Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 249 Wuling father, how many great things have you done? 【Subscription】


Wuling has all kinds of heat, but netizens always feel that something is wrong.

After thinking about it, someone finally pointed out the tricks.

"I haven't seen the 300-pound Nan brother, and I've been embarrassed to watch Wuling's videos recently. 359

"Fuck, I said something is wrong, it turns out that Brother Nan is missing.

These days,

Wuling has conquered the city and conquered the territory internationally, and it has been fighting hotly with other car companies.

But Wuling specializes in licking dogs, and Nan Ge seems to be doing nothing.

After getting used to the bond between Nange and Wuling, netizens always think of going to see Nange first every time there is something new in Wuling.

But this time Nan Ge was quiet.

Everyone went to the bottom of Nan Ge's Douyin to leave a message, urging Nan Ge to come out and work quickly.

"What are you doing? Brother Nan, come out to do something.

"Hongqi Dragon Son released such a big thing, but you can't see your people, is it still Wuling's professional 'dog licking'?"

"The son of the dragon has been beaten all over the world, and the face of the stick is swollen. Why don't you come out to celebrate twice?"

"Isn't it a good dog from Wuling? What's going on? 99

"Brother Nan doesn't come out to lick Wuling again, I'll quit."


Similar messages filled Brother Nan's private messages.

At first, Brother Nan took a serious look at it.

Slowly I was too lazy to watch.

All the same.

Brother Nan also knew in his heart that his number of fans was obtained by binding Wuling.

If no action is taken, these fans are really likely to quit.


Brother Nan is in pain.

It's not that he doesn't want to talk about Wuling, but he really can't borrow a car.

Since missing the Bali Auto Show, Nan Ge has never been able to see Son of Dragon again.

Hongqi's factory was not allowed to enter at all, and the new "063" car fell into the hands of the owner as soon as it came out.

And the owner's information is still absolutely confidential, Nan Ge has no idea where these Dragon Sons are going.

He even thought about whether he could go to Dubai to try his luck, but he finally gave up the idea.

That would be too costly, and there are all kinds of uncertainties.

that's it,

Brother Nan kept sticking and couldn't find a chance, and the best time was wrong.

Now the son of the dragon is the focus of discussion among car people, and most car friends are more familiar than him.

There was really no way, Nan Ge backed away.

this time,

Fans rushed over, and Brother Nan didn't even have a good excuse.

Just tell the truth.

After the netizens learned the truth, they despised Brother Nan for being too useless, and many were dismissed.

"Hey, when I don't see Brother Nan blowing Wuling, I always feel uneasy.

"Brother Nan has pulled his hips so much this time that he can't even take pictures of a car. 35

"I'd better go to see the goddess Gu Yuwei. The goddess is so powerful that I can find the opportunity to visit Wuling's beehive."

"Look, this is called professionalism.


Fans bluntly commented on Brother Nan's video, wanting to leave him and go to Gu Yuwei's side.


Which of these people is not both concerned about.

That is to have some fun on Nange's side, Nange is a rare laughing point in the circle of car friends.

Since Brother Nan is not good enough, everyone's expectations are all placed on Gu Yuwei.

After waiting for a few days,

Gu Yuwei's video is really complete.

Due to the confidentiality measures of the hive, many places cannot be made public, so live broadcast cannot be used.

The video is edited after filming.

despite this,

As soon as the video was posted on Xiaopo Station, the number of simultaneous online viewers exceeded 100,000.


Netizens are very interested in beehives.

This place that makes them miss, is full of mystery and weirdness in their hearts.

"Hive, just looking at the appearance, I'm already wet, is this something we can have in this era?

"It looks like a sci-fi castle, and it feels like a Terminator will come out of it in the next second, is that T800 you?

"I've been to Zhongyun, and I've seen the beehive from a distance. I just want to say that reality looks more sci-fi than the video. 95

"I heard that Wuling's annual meeting last year was held in the honeycomb, but unfortunately the scene in the video is too dark to see the surroundings at all. However, the beauty is really beautiful. 99

"The goddess is here, Gu Yuwei, so beautiful.


In Gu Yuwei's short film, the drone used a drone to take a bird's-eye view at the beginning of the short film.

Then the camera turned to her, and Ye Qiu in the lead.

