Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 285 Put the hive into the supercar! 【Subscription】

club training ground,

Selena was staring at the two convertible Wuling minis in a daze, her pale fingers touching her slightly pointed chin.

Hearing movement behind her, she turned around subconsciously.

The moment he saw Ye Qiu, there was obvious surprise in his eyes.

You two look at me, I look at you.

After a few seconds of silence,

Selena pointed to the convertible Wuling mini beside her, and asked, "Come around?

"Okay." Ye Qiu responded and got into the blue one.

Selena sat in the red convertible mini, and the two drove the car to the starting line.

Start, bang the throttle.

Ye Qiu said to Selena: "Shout.

"Three, two, one, start!

The voice just fell,

Two convertible minis rushed to the track and started a fierce competition.

The race schedule is only one lap, and there is no room to adjust the state slowly. The two must show their housekeeping skills from the beginning.

Selena had the advantage, she had run several laps before the race.

Just now, I was just reflecting on my own shortcomings.

At this time, her hands were hot, and as expected, Selena accelerated at the start, quickly overtook Ye Qiu and ran ahead.

There is only one lap time, and it will soon pass.

Selena cheered herself up in her heart, holding the steering wheel, trembling with excitement.

This is the first time,

She surpassed Ye Qiu in the start, and she may have the biggest chance of winning the match against Ye Qiu.

Before that,

She has always been unilaterally beaten by Ye Qiu, no matter how she progressed.

Ye Qiu is like an evolutionary monster with no upper limit, and can always rely on novel techniques to defeat her boldly and carefully.

"This time, it's finally different, I want to win."

Selena gritted her teeth, trying to calm down her inner excitement and prevent herself from making mistakes.

The effect is very good,

The half circle passed quickly, and Ye Qiu was still behind her.

From the surface situation, it seems that as long as the speed is stabilized, Selena will win.

After a few seconds, the game was over.

"I'm really unhappy, I still lost.

end point,

Selena watched Ye Qiu slowly get down from the car.

In the final sprint stage, she still lost to Ye Qiu without warning.

Lost anyway.

"You're still better than you." Selena said again, "However, I won't give up."

"Okay, I look forward to the day of your Nirvana.

Ye Qiu walked to the finish line and glanced at the rut.

Really narrow victory.

"By the way, what's your business with me?" Selena asked.

After such a long time together,

The two have gradually separated from the relationship between superiors and subordinates, and are more like competitors.


Selena has always regarded Ye Qiu as a target that must be surpassed.

This state appears to be very harmonious, making the two of them communicate more smoothly.

most of the time,

It's like chatting with friends.

"It's nothing, I originally came to see Huang Yuan, I heard about him, so I stopped by..."

"I don't like imposed emotions, I have my own heart. 95

Before Ye Qiu could finish speaking, Selena interrupted him.

"Of course, if it's your request, I can consider..."

"No, I never force anyone to do things, let alone a good woman."


Ye Qiu turned and left.

Looking at Ye Qiu's back, Selena stood there and muttered to herself.

"If it's you, I don't mind forcing it."

"I feel like I can really make a difference for you.

The way women express their love is always so subtle.


Huang Yuan was still standing in the same place and lost.

"Your father misses you again, let you go back early." Ye Qiu said as he passed by him.

"Understood, I'll go back.

as predicted,

Just as Ye Qiu had imagined, this kid Huang Yuan finally retreated.

"That's good.

Now that the mission has been completed, Ye Qiu didn't stop there.

At this time,

Huang Yuan suddenly caught up and started chattering behind Ye Qiu.

"Leaf, we are brothers, right'"?"

"Listen to what you said, why do you feel there is a conspiracy.

"No, you think too much. From today, you are my elder brother."

"Yo hoo, Huang Shao, when did you become so polite?

Ye Qiu's eyes lit up, "Let's call first and listen to it, to make big brother feel good.

"Big brother." Huang Yuan was not hypocritical.

Ye Qiu smiled softly after hearing this, thinking that there must be something wrong with this kid.

"Brother, I'm going to change my mind. 35

This kid is still not giving up.

