Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 274 There is only one electric overlord in the world! 【Subscription】

This time,

The reason why Musk is so confident is entirely due to a series of recent actions.

He even acquired a large local company in Ghana, Hibar.

The company will manufacture pumps for Tesla to rapidly assemble new batteries, and will strive to expand the production scale of the battery factory.

This shows that although Truss has been defeated by Wuling, it has been on the rise in the world market.

"When Tesla's latest battery technology is mature, coupled with Rter, I won't believe it..."

Musk said fiercely, "See how powerful your Wuling is, you can bring down my Truss."5

"Hmph, the world only needs one electric overlord, and that is Terras.

win the country,

Mercedes Benz side.

After two weeks,

In the laboratory, a group of researchers are still helpless against the Activator.

No one dared to disassemble and assemble the Evoker's chassis and suspension with certainty, and until William came to accept it, the research did not make the slightest progress.

Of course, a group of people resisted William's abuse.

Even this work is put aside for now.

"I'll let you go this time, the most important thing right now is to design the latest concept supercar.

William suppressed the anger in his heart and tried his best to keep his tone calm.

"The cooperation between Mercedes-Benz and Cameron has been finalized, and this time the work is the Avatar concept car.

"The purpose is the Dubai luxury auto show, and other work will be put aside for the time being."

"I want to see the results in the last few months, don't let me see your useless appearance, I don't want to curse people."

"The project requires someone to send it over, and within three days, I want to see a decent design.


William clapped a few times, and the sound focused everyone's attention.


In all eyes, William left the laboratory.

"A bunch of useless groundhogs, waste of food." William whispered as he walked.

until William left the lab,

The researchers were afraid to say a word out loud.

for a while,

Finally someone couldn't help it and whispered: "President William today seems to be a little different."

"What's different?" someone asked.

25 "In the past, when he came here, he either smashed things or kicked chairs." The man said, "Today he only scolded people."

"Listening to what you said, it seems to be true." Everyone suddenly realized.

"Could it be something good?"

"Definitely is.

In fact, the good thing is that the linkage between Mercedes-Benz and "Avatar" has been achieved.

Originally, William had no hope, so he hurriedly asked the R&D team to quickly prepare for the new technology, so that the scene could be recovered at the Munihe Auto Show.


Cameron actually agreed, and now he has a new gimmick, taking Mercedes-Benz to hit the Dubai luxury auto show.

Such a good thing naturally tempered William's anger.

"This time at the Dubai luxury auto show, my Mercedes-Benz is the king." William secretly said.

The luxury car show is all about coolness, and various concept cars emerge in an endless stream.

Avatar gave William enough confidence.

Just this layer of joint name relationship is enough for Mercedes-Benz to earn enough attention.

It was one of the greatest films in the world's film history, and the beginning of a 3D sci-fi film is of great significance.

As long as Mercedes-Benz and Avatar join forces, Wuling is nothing to be afraid of... William raised the corner of his mouth with a wicked smile, feeling that the victory was in his hands.

According to the exaggerated characteristics of Mercedes-Benz's concept cars, this Avatar concept car is more exaggerated than before.

Just the decoration design, on the right on the word "luxury".

"The theme of Mercedes-Benz this time is a spaceship." William made a gesture of wiping his neck, "I see what comparison do you use?

"Electric cars? Stop being funny."

He thought that Wuling's son of the dragon was not a problem, so he thought of Truss.

Mercedes-Benz has made great efforts in new energy, but it has been beaten by Tesla.

this time,

He wanted to pack up with Truss.

Speaking of new energy,

Major car companies have also made frequent moves recently.

Following Ideal Xiaopeng, another electric vehicle company in China, Leapmotor, has entered the public eye.

It is reported that,

Leapmotor is about to hire a bank for an IPO in Hong Kong.

If it is not for cheating, then this will be another progress of domestic electric vehicles.

over the island,

Toyota also has new moves.

Led by Inuichiro, Toyota is about to acquire Tepco's 40 percent stake in Eurus Energy.

Regarding the electric vehicle market, Toyota has never wanted to give up.

Especially after most of the island market was taken away by Wuling mini,

In order to maintain his position in the Toyota Group, Inuichiro must increase investment in research and development, so that the old stubborn members of the board of directors can see what he has done.

no way,

The role of Yukiko in Toyota is gradually being noticed, which is the last thing Inuichiro wants to see.


