Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 271 The sexy masterpiece, the agitator! 【Subscription】

Natalisa has long flowing blonde hair,

On the delicate goose egg face, the big blue eyes are particularly charming.

Dressed in a crop top, she sat cross-legged on the top of the Energizer's car.

Although it is summer,

But the Vatnajökull Icefield in Iceland is snowing heavily.

The cold wind blew the "goose feather" onto Natalisa's white face, and the warmth of her skin instantly melted it.

Natalisa stood up and shook her slender legs, feeling a little numb from sitting just now.


Her entire leg was exposed, and she didn't even wear stockings.

The upper body is exposed to the navel, and the lower body is hot pants and flat shoes. Anyone who sees it will have to widen their eyes.


Natalisa disagreed.

She came from Oroth and belonged to the fighting nation.

That is a magical nation that can keep grizzly bears as pets, swim in the river at dozens of degrees below zero, and go to work if they disagree.

They have the best aviation in the world,

Even in typhoon weather, the plane is never late, taking off and landing on time.

After arriving at the airport,

The passengers all got up and bowed to the captain, thanking him for his "death not to kill".


What's wrong with such a national girl wearing hot pants and showing her navel in the snow in Iceland?

There is no sense of incongruity, right? Very reasonable.

Natalisa came to Iceland on Oros Air.

During this period, the aircraft will encounter the intersection of hot and cold air, resulting in unstable flight.

She didn't even bother to ask, and continued to tilt her head, admiring the rare sight outside the window.

This time in Iceland,

Natalisa is here to indulge.

She also wanted to experience the thrill of driving an avalanche across the road where the cross-country challenge was held and feeling the avalanche behind her.

have to say,

Oroth girls are wild and bold.


From there, Natalisa drove the Energizer, all the way across the glacier, over the rocky reef, to the Vatnajökull Icefield.

just arrived,

I met a group of people at a party.

It looked like it was going to be a game.

Natalisa is eager to try, she has been watching here for a while.

Until the host spoke out the rules, she couldn't sit still any longer.

If there are no rules, the pretense is over.

Isn't this just right for her, a fighting ethnic girl's appetite?

And over there,

The carnival has begun.

The host, Brother Adam, sat in the car to explain, with several loudspeakers on the roof, facing in all directions.

The drivers drove their off-road vehicles to disperse, gradually forming a "big stage".

The photography team drove the snowmobile back and forth to capture every moment.

"Thanks to everyone for participating, the scene was really enthusiastic and I felt hot all over.

Brother Adam took the microphone and stuck his head out of the car.

He was dressed like the locomotive beasts in the movie.

Studded leather jacket, shiny ear studs, dark eye smoky makeup, hair cut like Ultraman.

The styling is a bit "non-mainstream", but the momentum of the commentary is not inferior to the professional team.

"Okay, not bad."

"The first off-road vehicle has come out, it's the Mercedes-Benz Big G, let's see how it plays in the snow. 55

The voice just fell,

The Mercedes-Benz Big G suddenly accelerated and rushed into the middle of the "stage".

Said to be rushing, in fact, that is, slowly crawling over.

The snow here is almost level with the wheels, and the tires crunch when they are pressed.

Many snowflakes are still stuck in the chassis, the resistance is too great, and the ground is not smooth.

Even if the Mercedes-Benz Big G is full of horsepower, its action is still "turtle speed".

The owner kept switching directions, and even banging the accelerator, just to pretend.

But the program effect seems to be worse than expected,

Even a car like the Big G is difficult to drive when it encounters heavy snow-covered roads.

"Everyone, look, Mercedes-Benz Big G is like a happy rabbit in the snow." Adam did his best to mobilize the atmosphere of the scene.

"Looking at his continuous turns with this hand is a contest between strength and snow... 39

After a few words, even he himself was embarrassed.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, trying to figure out how to make the commentary passionate.

But he is not a professional commentator at all, and it is a bit embarrassing to think that this kind of thing is true.


He had to try his best not to let the scene deserted, and then pin his hopes on Leviathan Pickup.

This car is a god car in Iceland now, and it is a super god that can't even stop an avalanche.

If it comes on stage, it will definitely make people's eyes shine.


