Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 250 Breaking through the conventional chassis design! 【Subscription】

"Just this scumbag, do you want to be happy for him?" Qin Mengyao said proudly.

"Ran Ran, are you confused by love?"

"Uh, hehe, I don't know what's going on, I just can't get angry when this happens.

Yan Ran blinked playfully and stuck out her pink tongue.

"There's no help." Qin Mengyao shook her head speechlessly, looking at Yan Ran's crazy face.

Iron is not steel.


She looked at Lin Xueruo and Xiuxiu again, expecting them to behave differently.

can result,

These two people are more exaggerated than Yan Ran, and they all look like they are watching the fun.

From their expressions, Qin Mengyao also saw expectations.

This scumbag is flirting with girls there, why are these two not only not angry, but they seem to want to join in?


Qin Mengyao helped her forehead helplessly.

The world is so crazy, are all beautiful women like this now?

The chat is hot here, and the recording over there has also progressed to the next stage.

Fortunately, Xiaoyu's camera didn't capture it here,

If you accidentally shoot these four beautiful heads and a pair of beautiful villains,

I am afraid that Gu Yuwei, who has always been beautiful and confident, will feel inferior when editing.

After visiting the tour area,

Ye Qiu took Gu Yuwei to briefly look at the test site and the wind tunnel.

"Did you guys see it?"

Standing in the huge wind tunnel, Gu Yuwei introduced to the camera.

“This is the wind tunnel, where the wind speed is simulated. 35

"It may not be intuitive to say that, so I will give a simple chestnut.

Gu Yuwei stretched out her hand,

A chestnut with a five-haired special effect appeared on his hand.

"Remember the Leviathan? That super pickup truck that swept the other cars at the North American Auto Show and wrecked the Ford f550."

"The eighth-level wind that Leviathan can resist is simulated in this wind tunnel.

Gu Yuwei said,

Suddenly the wind picked up.

It's just a little wind of one or two levels, and the air blows through her hair, which has a different kind of beauty.

At this time,

The number of barrages suddenly increased.

"Mom, this wind blows very timely, I really like watching the goddess lift her hair."5

"Only a beautiful woman in the wind is called flirting, and everyone else is a show of ugliness.

"It's just a place like this that can simulate an eighth-level gale. Wuling really dares to do anything."

"I think about it and it seems like there was an accident at the time, and a slate hit the Leviathan, but only a few marks were left."

"Yes, yes, I also remembered it, and I even gave a close-up at the North American Auto Show.

"I went back and looked at the Leviathan in the exhibition hall, and there are really traces in the same place.""

"Wuling is too exaggerated to take the accident car to the auto show and keep it for the show.

"That's how it looks real, otherwise why would you be called Wuling Dad?"


left the wind tunnel,

The camera moved along with Gu Yuwei.

When turning,

A shadow flashed by,

Although it is a little vague, netizens can vaguely know through the outline that it is an unseen model.

"High energy ahead, it is recommended to go back and watch repeatedly, Wuling's new car is here.

"The camera shakes too fast, and the car is also moving, so I can't see clearly. 99

"In terms of appearance, it's not like a car, it's more like an SUV, or a pickup."

"But in terms of size, and by the vague reference behind it, the car is obviously smaller than the Leviathan, so it shouldn't be a Leviathan."5

"I don't think it's very likely that Wuling will rebuild the pickup truck soon after the Leviathan was released.

"Then it's most likely an SUV..."


"Could it be a Hongqi SUV? 95

"Don't say it, the possibility is quite large, look forward to it."

"I'll go, if it's a Hongqi SUV, it'll be awesome, I'll be the first to support it. 35

"Oh hoo, I saw another terrible news. 35

"Wuling is going to bloom on multiple lines. I look forward to the day when Wuling takes over the world."

To say that netizens have a very sensitive sense of smell.

It's just a vague shadow, and they can guess the eight, nine, and ten.

After all,

It is also absolutely concerned about Wuling.

Wuling here,

Hongqi SUV has already been put on the agenda, and the shape design is placed after the super cross-country.

But in terms of performance and configuration, the engineering department is already testing it.

The general direction needs to be decided by Yan Ran, and the small parts are directly handed over to the branch.

Decentralization is an important step in the talent training plan.

