Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 287 Dragon Son S, shocks the world view! 【Subscription】

"Of course there are good things, but before I say..."

Ye Qiu smiled slightly, bought a pass, "I want you to always have a question, and then I will show you.

"What doubt? Abdullah was piqued.

"You have to keep thinking about where this car should be placed if it is at the Dubai Auto Show," Ye Qiu said~.

"Where should it be placed?-"

"What position….…"

during the banquet,

Abdullah kept talking, not thinking about eating at all.

If it wasn't for maintaining the temperament of a Saudi noble, he really fragrantly pulled Ye Qiu to ask what happened.

This kid talks too much and only speaks half of it, which is too itchy.

After finally finishing the meal, Abdullah excitedly followed Ye Qiu to the hive.

It's not the first time for him to help Ye Qiu keep secrets.


Many facilities in the hive did not set restrictions on him, which made him a feast for the eyes.

Follow Ye Qiu all the way to the research room,

After greeting several beauties, Ye Qiu took him to a special experience that directly impacted his worldview.

From the outside, the experience equipment does not seem to be too advanced, but just like a cockpit.

But after lying down,

The power was turned on, the screen was turned on, and Abdullah's surprised voice came from his face.

"My God, is this true?"

"It's so realistic, it's too scary, where the hell am I? 99

"Oh, I'm about to fall, how come it's flying again?

"Hello, beauty, oh, your name is White Queen. 39


Half an hour has passed,

Abdullah had absolutely no intention of coming out of the cockpit.

"It's almost time."

Ye Qiu nodded to Lin Xueruo, who turned off the power.

"Hey, why did it stop?" Abdullah exclaimed.

cockpit open,

He came out of the cockpit reluctantly, his face full of hope.

"Is this the latest game console?" He asked Ye Qiu, "It's really like a simulation, is there a current console? When will I be able to play it?"5

"No." He also shook his head, "This is not a game console, this is the latest Dragon Son.

"Is this a new supercar?"

Abdullah was incredible.

Recalling the picture in the cockpit just now, the picture feels as real as it is in reality.

The most terrifying thing is,

It's not watching a movie, by touching, he can interact with those pictures.

He clearly felt,

When he walks in the Amazon rainforest, the kind of atmosphere around him.

As if the man-eating python was at his feet, the poisonous spider could be seen looking back.

It's so real that it's hard to tell if it's in the game or if it's really been teleported into the rainforest.


When he saw the gold washed away under the waterfall, he was convinced that he was not in reality.

after all,

How can there be gold under a waterfall?

Isn't that stuff in the basement at home?

Rich people think differently.

"Old friend, stop joking, how can this be a new supercar?"

Abdullah pointed to the cockpit, "This thing doesn't even have wheels, does it fly?"

"Of course this isn't the new Dragon Son." Ye Qiu corrected.

"The interior plan of the new Son of the Dragon that you see is just, in a word, it will be very complicated, and it will be very sci-fi.

"It's okay if you don't understand.

Ye Qiu paused.

"Now, you just need to answer the question I asked you at the beginning.


Abdullah scratched his chin and thought for a moment.


He seemed to have a bright light above his head, and the whole person suddenly became enlightened.

"I understand, don't worry.

Ye Qiu nodded, without even having to explain.

the next day,

When the secretary goes to work, she organizes the documents and thinks at the same time.

"As far as our plan is concerned, how can we get the organizers of the Dubai Luxury Auto Show to agree?

"Mr. Ye is really interesting, and his attitude is so tough."

"I'm afraid that Mr. Ye is not a little bit floating, and I don't dare to say such words.

"Is it true that all bosses like to talk big?"

"If people can agree to this, Mr. Ye will be my father in the future, with boundless mana. 35

The young lady was talking without thinking, when suddenly, the email rang.

click on it,

Involuntarily took a breath.

That's a receipt,

The content generally says that the Dubai Luxury Auto Show readily agrees to Wuling's request and presents many additional items.

Like what to help with consignment, special plane pick-up, technical staff to build, and so on.

It is simply the ultimate "dog licking" behavior, and finally, I would like to thank Wuling for giving them face.

The young lady's eyes widened, almost thinking she was hallucinating.

The day before yesterday, he refused so bluntly, why did he change his mind and become a "licking dog" today?

Also "graciously agree", hehe, face?

"It's over, then if that's the case..." The young lady responded quickly, "Isn't Mr. Ye my father?

"No, no, no, this matter must not be known to others, especially President Ye.

The young lady looked around with a cute expression, for fear that the wall would have ears.

Jingle Bell--

At this time,

The landline on the desk suddenly rang, startling her.

Once connected, Ye Qiu called and asked her to go to the president's office.


The lady's face flushed red.

"Could it be... that Mr. Ye knows this?"

After hanging up the phone,

She muttered to herself in surprise, folded her hands and bowed to the air.

"Mr. Ye, no offense, boundless mana, boundless mana..."


Ye Qiu didn't want to be her father, but asked her to plan her itinerary.

For the construction of the independent exhibition hall, Ye Qiu had to personally go to the auto show to supervise the work.

The lady sighed in relief.

The tentative plan is to go to build a month before the start of the auto show, and currently only determine the location.

Drag Abdullah's blessing,

The showroom is not only a first-class location, but also one-third larger than planned.


In exchange, after the Dragon Son S was listed, Abdullah had priority to book.

Since then,

Preparations are almost done.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

On Qin Mengyao's side, the new design draft of Son of Dragon S has been delivered to Ye Qiu's desk.

In terms of configuration, Yan Ran is completely trustworthy.

The White Queen has already evolved and is ready to go out at any time.

