Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 32 We're In Trouble! 【For Collection】

The 20 workers in the second production workshop are all looking forward to seeing the industrial beast that they personally built.

What will be the expression.


When they came to this workshop, they were often ridiculed by other colleagues.

These people have a bad feeling in their hearts and want to Retaliate.

"Lin Yi, it happens that you have forging and steel casting equipment in your workshop. You are taking advantage of these few days to lead someone to produce aviation-grade alloy memory metal."

Ye Qiu arranged a new task for Lin Yi.

As an expert in machinery, Lin Yi also understands alloys.

And his loyalty will never change. He is the person Ye Qiu trusts the most.

none of them.

"Good boss."

Give Lin Yi the composition table of the aviation-grade alloy memory metal, and directly give him 10 million cash to purchase the materials.

Make the metal first, test it, and see which Realms can be used in the future.

If this memory metal is simply used to build cars, it would be too wasteful.

Ye Qiu wants to continue to expand other uses.

three days,

It will be over soon.

Chen Mengna's work efficiency is very high. In three days, she came again with several design drawings.

"Okay, let's make a second plan. How long will it take to start construction?"

After Ye Qiu read it, he decided on a design plan.

He's on a tight schedule, and it doesn't matter if the R&D center and office building can be slower.

But the factory

Construction must be completed within three months.

Because three months later, a brand new production line came in.

Two 100,000-square-meter workshops, plus a research and development center, and a brand-new office building.

The total price is 800 million.

50% of the pre-construction payment is prepaid.

This time, plus the 800 million previously purchased production lines.

Ye Qiu immediately lost 1.6 billion.

Another 400 million was directly debited from the book, Ye Qiu felt that he had become poor again.

On the company's books, the remaining money must be used for procurement as production costs.

In the short term,

The funds he can draw on are almost gone.

"Mr. Ye, tomorrow our construction unit can enter the site, start the construction of the factory building, and start digging the foundation."

Chen Mengna also knew that Ye Qiu was in a hurry, so she had already transferred a construction unit.

Carry out the construction of the factory.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Chen. If you need any help during the construction process, just mention it."

Ye Qiu was very satisfied with Chen Mengna's efficiency.

"Mr. Ye don't always call me Mr. Chen. We've been together for a year. You can call me Meng Na or Nana."

They have been in contact twice, especially today, the two have chatted for a long time, and the relationship has long been less unfamiliar.

Moreover, Chen Mengna kept her father's words in mind, to know more about Party A, to get closer to each other, and to try to cooperate again in the future.


The main reason is that Chen Mengna does not reject Ye Qiu and is willing to continue to contact him.


For another man, Chen Mengna would never have any in-depth contact.

Still maintain the fan of her own high-cold female president.

"Okay, I'll just call you Meng Na, then don't call me President Ye, just call me Ye Qiu."

"Ye Qiu, then I'll go back first. I'll bring someone in tomorrow."

"Don't worry, within three months, two new factories will be built."

Chen Mengna smiled at Ye Qiu for the first time and had to admit that Ye Qiu was a little surprised in an instant.

Ye Qiu is not the kind of person who is squeamish. To be amazed is to be amazed, and to appreciate is to appreciate. He looked at Chen Mengna, like the most beautifully crafted artwork by God.

It is a pure appreciation of good things.


Ye Qiu's astonishing gaze was caught by Chen Mengna who had been looking at him.

Really, Ye Qiu's eyes were a bit strong, but pure.

I don't know what Dao heart thought, Chen Mengna's long eyelashes trembled and her face was a little red.

"I go first."

"Uh, am I a little too much?"

Looking at Chen Mengna who seemed to be running away a bit, Ye Qiu smiled wryly.

It seems that I have been single for too long, and I was surprised by this woman today.

the next day,

Ye Qiu drove a Hongguang mini into the factory.

As the CEO of a car company, Ye Qiu's car is really unremarkable.

There are many supercars in his family, all of which were given by his father.

But since he took over Wuling, Ye Qiu naturally wouldn't drive those supercars to work.

Car company bosses, of course, want to make their own company's car.

"No, I have to develop a high-end car for myself."

Just came to the company,

I saw that the large open space next to the second production workshop was already busy.

A large heavy-duty semi-trailer, pulling a truckload of machinery, was parked there.

At least twenty excavators are working roaringly.

Hundreds of workers are building prefab houses on temporary sites and assembling machinery.

"It's fast enough."

Chen Mengna's work efficiency really satisfied Ye Qiu.

Haohan Construction Company, as a construction company second only to state-owned enterprises in China, has not a normal financial strength.

This Wuling project is not a big project for them.

"Boss, the power system of the mechanical god has been installed."

far away,

Just in front of the office building, Lin Yi was waiting for him.

He lives in the factory exclusively now. Ye Qiu specially ordered the cafeteria for him to serve him 24 hours a day.


Hearing this news, Ye Qiu immediately became excited.

"Go and have a look."

Following Lin Yi, Ye Qiu came to the second production workshop.

The mechanical god with a body size of more than 4 meters, like an industrial beast, is standing quietly in the workshop.

on the car,

Workers are putting the final touches on its power system.

"No, the hydraulic power needs to be adjusted."

"The engine shakes badly, recalibrate."

"The chassis suspension, I recommend a little stiffer, otherwise the driver won't feel the slight vibrations of the Ground."

"But it's too hard, and it's hard to drive for a long time."

Workers have apparently started the industrial beast and are now negotiating some details.

It's all small issues, and they'll be fixed in no time.

"Boss, do you want to try?"


After all the debugging work is done, Ye Qiu is going to try it out.

An employee found him and said that Chen Mengna had something to do with Ye Qiu.

"Forget it, you continue to test, I'll take a look."

There was no other way, Ye Qiu had to go back to the office. Today's Chen Mengna didn't wear professional suits and trousers.

Instead, she changed into a youthful and lively outfit.

A white plaid shirt, skinny jeans, and a pair of canvas shoes.

Long smooth hair, tied in a ponytail at the back of her head.

The bangs on the forehead, which set off her eyes, are very beautiful.

"Meng Na, you look better in this outfit than in professional attire."

Ye Qiu did not hesitate to praise himself.

"What, you mean, I don't look good in business clothes?"

Chen Mengna was obviously dissatisfied with Ye Qiu's words, and there was a hint of danger in her big eyes.

"Cough cough... The business attire looks good, today is better than yesterday."

Good guy, Ye Qiu didn't dare to continue talking, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Hee hee, Ye Qiu, look at you scared, I am so scary!"

Chen Mengna was very proud of successfully tricking Ye Qiu.

Yesterday, she was frightened by Ye Qiu's eyes and ran away. The more she thought about it when she went back, the more she lost her face.

I just specially changed my clothes today to see Ye Qiu's reaction.

"Are you looking for me?"

Chen Mengna should be busy scheduling the construction site now.

Find yourself, there must be something wrong.

"It's something." Speaking of work, Chen Mengna was a little embarrassed, even a little embarrassed.

"Ye Qiu, in the land below your factory, there are many stones thrown in when the land was filled in the past. When we dug the foundation, we encountered trouble."

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