Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 264 Wuling is the first Internet celebrity in Xia Guo! 【Subscription】

"If you say that, then there is indeed room to learn and improve." Ye Qiu did not compliment.

This is the best evaluation for Selena.

"Thank you. 33

Selena said, and was about to take off her gloves and go to shake hands with Ye Qiu.

If she could, she really wanted to hug Ye Qiu.


Suddenly an uninvited guest came, interrupting Selena's thoughts.


Huang Yuan called out from afar.

Ye Qiu and Selena looked over at the same time, and their expressions changed slightly.

The corner of Ye Qiu's mouth slightly raised, revealing the joy of seeing his friend.

Selena frowned imperceptibly, and took all her dissatisfaction into her heart.

"I can't believe it, Leaf."

Huang Yuan clapped his hands as he walked, "You kid is so good at driving, I really look at me."

Looking at Huang Yuan's presumptuous appearance,

Selena's brows tightened again.


How dare someone be so rude to Ye Qiu.


Huang Yuan's image in her heart plummeted and became "rat shit"


"Did I have to learn the Tathagata's palm, and I want to tell you?" Ye Qiu looked at Huang Yuan and smiled softly, teasing.

"Come on, how many surprises do you have that no one knows about?

Huang Yuan approached,

In front of Selena, he gave Ye Qiu a big hug.

"You are really talented, no wonder the old man in my family complains to me every day.

"What are you complaining about?" Ye Qiu was curious.

"You kid is not sensible at all, so you can't learn from Ye Qiu, let me save some snacks?"

Huang Yuan imitated his father's tone and said, "Look at his father, how leisurely "063" has been, and then look at me...

"Well, uncle is very pertinent." Ye Qiu said.

"You're comforting me?" Huang Yuan was unhappy.

"Why not?"

"You are cruel, I don't care about you.

Anyway, if you care, I can't compare to you... Huang Yuan admits it.

"If I had your skills, would the old man at home scold me?"

Huang Yuan didn't want to continue this topic, turned his face to one side, pretending to have just seen Selena, and immediately showed a surprised expression.

"It's you, goddess sister.

"um, I?"

Selena looked left and right, making sure that she was the only woman on this side.

"Yes, yes." Huang Yuan approached, "We met, that night..."

Selena took two steps back unnaturally, and Huang Yuan's enthusiasm was also poured into a basin of cold water.

But he was not discouraged, and quickly adjusted his mood... It was true that he was reckless and was almost rejected by the goddess.

"We raced the car together that night in the magic capital."

Huang Yuan introduced to Selena eagerly.

But Selena can't remember at all... She never cared about the game that her opponent lost.

As for the opponent herself, except Ye Qiu, no one can make her remember.

"Do you remember?" Huang Yuan looked expectant.

"do not remember.

Selena shook her head, she didn't even bother to think about it.

"Okay. 355

Huang Yuan's expression collapsed.

next second,

He became excited again.

"In that case, let's get to know each other again. 39

"Hello, sister." Huang Yuan stretched out his hand, "My name is Huang Yuan."


Selena was a little embarrassed.

Judging from the interaction between him and Ye Qiu just now, they should have a good relationship and belong to the category of "brothers".


Although it is a bit repulsive, it is reasonable to shake hands with him.

Selena sighed in relief and stretched out her hand.

"Nice to meet you.""

The two simply shook hands and parted.


Selena simply crossed Huang Yuan and walked in front of Ye Qiu.

"Idol, then I'll go to work first.

She took off her gloves and shook hands with Ye Qiu.

Huang Yuan looked at it and pouted.

The difference is very obvious, sister.

After watching Selena leave, Huang Yuan quickly hugged Ye Qiu's arm.

"God, you must help me.

when speaking,

Huang Yuan's eyes still stayed in the direction Selena left.

"What, have thoughts on my people?"

Looking at Huang Yuan's dead appearance, Ye Qiu could understand somewhat.

Selena is a great beauty...


Huang Yuan's next words will be completely broken for him.

"Where can it be?"

