Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 286: The Return of the Ruined King? 【Subscription】

american nicotine,

Texas, Austin.

On the street where there is not much traffic, a Tesla Edamame S is driving slowly.

A group of people followed behind the car, some were chasing after holding their laptops, while others picked up binoculars and kept observing in the direction of travel.


When Edamame S disappeared from sight, someone immediately ordered.

Immediately after,

Everyone quickly got on two pickups and chased Edamame S away.


Edamame S reappeared, they kept their distance and followed little by little.

there are people passing by,

After looking at the two pickups, they both cast sympathetic glances at the Edamame S in front.

Free American, it's too easy to rob a house.

It's just that this tracking is almost level, and it is so close that I don't know how to disguise it.

What's even more speechless is that the edamame S in front was not found at all.

"Child, when you grow up, you must not buy a Tesla car.

A passing mother said to the child she was holding, "Look, how unintelligent you are, you can't even be found by being followed like this."5

"Got it, Mommy." The little boy nodded obediently.


The mother and son looked back again, sighing and shaking their heads.


Edamame S had traveled less than ten kilometers and stopped on the side of a road.

The door opened slowly, and a man in a suit stepped down from it.

The man slowly took off his sunglasses, revealing a face that netizens were all too familiar with.


It was he who was driving this Edamame S just now, and his technical team followed behind him.

He is testing a new technology, a brand new self-driving technology, which he named "FSD-Beta"


in a while,

The technical team behind him also parked nearby, and Madison, the head of core data, trotted to Musk.

"President, according to our tracking and calculation along the road..."

The Madison Reporter reported, “Under the operation of the FSD function, your Edamame S runs stably and does not appear unstable. 39

"It would be a revolutionary success if you didn't take over the car manually all the way.

The others also gathered around, looking at Musk expectantly.

"Success is inevitable."

Musk said, raised his hand, indicating that he had not touched the steering wheel.

"Fantastic! We made it!

The technical team members were dancing with excitement.

They have been developing this special self-driving technology for a full year, and they have been encountering various difficulties in the middle.

Even when Wuling Chitu caught up with Truss, the team was almost disbanded by Musk.

"You can't even fight a little red rabbit in Wuling, what exactly do I pay to support you? 35'

"Anyway, it's a failure. I might as well take the high salary I gave you, build a few villas, and raise some models to be comfortable."

Due to Musk's eccentric temper, the team members have been under a lot of pressure.

It's the last test, and if it doesn't work, they might really just pack up and leave.

Fortunately, the results are good, this new automatic driving system has finally achieved perfect operation.

Compared with Tesla's previous L8-level driving technology, this technology requires a lot of intelligence just in terms of algorithms.

This time the street was chosen by them.

Facing the sudden "exam",

It is clear,

Edamame S turned out very well.

There are no specific scenarios, and no drills of crowds and vehicles.

It's all reality, and Edamame S didn't make any obvious mistakes.

All thanks to FSD driving technology.

To this,

Musk is also in a good mood.

Batteries and autonomous driving have always been the core selling points of Tesla.

Unexpectedly, in just one year, Wuling was overtaken.

In the market competition of electric vehicles, Tesla has been suppressed by Wuling, and Musk dreams of getting back on his feet.


The opportunity came.

Musk couldn't contain his joy, but he didn't want to be too obvious in front of his subordinates.


The technical team only saw that their boss was facing the suburbs, his shoulders were shaking all the time, which was very strange.

Combined with the boss's weird temper, the team that was still in a good mood immediately became well-behaved.

For fear of something wrong with the boss, he fired them.

this kind of thing,

It's not uncommon in Terras.

"President, we have already collected the data, so we will go back to work overtime first.

Madison deliberately emphasized "overtime", which is to say to Musk.

"Go ahead. 35 Musk waved his hand.


Madison hurriedly took the team and rushed towards the pickup truck like a catastrophe, and quickly escaped from Musk's side.

this speed,

I'm afraid that the American army's combat troops are coming, but they are not as fast as them.

Musk didn't care at all about the abnormality of his subordinates.

He is now only looking forward to the arrival of the Dubai Luxury Auto Show, so that car lovers around the world can see Tesla's latest masterpiece of autonomous driving.

"What kind of artificial intelligence rabbit, anything that blocks Terras' progress will become cannon fodder under my iron hoof."

Musk faced the sky and clenched his fists tightly, "Ye Qiu, Tesla's FSD driving technology is here, I see what you can resist?"

"There will be no more Chitu evading Truss automatically. Don't even think about such a conspiracy in the future."

“Tras has completed the evolution to become a true artificial intelligence. 35

"This time, I will win."

Musk has been brooding over the farce at the Hangzhou Auto Show.

He was thinking about making Wuling embarrassed in the same place.

To this,

He had to contact the official Dubai Auto Show in advance, intending to do something small.


Before that,

Since he was in a good mood, he decided to tweet first.

"Right now, I'm on a random street near Austin, Texas, and we're doing a self-driving test of the Tesla Edam S, and the results are incredible. The latest generation of advanced driver assistance systems, the FSD, is about to be released. This time, I'm sure will win.


He turned off his phone, got into his car, and left Austin.

that night,

American Motors Media reported the incident and interpreted it as an autonomous driving competition between Tesla and Wuling.

Anyone who has paid attention to Tras and Chitu will probably know that Tras' own goal in Hangcheng.

Musk's words,

It is obvious that he wants to take revenge on Wuling, which is quite a kind of "return of the ruined king".

The emotions of Meilijian netizens were ignited.

"Musk is good, I support you, that is, to beat Wuling in autonomous driving."

"Retrieve your former glory, speak with your strength, and defeat Wuling's intelligent rabbit.""

"Looking forward to a new round of competition between the two, just imagine how grand it will be.

