Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

The 263rd chapter is really a wonderful game! 【Subscription】

The live broadcast of the Activator's press conference has come to an end.

Zhongyun, Wuling Automobile Club.

The jumper on the booth has been opened, and the club's riders can experience it at will.

Huang Yuan was too lazy to squeeze with them, thinking in his heart that he had come to Zhongyun anyway, so he went to Wuling headquarters to experience the Activator.

"The boss of Wuling is my brother, and this relationship is really easy to use."

Huang Yuan was secretly happy, "Hehe."

At this time,

The club staff lady came in.

"Please move to the back lane, there will be a race to show you all the jumpers. 99

And this good thing?

Huang Yuan followed the young lady curiously, and a group of people came to an open space in the club.

This place has been transformed into a stadium, and at the starting point, there are two jumpers, one black and one red.

The red activator was already seated.

Ye Qiu came out from another door, he was wearing casual clothes without a helmet.

"Oh hoo, leaves."

Huang Yuan saw Ye Qiu at a glance, and he wanted to say hello.

But it was too far apart, and I was embarrassed to shout loudly, so I didn't speak at all.

Everyone sat down in the auditorium next to the track, and the young lady also served everyone a drink.


Everyone's attention was not on the young lady or the drink at all, and their eyes moved more with Ye Qiu.

I saw Ye Qiu slowly approached the black jumper, opened the door, and got in the car.

not long ago,

Another young lady with a flag came over and stood in front of the two cars.

The two people in the car signaled that they were ready, and the driver in the red jumper seemed to be a woman.


The flag in Miss Sister's hand fell, and the game officially started.

almost at the same time,

The two jumpers started together, the wheels carved several centimeters deep ruts on the ground, the engines roared, and they jumped out.

The track is carefully designed and exaggerated, only for the jumpers.

Of course,

No other car can run on this kind of run.

The length of the entire lap of the track is about two kilometers, and the whole journey is a curve, and there is no straight line.

The track is full of obstacles,

During the test, the vehicle went up and down, like a roller coaster.

Miss, introduce the schedule,

The two need to drive the Jumper three times around the track,

In the end, whoever crosses the platform at the end first wins.

The two Jumpers had rushed over the first obstacle, their wheels shaking violently up and down, but still accelerating.

After going up a steep slope, there is another sprint route ahead, and the road is full of potholes, so there is no intention to let people sprint well.

The riders looked nervous, and even Huang Yuan sweated for Ye Qiu.

This is where the competition is, it is simply on the battlefield.

The roads in front are relatively easy, but the ones in the back are really scary, and there are three laps around the track.

Three thrilling times, most people really can't stand it.

not to mention,

There is also a big jumping platform at the end, and the height is also three or four meters.

Do you really run the Jumper as a roller coaster?

"It's so intense, the two have no intention of giving in at all. 35

There was a discussion nearby.

"I didn't expect the two cars to run evenly.

"Indeed, there's something in that black car."

heard here,

Huang Yuan couldn't help but go up and talk.

"What you said, enter the black jumper, but my brother, his driving skills are amazing. Huang Yuan gave a thumbs up.

"Your brother?" Someone turned around.

"Yeah, Ye Qiu, my brother, is also the boss of Wuling. Huang Yuan said proudly.

Networking is a very useful thing in many cases.


Those people cast envious glances at Huang Yuan.

"It turned out that it was Mr. Ye.

At first, they were far apart, and few people could not see clearly that it was Ye Qiu.

"That's right, his driving skills are also incredible." Huang Yuan blew Ye Qiu in front of everyone.

"My brother will win this game.

As soon as this is said,

Some people don't want to.

"Little brother, are you kidding me?"

A middle-aged man who looked to be in his fifties said, "Do you know who is sitting in that red Energizer?"5

"I don't care who he is?"

Huang Yuan said sternly, "My brother Ye Qiu, that is the boss of Wuling."

The middle-aged man glanced at him and shook his head.

In his eyes, Huang Yuan was still too young to speak properly.

