Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 246 Wuling is better than Toyota, who is the low-end product! 【Subscription】

It's a shame to ask me to join Toyota to compete in the end market.

500,000 yen, this kind of car should not exist at all.

It should all be treated as industrial waste and thrown into the incinerator for disposal, and the labor cost in it is wasted.

Or just like the waste water from the nuclear power industry, send it into the sea and never see it again.

Wuling is a sad alternative in this industry.

When Inuichiro spoke to the camera, his expression showed a slight discomfort.

Mainly what he thought in his heart and what he said out of his mouth were completely opposites.

in his heart,

Toyota, as one of the world's top auto manufacturers, producing cheap cars is a slander for Toyota.

As everyone knows,

BBA also thinks the same way when facing Toyota.

this time,

Inuichiro was willing to stand up and apologize in front of the public, which was completely forced by Wuling Mini.

And the young man who spoke,

The plan he proposed was to appear in the media and play emotional cards.

if possible,

Of course, it is necessary to depreciate Wuling by the way.

For competitors, it is natural to be ironic as hard as possible.


When Inuichiro apologized, although Wuling was not mentioned in his words, he suggested it everywhere.

It's just about putting "Wuling is industrial waste" on the bright side.


He also specially selected the prime time period for dinner and appeared on the island TV station.

in order,

It is to let consumers all over the country despise Wuling with him, and it is best to spit when they see Wuling in the future.


Inuichiro's goal was partially achieved.

At this point in time,

Indeed, almost the entire country's audience sat in front of the TV, watching Inuichiro's Mediterranean Sea, and also heard his speech.

some of,

It also includes Honda Technology Co., Ltd., which is the person in charge of Honda Motors, Honda Junjima.

Honda Junjima is similar in age to Inuichiro, but not Mediterranean.

His head is cleaner than Inuichiro, he is bald.

Watching the shameless performance of Inuichiro on TV, Honda Junjima was angry.

"Inuichiro, an old miscellaneous cultivator, can really stir up public sentiment. 99

"Damn it gave him a head start, and we were passive.

Wuling mini is gradually swallowing up Toyota's market, and Honda naturally suffers as well.

Honda's recent sales this month, compared with the previous two months, has shown a clear downward trend.

If no decision is made,

The low-end market, I am afraid that it will be eaten up by Wuling mini.


Honda is not always indifferent,

When Wuling saw an upward trend in sales, Honda Junjima slightly lowered the prices of some Honda models.


That's just a drop in the bucket, and it can't stop the momentum of Wuling mini at all.

Seeing that the island country market is about to be disrupted,

Honda Junjima was almost dizzy with anger, only to find someone to scold Inuichiro in front of him when he lost his calm.

did not expect,

After this scolding, he even scolded him for a "good plan".

At least,

Honda Junjima thinks so.

"What a ruthless chess game, in order to compete with Honda, he did not hesitate to bring in Wuling. 35

"At the risk of the market being annexed. Honda Junjima had to face Inuichiro again.

in the past,

He always thought that Inuichiro was just an old pervert with a high position in the Toyota Group who liked to play with oiran when he had nothing to do.

But now it seems,

Inuichiro is a worthy opponent.

"Xia Guo has a good saying, it's called 'death and then life'. It seems that Inuichiro went to learn the art of war.35


Honda's group meeting,

Honda Junjima proudly boasted of Inuichiro's wonderful walk.

"He first brought in Wuling and used this uncertainty to reshuffle the market."

"Then play the emotional card, so as to restore consumers'". ""

"In this way, not only can Wuling be suppressed, but it can also seize our market."

Having said that,

Honda Junjima talked and thought to himself why he didn't think of this step.

The executives who attended the meeting discussed in a low voice.

Someone raised their hand and asked if Honda could hold an apology meeting like Toyota did.

As soon as these words come out,

The discussions among the executives grew louder.

Some nodded in agreement, while others remained skeptical.

Honda Junjima shook his head.

