Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 239 Limited craftsmanship, 999 units! 【Subscription】

Selena drives Son of Dragon to the starting line.

The rear fixed wind wing is raised, the front fixed wind wing is unfolded, and the rear-view mirror is protruding.

When ready,

The referee's flagpole fell.


Dragon Son's exhaust pipe spurted flames and rushed out.

Immediately after,

The Gathering Transmitter also had a blue fire, and the second gear was turned on.

Selena didn't open third gear,

Mainly because the acceleration in third gear was so fast that even she couldn't stand it.


This is not a serious game, and it is not so serious.

A simple first run is enough.

Watching the Son of Dragon rush out, the audience counted in their hearts.

one two three four……

Before the count to ten, the Dragon Son had already crossed the finish line.

competition is over.

The audience was stunned again.

It's only been a few seconds, and the game is over?

Is it too fast?

The timekeepers are incredible to feed data back to the referees.

see the results,

The referee was first surprised, then puzzled, and finally calm.

The expression on his face was wonderful.


Results announced.

Son of Dragon finally won the zero-four race with a time of 7.62 seconds and won the first place.

The audience jumped with excitement and applauded one after another.

"It's too exaggerated, I think it still has four jet pipes not turned on, this game is like playing.

"When I saw it was angry and fixed the wind, I knew that the game had ended ahead of schedule.

"At this speed, isn't that an invincible existence?"

"Don't say it, it's true.


after that,

The Bali Motor Show is coming to an end.

Ye Qiu stayed in the country for a few days, mainly because Kate was too enthusiastic to let him go.

He had to release all the passion he had suppressed for so many days.

a week later,

Xia Guozhongyun, Wuling.

The order for the Son of Dragons has already begun to be prepared.

This super top supercar only accepts personal reservations, and all conditions must be clearly stated in person.


The global purchase is limited to 999 vehicles, each with a number.

The reservation of car 001 should belong to Abdullah.

He can also be regarded as a great help for the release of Son of Dragon, Ye Qiu kept his word.

As for the Dragon Son on display, the serial number is 000, which belongs to the commemorative car.

"No. 000" Dragon's Son will be placed in the hive tourist area, which will be opened for tourists to visit in the future.

After Abdullah received the invitation from the Hongqi Factory, he came to Xia Guo excitedly again.

In the Supreme Exclusive Customization Center,

Abdulati's request was simple and bold.

"Add all you can, add them all, and ask to order three.

Except for the different colors, the configurations are all top-notch.

Three-block condenser transmitter, full body polarized screen glass, high-end wingspan doors, advanced Shu embroidery craftsmanship...

The new car will be delivered in a month.

Abdullah decided to pick it up in person, which left the Hongqi factory with transportation costs.

a month later,

According to the agreement, Abdullah appeared in the custom center in advance.

before entering,

He first posted a Weibo.

"Today is the day to pick up the new car, and the Son of Dragon I ordered is about to be delivered.


He went in.

After receiving the car, Abdullah took another picture one by one and sent a second Weibo.

"The new toy, thanks to Wuling, made me the first to book. 35

"Looking at this handsome body, I can't wait to test drive it.

See the pictures and post,

As usual, netizens expressed their amazement at Abdullah's arrogant behavior.

"The prince's shot is still so lavish, and he buys three sets."

"To be honest, I'm sour, this car is so handsome, and I want it too."

"I don't want to have a Dragon Son in my life, as long as I can touch it, I will have no regrets in my life."

"I can't find the price on the official website. I don't know how much Abdullah's sons of dragons cost?"

"Don't ask, ask is the price we can't pay in our lifetime. 99

"It hurts, old iron. 35


When Dragon Son first opened for pre-order,

999 units, all of which have been fixed in less than a week.

Those who bought the son of the dragon were either rich or expensive, and they were all hidden rich.

There are also a lot of people in Xia Guo, and some rich people are very down-to-earth and play forums with other car fans.

Yang Shifeng is one of the invisible rich people in China.

My father is a real estate leader, and my mother has a good record in the catering industry.

Yang Shifeng has lived a carefree life since he was a child, but this life did not make him develop a arrogant character.

on the contrary,

Even if his parents neglected to discipline him, Yang Shifeng often restrained himself.

It also contributed to his mild side.

at the same time,

The lack of love since childhood also made Yang Shifeng very eager for family love.

Puppy love should be one of his few dark spots.

Yang Shifeng has a lover who has been dating for nine years.

Since their puppy love, the two have always believed that each other is the person in their life.


The woman Xiaofeng recognizes the man's family background.

It's not a marriage that's just right.


Xiaofeng broke up with Yang Shifeng.

But at that time, both of them still liked each other, and Xiaofeng really couldn't say the word "break up".


Xiaofeng just said to Yang Shifeng, "I'm leaving, going to a distant place."

The two talked a lot in bits and pieces,

Although there was no mention of "break up", Yang Shifeng had already heard the signal.

When Xiaofeng left, Yang Shifeng didn't send it.

Until ten minutes before the train started, Yang Shifeng was struggling.

He went to his garage,

In the most conspicuous position in the garage, there is a red Son of Dragon, numbered "007"

As soon as Dragon Son was released, he pre-ordered it.