"Ever since I lost to Chitu, I thought that Truss had just sunk. It turned out that he was holding back his big move."

"I don't know when Musk's boss will attack Wuling. Please be sure to broadcast it live. I hope to witness it together."

"The electric car market of Meilikan has been taken away by Chitu, but I still firmly support Tesla, for nothing but to appreciate Musk's unyielding efforts.

"In terms of innovation, Wuling is absolutely incomparable.


Musk's fans are blowing rainbow farts like crazy.


There are also many people who sing the opposite, but will soon be banned.

Under Musk's Twitter, he was always allowed to be self-indulgent.

the next day,

Musk’s Twitter content spread to Xia Guo and was reported by major media.

"About Musk's Twitter provocation of Wuling incident, the autopilot battle has ushered in a new situation, (cfai) I don't know if Musk's so-called FSD autopilot technology can pose a threat to Wuling's Chitu? 99

The domestic media tends to be fair in their reports, and no one dares to speculate.

The lessons of history tell them that those who underestimate Wuling will not end well in the end.

But Truss, they also dare not underestimate.

car circle,

Netizens also discussed it.

"With Musk's bragging personality, I don't think he's doing much."

"But he dares to openly provoke Wuling, and it is still worthy of careful treatment."

"Although Musk likes to talk big, he does have the ability. Maybe this FSD function is really awesome and I can't say for sure."9

"It's over, is the little rabbit's rival really here?

"I feel sorry for the little rabbit, don't lose.


Although netizens did not say it directly, the worry they expressed was genuine.

After all,

Terras' strength still worries them.

Musk is aggressive, and the follow-up of the little rabbit can't really compare?

all along,

Chitu's artificial intelligence bunnies all exist in the form of artificial intelligence, mostly used to advise car owners on driving, and enforce driving safety at critical moments.

The role played by the artificial intelligence rabbit is like a silent nanny, useful but always inconspicuous.


Netizens will be frightened by the menacing Musk.

And soon Musk released a new video,

With the assistance of the FSD function, the Tesla Edamame S completely got rid of the steering wheel and completed the automatic driving of the immediate road section.


Truss announced that the era of true autonomous driving has arrived.


Xia Guo netizens are even more worried.

"Would Wuling's status finally be guaranteed? Unexpectedly, Truss' counterattack came so quickly.

"After all, they have been a big company for more than ten years, and they are still the number one car company in terms of market value. Wuling has only been two years old, so it can't compare to normal."

"It can only be said that the domestic technology is still lagging behind. I just hope that Wuling can bring us more surprises."

"Maybe people have already drifted away. You can look at Wuling's recent performance. It is a super-running and off-roading. There is no time for automatic driving."5

"That is, compared with the vain technology of autonomous driving, of course, it is more profitable to buy a luxury car.

"I said, you people are sour, aren't you?"

"Wuling has been brilliant so many times, everyone has seen it, why is it that Truss is not confident if he makes a small move?

"What else can I do? Inferiority, there are always some guys who think that the moon in foreign countries is more round, and the technology in foreign countries is better.

"Returning a luxury car can make money, so I asked Wuling which car does the Chinese get no dividends?

"You shouted for a convertible, and Wuling mini also built it, only 100,000."

"Wuling has no technology? Look at the current automotive field, cars, off-road, pickups, SUVs, supercars...even excavators, which one is not Wuling's first? 35

"Some guys just don't know enough, they know the sour Chinese enterprise.


"And what about the RV?"

"It's so tough, isn't it? 35

"I'm just telling the truth, why? Don't let me tell the truth? Wuling has the ability to fight, go and fight Musk back.


Black powder can never be cleaned up,

Regarding Wuling, the scolding war is also the easiest to cause.

Ye Qiu was sitting in the office, watching the increasingly heated debate in the circle of car friends, and suddenly felt very interesting.

It is also very coincidental,

He had just innovated the smart bunny into a white queen, and before he had time to cover the system, this provocation came to him.

"Give you a few more days of pride, Joker.

Ye Qiu was too lazy to pay attention to Musk.

Just an autonomous driving technology is not what he is after.

Wuling's latest Dragon Son S will not only carry the White Queen for the first time, but also some super-era black technology, all of which have never been seen before.

He's making some fantasies a reality.

"Boom thump-"

There was a knock on the office door.

This time, instead of being pushed away directly, a terrified face came in.

It's the secretariat.

Ye Qiu tidied up his clothes and sat upright.


The beautiful female secretary in a lo-dress pushed open the door and walked in, placing a document in front of Ye Qiu.

This is the receipt sent by the Dubai Luxury Auto Show, saying that they will give great consideration to our request.

"There's no time for them to think about it, I'm going to answer now, and it's a positive answer.

Ye Qiu's expression was firm, and he had the demeanor of a boss.

"Wuling's independent exhibition hall must have and cannot be refused."

In order to better show the Dragon Son S at the auto show and introduce the super-new functions more comprehensively, Ye Qiu ordered the person in charge of the auto show to get in touch in advance, and insisted that he build an independent showroom by himself.

Ye Qiu learned to take precautions after being made small moves twice in a row.

He had expected that the foreign guys would definitely not care about tripping Wuling for the third time.


This "friendly" dialogue -- in fact, Wuling's unilateral intimidation -- did not go well.


Regarding Ye Qiu's request, the secretary seemed a little difficult.

this kind of thing,

She really didn't know what to do with it.

Ye Qiu also saw her embarrassment and didn't blame her.

"Connect me to Abdullah and say I want to invite him to dinner."

"Okay, boss."

After two days,

Abdullah appeared at Ye Qiu's banquet as scheduled, and as soon as they met, he gave Ye Qiu a warm hug.

"Old friend, long time no see."

"This time, what high-end goods will open my eyes?"

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