After visiting the test site,

The shooting after that was rather sloppy.

Mainly because of technical privacy issues, most venues cannot be filmed.

It's okay to let Gu Yuwei see it alone.


At the end of Gu Yuwei's explanation, the short film came to an end.

"See you at the beginning, brothers, I think there is still a lot to discover."

"Yes, I'm going to start too."

"I'm going to the beehive scene with the video to unravel the mystery of the beehive for everyone. 99

"Brother, I respect you for being a real man, let us act for the righteous.

"Be careful not to be brought into the small dark room by the security guard, the chrysanthemum may leak when you come out, haha.

"If you see it without saying it, let's just laugh secretly."


Joke is a joke,

Netizens will not easily let go of this rare opportunity to learn about the hive.

Whether it is looking for details from the video, or actually visiting the beehive.

The big guy will definitely not miss this opportunity.

And Gu Yuwei,

Her purpose has been achieved.

Not only visited the beehive, but more importantly, met Ye Qiu who was thinking of him.

Before this video, she and Xiaoyu had another project.

That is to visit Xiaomi's tech factory.

The two sides had already discussed it, but Gu Yuwei had no intention of it at all, and finally found a reason to give up.


Ever since she was in the no-man's land of Dunhuang and saw Ye Qiu leading the rescue team's magic soldiers, she couldn't get that scene out of her mind.

In the light of the sunrise,

In front of you is the sky full of yellow sand, and the visibility is less than 100 meters.

In that kind of environment, Gu Yuwei made the wish of being a "hero of the world".

I thought it was just an unrealistic fantasy,

Unexpectedly, Ye Qiu, the "unparalleled hero", really appeared under the Buddha's light.

since then,

Gu Yuwei "lost her life when she saw Ye Qiu".

In a short period of time,

She was almost obsessed with Ye Qiu to the point where she couldn't work.

If Xiao Yu hadn't adjusted from it, Gu Yuwei might have really suffered from lovesickness.

after thinking,

Xiaoyu rejected Xiaomi for her and chose Wuling.

Speaking of

Gu Yuwei also has a good influence on the Internet.

Judging from her Douyin's tens of millions of attention, whoever has a relationship with her will definitely greatly increase the exposure.

That's why Ye Qiu agreed with Gu Yuwei to visit the hive.

Wuling also needs to transform, and it needs to get more labels in the eyes of the public, and exposure is inevitable.

Xiaomi's Rebs certainly thinks so too.

"Since she doesn't come to visit the factory, let her see our black technology."

Xiaomi's propaganda department and the technical department are discussing the plan.

"Yes, I heard that this woman likes black technology the most, so we are attracted by the real thing.

For Gu Yuwei, a big traffic fish, they don't seem to want to give up.

"We can spread the car-building plan through her, just use that, and use our latest black technology."

"Do you really want to use that? That's our trump card.

"Yes, just use that, we Xiaomi should also make some moves in the automotive circle.

"Okay. 3599

After a group of people discussed, they decided to attract Gu Yuwei with the latest product.

As everyone knows,

This time, they collided with Wuling's knife.

That's a later story,

After all, the fate between Gu Yuwei and Wuling has only just begun.

Back to Wuling,

in the hive,

The Simei people have almost mastered the research on the linear array suspension system.

With this set of suspension, it seems that the latest off-road vehicles can achieve the effect of climbing mountains and daring to the end of the world.


To fit such a top-level suspension, the current chassis seems to be insufficient.

"It's like a person who has mastered Jiu-Jitsu, but his body is always rigid."

Yan Ran explained to Ye Qiu.

"Theoretical knowledge is quite abundant, and the brain says it's okay, but it's clumsy for no reason.

"The shortcomings are obvious." Qin Mengyao interjected.

"Isn't this the little dragon girl?" Ye Qiu said while rubbing his chin.

"I know everything, but I am a weak chicken with no strength.

"Yes, that's the truth.

Ye Qiu can understand, Yan Ran is very happy.

"The words are not rough." Qin Mengyao also affirmed.

"So, next, we need to make changes to the existing chassis, preferably to make it...

Yan Ran suddenly ran out of words, "Not so rigid."

"Hmm." Ye Qiu was thoughtful.


