Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 293 The power of military industry is exposed, and Wuling is soaring! 【Subscription】

the next day,


The plane landed at a specific airport, and Ye Qiu stepped out of the cabin.

"Thank goodness you're finally here.

A familiar voice sounded, Qin Wan rubbed his hands and approached, "I really want to wait together, Ye Qiu.

"Blame me, it's not a supersonic plane. 35 Ye Qiu pretended to be sorry.

"Naughty." Qin Wan patted him on the shoulder, "Come on, the key people are already waiting for you.


Qin Wan pulled Ye Qiu into the red flag car.

along the way,

Ye Qiu looked at his opinion to stay away from the Forbidden City, turned his head and asked Qin Wan.

"Why are we going farther and farther, don't we go to the Great Hall?"

"What are you going to the Great Hall, this is the way to the Special Warfare Military Region, Minister Liu and Lao Qin are waiting for you there.

Qin Wan motioned the driver to drive faster, but the bigwigs couldn't wait.

Directly set the meeting place in the special warfare military region, it seems that this is something.

Thinking like this, Ye Qiu stopped talking.

Hongqi's interior sound insulation effect is excellent, and the entire space is suddenly quiet.

Not long after,

Qin Wan looked out the window and Ye Qiu again, and finally couldn't hold back any longer.

"There's a lot going on in Wuling recently, are you busy?" Qin Wan asked without a word.

Is this guy actually starting to care about my work?

"It's more work, so it's not too busy." Ye Qiu answered truthfully.

With Wuling's current workload, it is far from embarrassing Ye Qiu.

"That was not what I meant……"

"Then what do you mean?" Ye Qiu asked rhetorically.

"Do you really not know, or are you pretending not to know?" Qin Wan's eyes suddenly widened.

"What you said made me a little puzzled. I'm the boss of Wuling. Don't I know if I'm busy or not?"

Ye Qiu asked again.

It seems that I really don't know... Qin Wan is sure that Ye Qiu didn't pay attention to what happened recently.

He picked up the phone, opened a news item at random, and handed it to Ye Qiu.

The recent hot news basically revolves around Wuling, and most of them are bad news.

As the light of domestic products, Qin Wan took it for granted that Wuling could not, at least should not be criticized for a long time.

"These news are happening every day, if I pay attention to it every day, I'm afraid I will be anxious to death.

Ye Qiu glanced at the news casually, and returned the phone to Qin Wan.

"When you climb high, naturally someone always wants to knock you down, and I don't bother to pay attention to them.

"Well, I thought you would be affected."

Qin Wan breathed a sigh of relief, "It seems that I am over-hearted, and I am worthy of being a legendary entrepreneur."


He patted Ye Qiu on the shoulder again, revealing a gossip face.

"Really okay?"

"Do you look like I'm in trouble?"

"Not like."

"Wouldn't that be worth it?


The car fell silent again.

But within two minutes,

Qin Wan couldn't bear it anymore.

"That 'folding car', what's the matter? 35

"Can't say." Ye Qiu didn't want to talk to him.

"It's not interesting enough."

Qin Wan had no choice but to talk to himself.

"To be honest, I shouldn't worry about you either, and this isn't the first time Wuling has been badly sung.

"The first few times have developed, and you should slap your face back.

"This time, I guess you have already prepared a countermeasure. I'm afraid that Musk's gang will be disgraced in a few days."

"But I'm thinking, it's not a problem to be like this all the time. 35

"Wuling is not optimistic in foreign countries, that's fine, after all, capitalism doesn't want to make us feel better.

"But in our own country, it is not always favored, which makes people feel cold."

"National cohesion still needs to be improved."

Qin Wan suddenly sighed.

"I really look forward to the day when Wuling is mentioned by all the people from the heart. 99

"At that time our country must have been in an extraordinary cohesion.35

"Haha..." Qin Wan suddenly laughed.

"I can't believe that one day, the cohesion of the whole people in Xia will be realized by a car company."

"But thinking about it carefully, at present, it's really only you, Ye Qiu, and your Wuling who have this possibility."

"Tsk tsk, there is a long way to go, brother.

Qin Wan patted Ye Qiu on the shoulder again.


Ye Qiu still didn't say a word, instead he closed his eyes.

"I know you have a heavy burden and a lot of pressure.""