"I have also learned part of the art of war in the Xia Kingdom, and what I pay attention to in doing things is 'predicting the enemy's opportunities', and it is necessary to strike first to be strong.

"Toyota has taken the lead, and we are following them, that is a lack of sincerity. 99

"In this case, instead of gaining the favor of consumers, it may be even more repelled."5

"This plan is not advisable."


The executives continued to discuss for a while, but ultimately failed to come to a conclusion.

Although Honda Junjima was not reconciled, there was nothing he could do.

I can only spray out all the complaints at the TV, and then take a step by step.

the other side,

Toyota Group.

After Inuichiro released the news of his apology, he was in a bad mood.

He and Honda Junjima have similar ideas, and now he is thinking about how to celebrate his victory.

"Huh, Wulinghe wants to fight with my Toyota?"

"After all, he was still a young man who thought he could bring down Toyota by pulling Yukiko?

"too naive."

Inuichiro asked his subordinates to make tea for himself,

I was already thinking about which lover to spoil tonight.

Small four? Or small five?

"Just wait until tonight and the market for Toyota is back, and you can take a big bite out of Honda. 35

"Haha, as expected of me, Inuichiro, was able to come up with such a wonderful method.

"You Xizi, You Xizi, it seems that I have to thank you."

"Without you and Wuling, Toyota would not be able to do what it is today."


It's an old trick of island entrepreneurs and politicians.

Especially the entrepreneurs of some large groups.

Throughout the entire commercial history of the island country,

Whenever a major accident occurs, it does not always end with an apology.

This trick works surprisingly well in island countries.

It's not the first time for Toyota.

But no matter how many times it is, as long as it works well.

Inuichiro laughed happily, glanced at no one around, and carefully opened the safe beside his feet.

There is a key in the safe compartment.

Inuichiro picked up the key, got up and walked to the back wall.

Pulling aside the famous imitation painting "The Great Wave off Kanagawa" on the wall, there is a safe behind the painting.

Use the key to open the safe, and in the middle of a pile of money, lies a box.

Take down the box, Inuichiro enters the password, and after opening it, there is a small book inside.

The small book records his "great achievements", or indebtedness.

All are phone numbers.

Inuichiro simply rummaged and dialed one of the numbers.

"This is from Little Twenty-two..."


Inuichiro didn't go home.

She slept until dawn at Little Twenty-two's house until she was woken up by the assistant's phone call.

Inuichiro was not happy again.

The day before yesterday's interest was interrupted by this assistant, and now his drowsiness was disturbed by him.

It's time for a discerning assistant... thought Inuichiro.

"I have something to say." Inuichiro was unabashedly displeased.

"Minister, something has happened, come over quickly." The assistant said anxiously.

"Frightened, what can happen?

Inuichiro couldn't wait to reach out from the phone and slap the assistant twice.

"What else could happen? Could it be that his Wuling turned upside down?" Inuichiro looked disdainful.


Wuling has not turned the sky, but consumers have turned the sky.

As soon as Inuichiro returned to the office, he was pulled by his assistant to a meeting.

in the conference room,

The big screen is playing the island consumers' comments on Inuichiro's apology.

It must be that they still can't let Toyota go, and eagerly hope that Toyota can give them greater discounts in the low-end market.

These people must be grateful to Toyota...

Inuichiro was complacent and simply glanced at the comments.

"What's this all about? It's rubbish.

"Isn't that obvious enough? Toyota just looks down on us and says we can only afford low-end cars.

"What? A 500,000 yen car is a low-end car, and a Toyota is a high-end car?"

"What would Toyota be without our consumers? He dares to look down on us, and I also look down on Toyota. 35

"I will never buy a Toyota in the future, a group of this kind doesn't deserve my attention.

"Looking at the way these guys are bowing is really disgusting.

"Why don't you kneel down for us like Bangzi Country? 35

"It's useless to kneel now. In my heart, Toyota is as stench as the nuclear waste."


Looking at the negative comments from netizens, Inuichiro was completely dumbfounded.