Even so, Toyota's decline seems difficult to change.

"The current situation is really worrying." Inuichiro's hair turned white, "Damn Yukiko, look at the good deeds you have done."

Apart from these big car companies,

The escaped clown Jobs also did not forget to rub the heat of Truss at this juncture.

He claims that Faraday Future is as great as Tesla.

"Salute to the adventurers who dare to promote the progress of human society and create a smart electric travel ecology." Jobs' words sounded high.

despite this,

It is also difficult for him to stir up any more waves.

America's "leeks" have already seen it through, and investing in Faraday has no future.


There are more interesting things now.

"The Energizer is a great masterpiece of the off-road vehicle industry in the 21st century." The car media commented.

After a series of jaw-dropping challenges from the "players", the Activists have already spread all over the network outside the wall.

"It is strongly recommended that in future sci-fi movies, the protagonist's car should follow the standards of the Motioners, otherwise I won't watch it.""

"The James Bond series, you can give up Aston Martin, and the Energizer is your better choice."

"I hope there is a movie, with major cars as the protagonists, to include all luxury cars..."

"It's not 'Cars', it's better that every car can be turned into a super robot, and the Jumper is the strongest villain.""

"This is good, the world's luxury cars fight against the domination of the villain Wuling, and there are many elements.

"The end of the world, sci-fi is coming, Gundam Fighters...I can't wait.


The discussion of netizens is inseparable from Wuling Activator, and the popularity is higher than the other.

Red Rabbit (Meriken) lays down to win again,

The stock market on Wall Street fluctuated, and Chitu's share price had a clear upward trend.

This matter reached Ye Qiu immediately.

Seeing that the "Leeks" of Meriken were so crazy about Chitu stock, Ye Qiu understood that the time had finally come.

"It's time for a new harvest."

Ye Qiu turned his wrist, as if he was holding a sickle.

After a few days,

Meriken, Sequoia.

Steve, as always, analyzes the stock situation of Chitu (America).

"According to past experience, Chitu stock is about to experience a new round of daily limit, and he should not issue new shares at this time."

Steve said to his subordinates, "I guess Ye Qiu is waiting for Chitu stock to show a downward trend. 99

But Chitu's stock price has not fallen since its listing.

Looking at the K line of Chitu all the time, there has never been a green color.

"Don't stare at Chitu for now, there will be no stocks released in the short term. 33 Steve ordered.

"Since we can't wait for the new shares of Chitu, don't waste time on this."

"You do market research on other stocks..."

After giving the order,

Steve closed all data sheets on Chitu (Meriken).

After stretching, he decided to give himself a vacation.

do not delay,

the next day,

Steve grabs his luggage and sets off, on a trip that says go.

The destination is a natural hot spring hotel.

Steve turned off his phone and let himself get a good night's sleep.

this sleep,

Just over ten hours.

after waking up,

He was drinking champagne, lying on the reclining chair, enjoying the massage of the beautiful technician.

"It's comfortable, I haven't enjoyed it this way in a long time." Steve closed his eyes, and soon the drowsiness came again.

But instead of sleeping, he remembered to look at his phone.

After booting,

He was dumbfounded.

There are dozens of missed calls in the call list, from different assistants and subordinates.

Looking at the whole page of red numbers, Steve had a hunch.

I'm afraid something happened.

He immediately called back one of the numbers.

"My God, I've finally spoken to you." The other party's tone was relieved.

Steve felt bad and suddenly startled.

The technician behind him didn't have time to dodge and was knocked to the ground by him.

"Yeah-" The woman sat on the ground coquettishly.

the voice on the phone,

The people over there suddenly stopped, thinking that they had offended their boss.

Hearing this voice, it felt like President Steve's good deeds were disturbed.

"What happened?" Steve asked.

Only then did the other party react and report quickly.

"While you were leaving, Chitu suddenly announced the issuance of 50 million new shares, and our stock was diluted... 35

turn out to be,

After Ye Qiu calculated the right time, he assigned Yan Ran to issue new shares of Chitu (Mei Jian).

After the issuance of new shares,

The 23 percent of the Chitu stock that Sequoia originally held was diluted to 17 percent.

by this,

Ye Qiu successfully cashed out more than 200 billion US dollars.