Huang Yuan said, "I don't have any ideas about your people, I just

Seeing this guy faltering, Ye Qiu gave him a shudder.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, how can I talk like a bitch.""

Ye Qiu said angrily, "Going to Thailand?"

"Fuck you." Huang Yuan shook off Ye Qiu.

"Actually, there's nothing to be embarrassed about, I just... want to recognize her as my sister.

"Her name is Selena, isn't she? She didn't even want to tell me her name just now, it really blew me away."

"That's it?" Ye Qiu couldn't believe it.

See you for a long time,

It was the first time I met someone begging to recognize my sister.

"Don't laugh, this is a very lofty ideal.

Huang Yuan said with a serious expression, "I have always wanted to have a sister since I was a child. 99

"Mmmm. Ye Qiu nodded in agreement.

"It's a rare blessing for my elder sister to love my younger brother."

Many boys have this idea when they are young.

When my parents are not at home, it must be a wonderful thing to have a sister who loves me.

This kid understands and enjoys... Ye Qiu suddenly realized that this kid Huang Yuan is quite human.

Ye Qiu gave his brother a silent thumbs up in his heart.

who knew...

"How can you." Huang Yuan retorted.

"I'm just watching TV, those little brats who are chased away by my sister every day, I'm so envious.

"So..." Ye Qiu suddenly felt something was wrong.

"To be honest, I also seem to be driven away."

Huang Yuan showed his star eyes, "Sister like that is really sassy, ​​majestic, just perfect.


heard here,

Ye Qiu didn't stand still and almost fell, "Do you have any special hobbies?"

"It's a serious dream okay, Leaf.

"Yes yes yes, a very serious dream.""

"That is.""

"Congratulations on finding your dream and realizing it.

Ye Qiu was too lazy to take care of this living treasure.

"But you have to help me create opportunities, Selena doesn't seem to like me.

"She is the person in charge of this club, you can figure it out on your own, and I'm too lazy to help you with bad fun. 99


Ye Qiu turned and left.

"Well, I want to join the club and become a member." Huang Yuan followed.

The two walked and chatted.

"Ye Ye, I think Selena's attitude towards you is not the same, are you...

"do not know."

"Don't, I really hope you guys are okay."


"When Selena becomes my sister, if you marry her again, then you will become my brother-in-law, we will kiss each other.

"get out.


The press conference of Wuling Activator has come to an end for the time being.


Almost all the news in the automotive circle comes from Wuling.

"Wuling's strongest athlete is coming, and there is not much time left for other car companies..."

"Line array suspension system, where is the charm of million suspension?"

"Here's the closest prediction to the truth, the stretched Leap chassis, to give you what you want to know. 》

How many Easter eggs are covered on "Wuling Activator? Let's reveal the secrets one by one today. 》

"What kind of magic does Wuling have? It can actually create fantasy objects. 》

"This is Wuling..."

not only in the press,

The circle of car friends is also very lively.

The opposition has shut up, and now it's the supporters' carnival.

"I never thought I would be so relieved. I really didn't see Wuling wrong. It will always be admired."

"This is the light of domestic products, never give up.

"Actually, there is nothing to be proud of, Wuling just did a small thing, but other car companies think it is impossible.

"I don't know if those people who set up flags are all right? Are you still living comfortably? Does your face hurt?""

"What about the heads of car companies who always want to see Wuling's jokes? Geely? Citroen? 35

"Wuling told us, don't blame the road for not being good, don't make trouble if you don't have the ability, isn't it good to keep a low profile and improve your strength?

"Such a profound truth, they may never understand it for the rest of their lives."


"Who's Brother Shi? Get out of here, you were the most popular with Wuling, and you talked about it at length, how can you become a tortoise now?

"There are always some clowns jumping on the beam, thinking that what they think is the truth, and desperately inciting netizens.

"It's alright now, I'm afraid I lost my face.

"Those who gain traffic by belittling others never end well."

"Please 'Shi Ge' get out of the Internet circle, as far as your thoughts go, as far as you can go.""

