Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 292 Ether Whiskers, cutting-edge black technology! 【Subscription】


Suddenly there was an uproar.

The enthusiastic attention caused by Musk's ridicule, most of the car companies that he has been to, are also eager to try it.

This is a rare opportunity,

As long as it can hit Wuling hard, why not do it?

The first to shoot, of course, is the Mercedes-Benz.

The person in charge, William, has been in high spirits recently, and the new Mercedes-Benz concept car makes him feel that he has a chance to win.

in the dark,

In dealing with Wuling, he gave him inexplicable courage~.

He immediately used Mercedes-Benz's official Twitter post to have a good interaction with Musk.

"Folding cars? I don't know what a folding car is, is it the latest science fiction? 99

"After reading President Musk's tweet, I learned that the name of the writer of this science fiction novel is Wuling. It turns out that your company has already started publishing children's books without my knowledge."5

"Because of such a naive idea, adults definitely don't agree with and are not interested in it, and I'm afraid they can coax children under the age of three.

"To persuade some companies to stay down-to-earth, don't lose their heads because of their past achievements, and treat the majority of netizens as fools."

"I don't want to be a fool, and please don't be funny."

Yin and Yang said a lot in a strange way,

William is still at the end of the tweet, and @returned to Musk very cheesy.

The two went back and forth, and even used Twitter to chat.

Netizens were influenced by their thinking and followed Wuling's "joke"



The head of GM saw the opportunity to show his face and soon joined the two.

"I only know that the whole of the car should be rigid, and if it can be folded, it may be the paper's.

"Does Wuling want to engage in origami art?"

Immediately after,

It's Chevrolet.

"This time, I really can't stand it any longer. I don't agree with the behavior of deceiving consumers like this."5

And Mazda.

"If Wuling can't come up with a folding car in the end, but just shirk its responsibility..."

"How can it be repaired, this kind of behavior, in our island country, must be apologetic.

Toyota and Honda followed.

"I am willing to be the wrong person and provide the sharpest sword in the island country, the spider cut. 99

"I just don't know if he has the courage, the island nation upholds the spirit of Bushido and has always despised cowards.


for a time,

There has been an unprecedented scene on Twitter, and I am afraid there will be no future.

The heads of the world's major car companies have @ each other, one by one, sending updates.

If you don't know the reason in advance,

Some people really mistakenly think that the world capitalism is unified.


It is not difficult to see that these car companies have suffered from being beaten by Wuling on different brands.

Cars, electric cars, pickups, or supercars...

Under the unified enemy,

Let them "alliance" together for a short time, thinking of embarrassing Wuling.

Netizens around the world are like Chinese New Year.

for a while,

A big guy's Twitter is generated, and the frequency is so fast that it is almost impossible to comment.


Xia domestic is another scene.

The heads of domestic car companies did not respond to Musk on Twitter, not because they were on Wuling's side, but simply because they were afraid.

If you speak coldly to Wuling at this time, it will inevitably lead to overwhelming scolding.

After all, "the light of domestic products", even if you don't stand on the same line, you can't take advantage of the fire.

The lessons of blood in the previous few times made everyone restrained a lot.


Not being able to cater to Musk does not mean that you cannot express your own opinions.

Brother Shu Fu touched his sparse hair and found a decent question in the circle of car friends.

"Urgently ask Geely Auto, what do you think of Wuling's 'folding car'?

good guy,

Wuling didn't say that the "folding car" was theirs, so the tall hat was automatically buckled?

Brother Shu Fu is very satisfied with this, and what he wants is this effect.


How to ridicule Wuling?

"Sorry, we can't comment on such technology," Shufuge wrote.

"When I first saw this question, Geely's R&D team almost thought that the boss was crazy to ask such a question.

"They thought, that doesn't even constitute a proposition, because it doesn't exist.

Brother Shu Fu didn't mention "Wuling" at all, and put on the face of a forced person.