"Well, how to say? 99

"Under this line of thinking, you need Ye Ye... No, Brother Ye, work hard."

"What does it have to do with me if I don't chase my sister?"

"I didn't ask you to chase after your sister, I asked you to chase Selena, didn't you find that she likes you? 99

Huang Yuan showed an expression of hating iron and steel, and expressed concern about his brother's marriage.

"Then what?" Ye Qiu disagreed.

"Then, as soon as you two get married, Selena will become my sister-in-law..."

"There is no difference between sister-in-law and sister. 35

Huang Yuan was triumphant, "This wave is called saving the country with a curve. 35


Ye Qiu couldn't help giving him a thumbs up.

"Brother Ye, can you promise me that after catching up with Selena, you will get the certificate as soon as possible, and cook rice for her."5

"Besides, you don't need to chase after her, just stand in front of her and say: Let's get married.

"I guess, Selena packed up and ran with you."

Huang Yuan patted the belly, "Don't worry, I will never lie to you."

"Huang Shao and I have been in love for many years. Which woman is interested in whom can be seen at a glance if she is sincere."

"Then you didn't see it, Selena doesn't like you?" Ye Qiu asked rhetorically.

"I see, what's the matter with me?"

"It's so cheap." Ye Qiu gave him another thumbs up.

"Okay, I promise you, you can get out."

"Go back to the magic capital, don't let your old man bother me again."

Ye Qiu was also frightened by these two fathers and sons.

If it weren't for his best friend, he really wanted to give this uneducated boy a slap in the face.


Huang Yuan darted back to the club.

"Finally quiet.

Ye Qiu returned to the office, closed the door, and the first thing he did was rub his ears.

Then he tasted Huang Yuan's words again.

"Selena loves you.

Ye Qiu is not a fool, let alone a straight man of steel, he can still see some clues.

If he really likes it, he doesn't mind.

after all,

Who can refuse a beautiful and sassy motorcycle beauty with a perfect figure?

not to mention,

With a mysterious origin.


What man doesn't like solving puzzles? It's the best feeling of peeling the cocoon layer by layer.

"What am I thinking?

Ye Qiu shook his head, sorted out his thoughts, and returned to work.

Dubai luxury car show is coming soon,

The competition between Wuling and the world's luxury cars is reaching a fever pitch.

This time,

Ye Qiu wants to make the world shine and witness the birth of a new supercar leader.

With such a goal in mind, Ye Qiu decided to be tough.

"The traditional set is no longer able to amaze fans."

Ye Qiu said to himself, "The requirements for super running are being raised step by step, and it is obviously not enough to just look cool."5

Son of Dragon has made the supercar appearance almost to the extreme, and this is the linkage between Mercedes-Benz and "Avatar".

Daimler is doing this, nothing more than trying to regain a city in appearance.

This plan is unknown to outsiders, including Ye Qiu.


Even if Ye Qiu knew about it, he probably wouldn't take it too seriously.

On appearance,

In terms of design, Wuling has the unconventional style of the Son of the Dragon and the unique style of the Activator.

The Son of Dragon S has to make a big move, so Daimler is obviously not enough for Ye Qiu to worry about.

What Ye Qiu wants to do now is the inner part of super running.

The core of Wuling has always been cutting-edge technology, and this time is no exception.

"Try the latest plan.

Ye Qiu turned on the computer, and there was a file at the very end of the folder.

The name is "Metaverse".

This is a concept that has been mentioned by major companies and corporate celebrities recently.

It is claimed to be a virtual world that is linked and created by scientific and technological means, a virtual world that maps and interacts with the real world, and a digital living space with a new social system.

speak English,

It is to allow people to "live" like normal people in a virtual world without leaving home

The "life" here refers to ordinary behavior.

Go shopping, go shopping, see exhibitions, browse art, watch concerts, etc.

A bit similar to the previous movie "Ready Player One".

not long ago,

The head of Facebook, Zach, is still in the interview, demonstrating what the "metaverse" is



The picture quality is a bit blurry and the character modeling is rough.


