Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 31 From Now On, It Will Be Called The Mechanical God! 【For Collection】

In the car, she took out her phone and called.

"What about my daughter, how's it going?"

The person who answered the phone was her father, the CEO of Haohan Construction Company.

"Dad, we're almost done talking, we still have to come over and talk to Wuling after the design drawing is out."

Chen Mengna is very serious.

But her father doesn't seem to care about business at all.

Oh, and another question was asked.

"What do you think of Ye Qiu?"

"Ye Qiu?" Chen Mengna was stunned, not understanding why Dad asked this.

But after thinking about it, she still said truthfully: "Handsome, capable, and personality. I don't know exactly, I don't know."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a smile on the father's face, with a bit of a bewitching tone: "Well, when we do construction, it is most important to understand Party A's personal hobbies and needs."

"You have put everything down recently and devoted yourself to Wuling's plan. Learn more about Ye Qiu's personality and hobbies, and strive for more cooperation in the future."

Chen Mengji, the boss of the vast construction company far away in the capital, has a headache.

My own daughter, excellent, is very excellent.

But it's career-heavy, and I don't know what's going on, as if my mind is out of my mind, and I'm not anxious about marriage at all.

Seeing to be twenty-seven, so far I haven't even talked to a boyfriend.

Just know work.

The blind date arranged for her by the family was even more ignored.


Chen Mengji and Ye Rongtian have a very good relationship. They have an only son and an only daughter in the family.

There is no object yet, and both parents are anxious.

So, Ye Rongtian called Chen Mengji last night, and the two of them got together.


Let two children have a blind date this way.

But it seemed that her daughter didn't pay any attention to what her old father meant.

So he thought of another way.

Let Chen Mengna be in charge of Wuling.

The more you get in touch, the more feelings come naturally.

If so, it will be a good marriage.

For Ye Qiu, Chen Mengji was very satisfied.

Young, capable, thoughtful, and equal in family background, it would be great if he could be his son-in-law.

"Oh, I see."

Although Chen Mengna felt that something was wrong with her father, she still agreed.

If there is no other work in hand, it is time to rest.

She couldn't remember how long she hadn't rested.

It seems that since graduating from college and entering the company, he has been busy every day.

the other side,

Ye Qiu also quickly received a call from his father, asking how the conversation was going.

"It's ok, the specifics will have to wait for the design drawing to come out."

"Stinky boy, I'm not asking you this, I'm asking you how that Stephanie is."

Ye Rongtian snorted, what he cares about now is not Ye Qiu's work.

But when will I be able to hug my grandchildren.

The five-generation single biography of the Ye family.

Ye Rongtian wanted to spread the branches of the family in Ye Qiu's generation.

"Stephanie?" Ye Qiu was taken aback for a moment, did he mean Chen Mengna: "She's very beautiful, she works hard, why are you asking this, Dad?"

"Oh, haha, nothing is nothing." Ye Rongtian laughed: "Son, you should contact her a lot. After all, it is a project of hundreds of millions. Try to ask for it, don't care about Dad's Face."

"Remember, keep in touch."

After saying that, before Ye Qiu could respond, he hung up the phone.

It made Ye Qiu inexplicable.

In the afternoon, Lin Yilai told Ye Qiu some good news.

"Boss, the excavator has been produced, do you want to go and see it?"


As soon as he heard that the black-tech excavator had been manufactured, Ye Qiu immediately came to his senses.

Come to the second production workshop.

Ye Qiu saw that huge mechanical device.

The two huge robotic arms, like the future battle armor, the dark metal, the huge body, the sci-fi appearance, and the visual impact brought by them are very powerful.

There are 8 sets of double-row tires below, each of which is a specially customized thickened run-flat tire.

At this time, the two mechanical arms of the excavator are retracted and retracted in front of the car, just like a person's arms crossed and chest, which looks extremely fierce and mighty.

After Ye Qiu saw it, he couldn't wait to drive it himself: "Is the power installed?"

Lin Yi shook his head: "It will take a few days before Weichai can move the engine over."

It's a pity that it can't be started for the time being.

"All right."

Although the machine could not be started, Ye Qiu still sat in the cockpit and felt this big guy like the normal technology of the future.

Dense, but well-ordered hydraulic pipes are laid out in the cockpit, connecting the two control arms in front of the cockpit seat.

In front of the driver's seat are two pedals, one for forward and one for backward.

When you brake, you both step on the brakes together.

Other control functions are concentrated in the control arm.

Turning, automatic tool change, etc.

"Boss, what should we name our excavator?"

This thing must not be called an excavator.

Because it has strayed from the shape and function of a modern excavator.

Stronger than that.

"Call it the Mechanical God."

Twice the size of a conventional excavator, although specific functionality and efficiency have not been tested.

But it is certain that this is definitely more than a few times stronger than the efficiency of traditional excavators.

The second workshop is the workshop of the Great God of Production Machinery.

The twenty workers here were all transferred by Ye Qiu from the car production line.

Originally, they were very unhappy that they were assigned to the excavator workshop.

But since they knew what kind of mechanical behemoth they were going to produce, these workers went crazy.

when today,

When this mechanical god went offline, the twenty workers were stunned.

Is this what we produce ourselves?

It's just too scary, too sci-fi, too awesome.

"The people in the first workshop also laughed at us, saying that the excavators designed by forestry were garbage, and that our general manager Ye was not doing his job properly."

"If you let them see that our early excavator is like this, it is estimated that they will be scared to death."

"Haha, Lin Gong said, after installing the power system, drive it out and let the people in the automotive department see what a real excavator is."

"That's right, it's kept secret for now, haha."

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