Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 245 Linear array suspension system, the choice of super off-road! 【Subscription】

"What's not going to explode? What the hell are you talking about?"

"You calm down for me, speak slowly, and make it clear what's going on?"

Inuichiro only felt that his brain was buzzing, and he was disturbed.

The other party rationalized his thoughts and simply took a breath before clarifying the whole story.

turn out to be,

Just when Inuichiro didn't pay attention to Wuling mini in the past few days, its sales are gradually rising.

In just a few days, the order volume has exceeded Toyota's classic car, the Yaris.

less than two weeks,

From no one cares, to everyone rushing.


From the beginning, Inuichiro got it wrong.

No one buys the new Wuling Hongguang mini, but it's not that it can't be sold.

on the contrary,

Many people have the desire to buy.

It's just that they've been watching.

The rise of new things requires someone to take the lead.

Once there is the first person, there will be countless others.

It is clear,

Wuling mini is also a trustworthy car in the hearts of office workers in island countries.

Not for anything else, just for convenience.

The island country has a small land area and a large population.

Before the arrival of Wuling mini,

Most office workers can only squeeze the tram, or take the bus.


Islanders are recognized as the most stressed ethnic group in the world, among which is nothing more than life pressure and work pressure.

In life, I want to buy a car to improve the happiness index.

But the economy doesn't allow it, which leads to work stress.


It's hard to have an affordable car in front of you, the key is that it's pretty.

How can this not make them excited?


The auto market of the island country has always been occupied by Toyota and Honda, and most of people's understanding of cars is these two brands.

When a new car comes in, someone always needs to be the first to eat crabs.

When the first person has the courage to buy it, he will encourage the second person to buy it together.

If they suffer, they will be laughed at together, and if they do not suffer, they will continue to pass on word of mouth.

In this way, more and more people will buy Wuling mini.

Word of mouth is an important foundation,

Wuling has always been the winner in word of mouth.

half a month,

The sales volume of Wuling mini has exceeded 1,000, which is already a very eye-catching achievement in the small market of the island country.

To know,

The best-selling car in the island country, the Toyota Yaris, sells less than 20,000 units a year.

There is not as much as a fraction of Xiaguo's car sales.

Mainly because of the small population of the island country.

The small land, which can hold 120 million people, is already very crowded.

The space is getting smaller and smaller, which has become one of the most important factors for the success of Wuling mini.

"It's a great little car, it's easy to operate, but it doesn't take up much space and it's easy to park."

“I turned a small garden in front of my house into a garage, and there is still extra space for potted plants. 95

"Penfen, it's so beautiful, and you'll be peeked at when you're driving on the road."

"This mini satisfies all my car cravings. I can't afford an expensive car, but the mini gives me the attention I deserve."

"When you take a break, bring your girlfriend, and the two of you go out for a trip. The back seat can hold a lot of things. 35

Although the 25" price tag is cheap, the configuration is not cheap at all, and it is very sincere.


The island country riders commented after purchasing the Wuling mini.

a new day,

Yukiko received user feedback from offline stores, and the results surprised her.

She has never seen a car that has almost zero negative reviews from consumers.

Wuling mini orders are still growing,

And the auto market in the island country is only so big,

The sales of Toyota and Honda have been greatly affected.

Toyota headquarters,

Inuichiro patted the table and threw the teacup in his hand aside.

"She's crazy, she actually brought Wuling into the country."

"It's good, our market is being taken away by outsiders, doesn't she feel distressed when she sees it? Quality

"Who allowed her to do this?

Several assistants in front of Inuichiro,

Give full play to the "craftsmanship spirit", and each body is bent at 90 degrees.

He didn't even dare to take a breath, for fear that his breathing would be too loud and he would be hated by the old guy Inuichiro.

One of the slightly younger assistants twitched the corners of his mouth slightly and his expression became cold.

Because his face was facing the ground, Inuichiro couldn't see it either.

He was still angrily spitting at the old guy, swearing swear words.

In response to the expression, it became much more vivid.

His face twitched for a while, his nostrils gasped for a while, and his face was full of disdain for a while.

Aren't you indulging your old man?

When Wuling has not yet entered the island country, you are not such a face.

at a board meeting,

Your arrogant and dead appearance is really a defiant person.


It's only been a few days, don't you remember what you said?

The old man has not been very energetic recently. He can't even remember this matter. I'm afraid he was squeezed out by the courtesan.

The young man felt unhappy in his heart.


I only dare to scold this old thing in my heart.

"Go and find Yukiko. 99

After Inuichiro complained almost, he ordered again.

The assistant finally waited until this moment,

Listening to this old thing chattering for a long time here, what I want most in my heart is to leave quickly.

Now that I can walk, one by one runs very fast.

in a while,

There was the sound of high heels in the hallway.

Yukiko came to Inuichiro's office.

