Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 275 Ye Qiu is the emperor of Wuling! 【Subscription】

"Seriously, Ye Zi, you and I are beyond compare."

Huang Yuan was still complacent, "But just like my dad, I'm still very confident."

"Isn't it just doing business, it's just a small case.""

Seeing Huang Yuan's tail sticking up to the sky, Ye Qiu didn't compliment him or hit him.

Instead, he took out a hundred-yuan bill from his wallet, flattened it, and asked, "Is there any money?"

"Of course there is."

Huang Yuan also took out a hundred yuan from his wallet and handed it to Ye Qiu.

"Okay, now I have two hundred yuan in my hand." Ye Qiu shook the two bills, "Right?

"Yeah." Huang Yuan nodded.

"Then next, you and I will take turns bidding, bidding for two hundred yuan, and whoever bids the highest will win."

Ye Qiu said and put the two banknotes on the table.


He started bidding, "I'll offer a hundred dollars.

"I'll give you one hundred and five." Huang Yuan said without thinking.

He was too familiar with bidding for this set.

"Okay, you win, I give up the auction.

Ye Qiu pushed the two hundred yuan on the table to Huang Yuan, "Give me one hundred and five, and the two hundred yuan will be yours.

"Really?' 35

Huang Yuan didn't quite believe it.

Is it too much to buy the two hundred yuan in front of me for only one hundred and fifty?

The money was so easy to make, it was inevitable that he would not suspect Ye Qiu of cheating.

"Hmm." Ye Qiu nodded.

"so good?"

Huang Yuan was worried that Ye Qiu would go back on it, and quickly took out another hundred and fifty yuan from his wallet and handed it to Ye Qiu, and then happily accepted the two hundred yuan on the table.

"Ok, the game is over." Ye Qiu gave Huang Yuan a meaningful look, then turned to leave.

"Ye Zi, did I win?" Huang Yuan shouted behind him.

Ye Qiu waved his hands behind his back, but didn't answer.

"Then I must have won, it's really easy to earn this money, haha. 35

Huang Yuan was complacent, "I can make money from Ye Ziye, how dare the old man at home dare to talk about me?


Just when he happily wanted to find Selena, he suddenly froze.

He took out the two hundred yuan from the auction, stared blankly for a long time, and then turned to look in the direction Ye Qiu left.

"Wozao, I was treated as a fool."

It was only then that Huang Yuan understood that after this round, it was a loss to his grandmother's house.

He was naive, at first he thought he was taking advantage of Ye Qiu.

"It's so cruel, Ye Zi." Huang Yuan carefully folded two hundred yuan and put them in another pocket.

Oh, what a shame.

Huang Yuan's expression suddenly became serious, as if he was stimulated, and at the same time as if he had realized something.

the other side,

After Ye Qiu returned to the office, he prepared documents and flew to the country.

Porsche's side,

Kate picked up the plane herself.

The cabin had just opened, she couldn't wait to run up, and when they met, she gave Ye Qiu a big hug.

"My dear, you've come to see me.

Kate first pecked Ye Qiu's face, her eyes blurred, "You don't know, people are going crazy thinking about you.

"So, I'm not here." Ye Qiu hugged her dotingly.

"Hmph, slick." Kate pouted, "How could your chief executive come to the country if you have nothing to do, is it just to see me? 99

"Let's not say anything else, you are my favorite for being smart.

Ye Qiu smiled.


He patted Kate's little doctor as if to reassure her.

"Look, I'll say you didn't come here specifically for me.

Kate hugged Ye Qiu even tighter, "It's a loss for someone to come to pick you up."

"Hahaha, hard work, hard work."

"I don't care, I have to accompany me tonight, and I'm not allowed to go anywhere. 35 Kate said coquettishly.

"Yes, it only belongs to you." Ye Qiu's expression was firm.

Kate just smiled.

"Hmph, it should have been. 35

Facing the little goblin in front of him, Ye Qiu was helpless.

The two hadn't seen each other for a while, Ye Qiu also understood her troubles, and it was inevitable that she was bored.

Anyway, there is no hurry to leave, Ye Qiu simply set aside a day to accompany Kate.

"Yeah dear, you're so nice".

Hearing Ye Qiu's decision, Kate jumped up happily like a rabbit.


She is also the head of Audi's electric vehicle division and a senior Volkswagen executive.

In front of Ye Qiu, she will also look like a little girl.

It can only be said that the power of love is really mysterious.