"Has the new shares been issued?" Steve asked.

He also wanted to make a final struggle.

With the popularity of Chitu, once a stock is released, it must be empty in seconds.

Steve took a fluke and hoped to catch up with the issuance of Chitu's new shares.

"In this way, regardless of whether it is released or not, as long as you encounter it, you will definitely buy it all." Steve said again.

He is trying to save.

"The team has already acted in full, but missed the best time and only acquired 2.5 percent of the shares."

"I really didn't expect Chitu to increase shares at this time..."

listen to the report,

Steve felt his heart bleed.


He didn't even have 20% of Chitu's shares.

Fortunately, the increase in shares also made the share price of Chitu (America) soar.

After the market closed, it soared by more than ten percent on the first day.

Red Rabbit (America) has reached the threshold of the trillion-dollar market value, and it's just a step away.

In terms of value,

The total value of Sequoia's stock holdings is greater than ever.

But in the eyes of businessmen, earning less is a loss.


This time, Sequoia lost a lot of money.

for a moment,

Steve felt as if he was decades older, and his heart was cold.

Over the years in the business,

It was the first time he had been battered by a company's stock several times in a row.

The matter is a foregone conclusion, and it is clear that there is no room for redemption.

Steve hung up the phone in despair. At this time, he couldn't hear anything, and his mood dropped to freezing point.

"Sir, your package is not yet..."

The beautiful technician walked up to him and whispered.

But was interrupted angrily by Steve.

"Go, get out!"

The sudden anger almost made the woman cry.

She stood there dumbfounded, at a loss.

"Go, let me go!"

The anger in Steve's heart is getting stronger and stronger, and he has lost 080's sanity.

He felt that it was all the fault of the trip, even the hot spring hotel and the woman in front of him.

"Go, I tell you to go!


The woman's eyes were flushed, and she picked up the toolbox and left.

Steve was the only one left in the room, and it took him a long time to calm down.

"Oh, this time it's really too big.

at the same time,

Zhongyun, Wuling.

Ye Qiu was in a good mood.

The Activist was selling well abroad, Chitu's market value was soaring, and the leek sickle in his hand was also waving a "creaky" sound.

"When the sales data of the Activist comes out next month, Wuling's industrial index will definitely reach a new level. 99

Ye Qiu was delighted, "Then, it's the points..."

"Hey, there's a lottery too.""

this world,

What else could be more exciting than a systematic lottery?

If there is, it must be a double draw.

"It's time to go to Germany to find Kate."

Ye Qiu planned the itinerary and decided to leave soon.

Before that,

He has one little thing to do.

Ever since he met Selena, Huang Yuan has stuck to the Wuling Racing Club just like dog skin plaster.

Pour tea and water to Selena every day, and also send small snacks.

If it wasn't for knowing that this guy just wanted to be Selena's younger brother, Ye Qiu would think that this guy is too suitable to be a licking dog.

But he also had a worry-free old father who insisted on begging Ye Qiu to persuade him to go back.

no way,

Ye Qiu had to go to the club to find Huang Yuan.

"Ye Ye, I didn't expect you, the big-eyed man, to betray the revolution too."

As soon as Huang Yuan heard that Ye Qiu was here to persuade him, he immediately became unhappy.

"I can't help it, your old man almost knelt down for me, I can't bear it. 35 Ye Qiu shrugged.

"Roar, he kneels down for you, and you're scared.

Huang Yuan said angrily, "What if I kneel down for you?"

"Good boy." Ye Qiu patted Huang Yuan's head.

"Go away." Huang Yuan shook off Ye Qiu's hand, "Not enough loyalty.

Ye Qiu guessed that this would be the result, and was not angry.

who knows,

Huang Yuan froze.

"I said, doesn't my father just want me to do business obediently, what's the big deal.

"Say as if no one can, why let me play for another two years?"

"Listen to what you mean, are you good at doing business?" Ye Qiu asked rhetorically.

"What's the problem?" Huang Yuan shook his legs, "If I make a move, I will definitely be no worse than my father. 39

"Okay, then I'll play a little game with you."

Ye Qiu said, "If you understand the game, then I'll leave you alone."

"Come on, who is afraid of who, can you still lose to you?" Huang Yuan was eager to try.

"Alright, if I win, you don't care about me.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want.

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