Unlike the assistants who were respectful, she didn't even say hello, she just sat aside.

She wore a smart black OL suit and black high heels today.

Still with her hair in a bun, her baby face lost her majesty, but her aura was still there.

Inuichiro is not angry either,

Because in front of Yuxizi, he has no right to be angry at all.

On qualifications,

He is older than Yuxizi.

But in terms of seniority, Yukiko is the orthodox heir of Toyota.

Although there is no real power now, it is also the heir.

It's a good thing for her to come and sit here.

If Yukiko doesn't want to come, Inuichiro has to find him in person.

"Have you already anticipated this situation today?"

Inuichiro asked.

"Have you been waiting for this day to see our jokes?"

these days,

Inuichiro noticed that Arukiko was surprisingly calm.

Even in the face of all kinds of rumors spread in the office, she was indifferent.

At the beginning,

He thought Yuxizi gave up in despair.

But from the current point of view, Yukiko is obviously well prepared.

in order,

Is it just to slap them in the face in a situation like today?

Yuxizi pretended to be calm, but in fact she was already dancing in her heart.


She has a lot of inner drama.

"So what?" Yukiko didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

If she could have foreseen this situation,

It will not be so frightening that even the company dare not come.

that period of time,

Yukiko went to ask a psychiatrist to see if she was depressed.

"Do you know what a bad decision you made, you introduced a lion into the wolves.

Inuichiro does not shy away from comparing Wuling to lions and Toyota to wolves.

This is a metaphor he made after seeing the terrifying momentum of Wuling mini.

"It's so stupid, because of you, how difficult the group has to face, do you know?

"I don't know." Yuxizi said confidently.

There's no way she didn't know.

She even regretted that she should not have brought Wuling into China in the first place.

She really didn't expect Wuling to have such a momentum.


Her intention was achieved.

Now not only Toyota, but also Honda is constantly running.

It is clear,

The Wuling mini alone has already made everyone battered.

If we do not take strict precautions, it may be too late for other Wuling cars to come in in the future.

Although the island country is only a small market,

But Toyota can't even hold its own market, how can it gain a foothold in the world?

And Wuling's entry into the island country market is just to continue to build its reputation.


Seeing Yukiko's fearless appearance, Inuichiro was angry.

He snorted coldly, turned around and left his office with a flick of his sleeves.

Looking at Inuichiro's embarrassed back,

Yukiko suddenly wanted to laugh a little, and now no one in the whole group will care about her.

on the contrary,

Her role has become even greater.

After all, it was she who brought Wuling Mini in, and she still holds a very small amount of agency power.


sometime later,

These old guys also came to beg her to let her show mercy.

think of this,

Yukiko felt no more guilt.

summer country,

Zhongyun Wuling.

Since that day Ye Qiu's toy car was changed to a super off-road vehicle, Ye Qiu let them continue to optimize.

It's a pure SUV with no bells and whistles in it.

from head to foot,

Only the word "performance" is highlighted.

There are many types of off-road vehicles in the world today.

The difference is mainly in the suspension.


Suspension is also classified.

The main one is independent suspension and non-independent suspension, and there are also mixed versions.

To make off-road vehicles more powerful, it is natural to use independent suspension.

Ye Qiu made a request to the engineering department.

He said to Yan Ran: "Since you guys made it, then do it to the extreme. 99

"This off-road vehicle, I hope it is an all-terrain stress-free supercross.

Ye Qiu's meaning is very clear,

Since it is done, it must be done to the extreme.

all terrain off-road,

It's about being able to run in all environments around the world.

Although at this point,

Wuling has already done so by supplying saber-toothed tigers to the Western Military Region.

But the meaning of a car is different.

Although saber-toothed tigers are almost all-terrain stress-free,

But that is based on the Saber-toothed Tiger's superior powertrain and body endurance.

If you ignore the appearance of the saber-toothed tiger and equip it with a cannon system, it is a tank.

Does the tank still need to consider the terrain?

Run over and you're done.


This time is different.

This time Ye Qiu wanted a real off-road vehicle, not a tank.

Off-road vehicles over terrain, need body skills, not brute force.

It's like encountering a mountain, so don't be afraid of falling.

When encountering waterways, you must not be afraid of sinking.

When encountering a stone forest, it is necessary not to be afraid of being bumped, and the guardian said not to be afraid of shock.


Yan Ran extracted the keywords.

Body strength, waterproofing, suspension, and powertrain.

Speaking of body strength and powertrain.

Wuling has Saber-toothed Tiger's B7-level bulletproof, as well as an eight-cylinder engine.

Of course there is no need to worry at all.

But when it comes to waterproofing and suspension systems, it's a headache.

Don't look at the sturdy appearance of off-road vehicles, but they are actually afraid of water.