I didn't say that Wuling is not good, but I am not good luck.

I couldn't answer such a question, so I asked the R&D team, and they were the ones who raved.

Brother Shu Fu just wanted to praise his wit.


The circle of car friends exploded again.

"Oh roar, look, look, the world's car companies have all come to refute the rumors, let's see what else you have to say now?"

"No car company said they could make a 'folding car', and they didn't even think it was a real idea."

"Wuling is really special, can it turn the ideas that the big bosses don't think are realistic into reality?

"Now you should admit it, Wuling did this just to gain popularity, and that so-called car article is all nonsense.

"Oh, I still want Wuling to be my great-grandfather, let's dream.

"It's abominable, it actually made us pretend to be there."

"Hahaha, are you angry? Just ask if you are angry?"


Zhang Yuxi's mood was also like riding a roller coaster.

Sometimes excited, sometimes frustrated.

It can be said,

Completely led by the situation in the circle of car friends.


She could only pray, Ye Qiu hurriedly released the next round of moves.

Save the fragile heart of the little girl, I really can't stand the scolding from netizens.


Ye Qiu has been looking for materials to solve the "Son of the Dragon S Glass Heart", and he has no time to look at Twitter and the circle of car friends.

He is not in a hurry, anyway, the final winner will only be Wuling.

"Go to the [Black Technology] section and look around, hoping to find some surprises.

This was the thirteenth time to open the system mall, and Ye Qiu's expectations were consumed by more than half.

I searched for more than half an hour, but found nothing.


Just when he was about to give up, a special name caught his eye.

Aether Whisker.

Experience tells Ye Qiu that anything related to "Ether" must be top-notch technology.

like the red queen of the hive,

The core of her network is the ether construction, and the firewall capability is invincible.

The "ether" mentioned here is not the wrong scientific theory of ancient physicists as mentioned on Du Niang.

It is a special material element, which is almost impossible to penetrate at the current academic level.

Ye Qiu only regards it as a synonym for "beautiful".

And "whisker" is easier to understand,

In theory, whiskers are micro- and nano-scale short fibers grown from high-purity single crystals.

The mechanical strength of whiskers is equal to the strength generated by the force between adjacent atoms.


The highly oriented structure of whiskers not only makes them have high strength, high elongation and high modulus.

It also has electromagnetic, optoelectronic, superconducting and other properties.

Put simply,

The strength of whiskers is much higher than that of other chopped fibers, and they are mainly used as reinforcements of composite materials for the manufacture of high-strength composite materials.

As for the etheric whiskers,

It has been greatly optimized in function and structure, and it is more convenient to use.

According to a certain proportion, it can be integrated into the material to maximize the toughness of the material.

It belongs to the advanced fusion material,



Ye Qiu couldn't help but play tricks in his heart.

"If this 'ether whisker' is fused to the module link, can it solve the problem of 'glass heart'? 35

Ye Qiu looked at the "Ether Whisker" model and muttered to himself.

"Buy the materials and manufacturing instructions first, and let Lin Xueruo and the others learn it."

"As for the reactor... there should be no need to worry and see the effect."


【Will you spend 800,000 points to exchange for ether whiskers, and come with a material manufacturing instruction?】


The voice just fell,

Ye Qiu looked at the desk and found a sealed square box out of thin air.

below the box,

There is an instruction manual for the thickness of the thumb.

Ye Qiu picked up the square box and the instruction manual, got up and went to the hive.

"First make sure that this ether whisker can act on the module link, and then spend the 2.2 million points to exchange for the reactor. 99

The appliance used to produce the etheric whiskers is the "reactor",

Since a reaction furnace is required, it can be seen how difficult the ether whisker is.


With a total of 3 million points, Ye Qiu will easily eat up most of Ye Qiu's points.

・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0.

To this,

Ye Qiu was also very distressed.

to the hive,

Ye Qiu rushed to the research room to find Lin Xueruo.

