Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 272 In front of Wuling, science fiction movies are still conservative! 【Subscription】

With the cheers of the audience,

Natalisa, the fighting national girl, twisted her waist and raised her fists with a proud look on her face.

Her appearance also added unexpected joy to the carnival. Instead of blaming, the organizers felt that they had earned it.

Who can refuse a blond beauty who is driving an Energizer and wearing a navel-baring outfit in a freezing and snowy environment of minus ten degrees?

This alone makes this carnival full of gimmicks.

as predicted,

After the official video was posted on YouTube, the number of views exploded on the same day.

The main tags of the video are:

Iceland, Orgy, Dirt Bike, Blonde, Bouncer…


Everyone basically went to "Blonde Beauty" and "Bouncer", and the broadcast volume was mainly concentrated on Natalisa's off-road vehicle show.

The netizens on YouTube are very real.

"I came here to see Blondes and Vibrators.

"Thanks to the headquarters, the airborne was successful, this activator is so beautiful."

"I didn't think there was such an unruly activity in Iceland, driving an off-road vehicle and splashing in the snow, but it was really interesting."

"It's said to be inspired by a previous off-road challenge, which also showed me the horror of Wuling, the Leviathan is a performance monster. 35

"It shouldn't be too late to scold you now, right? You can't win by cheating, it's just a shame. 35

"Obviously today's special is not Leviathan, but the Activator."

"Leviathan and Activator, it's amazing to keep moving."

"This time, Wuling is too low-key, and it's a bit too much to actually release the Activator behind my back."

"That buddy, you have such a big face. In the future, Wuling will notify you when it releases a new car, otherwise I won't watch it, and I will support you. 35

"Wuling is the fastest R&D company I've ever seen, and it's the most unpretentious company. If other car companies have such top-notch products on the market, they won't be able to go on a global tour? hold."

"The confidence that comes from the big group is something we don't have."


"I've watched this video and the Activist promotional video several times and just want to say, I love Activist."

"As expected of a ballet dancer, this chassis is really like dancing ballet. 99

"After watching the Animator, combined with the jet device of the Dragon Son, I think science fiction movies are still too conservative. 35

"Is this chassis really made of metal? Why do I look and feel like plastic, or rubber?

"Haha, the riders in the 080 Xiaguo have had the same idea for a long time, but it is indeed made of metal.


"It is said that it all stemmed from a debate: how to combine a car chassis with rubber?"

"Is that really possible? I don't believe it."

"Don't you see that Wuling can do this? I just said that there must be a group of incredible people in Wuling's hive."

"Maybe Wuling is really preparing for the end of the world. I don't know what stage their Ark has entered? Judging from the technology announced by Wuling, I am afraid that Ark has entered the final stage.

"It's terrible, maybe the Wuling employees we saw were just advanced artificial intelligence.

"Chitu's autopilot makes me have to agree with you."


Discussions about Activists gradually spread abroad.

The topics mainly revolve around the two aspects of "Agitator" and "Wuling Honeycomb", forming an open school and a crisis school.

The open school pays attention to the epoch-making achievements of the Activist, and the crisis school fears that Wuling is carrying out unknown research and development.

As the old saying goes,

The oldest human emotion is fear;

The greatest fear of human beings is the fear of the unknown.

The more you don't know, the easier it is to lead to fear speculation, and then to form a crisis theory.

Of course,

Doomsday such speculations are not uncommon.

Most people are just looking for a thrill on the Internet.

After all, that is only a minority, and most people still pay more attention to what surprises Activists can bring to them.


Although it is a little later than the domestic one, there has also been a test frenzy about the Activator abroad.

“Mainly because the Evoker redefined the chassis and suspension, and it brought something so interesting that ordinary people wanted to get involved.”5

To this,

A brick home analysis said.

This kind of thing is what everyone wants to see, especially those investors who are looking forward to Chitu stock.

the last few days,

The stock price of Chitu (Mei Jian) ​​began to take a rocket again, and the K line continued to rise.