Any car in water runs the risk of breaking down.

especially electrical components,

The engine or something, once the water enters, it is not far from being scrapped.

in addition,

With the current Wuling suspension system,

Although it is a world leader, it is still a bit stressful to say that "all terrain is stress-free".


After Yan Ran summed up the problem, she sent the file to Ye Qiu.

"The engineering department is working hard to improve the latest suspension system."

Yan Ran reports, "The independent suspension we currently have is a double wishbone/multi-link suspension, which has met the needs of most terrains."

"The vast majority of high-end off-road vehicles on the market use similar suspensions. 35

"It's just this kind of suspension..." Yan Ran hesitated.

They were just for fun at the time, and they didn't think too much about the problems caused by hanging.

Ordinary suspensions simply couldn't support Ye Qiu's request.

Ye Qiu glanced at her,

Already knew what she was going to say.

The double wishbone/multi-link suspension is ugly, really ugly.

How ugly is it exactly?

To use this suspension, the tires must be fully exposed.

And when the vehicle drives, it jumps like a frog.

in the game,

The players affectionately call it "Bangbo".

Ye Qiu doesn't want his car to become a so-called "bump"

Wuling car,

Always have to be perfect from the top down.

"It's ugly, right." Ye Qiu took Yan Ran's words.

Yan Ran lowered her head and blushed.

As a girlfriend, she is qualified and she understands Ye Qiu very well.

But as an engineer at Wuling...

Yan Ran felt that she was not good enough.

At least,

She couldn't always turn Ye Qiu's wild imaginations into reality like Lin Xueruo did.

"It doesn't matter, I'll figure it out.

Ye Qiu saw Yan Ran's thoughts and comforted.

"Yeah." Yan Ran nodded.

After talking about the car, Yan Ran returned to the hive to continue the development test.

Ye Qiu went to the system mall.

His total points have already exceeded 9 million points, and he is about to exceed 10 million points.

"I don't know if there is a better suspension system. 99

Ye Qiu generally muttered to himself while searching.

It is probably impossible to count on the system to draw a lottery to send the suspension.

If you hang something like this, you will naturally look for a [car].

Ye Qiu searched page by page, and finally found it in the corner.

"Linear array suspension system. 39 Ye Qiu read.

Just hearing the name makes me feel unremarkable.

But this thing actually got 1.2 million points.

"Usually it's like dying, but when it's time to deduct points, it's like a robbery.

Ye Qiu's eyes widened, completely ignoring his image of the chief executive.

"Never mind, buy it.

Looking at the description, this suspension system is enough to meet Ye Qiu's all-terrain stress-free ride.

Linear array suspension has a characteristic,

It is to be able to fully absorb shocks during bumps, and in its design, the wheels can be turned over in addition to rotation.

In this case,

In special terrain, off-road vehicles can also give full play to their driving advantages.

Even if it crosses the sloping foot of the slope horizontally, it can be stable.

The blueprint was already in Ye Qiu's hand, and he studied it by himself for two days.

I generally understood some of the principles, and then handed it over to Yan Ran.

to the hive.

The two laboratories have been integrated for a short period of time.

Co-development of this supercross.

The four water snakes are surrounded by a screen, and when they twist, the air is full of fragrance.

"Ladies, I'll show you something good. 35

Ye Qiu's voice sounded behind him, and several Nizi turned back excitedly at the same time.

"Darling, you're here." Lin Xueruo spoke first.

"Boss." Lin Xiuxiu just called out, and her face was already filled with happiness.

Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran looked at each other and nodded to Ye Qiu together.

"Genius, what good things are there?" Qin Mengyao asked.

Ye Qiu shook the document in his hand and said, "It's right here, it's a good thing."

With curiosity, the beauties watched Ye Qiu call out the Red Queen and scan the documents page by page.

"Line array suspension system?"

Looking at the file name, several people spoke in unison.

look further down,

Yan Ran found that the knowledge contained in this suspension system was completely different from what she had mastered.

There are even conflicts in some places.

It can be said,

This is a completely new suspension system that is completely different from the current market.

With the principle of breaking away from the traditional, even the shape is more dreamy, so that it is more delicate.

At the beginning,

Yan Ran still has some doubts.

After all, a suspension that conflicts with traditional principles, does such a thing really exist?

But when she read the final conclusion, this idea no longer existed.

"Wow, honey, where did you get all this?

When Yan Ran spoke, her eyes were inseparable from the data on the screen.

She was deeply shocked.

"Is it very powerful?" Qin Mengyao didn't fully understand.

This involves something outside her area of ​​expertise.

"Let's put it this way..." Yan Ran said solemnly, "If the above data is true, this suspension system will instantly kill all types of suspensions currently on the market."5

"What MacPherson suspension, and double wishbone/multi-link suspension, doesn't even have the power to compete with it.