"Yes, get out of the internet.


Under this farce,

In addition to Wuling, the most profitable may be Nange......


Nange wakes up laughing when he dreams at night.

He is the only Internet celebrity who supports Wuling by name and is unwavering.

Wuling's victory,

also declared his victory.

After the press conference, Nan Ge's fans soared by two million.

Although the number is still inferior to his peak period, the fan activity and stickiness are much higher than before.


His live broadcast room was even more lively than his peak period.

Gu Yuwei has always supported Wuling,

However, she didn't like grandstanding, so she didn't make much noise, but she became more famous in her own circle.

Not long after the press conference,

The Activator officially entered the Wuling app store.

It's just that on the price column, the words "stay tuned" are still written.

even so,

Many car media have already sent petitions to Wuling, hoping to borrow cars for testing in advance.

If it was in the past, this kind of good thing would definitely fall on Xu Feifei's head.

But Xu Feifei is not what it used to be,


This good thing was given to Gu Yuwei.

"First Test of the Whole Network: Wuling Jumper, the Strongest King Off-Road Vehicle!"

As soon as the trailer was released, it has already been urged by millions of fans.

"As a company, is Wuling's popularity too high?"

Gu Yuwei wondered, "Maybe, Wuling is the number one internet celebrity in Xia Guo."

over at Meriken,

The market value of Chitu has risen again.

From the amputation to the last closing, the total market value of Chitu (American Lenki) has reached 680 billion US dollars.

Continuously affected by Leviathan, Son of Dragon, Agitator,

The stock of Chitu is comparable to gold, and it is more popular than Bitcoin.

That is to say,

Although the market capitalization is 680 billion, Chitu (Mei Jian) ​​still has a growth trend.

The reason why it stopped here is mainly because Chitu has very little stock in circulation.

Those with stocks are reluctant to let go, and those without stocks are guarding the institution every day.

The analysts on Wall Street had no choice but to think of ways to lower their expectations for Chitu's stock price, in order to stimulate the circulation of Chitu's stock.


What they most want to see is that Chitu Group can conduct a second round of financing, or dilute the total shares.

Facing this circumstances,

American local car companies, including Ford and Chevrolet, have been somewhat panicked.

Wuling's spears were too sharp, and their shields could no longer withstand them.

On the contrary, Musk was much more calm.

"It is fortunate that this Activator was not released at the International Auto Show, otherwise, it would be another bloody storm.

Musk can only find self-comfort in the "disaster".

he believes,

Not only him, most of the heads of big factories in Europe should have this idea.

Recently, the big 0.8 family has been quiet,

This shows that most of them are at a loss for Wuling, and they can only choose to temporarily avoid the edge.

"Actually, it's not without opportunity. 35

Musk calculated, "The Dubai luxury auto show is a good turnaround, Wuling only has one Son of Dragon..."

"At the luxury car show, Ye Qiu can only cook cold rice.

"There is also the Japan-Washington International Auto Show. Wuling's new car has been released in advance, which is a good time to turn around.

For the two auto shows,

Musk has already started early deployments.

over there,

At Daimler's meeting, he set his sights on the Munihe Auto Show.

auto show in china,

That's the stage for Mercedes to perform.


What they didn't know was that Ye Qiu, like a beast, had already locked all the three press conferences with his blood-red eyes.

However, car companies in the island country,

It seems that there is no time to take into account these conferences.

Whether it is Honda or Toyota, Wuling Hongguang mini can't sleep.

Just recently,

Honda also imitated Wuling mini to create its own mini, and the color matching is also colorful.

The new car "Honda mini" has not been released, but a concept map has been released.

Inuichiro carried out "join if you can't win" to the end, thinking about using the mini to regain his original market.

"It's time to get back into the game for Honda and show you guys our Honda mini.

"The market belongs to me, and I must take it back.

On the Toyota side, it has been very quiet.

I don't know what's going on, and Inuichiro doesn't bother to pay attention at this time.

"Toyota doesn't do anything, let me do Honda."

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