"Why does genius go so quickly?"

Qin Mengyao was a little confused when she saw Ye Qiu flashing past the door.

normal times,

Genius has always been a leisurely look, and his heart is very calm.

It was as if Mount Tai had collapsed in front of him without changing his face, and bullets flew past without even blinking.

Why are you in such a hurry today?

"Is something wrong?" Qin Mengyao asked herself.

She hurried out and followed Ye Qiu secretly.

All the way to Lin Xueruo's research room.

He first probed his head and saw that Ye Qiu handed Lin Xueruo a square box with a fine texture and a mysterious appearance.


Ye Qiu said, "Come in, what are you talking like sneaking?"

This sentence was obviously addressed to Qin Mengyao.

"Hey, I was discovered." Qin Mengyao blushed pretty and walked in while rubbing her head.

"That... genius, what are you holding in your hand?"

Qin Mengyao was a little embarrassed, "Wow, this box looks so ingenious, is it a gift for Sister Xueruo?"

"Can you be more fake?" Ye Qiu rolled her eyes at her.


Qin Mengyao was cowardly and drooped her head.

"This thing is called ether whisker. It is a high-tech fusion material that can enhance..."


Ye Qiu handed the square box to Lin Mengxue.

But the words stopped halfway through.

"I don't know what to say. Anyway, let's see if it can act on the module link to increase its toughness."

Ye Qiu put the explanation on the table again, "Also, this is the material explanation, which is used as a knowledge aid."5

"Aether Whisker? What?

As soon as Qin Mengyao heard that there was black technology, she immediately became energetic and forgot about the embarrassment.


She picked up the material instructions, flipped through it briefly, and quickly lifted her head again.

"No, where did you get this?"

Qin Mengyao felt like she was about to lose her bet, "Genius, how many good things do you still have?"

"And...are these things that you thought of yourself, or did they come from somewhere else?"

Look at Ye Qiu again,

Qin Mengyao felt that the person standing in front of him was shining like a god.

Can you come up with terrifying black technology from an unknown place at any time, is this something that an individual can do?

I really couldn't see through Ye Qiu anymore.

However, what made Qin Mengyao more embarrassed was still to come.

It's over, the leather stock is about to bloom at night... Qin Mengyao thought to herself.

There was a blush all over his face, and it was flushed to the base of his neck.

knew earlier,

Don't make this bet.

"Then you should think about it first. As for whether it is possible, give me an answer as soon as possible."

Ye Qiu didn't notice Qin Mengyao's change, just quickly explained the matter, and then left.

"I have other things to deal with, and I will go to Kyoto tomorrow.

Ye Qiu said as he walked, "If there is a result, directly transmit the result file to me remotely."

"Good work, sisters. 35


Ye Qiu also left the research room.

Only the three beauties looked at each other, almost not understanding what was going on.

"It's strange, it's the first time I saw the boss in such a hurry." Lin Xiuxiu looked worried, "Did something happen? 35

As an older sister, Lin Xueruo silently nodded her head.

"Fool, don't think blindly, someone like Darling will be fine."


Lin Xiuxiu and Qin Mengyao nodded together.

They also didn't believe that there was nothing in this world that could stumped Ye Qiu.

the fact is,

It's really not that difficult.

However, there were too many things, Ye Qiu was a little out of control, and deliberately quickened his pace.

There was another call from the Kyoto side, and Qin Wan called again, asking about the research progress of the Activator.

"Don't worry, everything is ready and will be sent to the military region for testing in the next few days." Ye Qiu replied.

"As expected of you, Ye Qiu."

Qin Wan was relieved and said again, "Then go ahead as soon as possible, I want to see you in a hurry.

How come this juncture?

Ye Qiu was a little puzzled, but fortunately he was able to spare time.

"Okay, then I'll go there tomorrow, remember to pick up.""

"Clearly." Eight

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