Qin Wan thought that Ye Qiu didn't speak because of the anxiety caused by the situation, but in fact he just disliked the guy in front of him for being long-winded.

"But don't worry, they may give you a big surprise when you wait for the next minister.

Qin Wan's tone brightened.

"Maybe one day, if the people know that Wuling has become the backbone of the country's military industry, I'm afraid it will not only be impressive. 35

"I really look forward to the arrival of that day, and expose the light of your nation well.

"Hahaha, then there was really a good show to watch."

Qin Wan laughed until he leaned back and forth, and couldn't help but pat Ye Qiu on the shoulder.


Ye Qiu wasn't angry either, but also thought about it.

Now Wuling has a lot of cooperation in the national military industry.

Maybe it will be exposed one day, and it is really possible that a plane will soar into the sky.

Looking forward to that day... Ye Qiu closed his eyes again.

the other side,

Special Warfare Region.

On the green field full of battle marks, there is a forest around, and a row of army green tents are placed in the woods.

headed in the tent,

Minister Liu and Qin Jian are drinking tea together.

It was a middle-aged man in military uniform who poured tea for them.

Code name old cat.

This area is the training area for the special forces led by Lao Mao, and this batch of new vehicles from Wuling was delivered here.

"Lao Liu, this time I invited you to come here because I want you to be a witness. 33 Qin Jian said.

"I know what you think, but it's a little too bold.

Minister Liu took a sip of tea and put down the teacup.

The tea in the Special War Zone was too rough to suit his appetite.

"You want to hand over all future orders related to armored vehicles to Ye Qiu and Wuling, right?

"Hey, I didn't say that, it's all your own guesswork.

Qin Jian quickly put aside the relationship.

"Come on, I don't know you yet? I don't even think about it. How many years have we both been drinking tea together. I don't know what you think?"

Minister Liu rolled his eyes and rolled his eyes at him.

This was a stunned look to the old cat beside him.

It is said that the ministers above are all serious and high-profile.

Why does it seem to be quite friendly today.

The old cat's originally hanging heart was relieved.

"You are the only one who dares to do this, the boss is too used to you." Minister Liu teased.

"Hehe, aren't we all for the great revival of the Xia Kingdom.

Qin Jian glanced at the old cat and motioned for Minister Liu to refill the tea.

"There is a saying that dignity is only above the edge of the sword, and truth is only within the range of the cannon. 35

"This military force cannot be sloppy.

"In terms of armored vehicles, Beiqi and Dongfeng can't compete, so they have to abdicate and make way."

"In the future, maybe not only armored vehicles, but also other armaments, I will give them to Wuling to produce.

"Are you serious?" Minister Liu suddenly widened his glasses and stared at Qin Jian.


Qin Jian waved his hand to let him relax.

"There is an arms race between countries, can't there be an arms race between domestic enterprises?

"Competition for a job, I only want an elite, and I must be an absolute elite.

"So, this doesn't allow you to testify."

Qin Jian took a sip of tea and looked outside the tent.

Wuling's refitted Vibrator has been transported over and is parked in the open space.

From the outside,

The difference between the modified Activator and the normal Activator is not very big.

The purpose is to conveniently put down the hood at any time and reduce wind resistance in the form of a convertible.

at the same time,

Because of the lack of the canopy, the body has become smaller and easier to hide.


What leather seats, carved interiors, and various entertainment facilities have been removed.

In exchange, the mobility is improved, as well as the enhanced processing of the instrument panel, central control, and important components.

overall look,

Like an open-top off-road vehicle, it looks a bit "unremarkable".

"Hey, you know, I heard that our military region sent a batch of new equipment."

At this time,

There was a sudden chatter outside the tent, and the two soldiers were having a heated discussion.

"Yes, the deputy team made so much noise, can you not know?

"Tell me about it?"

"Blind, it's just two off-road vehicles. What's the fuss about, it looks like there's only a skeleton left after the reduction."

"At first glance, it's really chilling. It only has four wheels.""

"That's not it, this thing is useless at first glance, if I really want to go to the wild, I can step on two wheels faster than it.

"Maybe, I can't walk when I encounter a pit, I can surpass it with my two legs.

"Ha ha…

in the tent,

The old cat's face darkened when he heard the jokes of his two subordinates.