After in-depth discussions, Ye Qiu basically understood the problem.

Simply put,

It's just that the chassis is not good, and the advantages of the linear array suspension system cannot be fully exerted.

"Got it. 39

After discussion,

Ye Qiu fondly patted Yan Ran's head, and Yan Ran was also obediently like a cat.


The two looked at Qin Mengyao, and Yan Ran's eyes still showed anticipation.

"Don't look at me like that, I don't want it." Qin Mengyao pretended to resist.

But the two kept looking at her, and Yan Ran was still cute.

"I'm afraid of you.

Qin Mengyao gave up resistance, "Just this time."

After all,

I still think about it.

She stretched her head over, and Ye Qiu touched it contentedly.

Accidentally touched a sensitive area, Qin Mengyao made a snort, and immediately blushed a lot.

"Haha, that's really interesting.""

Ye Qiu laughed,

She slipped away before Qin Mengyao reached out to hit someone.

"If the mouth is too straight, the little girl will be mine sooner or later."

Ye Qiu muttered to himself and walked to Lin Xueruo and Xiuxiu's research room.

"What are the two beauties doing?

just came in,

Ye Qiu asked.



The two stopped working at the same time.

"I came to ask a question." Ye Qiu asked.

"Darling, please speak." Lin Xueruo thoughtfully served Ye Qiu tea.

"You said, is it possible for us to make the chassis soft?" Ye Qiu asked by the way.

"Soft?" Lin Xueruo and Xiuxiu didn't quite understand.

"Um..." Ye Qiu thought for a while, then said again.

"Just when you want it to be soft, it's soft."


Ye Qiu wanted the two to introduce an anime he had watched in his last life.

It's about 4WD.


The actor's last car, its chassis is such a design.

It can bend, causing the whole car to jump up and down.

Ye Qiu wanted to incorporate this design into the latest Supercross.

If this is successful,

Then Zheng's super cross-country will not be afraid of any terrain, no matter how complicated it is.

Of course,

The reason why Ye Qiu dared to make such an unreasonable request was because of his full trust in Lin Xueruo.

after all,

She is a top concept engineer.

"I understand." Lin Xue nodded thoughtfully.

"It doesn't seem impossible, Darling, please give me some time.

"OK, then it's up to you." Ye Qiu patted Lin Xueruo's head and said contentedly.

Lin Xiuxiu seemed to be kept in the dark and didn't quite understand the conversation between the two.


The boss's "head touching and killing" can't be let go. She also got up and stuck her little head over.

Ye Qiu also touched her head.

After the task is arranged,

Ye Qiu didn't stay in the hive, but was going back to his office.

Not long after he left the laboratory,

Not far away, a few more heads emerged, both male and female.

They were both young engineers who moved into the hive.

"Did the result come out?"

the girl with short hair asked.

"Come out, come out," said the 35-year-old man with a mobile phone.

"Mr. Ye came to the hive this time, and spent a total of 48 minutes and 36 seconds in the research rooms of President Yan and President Qin.

"In the laboratory of the two beauties, they only stayed for 33 minutes and 47 seconds.

As soon as the man finished speaking, another girl cried out happily.

"Haha, it's President Yan and President Qin's victory, I'll say that President Ye likes them more.

turn out to be,

These guys are comparing who Ye Qiu likes more.

Put simply,

These guys are "specializing in stocks".

Judging from the current results, Yan Ran's shares and Qin Mengyao's shares have a clear positive trend, and the rate of increase is higher than that of Lin Xueruo's shares and Lin Xiuxiu's shares.

"Hmph, isn't it just a temporary victory, what's so great." Some people were not convinced.

"Besides, who knows what Ye Qiu is doing inside."

"It's also possible to rest here and flirt over there?"

"Yes, yes."

"Stock speculation" after work,

It has become one of the biggest pastimes of Wuling employees after a meal.

no way,

Who makes the boss too handsome and the backbone too beautiful?

Everyone seems to be in an idol drama, they are not bloody, and they are all true fans.

All sincerely hope that the person they like can finally come together with the boss.

"Hmph, you are just jealous that President Yan and President Qin are spoiled.

The short-haired girl retorted.

"I support President Yan, she is the one that everyone expects.

"I will always stand for President Qin, who is beautiful and generous.

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