Seeing that it was still early, Kate dragged Ye Qiu onto Feng Iqing Street.

"We're not talking about work today, we're just an ordinary couple.

Kate held Ye Qiu's hand and walked forward, jumping up and down, turning back and laughing at Ye Qiu from time to time.

"Yes yes, ordinary couple." Ye Qiu smiled silently.

The woman is coquettish, she is really a child.

Without waiting for Ye Qiu to think, Kate dragged him into a luxury store.

Bags, high heels, jackets to choose.

Does your ordinary young couple buy luxury goods like visiting a vegetable market... Ye Qiu teased in his heart.


teasing, teasing,

Ye Qiu obediently paid after seeing Kate picking out the items she liked.

What Ye Qiu lacked most now was money.

If you can use money to make your girlfriend happy, it will save trouble.

after buying clothes,

Kate took Ye Qiu to a candlelight dinner again.

Michelin restaurants are directly booked, and there are special bands playing.

while having dinner,

Ye Qiu always felt that Kate looked at him a bit the same, as if with a faint murderous aura.

His feeling was accurate, and Kate was actually holding a small breath in her heart.


She loves Ye Qiu deeply, and naturally she doesn't want to lose her temper in front of Ye Qiu.

but feel that,

Can't let go of this guy easily.

Day by day, I only know about business wars, and I don't know much about coming to see my lover in a foreign country.

Does he know how empty and lonely it is for people to protect him like jade?

Hum, can't make him too proud.

I spend your money, I spend your money... Kate thought that from the beginning.


After this trip to Feng Iqing Street, she was tired of shopping.

Ye Qiu didn't care about money, he simply threw the black card to the waiter.

"As long as she's seen it, it's all wrapped up. 33 Ye Qiu said.

The waiters in several luxury stores were dumbfounded.

I have seen the arrogant master, but I have never seen such a arrogant one.

Even Kate was stunned.

Honey, do you hate money so much? Have to spend it in a hurry.

High-end brand stores all provide delivery services, and Ye Qiu doesn't have to work hard to help with bags.

Just go with you,

This kind of shopping, he is quite happy.

in the soft candlelight,

Kate took a small sip of caviar and glared at Ye Qiu with a grudge in her eyes.


She sighed silently.

The man in front of him is too powerful, it is impossible to defeat him.

She conceded.

Anyway, this man is his own, nothing else matters.

Think about it this way,

Kate was relieved suddenly, and she happily ate dinner again, the knife crunching on the plate.

After dinner,

Kate grabbed Ye Qiu and ran to her villa.

After getting home,

As soon as they entered the door, Kate stood on tiptoe and hooked Ye Qiu's neck.

The two noses touched each other, feeling each other's breath.

Ye Qiu also wrapped around Kate's slender waist.

As if they were about to dance, the two maintained a movement and turned in circles.

Kate lifted her leg and closed the door, kicking off her high heels.

When the atmosphere is set to the limit, it becomes presumptuous.

"Honey, go upstairs." Ye Qiu whispered.

"Mmmm. 35 Kate closed her eyes slightly and her heart beat a little faster.

Ye Qiu hugged Kate in his arms, threw off his shoes and walked upstairs.


There are cicadas chirping outside the villa, grasshoppers flapping their wings, and owls "purring"...

Intertwined with the laughter in the villa's bedroom, a lingering symphony was played.

the next day,

When the sun was shining, Ye Qiu barely woke up from a sweet dream.

He pulled out an arm to rest on the back of his head, and looked at the beauty lying beside him with doting eyes.

Kate's hair was disheveled, her mouth pouted in her sleep, and she giggled.

Imagine dreaming something good.

Ye Qiu didn't bother her, just watched quietly.

The woman in front of her, even though she always looks like a strong woman in the company, is actually a little woman when she comes home.

Only Ye Qiu could see this special side of her.

"Jingle Bell--"


Kate's cell phone rang.

She woke up with a lazy waist, and looked at Ye Qiu admiringly first.

Then he didn't care about walking in front of Ye Qiu, and took out his phone from the side to connect.

"What's up?"

As if something was being ordered over the phone, Kate's expression gradually became serious.

"Well, um, I see.

hang up the phone,

Kate's fair arm hooked Ye Qiu's neck, pulling him towards her.

"Good Morning Kiss. ​​35


Kate said, "Looks like the good times are over, and the board is looking for you."

when speaking,

Kate's expression was slightly sad.