"It's a car race, not a job race."

The middle-aged man incited the people around him and said, "You can't win with money, little brother, don't take things too superficially.

"Yeah, hahaha...

A group of people laughed.

They only treat Huang Yuan as a child, just to be amused and have fun.

But this made Huang Yuan lose face,

In such a situation, Huang Shao would not give in easily, he had to find his way back.

"That's not certain, anyway, my brother is the most powerful." Huang Yuan said unconvinced.

"Well then, let's take a gamble, how about that?"

The middle-aged man provocatively said, "If you win, we will believe whatever you say in the future."5

"What if I lose?" Huang Yuan asked.

"If you lose, you must admit it."

Someone yelled next to him.

"Okay, what to bet, you say." Huang Yuan was the most annoying when others said he was cowardly.

"Just bet on which of the two will win. You don't believe in President Ye so much, then you choose black."

The middle-aged man led Huang Yuan into the ditch step by step.

The people around also slowly heard the clues.

from their perspective,

If you choose black, you will lose.

Some people began to sympathize with Huang Yuan, and hoped that Huang Yuan would not be too naive and easily agree to the bet.

no idea,

Huang Yuan agreed without thinking.

"Okay, just do as you say, I choose black. 35

"Okay, then I'll choose red.""

The middle-aged man is content.

at this time,

The two Jumpers have already run the first lap, the distance is tight, and it is not yet time to exert force.

Everyone continue to watch the game,


Another middle-aged man turned around and asked Huang Yuandao again: "Brother, do you know who is sitting in the red jumper?

He couldn't bear that Huang Yuan was hit too hard after losing the game, and wanted to give him some insight in advance.

I can tell,

This little brother is still very confident in his friend, but in front of the driver of the red jumper, it is really not worth mentioning.

"I don't care who you are." Huang Yuan was very stubborn.

It seems that I don't know... The middle-aged man thought to himself.

He added: "Let me tell you straight, the person sitting there is Selena, the queen of the track.

"Selena, Queen of the Track?

Huang Yuan felt that the name was familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

"Go search for yourself, he is very famous." The middle-aged man reminded him.


Huang Yuan took out his mobile phone and searched for a bunch of news about "The Queen of the Track", as well as an encyclopedia about her.


There is only Selena's back on the encyclopedia,

But Huang Yuan felt very familiar, and his memory was gradually stirred up.

interest is raised,

Huang Yuan flipped through several news articles,

Finally, in one of the news, I saw the true face of the legendary "Queen of the Track", the face that almost amazed the time.


The memory was completely awakened, Huang Yuan looked at the phone, and then looked at the figure on the red jumper.

don't say,

It's really similar.

Take a look at the introduction about Selena,

Huang Yuan finally understood why everyone was surprised when he chose Ye Qiu.

No matter how good Ye Qiu is, can he outrun Selena?

Huang Yuan felt as if he was being led away by the nose.


It doesn't matter anymore, he has found the person he wants to meet, so this game doesn't matter.

I'm sorry, Ye Zi... Huang Yuan was secretly happy.

Although I thought so in my heart, I still had to be brave.

When everyone asked him if he wanted to give up the bet, Huang Yuan still put on an expression of indifference.

"Well then, it's up to you.

The crowd shrugged.

Anyway, it's just fun to bet, and every substantive punishment, everyone should have fun.

"Don't say, Mr. Ye's driving skills are really good, he can keep up with Selena."

"What do you think, the queen of the track hasn't accelerated yet. On the last lap, Mr. Ye must have been left behind."

"Then let's bet again, just how far Mr. Ye will be thrown in the end.

"I wipe, you are really bad, but I like it.

Seeing that the race is about to enter the last lap,

Everyone's gambling has come up, so let's just open another game.

"I bet half a lap that Selena would definitely speed up at the beginning of the next lap.

"I bet a quarter of a lap, but I still want to save some face for President Ye, and I can't be too ruthless."

"That's right, save face, let's go around, no more.""

"What's the matter with you, you have so much face left.