Securities analysts on Wall Street are sitting still.

Judging from the current stock market, it is a matter of time before Chitu distributes new shares, and those new shares will definitely become a sweet pastry.

The question now is,

How can I learn about Chitu's stock issuance (cfai) at the first time, and acquire it at the fastest speed?

This is what securities dealers desperately want to know.

Those who play stocks, in the final analysis, are gambling with poor information, which is why retail investors can only become "leeks" forever.


Now there is a problem: no one knows Chitu's next move, so there is no way to cause poor information.

Even Sequoia Capital, or the Morgan family, didn't know.

In front of Wuling, everyone is a "leek"


This makes the capital group also nervous, waiting for the arrival of Chitu's new shares at any time.

Ye Qiu originally just wanted to "let the bullets fly for a while", but unexpectedly, he also contributed to "hard-to-find"

Seeing that the enthusiasm of foreign riders for the Boom is getting higher and higher, he also began to prepare for the next move.

"Give the new idea to Lin Xueruo first, and the next stop is to win the country.

in the office,

Ye Qiu got up and went to the hive.

in the hive,

Yan Ran sat in the same place again, looking at the phone with relish.

"Still reading that kind of non-nutritious novel? Writing Wuling, did the author fall ill again?"

Ye Qiu muttered in his heart, but didn't bother her.

When passing by Yan Ran, Ye Qiu didn't care, but Yan Ran sneered and attracted him.

Ye Qiu stood quietly behind Yan Ran and glanced curiously.


also attracted.

Recently, a new topic has appeared in the circle of car friends, called "Let Wuling fly for a while"


The title alone attracted a lot of people. After netizens entered, they were even more "convinced" by the content inside.


The leading post was titled "Foreign Population Control Plan."

The content is a video -

A large shopping mall opened, and a group of extreme sports teams were invited to perform the roller coaster.

Just looking at the description, it doesn't seem to matter.

But the car they use is the Boom.

First, two erected circular tracks are set up, and then at the end of the track, a 12-meter-high jumping platform is erected.

What is the concept of twelve meters?

The platform used by divers is only ten meters high.

And the two circular tracks are even more exaggerated, and the diameter is more than the jumping platform, at least 16 meters.

During the performance,

Extreme athletes will drive the jumper up the ring track, and without any protection, sprint over the top of the handstand.


He was greeted by another erected ring track, as well as a twelve-meter jumping platform.

A bit similar to the principle of a roller coaster,

As the Animator rushes to its highest point, its gravity provides centripetal force.

If gravity is used to provide centripetal force at this time, then the jumper can rush over the commanding heights.


Before reaching the commanding heights, drivers and jumpers will be dragged down by gravity, followed by car crashes.

A Bouncer weighs about three tons, and the driver weighs eighty kilograms.

On this basis,

When the athlete drives the jumper into the circuit, the speed must be almost 500 kilometers per hour.

This speed has exceeded the numerical limit of the runners, and they have obviously manipulated the configuration.

But that doesn't matter...


The upcoming performance is-

The agitator travels at a speed of 500 kilometers per hour,

Rush to the erected ring track,

There is no protection to cross the apex,

Play is the limit!

Play is exciting!


Agitators have a limited acceleration distance,

A runway of less than 200 meters cannot reach this speed at all.


These daring people turned out to be snap hooks, helping the jumpers to reach the maximum speed as quickly as possible.

"No wonder the post is called the 'foreign population control plan'. According to such a way of playing, I have to thank God for being able to survive."

Just as she was watching, Yan Ran stuck out her tongue and muttered to herself.

The barrage was full of exclamations.

"Foreigners really know how to play the series, for fear that they can survive."

"I'm a newcomer, I would like to ask, is this really playable? 35

"You can play, but only once in a lifetime."

"When I was still alive, I played like this, and this year the grass on the tomb is two meters high.


"Although I fully believe in Wuling and Inspirator, is this too exaggerated? 95

"Let's not talk about the two big turntables, even the last jumping platform made me terrified.

