyone has heard of the zero-four acceleration race..."

"Next, we welcome everyone to watch a game."

"The content of the competition is the zero-four acceleration race. 99


The people at the venue were led out by security guards.

Close to the auto show grounds, there is a particularly vacant place.

It was specially rented out by the organizers of the auto show and built into a long straight runway.

400 meters of straight runway.

The host stood on the runway and shouted with a microphone.

"The so-called zero-four acceleration race is the time it takes for a car to run from zero to 400 meters.

"Today, we deliberately prepared such a game for everyone.

"Next, I will read to the participating brands, let us give them warm applause?

There was applause at the scene,

The host continued to shout.

"Participating in the competition are Audi r8, Silber's "Big Lizard", Ferrari Rafa, Tesla Rter, and Wuling Dragon Son.

With the host's voice, the applause grew louder.

After the host introduced,

Don't forget to explain that this Easter egg is just for fun, not a zero-four acceleration race in the full sense.

In order not to let the fans quarrel.

it's here,

No matter how fast the super runners run, it doesn't mean anything.

This is an unprofessional game.

Five cars appeared one after another.

It was Selena who was in charge of driving the Dragon Son.

The track is well arranged,

The referee and timekeeper are also in place.

The game officially begins.

The Audi r8 was the first to appear. The driver drove the car to the starting line and blasted the accelerator.

The car Selena couldn't be more familiar with.


She thought Audi r8 was the best speed king until she met Ye Qiu.

The referee flagpole fell,

Audi r8 galloped out, bringing bursts of smoke.

speed race,

No turns required, just sprint as fast as you can.

The audience watched nervously as the r8 raced towards the finish line.

Final time, 12.72 seconds.

This is a good result in super running.

The crowd cheered.

Next on the field is Silber "Large Lizard", once the world's first speed.

After it came on,

Without stopping too much, the flagpole fell and rushed to the finish line.

The final time was 11.15 seconds.

have to say,

These supercars are prepared to show their skills in front of the audience.

Next is the Ferrari Rafa,

The final time was 11.36 seconds, a little worse than Silber.

As a supercar in the supercar world,

Ferrari has always been at the forefront.

Next up was Tras Rter's turn.

For this game,

Musk made several tweaks to Rter.

The only regret is that,

There's no way to use a rocket launcher here.

But he thought the Rter would be the fastest even without the rocket launcher.


That was before Xu Feifei announced the speed of Son of Dragon.

The two cars that fans are most looking forward to are the Terras Rter and the Son of Dragon.

Seeing Rter come on stage, the crowd burst into applause.

Although from the published data, Terras Rter is no match for Dragon Son.

But everyone still wants to witness the competition between the two cars.

the flagpole falls,

Tras Rter rushed out.

Because it is an electric car, the engine sound of the Rter is different from other supercars, and it is more crisp.

This is also where fans feel that the Rter is lacking.

a supercar,

How could there not be that beastly roar?

Tras Rter's time ended up at 10.55 seconds.

It's a pity that I couldn't run within ten seconds.

But fans are not discouraged.

after all,

Truss didn't show his housekeeping skills.

The rocket launcher hasn't appeared yet, if you really use a rocket launcher.

Zero four ran into ten seconds, it should be very easy.

Finally, it was the Dragon Son's turn to appear.

Fans cheered.

"Looking forward, this is the real speed competition."

"Come, come, the most domineering Dragon Son has finally come.

"Look, the Son of Dragon raised its tail.

"I don't know if it can run in ten seconds, if it does, I will kneel on the spot.

"Okay, I look forward to the performance of Son of Dragon, and I look forward to your performance even more.


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