Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 248 On how Wuling shut up the stick! 【Subscription】

"Everything, I want Wuling. 99

Ye Qiu smiled confidently.

This is a necessary decision, which is unshakable in Ye Qiu's heart.

When Ye Qiu was thinking about how to further occupy the world market, the carnival on the Internet was not over yet.

Although the stick is lost,

But refuse to admit mistakes, but also - a dead duck has a tough mouth.

"Isn't it just a cheap low-end car? What's the big deal?

Then came the congregation,

Generally speaking, Wuling can only earn some face on low-end cars.

Another wave of hatred,

In this respect, no one can really compare to the stick.


That's what makes them hate.

These guys don't know if it's a mental problem or a cognitive impairment.

Anyway, you are always denying others, and then try to put money on your face.

Good things have to go to their own country, and then frame others for plagiarism.

Netizens are not used to it, and they can always scold them back and forth with the sticks.

But this is not a solution after all.

Use a message from a netizen to describe the stick,

That is "Don't try to argue with the sticks, because these idiots always have a way to bring you down to the same level, and then beat you with rich experience"


It's impossible to reason with fools, you can only slap them in the face with facts.

This is the precious truth summed up by Xia Guo netizens after seeing Bangzi's many brainless operations.


It was at this time that a new video entered the eyes of netizens.

This is a car short film,

Not long after it was released, it has been forwarded countless times and even moved to YouTube.

short film starts,

The time is at night, under the street lights on the street.

A big beauty with a royal sister's figure and an exaggerated pattern is leaning against a Son of Dragon supercar.

Her long black straight hair was loose, and she wore a pair of luminous glasses, full of energy.

The camera moves, sweeping the entire body around the Son of Dragon.

Is it still on the beauty, looming and making a stop.

This is a pure white Dragon Son.

By the dim light of street lamps,

In addition to seeing the concave and convex figure under the leather jacket of the bespectacled beauty, you can also see that this Son of Dragon is a little different.

At least it is different from the Son of Dragon on display at the Bali Auto Show, the most obvious being that there are more lights.

Not big lights, but tiny little lights.

It is not very clear to see the light against the street lights.


The beauty took off her glasses, revealing her terrified face.

Gu Yuwei.

The female blogger who always shoots curious material.

Last time, I almost lost contact because I followed the team to the no-man's land of Dunhuang.

After that, she kept thinking about Wuling and Ye Qiu.

Years later, I finally found an opportunity to borrow a Dragon Son from a local tyrant for filming.

"Hello everyone, I'm Gu Yuwei."

under the lens,

Gu Yuwei has a smile on her face and looks affectionate and charming.

"I haven't seen you for half a year, I don't know if the fans miss me. 99

"Today, I have a big surprise for you all."

"See the big guy behind me? That's right, it's a Hongqi Dragon Son supercar.

Gu Yuwei walked to the front of the car and stroked the logo with her long fingers.

"Different from the traditional super scary shooting, this time I want to shoot something different."

"It is said that this car is in the Son of Dragon series, and the number is '666'. From the appearance, it is indeed 666."

"Also, it's a top-of-the-line car, head-to-toe, armed to the teeth, so to speak."

Gu Yuwei faced the camera and smiled slightly.

"It's Kyoto time, four in the morning."

"Kyoto at night is still brightly lit.

"We chose to shoot at night mainly because there were fewer people at night.

"And because the Dragon Son's speed is too fast, its Gathering Launcher cannot be used in the city.

"So, we managed to apply for permission to activate the concentrating transmitters at night and on unmanned sections."5

Gu Yuwei walked behind the Dragon Son, and gently touched the eight condensing transmitters with her hand.

Immediately after,

She knocked on four more exhaust pipes.

"The core of our shooting this time is on these twelve small tubes.


She even made herself laugh, her face slightly red.

"Everyone may have seen supercars make noise, but you must have never seen supercars with phantoms."

Gu Yuwei smiled mysteriously.

"When the Dragon Son's four exhaust pipes spew orange flames, and the eight concentrating emitters spew blue flames, everything becomes sci-fi."5

"Not much to say, let's act..."

Gu Yuwei said, walked to the other side of Dragon Son, and got into the co-pilot.

It was not her who drove, but another professional female driver invited.

The female driver made a cool debut with sunglasses and sat in the driver's seat without any introduction.

The feature film officially begins...

The pure white Dragon Son started, and the engine roared.

The camera turned and came to the front of the car.

I saw the dragon open its eyes, and the line-like headlights gradually turned on.


The camera pans to the sides again.

A more exaggerated scene appeared.

The entire body is actually covered with small lights, which are a bit like colorful neon lights, all over every corner of the body.

When the headlights came on and the dragon opened its eyes, the small lights all over the place flickered one after another.

It was as if someone picked up a colored pen and lit up its edges and corners along the edge of the Dragon Son.

Not only the edges and corners, but even the wheels lit up.

The rear wing was raised, even with lights.