Netizens: How do you feel that the goddess and Ye Qiu have the same face, just looking at the back is like entering a bridal chamber.

to the door of the hive,

Electronic screens scanned the two men.

"Sir, welcome home," said the Red Queen.

Ye Qiu nodded, glanced at Gu Yuwei, and said, "Guest."

"Okay, sir, please come in."

After the Red Queen finished speaking, with the sound of the mechanical gear turning, the honeycomb door opened automatically.

see here,

Netizens immediately became restless.

"Fuck, is this true? What did I see?"

"It's too smart, isn't it?"

"What's the fuss about, I've seen Wuling's artificial intelligence rabbit, and it's normal to see this."

"I want to say, I also sneaked to scan one night, only to be rejected."9

"The voice of this artificial intelligence, my good sister, I love it.

After entering the hive,

Ye Qiu took Gu Yuwei to the tour area and gave a brief introduction.

"You can visit here as you like, and if you have any questions, you can ask the Red Queen directly. 55

Ye Qiu stretched out his index finger and swept it around, the entire venue was a polarizing screen.

Intended to tell Gu Yuwei,

The Red Queen can be found anywhere in the hive.

"Mmmm." Gu Yuwei nodded heavily.

under the lens,

Her eyes were already full of stars.

Netizens watched, wondering if she was worshipping Ye Qiu or yearning for the hive.

"Why do I feel that Goddess Gu's eyes when looking at Ye Qiu are different from usual, there seems to be something in her eyes.

"There are stars, no, there are stars and seas. Only when you deeply like a person will you have this kind of performance."

"Don't say, I also have star eyes, I was shocked by the hive.


This is Gu Yuwei's free time.

In the honeycomb tourist area, Gu Yuwei's eyes were straight.

After watching Ye Qiu leave, her suppressed heart was released, and she had released herself.

"Wow, everyone, come and see.

Gu Yuwei waved her hand, and the camera moved closer to her.

"See this?"

"This is the Son of Dragon that was exhibited at the Bali Motor Show a few months ago, and it is also the first Son of Dragon produced by Wuling."

"The number of this car is '000' and it is not for sale.

Gu Yuwei raised her hand,

Gently stroked on the '000' Dragon Son, his face couldn't hide his excitement.

"Look at this pure black body, this wheel hub, and this rear wing, it's my dream car.

Gu Yuwei couldn't care less, her pretty face was directly attached to the car window.

Netizens laughed in the barrage.

"Come on, another crazy one.

"There is no way, the son of the dragon has such magic power, which can make the goddess lose herself. 55

"Don't talk about Goddess Gu, it's me, I'm more crazy than her. 35

"If I were there, I would just kneel down and lick it, and the paint would be licked off.

"Hmph, it's just a 100-meter stride when I hold the Dragon Son directly.


in the video,

After Gu Yuwei watched Son of Dragon, she came to a Wuling Hongguang mini.

From the appearance,

This is an old Wuling mini, without the bells and whistles that came later, but it is a pioneer who took Wuling out of the predicament.

"Friends, have you seen this Wuling Hongguang mini?

Gu Yuwei was so excited that her hands were shaking.

"This is the first mini produced by Wuling, and the number is also '000'.

"Oh, right." Gu Yuwei seemed to remember something.

"After the interview, I learned that every car that leaves Wuling actually has a number."

"The three-digit number is the first thousand cars of that model, and the number '000' is the first. 35

Gu Yuwei waved her hands above her head.

"That is to say, every car here, the serial number is '000', is the first car produced by Wuling under this model.

"We can totally think that this area of ​​the hive is the tourist area.

"It's actually a Wuling Museum."


Zoom out to give a close-up of the surroundings.


In the whole area, there are all models of Wuling cars, one for each.

All numbers are "000".

The first Wuling Hongguang van represented the beginning of Wuling.

The first Wuling Hongguang mini represents Wuling's first leap forward.

The first Hongqi tank represents Wuling's exploration of mid-to-high-end vehicles.

The first Red Rabbit Punk and Lightning represent Wuling's entry into the field of electric vehicles.


There is also the first Red Rabbit Rover, the first Red Rabbit Pioneer, the first Red Rabbit Trailblazer...

The first Hongqi H series, Hongqi L series...

The first Leviathan and more.