When you get the number,

He immediately shared this joy with Xiaofeng.


Three days later, the two broke up.

Yang Shifeng got into the car and chatted with Little Rabbit.

"Little Rabbit, let's play some music," he said, "I'm lost in love."

"The song "Nocturne" has been selected for you, singer Jay, I hope to ease your sadness. 33 Little Rabbit said.

Yang Shifeng laughed... Doesn't listening to love songs make me more sad?

"May I ask you a question? Yang Shifeng said again.

"Okay, please ask.

"You said, if I love someone deeply, I will lose her, what should I do?"

"If this love is two-way, then go get her back," said the little rabbit.

"Although I don't understand love, I understand the truth of 'Once something is missed, it will never come back'. In order not to regret it in the future, I should work hard."

"You mean, I should get her back?"

"The premise is that this relationship is a two-way street."

"Well, I see.

Yang Shifeng nodded.

But on second thought, the train was about to leave, how could it be possible to catch up.

"Hey, even if I get to the train station, the train has already started." He wilted, "I still missed her.""

love is such a thing,

It only works if it is restored at the moment of rupture.

as now,

Xiaofeng's cell phone was blocked, and the only thing Yang Shifeng could do was to chase to the train station.


He could have explained it to Xiaofeng later, but by then the relationship between the two had probably already changed.

A woman's patience is very short when it comes to facing love.

"I don't know, can I help you," said the little rabbit.

Although this sentence is said by an artificial intelligence, it is full of confidence.

Yang Shifeng looked at the car in front of him, feeling like he was looking at his most trusted partner.

"Okay, let's go get her back together."

Yang Shifeng didn't know why he would talk so much to an artificial intelligence, but he also took his heart out.


Only the little rabbit can help him analyze it more rationally.

Yang Shifeng was encouraged and decided to fight.

He posted a dynamic in the circle of car friends.

"Brothers, I decided to go and get my love back."

"If it does, everyone sitting here will be my witnesses.

The accompanying picture is a selfie with a blue dragon child in the background.

For this brave man, car friends have given him encouragement.

After posting the news,

Yang Shifeng drove Son of Dragon and rushed out.

The little rabbit also helped him find the best route.

The train Xiaofeng took, before reaching the next station, had roads near the rails.

Yang Shifeng can catch up to the site from the road.

go away,

Yang Shifeng followed the navigation and caught up all the way.

There is a speed limit for supercars in China, and the Son of Dragon cannot start the power-gathering transmitter when driving on the road.


The acceleration of the engine alone is sufficient.

this day,

Such a scene appeared on the road beside the fields in the countryside.

The train moves slowly,

A blue supercar is in hot pursuit on the road.

Someone curiously photographed this scene and posted it on the circle of car friends.

"Guys, what do I see?"

"A cool blue supercar is chasing the train and it's not bad. 35

"Why, city racing can't satisfy you anymore? You want to compare the speed with the train."

The picture is a window on the train,

On a flat road outside the window, the blue supercar is catching up.


Also recorded a video.

After this post was discovered by netizens, it was immediately topped up, and Yang Shifeng's post ranked the top two most popular that day.

Netizens are happy.

"This guy is a ruthless man, he said that he was chasing his lover, but I thought he was just chasing people, but it turned out to be chasing a train.

"It's a bit arrogant, driving a supercar to chase a train, if this is not true love, I don't believe it."

"Isn't this the Hongqi Dragon Son supercar? I heard that the limit speed can reach 700 kilometers per hour, so chasing a train is not a small problem?"

"Rich people nowadays just know how to play. I wonder which Cinderella is so lucky?"

"A person who can afford the son of a dragon can still be broken up. If I were that woman, I wouldn't be able to say that."

"Come on, buddy, you are the best in love.""


The end of the story...

Of course Yang Shifeng caught up with Xiaofeng.

But their love was still in vain.

The love that is not in the right place is 0.8, and it is the most difficult to have results.


None of this matters.


The video of Yang Shifeng driving the Son of Dragon chasing the train went viral, and it went viral.

The video became a symbol of love.

Netizens spontaneously added text to this video, and sad literature came into being.

"On that day, I chased the train and chased you too, and you couldn't avoid it.

"Love, I don't know if I can do it?"

"About love, I don't believe you when you say that the car will never catch up with the train."


Following this trend, the red flag has been on fire again.


Fire entered the literary circle.

after that,

The red flag supercar has become a symbol of love.

It is a pity that,

The Son of Dragon is limited to only 999 units, otherwise the sales will inevitably rise by another segment.

The video was also posted on YouTube,

The reputation of the Dragon Son as the King of Speed ​​has also spread internationally.

this day,

Daimler Group.

The old Daimler couldn't bear it any longer, and he was furious at the board meeting.

Pointing at William.

"Is this the answer sheet you handed in?

"When did Mercedes-Benz suffer from this kind of gas in the European market? It was surpassed in concept car technology."5

"That's still a production car, is there really no way to limit Wuling?"

"Speak, speak to me, I want a plan, I want a plan.

"Not only a plan, but also your ability to act."

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