But when the two ministers were beside him, he was embarrassed to attack, but he was very anxious.

These two people drinking tea, that is in the Great Hall, they have to sit next to the boss, and they have a lot of energy.

If one of them gets angry, I am afraid that the whole military region will be finished.

Two little brats, talking nonsense without looking at the occasion.

After a while, wait for the ministers to be sent away, and see how I clean up you... The old cat hated his teeth.

It was difficult for the little bunnies to leave, and the old cat felt like he had experienced a catastrophe.

"Old cat." Qin Jian said suddenly.

"Eh." The old cat bowed.

"It seems that your people are not very satisfied with my decision, what? Have an idea?" Qin Jian smiled and narrowed his eyes.

The old cat was almost scared to death by this expression.

If Qin Jian was really angry, he would solve it easily, just apologize.

But what the hell is this squinting?

You always give a hint, are you angry or not?

"A bunch of ignorant little brats, how dare you. The 35-year-old cat said quickly.

"It's alright, if you have an idea, just say it.

Minister Liu suddenly interjected again.

The voice just fell,

in an instant,

The old cat seemed to have his soul shattered.

Minister Liu, this thing is scary enough, I beg you, don't mess with it when you are old... The old cat felt a burst of depression in his heart.

He didn't dare to speak at all, and felt that if he continued to talk, these two big men would scare him to death sooner or later.

"How about this, let's have a match. Qin Jian said again.

"How to compare?"

Seeing that the old cat didn't move, Minister Liu asked for help.

"Isn't it true that our gang of special commanders don't like this new car, so let's compare the combat-ready vehicles of the military region to see who is more powerful. 55

Qin Jian put it lightly, as if he was winning.

"This is good, I like this."

Minister Liu followed and fanned the flames, "In that case, what are the stakes?

"The rules of the game are up to you, if you win, I will let go of the disciplinary problem today.

Qin Jian still squinted his eyes, exuding a strange aura all over his body, full of oppression.

"But if you lose, don't blame me for being rude."


The old cat's heart was twisted, and he quickly nodded in agreement.

He also dared not refuse.

"Then go get ready." Qin Jian waved his hand.


When the old cat came out of the tent, the first thing was to let out a sigh of relief.

If he stayed inside for a while longer, he would be crushed to death by the aura of the two bosses.

Fortunately, the ministers still have a lot of opportunities,

Letting the special forces fight against a small off-road vehicle is still a bit too contemptible for our special operations military region.


After learning that the Boom ordered by the military region, Lao Mao did not look down on this kind of civilian car very much.

"Just this kind of rubbish, can it be compared with the Lynx all-terrain vehicle in our military region?

The old cat was also arrogant at the time.

If you want to play, you can't lose.

The old cat decided to take the Lynx all-terrain 0.8 car to really compete with the Boom.

let it know,

Civilian vehicles are in front of military vehicles, and that is pediatrics.

The old cat came with confidence and quickened his pace to feel the training ground.

"All assembled, stand up for Lao Tzu.

just walked in,

The old cat shouted loudly, venting his unhappiness first.

"Which two little bastards were talking in front of Lao Tzu and the minister's tent just now?"

"Made, get me out of here quickly, don't let me grab it personally, or you two will feel better.

People in the special forces are wild in their speech, and the old cat is even wilder.

in a while,

The two recruits came out with their heads hunched like frightened chicks.

"Go, run around the mountain in front of you for twenty laps." The old cat said, pointing not far away.

"Ah?" The two of them were startled and didn't react for a while.

"Forty laps."


"Then why don't you get out? 95

"Yes! 95

When the two ran away, the old cat shouted at the rest again.

"The rest, all of them.""

"Turn right!"9

"Target location, armored vehicle training ground, run!

in the tent,

Minister Liu looked at Qin Jian and couldn't help teasing.

"You, just know that watching the fun is not too big of a deal, so you are so confident that Wuling will definitely win?

"I don't know who will win." Qin Jian spread his hands.

"Then you are still engaged in such a big battle, just to embarrass Ye Qiu?"

"Speaking of which, Wuling hasn't lost yet, so you don't want to meet?" Qin Jian teased.

"So, in fact, you're not optimistic about Wuling's Energizer, are you?"

"I didn't say it, it's not pulling you to witness together.

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