There is also the first excavator, the god of industry..

Although the rise of Wuling has only lasted less than three years, each car in it represents the beginning of an era.

these times,

Eventually they came together and became the era of Wuling.

"See, these cars around me are the witnesses of Wuling's rise."

Gu Yuwei felt extremely excited, and she felt a sense of pride from the bottom of her heart.

"This is the car of our Xia country, the light of our domestic product.


Tears rolled down Gu Yuwei's eyes.

The excitement even infected the audience, and some people in the barrage began to pay tribute to Wuling spontaneously.

"Don't say it, I feel a strong sense of pride across the screen.

"This is a national enterprise, does anyone remember Ye Qiu donating a Leviathan pickup without hesitation?

"An enterprise can be very high, but if the foundation is not strong, it will collapse sooner or later. But Wuling is different, Wuling is a deep enterprise. Ye Qiu has brought it to the peak of unattainable height, and let it lay down. Bottomless foundation.

"Brother, you have a good literary talent. Your hand and word pun shocked me too.

"This is the pride of Xia Guo."


With a strong sense of pride, Gu Yuwei's eyes swept across every "000" car.


Her gaze stopped at a tall, but never seen car.

The camera also moved over.

This is "No. 000" saber-toothed tiger, which is the saber-toothed tiger that Ye Qiu used to test.

"I don't think I've seen this car before." Gu Yuwei said to herself.

Netizens were also stunned.

"Is this a new car from Wuling? Is it too big?

"Don't say it's a car, I'll believe it if it's a tank. 359

"Haha, Goddess Gu is not as tall as the door of this car. 39

"Is this the new car that Wuling will release next? Damn it, driving this kind of car makes me feel like I can conquer the world. 99


Gu Yuwei was also very curious.

"I think everyone wants to know, is this car a new one from Wuling?"


She called out the Red Queen.


The Red Queen made a brief description of the saber-toothed tiger, basically only in terms of performance, etc., and then talked about the purpose of this car.

"Saber-toothed tiger is a special vehicle for the Western Military Region, which belongs to the category of armored vehicles and is not sold to the outside world.


Everyone finally understood.

"It's awesome, I thought Wuling was only making cars, but I didn't expect to make armored vehicles."

"The most important weapon of the country, Wuling is too powerful."

"Is it so exaggerated? It turns out that Wuling father also provided special armored vehicles to the state.

"Have you seen it? In this comparison, Wuling looks a lot taller. Looking at other car companies, they are still thinking about cutting leeks. Wuling is already thinking about the country. 39

"Every time Wuling does a big thing, it really doesn't publicize it at all, can you be more high-profile?"

"That's right, 0.8, what? Are you afraid of being admired?"


after that,

Everyone is more and more interested in the second half of the video.

It was only after visiting the tourist area of ​​the honeycomb that I discovered such a big secret of Wuling.

If you read the entire hive, you might be able to find out what Wuling has done without telling everyone.

To this,

Netizens didn't even dare to think about it.

In their eyes, the hive symbolizes the "ark".

"There must be a huge secret hidden here, I'm sure." Someone commented.

happens to be,

After watching the saber-toothed tiger, Ye Qiu also came back.

He took Gu Yuwei to other areas of the hive and gave a brief introduction by the way.

That is, at the time of filming,

From somewhere behind the crack of the door, four beautiful little heads poked out quietly.

It was Lin Xueruo and Little Cutie.

"What is the boss doing?"

The little cutie Xiuxiu stretched her head forward, trying to see more clearly.

on her head,

With Lin Xueruo's big picture, the two staged a "brain pad wave"


Lin Xueruo blinked her big eyes and pressed her chin against the fierce.

"Darling seems to be introducing something to people, and the two of them are quite engaged in chatting.""

Lin Xueruo said these words with a strong vinegar smell.

on the other side of the door,

Qin Mengyao's head rested on Yan Ran's head, and the two of them also made telescopes with their hands.

"Hmph, what tricks is this scumbag playing?" Qin Mengyao hummed.

"What kind of physique is this guy? How can I always meet such a beautiful woman?

"Not long ago, there was a Selena, and now there is another. 35

"Dear's attraction is really extraordinary. Yan Ran pouted.

"I don't know whether to be happy or angry.

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