The results of the lottery showed that Leviathan was very late.

After the Mercedes-Benz Big G, followed by the Forester, then Audi, Honda, Wrangler...

Finally, when Leviathan appeared, Adam felt that the whole person was about to die.

After blowing embarrassingly for so long, my mouth doesn't seem to be my own anymore.

He is "hard-boned" and "hard" Adam, so he doesn't have such a shameless mouth.

"Finally it's Leviathan's turn, and I'm looking forward to it.

explained here,

There is a clear preference between Brother Adam's words.

"This is the pickup that did wonders at the Iceland cross-country race, and we should applaud it."5


There was a burst of applause from the loudspeaker, it was Brother Adam and the driver.

Both were fanatics of the Leviathan Pika and suddenly couldn't help it.

"Come on, let those mortals see your bravery and power, and turn this place upside down."

Brother Adam's voice became passionate and infected the owner of the Leviathan.

He kicked the accelerator,

Leviathan rushes to the "stage," leaving a thick and deep rut.

The other riders were also staring at Leviathan, and their eyes were curious, in addition to curiosity.

all want to know,

How wild can such a magical car be?

I saw Leviathan "roaring", like a beast chasing its prey, scurrying in the snow.

The powerful grip of the mud tires, coupled with the terrifying horsepower of the engine, makes this beast unstoppable.

What is snow? Rush through as fast as you can.

Block it, hit it off.

Quite the stance of rushing out of the avalanche at the beginning.

Snow stuck in tires?

It doesn't matter, the mud tires are still solid and never skid.

"Wow, did I see it?" Brother Adam's voice was loud.

"Although I have foreseen such a picture, I am still amazed when I see it."

"Leviathan is worthy of being a land beast, like a tank-like existence."

"Looking at how easy it is, it seems to tell us that this kind of snow is the easiest road for it to walk on.

"It deserves our applause again...

There was another round of applause from the loudspeakers.

The other drivers stared straight at the Leviathan, some looked surprised, while others frowned.

The frowning person was naturally a little dissatisfied.

They do not deny that Leviathan is the strongest under this kind of road.

But it's just a pickup after all.

Although it has off-road genes, but more, it can only be regarded as a truck.

The car looked too stable, pushing the snow forward as if it were walking on the ground.

Saying it is strong, I do not deny it, but to say it is noisy, I am not convinced... Some people are competing in their hearts.

Such a stable car, how can it be noisy?

Mercedes-Benz Big G will shake up and down, just like a tank.

"Sheet, is this host okay? Is it an undercover agent sent by Wuling?"

The owner of the Forester threw the cigarette out of the window and exhaled a puff of smoke resentfully.

"Touting the Hongqi tank is better than touting this car.

"Then the Red Flag tank is not like my forester, it can't walk in the snow.

the fact is,

The Red Flag tank runs much better than his Forester.

It's just that although the positioning of the Hongqi tank is off-road, it also adopts the characteristics of stability.

A large part of Leviathan's performance is inherited from it.

It was only out of Icelanders' preference for Leviathan that Adam ignored the Red Flag tank.

Although this behavior is unfair, other car owners have nothing to say.

Leviathan is indeed the strongest, no matter how unhappy they are, they can only hold back.

"You have the ability to make Wuling's car jump up on the snow, I kneel down for him on the spot, and Wuling will be my father in the future.

Someone angrily slammed the steering wheel in front of him.

When the car owner next to him saw it,

The two understood, and another steering wheel suffered.

"Wuling has no off-road that can convince the public, don't blame me for hacking you on the Internet.

"Come on, where's Wuling?"

At least half of the people are angry,


A black figure broke into their field of vision.

To be precise, it should be a car shadow.

Someone caught the beautiful face of the hostess in the car through the car window.

Natalisa bursts into 'stage' in an Evoker


She was not invited, just on a whim.

Brother Adam was startled by this sudden "interlude", and he paused for several seconds to speak.

But he is the host after all and needs to deal with various emergencies.

He stared intently at the Animator...

Under Natalisa's control, the Energizers roared with joy on the stage.

The chassis and suspension determine that it won't be as stable as a rhino like the Leviathan.

It is more like a cheetah, agile and dynamic.