Before watching the screen, he was still reminiscing about the warmth of last night.

Looking at this,

Inuichiro's heart was half cold, and his whole body wilted from head to toe.

After several "chicken fights" in a row, I'm afraid that Inuichiro will never get up again in the future.

But he doesn't have time for that,

The bigger problem is that Toyota has been pushed to the cusp.

Netizens mean it very clearly,

On the apology news, Inuichiro offended them and called them a low-end group.

And Inuichiro is also very innocent,

He actually just wanted to belittle Wuling mini, but he didn't expect to be brought into him by netizens.

"I don't look down on them." Inuichiro didn't know why.

He asked the executives present, "Did I scold them?"

A group of people shook their heads quickly.

But someone recalled what Inuichiro said at the time.

From his tone at the time, I could still hear that Inuichiro was emotional.

In particular, the sentence """ We did not expect people with a spending power of less than 500,000 yen", which has already brought an obvious insinuation.

It's no wonder that netizens cursed Toyota.

But this word,

He dared not say it.

Just as Inuichiro was discussing with the executives, the comments increased a lot.

Still all bad reviews.

In the eyes of netizens who bought Wuling mini and interrupted the purchase, Toyota despising Wuling mini is despising them.

Seeing that Toyota was about to jump into the magma of Futu Mountain and couldn't wash it.

Inuichiro simply issued an emergency announcement.

This time, I won't play innuendo, and I will say it directly in the announcement.

Toyota said,

Wuling mini is a low-end car, and Toyota disdains to produce it.

But for the sake of consumers, Toyota decided to still produce, so that consumers can enjoy the benefits.


Netizens didn't buy it at all.

"I don't need alms from Toyota, I act like I'm noble."

"Not all these companies are like this. They make a little money and become bigger, and they don't know who they are."

"I really thought that I had grown taller and left us, and Toyota would be a waste group.""

"Toyota is a conscientious group, I can see it clearly today.

"Even if I buy a Honda in the future, I won't buy a Toyota, let alone a better Wuling.

"Please get Toyota out of the island, we don't need such a business. 99


A notice made the misunderstanding even bigger.

Seeing this, Inuichiro almost didn't know what to do.


House seemingly endless rain.

On various forums in the island country, a short video was inexplicably popular.

The content of the short film is very simple,

It is a test between Wuling mini and Toyota Corolla.

A showdown between a 50-yen car and a million-plus car, let's see who is the real low-end product.


(Wang Hao) The test in the video,

From the hardware to the performance, it has been compared over and over again.

In terms of speed, fuel consumption, safety, stability and other aspects, Toyota is completely inferior to Wuling mini.

look at the hardware,

In the three major automobiles, Toyota also lost in turn.

the only one who can win,

Only the center console and interior.

That is,

A car of several million yen, Wuling mini, which costs more than 500,000 yen, can only rely on the interior.

"Now that you know, who is the low-end car?"

"I really didn't expect it to be comparable to a Toyota Corolla.

"When did the car in our island country become so unbearable?"

"Looking forward to the competition between Wuling mini and Honda, I want to know how much the two car companies have regressed. 55

"Do you still not understand? Wuling is rising to the world, and our car companies are still deceiving consumers, this is the gap.

"It's no wonder that decades ago, the ancestors were driven back from the territory by others. This time, it was someone else's turn to invade.

"Under the economic invasion, don't blame me for not supporting Toyota, I only support high-end products.

"Yes, low-end industrial waste, I'm talking about Toyota, it's not worth the money we waste.

Looking at the comments of netizens, I can't take it anymore.

Inuichiro's heart became colder.

He slumped down in his chair, not knowing what to do.

Yukiko did not attend this meeting, but when she passed by the conference room, she saw Inuichiro's ashen face, and she felt relieved for some reason.

equally happy,

And Honda Junjima Koshi.

"Inuichiro, this old idiot, has screwed himself up.

Honda's pure island armor.

"Haha, at this rate, Toyota will be doomed."

"In the future, our Honda will be the number one in the island country. 35

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