As such,

The entire Son of Dragon, almost every place with lines, has been equipped with colorful lights.


How the owner of this car likes to be colorful.

And how much Hongqi doted on his users, it would meet the owner's request for dazzling lights all over the body.


The wheels began to turn, and the Son of Dragon was almost ejected under huge traction.

The four exhaust pipes sprayed flames all the way,

The speed of the car climbed steadily, and it only took 1.2 seconds to go from zero to 100 kilometers per hour.

From 100 kilometers per hour to 300 kilometers per hour, it took less than 10 seconds before and after.

what is interesting,

As the speed gradually increases, the colorful lights of the body are gradually changing colors.

When starting up,

The light is color is rolling, there are all kinds of colors.

After running, the color becomes uniform.

It was white at first, echoing the body.

Immediately after,

One hundred kilometers is sky blue, and when it reaches three hundred kilometers, it becomes indigo blue again.


The power-gathering transmitter was turned on, and the four-pronged shot was fired at first, and soon the speed of the vehicle reached 500 kilometers per hour.

At this moment,

The headlights of Dragon Son's body also turned orange, indicating that the speed became hot.


This is not the limit.

In the driver's seat, the female driver glanced at Gu Yuwei and signaled her to be mentally prepared.

At this time, the speed of the car has already had a strong sense of pushing back.

Gu Yuwei's heart beat faster, her breathing became rapid, and her hands clenched her seat belt unconsciously.

She has experienced many exciting projects, but she has never been on a "rocket".


The domestic and foreign car circles liken the Son of the Dragon to a land rocket.

Because even a Terras supercar equipped with a rocket launcher, in front of the Son of Dragon, still doesn't even eat the exhaust.

"Not even a rocket launcher, the Dragon Son is the real land rocket.

This kind of evaluation became popular, and the Dragon Son also got the title of land rocket.

Although Gu Yuwei was still a little scared, she still wanted to feel the speed mode of Son of Dragon.

She nodded to the female driver and gave her a thumbs up.

The confidence of female riders has increased greatly.


The remaining four Gathering Launchers blasted blue fire, and the Dragon Son's maximum horsepower was stimulated.

Gu Yuwei's head was tightly pressed against the seat by the recoil.

speed starts to soar,

All the way up to 680 km/h.

This is what Gu Yuwei and the female driver discussed in advance. The maximum speed is 680 kilometers, which cannot be higher.

Not only for safety, but also in order not to damage the vehicle due to intense driving.


This speed is already breaking the limit.

Although she had been prepared in her heart, Gu Yuwei also did a lot of exercise to get used to it before she started.

At this moment, she was still almost out of breath.

looking outside the car,

It's another incredible sight.

in the lens,

Under the lights at night, the Dragon Son ran out of the afterimage.

This is a problem with the lens constantly focusing the shot.

Because the speed of the sports car is too fast, there is a delay in the intelligent shooting.

It is also because of the delay,

The audience saw a sci-fi scene.

At a speed of 680 kilometers per hour, the rotatory light of the Dragon Son turned fiery red.

Driving at extreme speed, the whole body seems to be burning with a roaring fire.

The Dragon Son flashed by in front of the camera, dragging a long shadow behind him.

Originally, Gu Yuwei only wanted to take a picture of the speed of the Dragon Son, but she did not expect to open the door to a new world.

after that,

Gu Yuwei shot several times in a row.

Every detail of this shocking scene is fully presented to the audience.

"This is the real science fiction representing reality," Gu Yuwei said.

After the video was broadcast, it caused a great response.

The first is Xia Guo's circle of car friends.

"My God, is this really the Son of Dragon supercar? I used to be superficial."

"This is too exaggerated, the sports cars are driving afterimages."

"It turns out that science fiction is already by my side, but we, as ordinary people, can't touch it.

"This car is really handsome, it's the first time I've seen someone design a supercar like this.

"Wuling is too awesome, isn't it possible to meet all requirements?

"This car haunts nightclubs, bars, and casinos at night, so it's the most beautiful boy."


"When I watched sci-fi movies before, I imagined that I could have a supercar full of colors, running with a long tail and afterimages.

"I thought it would be impossible in this life, but I didn't expect to see it today."

"Not only have you seen it, but the most terrifying thing is that this video has not been post-processed, can you believe it?"

"I can only say that Wuling is too good, and it can always bring people all kinds of unexpected surprises."

"The most frightening thing is that every time the goddess Xu Feifei does not introduce all the functions, we can always see the jaw-dropping side of Wuling's new car in various places.

"Yeah, the true intelligent driving of the Red Rabbit series, the tank performance of the Leviathan, and now the dazzling appearance of the Son of Dragon.

Wuling father, how many surprises do you have, I don't know?


"Goddess Gu can actually borrow such a good thing, so I have to doubt her identity. 99

"No doubt, your circles are completely different, Goddess Gu seems to be in the high-end circle.