"So exaggerated?" Qin Mengyao pursed her lips and said in surprise.

She had no doubts about Yan Ran's words.

because in this world,

Anyone can lie to her, but Yan Ran can't.

"It's not an exaggeration, it's just a fact." Yan Ran stated again.


Qin Mengyao swallowed.

She turned her head to look at Ye Qiu again, and asked, "Genius, you got this thing too?

"Hmm." Ye Qiu shrugged.

"You can't think of this too, right?" Qin Mengyao's eyes widened.

"I was discovered." Ye Qiu pretended to be revealing, and his acting skills were a bit exaggerated.

Fortunately, Qin Mengyao believed.

Only then did she reluctantly feel relieved, and she almost worshipped Ye Qiu as a god.

Yan Ran, who was beside her, rolled her eyes, and she was also very curious.

In the end, where did Ye Qiu get so many amazing design drawings every time?

Only Lin Xueruo and Xiuxiu were calm, they knew it.

"Genius, talk about it..."

Qin Mengyao approached and asked Ye Qiu, "Where do all these good things come from?

"Want to know?" Ye Qiu teased.

"Mmmm. 047"

Not only Qin Mengyao, but Yan Ran also nodded.

Seeing the earnest eyes of the two, Ye Qiu raised his eyebrows and turned to leave.

"I won't tell you, just work hard."

Qin Mengyao's beautiful eyes drooped immediately, realizing that she was being teased.

"Hmph, stingy." She mumbled.

"Be careful that one day the old lady puts you to sleep, you have to tell the old lady everything. 35


Qin Mengyao snorted again and turned around to see Yan Ran and the others looking at her with strange eyes.

It was only then that I realized that what I just said was heard.

She blushed and lowered her head to study the linear array suspension system.


What's even worse is that Ye Qiu heard her words even though her voice was low.

In the future, Ye Qiu made fun of her.

Qin Mengyao looked bold and bold, her face was very thin.

In the days that followed,

The four beauties have new technology, and they are busy learning again.

at the same time,

island market,

Wuling mini is taking the market at an unstoppable speed.

Inuichiro wakes up in nightmares almost every day.

The first thing I do when I wake up every day is to read the news and the document feedback from various departments.

The news is always that the growth rate of Wuling mini has increased again.

Everyone seems to be very fond of this seemingly unremarkable car.

It's been less than a month,

On the streets, Wuling mini can be seen everywhere.

Only then did Inuichiro understand.

It turns out that people in the island market are not reluctant to buy cars, but that most people cannot afford high-priced Toyotas and Hondas because of the pressure.

The island market is far bigger than he thought.

But now,

The sinking market has gradually fallen into the hands of Wuling.

"This is how to do?"

After returning to the office, Inuichiro was still anxious.

He had to hold an emergency meeting to discuss with the executives how to regain the market.

"Our 4S store traffic has decreased by more than 65% from the previous month, and this value is still increasing. 99

Someone reported, “The situation is very critical, and if no action is taken, our market will really be gone.”5

"Then what good countermeasures do you have?" Inuichiro also went to the hospital for a sudden illness.

He didn't have any thoughts himself, and it was futile to ask the people below.


Some people have their own opinions.

"Perhaps we can rely on sincerity to win back the hearts of consumers.

"Specifically..." Inuichiro asked.

"We can do this..." The man thought that the opportunity had come, and discussed the plan at the meeting.

If it was in the past,

Inuichiro won't give people such a long time to speak.

The speaker feels valued.


He also included his own private life in the plan.

Before the meeting ends,

His plan was passed unanimously because no other plan was proposed.

that's it,

Everything went according to plan.

In the afternoon of the second day,

before dinner,

Island TV ran a special news.

"Today, a special executive of the Toyota Group decided to collectively apologize to consumers...

only see,

on the TV screen,

A gray-haired Mediterranean old man, leaning on crutches, led a group of people behind him.

There are old people and young people, but Toyota Yukiko is not included.

The Mediterranean old man is Inuichiro.

He took the lead and bowed, followed by the people behind him.

that's it,

It went on for five minutes without getting up.

The audience just looked at the TV screen, and a Mediterranean Sea was facing them.

Not to mention disgusting, it took longer than advertised.

After finally bowing, Inuichiro took the lead.

"It was Toyota's negligence that caused consumers to suffer unfair treatment.

"Here, I would like to solemnly apologize.

"We did not think of people with spending power below 500,000 yen, which is our serious negligence."

"So, I'm announcing...Toyota will move to the lower end of the market to compensate for the sinking consumer market."

"Please rest assured consumers, whether it is a mid-end car or a low-end car.

"Toyota is your best bet."

Ps: Yesterday, on my birthday, I was dragged to drink by a friend. When I came back, my head was not clear and I forgot to update. Sorry, bow and apologize to the bosses!!! Orz.

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