The preliminary test of the cockpit interior has subverted Abdullah's worldview.

next job,

It is to combine all these "elements" together to form an era-making sci-fi supercar.

in the hive,

Wuling Simei was very busy.

at the same time,

win the country,

Daimler Group.

Mercedes-Benz's new concept car has also made good progress, and the person in charge, William, rarely shows a smile in the laboratory.

"It's a work of art, it's beyond words.

William stepped onto the booth,

There's a... Pearl Clam on Wheels parked on it?

It's really hard to tell at a glance that this is a car without going through the wheels.

The angle at its tail really looks like a... pearl mussel glowing with metallic blue light.

But this bizarre metaphor does not prevent it from stunning William,

In other words, its weird shape just hit William's cool point precisely.

"Isn't this the kind of high-tech chariot from a sci-fi movie?"

William excitedly circled around the new Mercedes-Benz concept car, watching it over and over again.

This is the result of the linkage with "Avatar",

Mercedes-Benz clam-shaped chariot, blue metallic flare, and special dynamic tail fins...

After negotiation,

William named it "VISION-AVTR"


Its doors are made of transparent glass, and the wheels continue the horizontal technology of the previous generation Mercedes-Benz concept car.


is the oblique technique.

The mediterranean group in the technical department has not yet made the car run horizontally.

drive up,

The car is like a moving cockpit, with small "fins" that open and close every now and then on the fastback.

If you just look at the fancy degree,

This car does redefine a lot of accessories, and the sense of science fiction is not low.


It's still not mass-produced.

"It doesn't need mass production, all it wants is to make Mercedes-Benz a blockbuster at a luxury auto show."

William's thoughts are very clear, "It's better to crush Wuling and defeat that Son of Dragon.

With appreciative eyes, William circled VISION-AVTR several times.

•••••••*#*#0••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

If it weren't for the technical staff not letting him, he would have gone in and experienced it long ago.

"You did a good job. As long as you can defeat the son of Wuling Dragon in the end, everyone is a hero, and you can't get away with a raise. 35

William walked up to the head of the laboratory and patted him on the shoulder.


He hummed softly and left the laboratory.

"Looking forward to it, at the Dubai Luxury Auto Show, Mercedes-Benz can finally return to the top." 5

"This time, it's going to be high-profile, and it's going to be announced to the world in advance.

still on the road,

William had already begun to plan a prank, his face was full of complacency.

Some people are happy, some people are sad.

island country,

Under the pressure of Wuling mini, Toyoda Inuichiro had to announce his intention to enter the new energy vehicle market.

According to the media,

It belongs to Toyota that has begun to broaden its research and development boundaries, and the island country car is about to catch up with the trend.


However, the fuel vehicle market is being swallowed up, and new energy vehicles are the general trend.

In the face of Wuling's pressing step by step, Toyota had no choice but to advance into new energy vehicles.

As for the upcoming Dubai Luxury Auto Show...

Do Toyota and Honda have luxury cars?

"It's all forced.

in the office,

Inuichiro grimaced, and his head became more and more sparse.

"It's all to blame for the ignorant Yukiko for attracting such a big beast to the island market. 35

Yukiko sat on the convertible Wuling mini and sneezed several times for no apparent reason.


She sniffed and drove the car towards the coastline.

summer country,

Wuling headquarters.

Ye Qiu finished the business at hand and decided to leave work early.

After leaving the office,

He first went to the group garage to pick up a Chitu Pioneer, and when he stepped on the accelerator, the electric car quickly drove to the street.

Busy with business, he hasn't been driving around in a car for a while.

Looking for a road with fewer people, Ye Qiu showed off his driving skills.


And no one appreciates it.

In the past, Selena would appear, and the two had a match. Now Selena has also become his employee.

time is fast,

The sky darkened.

Ye Qiu stopped the car on the side of the road and grabbed a drink.

Order a glass of sake and find a seat by the window.

by coincidence,

in a while,

A big girl dressed in cool clothes, holding a wine bottle, stood up staggeringly, and moved from her seat to Ye Qiu.

"Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!"

The big girl raised the wine bottle to Ye Qiu, looking very familiar.


ton ton ton -

After a few sips, the bottle bottomed out.


A big wine burp came, and Ye Qiu could only feel that the air in front of him had turned into alcohol, which was unpleasant.

Ye Qiu fanned the air in front of him and took a sip of the sake in the glass.

"Dude, you are so arrogant." The big girl gave Ye Qiu a thumbs up.

"Then I'm welcome..."


She drank the bottle in her hand and picked up another bottle.

ton ton ton

After a few more gulps, the new wine bottle quickly bottomed out again.

Immediately after,

With a "dong" sound, she lay straight in front of Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu was stunned for two seconds.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong with you?"

He poked the girl's arm to see if she was still conscious.

No movement.

Ye Qiu suddenly didn't know what to do, and the two moved and remained silent, just like that.

One minute, two minutes, ten minutes...

The people in the drinking bar gradually left,


There were only two people left in the entire living room.

At this time,

The salesperson in the store suddenly walked up to Ye Qiu and twitched for a while.

"What's wrong?" Ye Qiu asked in confusion.

"That..." Miss Sister rubbed her hands together and said, "Sir, we are closing.


Ye Qiu glanced at his watch.

eight pm.

Closing so early, it's really a willful drink.

"Well, then thank you for the hospitality. 35

Ye Qiu got up and was about to leave.


The lady stopped him from behind.

"You seem to have forgotten your partner, who is still sleeping here.""

The little sister pointed to the cool big girl who was drunk and turned into a dead pig.

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