"With a platform of more than ten meters, are you diving?"

"After a while, it wasn't the water that splashed, it was the driver's blood.

"Under the influence of the nine-year obligation, why can't I think of such a rude thing? skr!"

"Maybe you are the legendary compulsory education who slipped through the net."


the show begins,

I saw the driver banging the accelerator,

The agitator trembled while "howling", as if unable to suppress the fanatical animal nature.

As the fixed rope of the spring hook cable is unfastened, the jumper accurately grasps the timing, the tire riots, and the string is released.

Netizens: Oh my God, are you driving a fighter jet? Still ejecting and starting?!

The agitator is full of horsepower and performs an extreme charge.

In a very short period of time, the speed reached the peak, and a whirlwind was brought around.

at this time,

Yan Ran held her breath abruptly, her attention completely focused on the jumper in the video.

She wasn't nervous about the driver, she was concerned about the Jumper.

After all, she's the lead engineer for the Activist, and she hopes the Activist can get through the storm more than anyone else.

Less than three seconds before and after,

The Animator has come to the bottom of the ring.


When reaching the top,

Every distance the Vibrator moves forward is a challenge to gravity.

The spectators couldn't see the driver's expression, but they could guess from their nervous expression that the driver was also terrified.

Hesitate and you will lose!

The driver did not dare to have any hesitation, and the accelerator was always in a state of acceleration.

The Animator roared and charged into the ring like a bullet.

next moment,

In the blink of an eye, the Animator has come to the top of the ring without any pause.

Because of video clips,

There were three close-ups of snaps as the Energizer dashed over the top.

Without any protection, the speed is astonishingly fast, and afterimages have appeared.

The driver is straight and his eyes are firm.

"Yes! Passed smoothly! Yan Ran's fist clenched.

At that time,

The screen pops up.

"The king is born!

"What else can I say, I'm already wet.

"Pride, the light of domestic products!

"If it wasn't for the Animator, no one would dare to play like that, right? 35

"Nonsense, what do you say? 99

After passing the first big ring, the second small ring is naturally not a problem.

as predicted,

The jumper easily crossed the second ring and rushed to the platform.

The platform is twelve meters high, and everyone is still looking forward to how it will "fly" down.

The process is also relatively simple and unpretentious,

The jumper accelerated, charged, and jumped off the platform.

But at this moment,

Almost stunned the audience, Yan Ran unconsciously wanted to cover his eyes.

Twelve meters, equivalent to nearly three floors.

Just rushing down like this is also a ruthless person.


Everyone's worries are completely unnecessary.

before landing,

The jumper rushed forward for a long distance, and after landing, the body bent, and the chassis almost touched the ground.

at last,

It didn't come across after all.

The Jumper landed successfully and the whole vehicle was intact.

The show ended perfectly.

The video scene, as well as in the barrage, cheered.

"The Energizers!""

"Enthusiast! 95



Yan Ran's hanging heart also let go.

Seeing her "child" complete the impossible challenge made her happier than anyone else.

It is precisely because of this video that foreign countries have opened up various challenges for Activists.

Everyone wants to know where the limits of this car are.

Just below this thread, another new thread was posted.

It's also a video about the challenge.

To know,

That is not the kind of simple challenge in China where you can reach the end by running and jumping, and remove the refrigerator and TV.

American force's breakthrough challenge is much more hard-core.

The track is full of jaw-dropping mechanisms, and it is almost impossible to break through without the muscles of more than ten years.


The contestants are all muscular men.

The ultimate prize is a mover.

Who doesn't want a macho man?


If you want to drive away the jumper, you not only need to overcome all the previous traps and come to the jumper.

You must also have the courage to sit in the jumper and jump off the high platform.

Thirteen meters high platform, below is a quagmire.

"If you are brave enough, you will come!" The host provocatively said in front of the camera.

"Cross the trap and come to me; break through the quagmire, you are the king!

"Courage is the standard of the agitator."

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