Ye Qiu clearly knew that with the current technological means, it is impossible to realize the "metaverse".

The reason is also clear...

so far,

Only the Wuling family can truly achieve naked-eye 3D technology, and it must be in the hive.


In order to let people swim in a well-drawn world, a complete set of VR equipment is also essential.

at the same time,

VR equipment is about resolution and frame rate.

Otherwise, talking about immersion will only make people dizzy and vomit.

According to research,

To get full immersion on a VR device through the naked eye, the ideal resolution is 16k, and the refresh rate must reach 180Hz.

What is this concept?

The best 4K monitor in the world at the moment, overclocked to the highest level, with a refresh rate of less than 165Hz.

That is,

It is impossible to achieve full immersion through VR.

It can be seen from this,

Facebook's Zach is just using the concept to fool investors to ensure that Facebook's stock price does not fall.

after all,

Compared with Apple, the world's first echelon companies such as Amazon have entered trillion-dollar companies, and Facebook has fallen behind.

Zach said that ""Sima Zhao's heart is well known", but a lot of people responded.


Ye Qiu also had to sigh with emotion, the money of leeks is really easy to make.

This wave of wind from the Metaverse has even brought Chitu's stock price up.

Wall Street predicts that Wuling will also join the "Metaverse".

"The Metaverse is not my goal, but it has provided me with a good idea.

Ye Qiu had a whole new idea.

This idea relies on the "infinite series technology".

Simply put,

It is to use the super cloud computing power and wireless transmission capability to lightweight the device.


It is to let players no longer rely on personal computers to calculate, but only need to receive pictures.

All calculations are done in the cloud.

down like this,

Anyone only needs a polarizing screen to travel the "metaverse".

Regarding cloud computing power, the White Queen is enough to support all Wuling users.

And the transmission capacity,

The Wuling personal satellite that Ye Qiu obtained from Minister Liu was not a vegetarian.

They are all technologies that are ahead of the world, enough to support this so-called "metaverse".

But what Ye Qiu wants to do is "personal universe".

"Make every car unique and become the owner's personal universe."

Ye Qiu made up his mind, "Complete immersion doesn't seem to be a problem.

The prototype of the new scheme has emerged,

Ye Qiu decided to discuss with Lin Xueruo first to see where the difficulties lie.

to the hive,

research room,

After meeting Lin Xueruo, Ye Qiu went straight to the point.

"Xue Ruo, if..." Ye Qiu paused (yes), "I mean if.

"Well, Darling, you say." Lin Xueruo nodded.

"If I wanted to condense the hive into a supercar, how likely do you think it would be?"

The moment I heard this sentence,

Lin Xueruo's pupils widened slightly and quickly returned to their original state.

The loss is that Qin Mengyao is not there,


She would definitely point to Ye Qiu's murder, or his brain, and ask him if something went wrong again.

Only Lin Xueruo could allow Ye Qiu to be so unrestrained.

"Darling means..."

Lin Xueruo asked, "Is it like a beehive, or does it have to be a beehive?"5

These are two concepts,

If it was as cool as a beehive, Lin Xueruo could do it.

But if the hive is condensed into a supercar, she may really be powerless.

How to say,

Honeycomb is also the most advanced research laboratory given by the system, leading the world for a hundred years and covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of hectares.

It is obviously impossible to compress such a giant into a small space of less than ten square meters.

"It's enough to be like a hive." Ye Qiu replied.

"Understood, Darling."

Lin Xueruo hooked Ye Qiu's arm, her expression relaxed, "Give me a few days and I will give Darling a satisfactory answer."

"As expected of my concept engineer, it has never let me down."

For Lin Xueruo, Ye Qiu has always been generous with praise.

"Of course, I'm Lin Xueruo.

"Yes Yes.

Ye Qiu scratched her nose, and Lin Xueruo looked happy.

"I also want.

Cute saw it and jumped in front of Ye Qiu.



The little cutie also showed an expression of enjoyment.

After the assignment of tasks, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

the waves before dawn,

It appears to be calm on the surface, but in fact it has long been undercurrents.

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