Huang Yuan watched these guys make fun of Ye Qiu, and didn't bother to participate.

...... ask for flowers 0

can see,

These people are all Selena's fans, and it's normal to support her.


Known as the queen of the track, Ye Qiu is actually not ashamed.

Although he also wanted to support Selena, Huang Yuan still cheered Ye Qiu on in his heart at this moment.

The race enters the final lap,

The bet here is almost closed.

"Okay, remember to take the penalty if you lose." Someone teased.

"If President Ye wins, please run around the track consciously, and don't be fooled.

"I ran two laps, impossible things, just bet.""

"Then I'll run ten laps, as long as Ye always wins. 99

"Haha, I have a hundred laps.

finished laughing,

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the two cars again.

as predicted,

Just entering the final lap, Selena started to accelerate.


The person who guessed that Selena would speed up was excited.


What they didn't expect was that Ye Qiu actually accelerated at this time.

And the acceleration seems to be faster than Linna.

Although the track is rough, the two cars run like a ballet, but it does not affect their acceleration in the slightest.

It is said that in the racing competition,

Fast corners are really fast, who can't accelerate in a straight line?

This time the track is all corners, and it is full of "surprises"

a little careless,

There may be a risk of overturning.

At this time, it is more test of the driver's skills, not only to be able to pass the curve, but also to not allow himself to roll over.


The two cars ran so thrillingly that the speed was getting faster and faster, so people were afraid to breathe.

For fear of heavy breathing, it affected the balance of the two cars.

"Damn it, why is that black jumper still accelerating?""

"What's the matter? President Ye seems to be about to catch up with Selena... I'm going, he's still accelerating."

"It's just a game, there's no need to work so hard, right? Mr. Ye is afraid that he's not crazy?"

"It's flat, it's flat..."

Huang Yuan also became nervous.

He didn't expect Ye Qiu to drive so hard, and he dared to accelerate at will in such a corner.

Even if it's just an ordinary corner, ordinary drivers don't dare to hit the accelerator at will.

The distance between the two cars is getting closer and closer,

Five centimeters, three centimeters, one centimeter... The black activator successfully surpassed the red activator.

It's not over yet,

Ye Qiu was still accelerating, and the distance between the two cars was getting wider and wider.

Less than 500 meters away from the finish line, seeing that the game was about to end, the Red Jumper failed to overtake it.


The Black Jumper made a nice flick at the finish and charged onto the platform in a drifting attitude.

next second,

The black jumper went out to sea like a wild shark, made a thrilling spin in the air, and then landed safely.

the moment of landing,

The chassis was greatly bent, the tires turned outward, and a lot of smoke and dust were rolled up.

And the red jumper stopped in front of the platform, she had already lost.

a beautiful turnaround,

The riders in the audience stood up and applauded excitedly, and some even jumped up.

"It was amazing, especially the last jump, which I never dreamed of.

"Brilliant, awesome, awesome!

"How can I have no culture, and the word 'fuck' is all over the world.""

"Well, the person who lost the bet, please be more conscious, who is the person who said he was going to run a hundred laps?"

"I'm going, do you remember this?


Except for Huang Yuan,

All the bettors lost, but they lost convincingly.

"It was an amazing game!

The middle-aged man walked up to Huang Yuan and wanted to shake hands with him.

"Brother, it turns out that you know that President Ye is very powerful, no wonder you can be so calm."

"It's me who underestimated President Ye, Wuling is really a place where dragons and tigers are hidden."


Huang Yuan did not shake his hand.

To be precise, he didn't listen to the middle-aged man at all.

From the end of the game to the present, Huang Yuan's goal has been on the Red Jumper.

this time,

He saw Selena get out of the car and ran over without looking back.

"Brother, in a moment, add a friend?"


The middle-aged man said loudly.

over there,

Selena came to Ye Qiu, trimmed her hair, and said, "I still can't beat you."5

"I'm just a little bolder than you, maybe I'm more rash." Ye Qiu said modestly.

"Looks like I still have a long way to go, idol." Eight.

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