Uphill and downhill, the wheels flip; flying and landing, the chassis jumps.

Just like a feline encountering a ball of yarn, the agitated gene kicks in, and the whole body is blown up.

Brother Adam looked more and more energetic, and the more he looked, the more surprised he became.

Isn't this exactly what you want to see?

Unexpectedly, there is such an off-road vehicle that can jump up and down in the snow.

This is what this carnival should be like.

"I don't know where such a car came from, but its performance is amazing.

Brother Adam began to explain, "I really want to know, what kind of suspension does it carry? 99

"Looking at its four tires, it seems to be unrelated, and it looks like it is about to fall off."9

"But no matter how hard it gets, it's still intact.

"A masterpiece, a masterpiece."

talking room,

Someone saw the Evoker's logo.

Silver Wuling logo.


Others have long recognized the car.

Although the listing of Activator is low-key, it is impossible for Wuling's move to go unnoticed.

"" "Before this car appears, I will definitely support the Leviathan." Adam continued.

"Now, allow me to change my mind about it one day."

"Oh, a beautiful flip, the chassis is bent after landing, and there is no problem at all.

"It looks like its chassis is like a gymnast's waist, flexible and elastic."

"And sexy..." Adam began to let himself go, "This car, I would call it sexy. 99

"I believe that it is difficult for anyone to hold on to it. 35

"It's right in front of you, can anyone resist going up to touch it?

"No way……"

Those unconvinced car owners couldn't believe what they saw while listening to Brother Adam's "commotion".


Those who know the activator are fine, those who don't know are already dumbfounded.

Especially the one with the flag,

When he saw Wuling's silver label, he swallowed hard.


He slammed his head against the steering wheel several times, and it was considered a kowtow.

If he really wanted to kneel, he didn't have the courage.

But in his heart, all the dissatisfaction with Wuling has turned into worship in an instant.

"Just this car, I will definitely get one when I go back.

"Sexy, pretty, romantic, I'm blown away by it.


Although no one saw him, he deliberately used a smile to hide his embarrassment.

"on the stage,

Natalisa is having fun, and she has long forgotten the time.

And those who watched, including Brother Adam, also forgot.

"It's really amazing..." Brother Adam is still explaining.

"Just now, I heard the news that this car is Wuling's latest top-level off-road, the Vibrant.

"I have to say, Wuling really grabbed my heart, I love this car.

Brother Adam said,

Natalisa also played higher tricks.

Someone watched, couldn't help but got out of the car window, raised their hands and cheered.

"Yo hoo, it's delicious, let's have some more..."

"This is (money's) carnival, this car is so powerful, I am convinced that I lost.""

I don't know how long it took,

Natalisa finally got tired of playing, and she parked the Energizer in the center of the "stage".

Open the door and get out of the car.

The slender white legs stick out and step on the snow, followed by fluttering blonde hair.

"Beauty, look here.

Someone whistled at her.

Natalisa threw her hair back gracefully, her expression indifferent.

She has probably experienced too many such scenes, and she has long since seen it.

A whistle sounded,

Immediately after,

All the owners got out of the car and approached Natalisa while applauding.

Some people's eyes wandered along the curve of her body, and some people's eyes swept across the agitator beside her, all of them were hot.

Brother Adam also followed and walked ahead.

"Excuse me, this blonde beauty, what's your name?" He handed over the microphone.

this moment,

It doesn't matter whether Natalisa is invited or not, she is tacitly accepted as a member of this carnival.

"Oros, Natalisa." Natalisa said to herself.

Hearing the name, Brother Adam was overjoyed.

He raised a hand and announced loudly, "Tell me, who is the winner?"

"Natalysa!" the crowd cheered.

The sound even shook the branches not far away, and the snow fell.

No one would dispute the outcome of the rave, and the Activists shut them up.

"Then let's cheer loudly, Ulla!

Brother Adam took the lead, and everyone cheered again.




"Then tell me, who is the master of this carnival.""

Brother Adam raised his hands, and the microphone was raised high to receive the sound.

Shout out, the audience shakes!

"Wuling, the agitator!"

"Wuling, the jumper!""

"Wuling, the jumper..."

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