When she was emotional, she valued whether Ye Qiu could stay by her side more than a quarter of an hour more than work.


Kate led Ye Qiu to the Porsche family banquet.

It is said to be a welcome meeting, but in fact it is also to discuss cooperation.


After Ye Qiu got off the plane, before leaving with Kate, he had already instructed his assistant to deliver the documents.

One day is enough for these people to clearly see the content of the contract.

Ye Qiu's meaning is very clear.

For Wuling to enter Europe, Chitu electric vehicles are already unstoppable, and a new super factory is planned to be built in Europe.

This is also Ye Qiu's support for his allies.

all along,

Volkswagen is on the side of Wuling in the car race.


Kate, as Ye Qiu's woman, Wuling is about to seize the European market, Ye Qiu will try not to embarrass his allies.

Now that Chitu Super Factory has entered Europe, this move is inevitable.

Referring to the American market, Volkswagen will definitely be at a disadvantage in the competition.

Moreover, the Hongqi SUV is also in preparation, and the status of Porsche Cayenne will also be impacted.

These are things that the public does not want to see.

But there are unavoidable.

The market competition is like this, the weak eat the blood and it is very bloody.

Fortunately, Ye Qiu is not an absolutely ruthless person, so before he came, he made a new business cooperation plan.

That's the plan the Porsche family saw.

It is clearly written above,

Once the super factory is successfully established in Europe, Wuling can consider Volkswagen, Audi or Porsche technology to take a stake.


In the later period, Chitu and Porsche will jointly launch a joint electric car.

To know,

The market value of Red Rabbit (America) has approached one trillion US dollars, and its stocks are even more difficult to obtain than gold.

This proposal is of extraordinary seductive significance for any car company.

The entry of Chitu may make Volkswagen lose part of the European market, but what they have obtained is the direct equity of Chitu.

This business is not necessarily a loss.

"""Mr. Ye, regarding the agreement you gave, it is about exchanging 18% of Chitu's shares in exchange for the public's help in marketing, and..."

It was the old man who was sitting at the head who spoke, and Kate had to be respectful in front of him.

"What? Isn't it worth it?" Ye Qiu asked rhetorically.

He's not a great villain, but he's definitely not kind, he's a businessman.

Businessmen pursue profits, and naturally they will not do business at a loss.

18% of Chitu's shares in exchange for the construction of Chitu Super Factory in Europe, and the absolute support of the public.

at the same time,

It will also delay the authorization of Audi's quattro four-wheel drive technology for a hundred years.

That is,

This will be an absolute binding. After signing the agreement, Volkswagen will no longer pose a threat to Wuling.


Wuling will not make a stumbling block for the public.

In general,

Ye Qiu imitated the way he entered (Qian's) into the United States, and came with an empty-gloved white wolf.

He didn't believe that the old guys in front of him weren't heartbroken.

It's only a matter of time before the market value of Chitu (American Legion) breaks through trillions of dollars. At that time, this 18% stake alone will be worth the entire public.

180 billion US dollars, only to buy technology for 100 years.

The follow-up cooperation between the two and the withdrawal of the joint car is enough for them to make a lot of money.

Think about it in every way,

There is no reason for the Porsche family to refuse.

as predicted,

There was a flicker of panic on the old man's face, but it returned to normal immediately.

"No no no, I mean, we are willing to abide by the content of the contract."5

"There's just one point, about the control of the gigafactory, and the dominance of the new car..."

"Wuling must be in absolute control." Ye Qiu interrupted him again.

at this point,

It is a matter of principle, Ye Qiu will never let go.

He could allow others to drink the soup, but he would never allow anyone to reach for his meat.

Even if it is his own woman's family, he is not soft-hearted.

Pulling a crowd is already Ye Qiu's biggest bottom line,

If the Porsche family gets another inch, he doesn't think he won't turn his back on it.

"There is no other possibility, Wuling's factories and products must be controlled by me.

Although there are many bad things about Yiyantang, Ye Qiu doesn't mind.

In the face of absolute strength, he is the emperor of Wuling.

"Excellent, dear."

Kate winked at Ye Qiu secretly, affirming her man.

Strong men are the most attractive.

Ps: Thanks to 183****4884 readers for the 588 VIP points that have been greatly rewarded. Awesome boss, love your boss!! The boss is invincible and handsome, give your knees to the boss, ahhhhhhhhhhh!!.

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