"Everyone, go and see the new announcement of the goddess Gu, she said that she will participate in the most mysterious place in Wuling, the beehive.

...for flowers 0

"Fuck, look forward to it."

"Since the Wuling annual meeting, I have been curious about this place. I wonder if Wuling is researching Noah's Ark."

"You also believe the foreigner's set? I guess Wuling is researching spaceships. 35

"You are too much, don't make Wuling too mythical, they are at most creating the gate of time and space.

"Fuck! You are more ruthless.


on the tubing,

The style of painting in the comment area is different from that of Xia Guo.

Originally it was just peaceful, everyone just expressed their surprise at this cool Son of Dragon.


I don't know when, suddenly a comment popped up.

"Everyone calm down, don't let the sticks see it, the Dragon Son is just a low-end car in the eyes of sticks.

after that,

The comment section is out of control.

"Judging from the appearance and performance, this Son of Dragon should be worth more than 20 million US dollars, but for the sticks, this can only be regarded as a low-end car.

"It's only 700 kilometers per hour. It's really a low-end car. After all, people are bragging, and it's 1,000 kilometers at least."

"This rotating light should have copied the design of the sticks, and they will think of it a hundred years later. The son of the dragon copied their design a hundred years later, it's abominable.

"Son of the Dragon? It's just a low-end car. The average per capita is a high-end car. That's Hyundai, and it's the last car in the list. 35

"After living for so long, I never thought that the Son of Dragon turned out to be a low-end car, thanks to the stick.


The playback volume of the video was surprisingly fast, and Gu Yuwei also got angry on the YouTube.

This is a big improvement for her career.

that is,

In her opinion, the attention of netizens around the world seems to be a bit wrong.

Such a big beauty is placed in front of you, and such a luxurious car is also placed here.


Why did these people go to the yin and yang strange group of sticks?

This made Gu Yuwei very incomprehensible.


She has not experienced the unreasonable troubles of the sticks, and it is normal that she does not understand.

At times like this,

In the eyes of netizens around the world, the more unhappy the sticks are, the happier they are.

a rare chance,

If you can catch these tough-mouthed guys and slap them hard, they won't let them go.

The sticks are also helpless,

They found that the more they seemed to struggle, the harder they were beaten.

from the beginning till now,

The sticks felt that their faces were about to be swollen.

Looking at the yin and yang strange comments, many sticks couldn't help but want to scold them back.

But as soon as he put his hand on the keyboard, he was timid again.

This time the face is really lost too much.

Never should, never should,

You shouldn't be rude about Wuling.

There is really no other way, the sticks simply retreat from the network to ensure safety.


The network cheered and celebrated the rare victory.

"I'm so relieved, those gangsters have finally shut up. 35

"I can't think of the unification of the world, and Wuling has done it."

“What politicians have been unable to do for thousands of years is now being done by a new car company. 99

"Haha, at this time, as long as you stand on Wuling's side and scold the stick with us, then we are good friends."5

"Tonight, no matter where you come from, no matter where you stand, we are all fans of Wuling.

"I just noticed that the young lady in the video is so beautiful."

"Looks like a queen, I really want to be trampled under her feet and taught me a hard lesson with a leather whip.

"Don't grab the dead M in front of me, Miss Sister, please step on me with the other foot.


"Having said so much, I still really like Son of Dragon."

"I don't know if I will work hard from now on and save ten lifetimes of money to buy Dragon Son.

"I have learned the customs and habits of the Xia country. When I die, let my descendants bury me on the land of the Xia country. When the Spring Festival comes, let my descendants burn a car for me. In this case, I will You can drive Son of Dragon in hell.

"Everyone has a lot of ideas, and the following is the discussion time for the series of thoughts on 'How to open the Son of Dragon'.

"I have a shotgun and eight bullets in my hand, and now I'm going to rob American Bank, can I still catch up with buying the Son of the Dragon?39

"I just bought a new pillow in the afternoon. It is very soft and comfortable. I hope that when I go to bed at night, I can dream that I am driving the Son of Dragon."

"I decided to buy a model and go home and see it myself. What? No model? The head office of the pirates?


Dragon Son's limelight came one after another.

This supercar has completely entered the public eye and has become one of the major bargaining chips for men to compare luxury cars.

Wuling was very successful in building a supercar.

the other side,

summer country.

Gu Yuwei and Xiaoyu are packing their luggage.

They have already contacted Wuling and will do a corporate interview in a few days.

The main purpose is to be able to enter the hive, and then have a glimpse.

Gu Yuwei thought that it would be the most secret place in Wuling, but she definitely wouldn't let them visit.

So she just asked tentatively on the phone, but she didn't expect the other party to agree very readily.

This made Gu Yuwei happy.

Pack your bags and get ready to go.

next stop,

Wuling, Honeycomb.

"Fans have been waiting for a long time, don't know what new surprises Wuling will bring?"5

Gu Yuwei's pretty face flushed.

"And Ye Qiu, the idol."

"I'm coming." Eight

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