Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 33 Take You To See Our New Products! 【For Collection】

"People from the engineering department came to me and said that the foundation is very difficult to lay, because the construction is difficult, so the estimated construction period may not be enough."

Actually, Chen Mengna didn't want to come to Ye Qiu.

Because she just promised Ye Qiu yesterday that the two factories will be built within three months.

The normal factory buildings are all pure steel structures, so the construction speed of the main building is very fast.


Because it has to bear the maximum load and safety, the foundation of the plant must be dug deeper and better.

Especially the foundation.

Because in the production workshop, all overweight machinery is installed.

If the foundation is not done well, and the late stage collapses, it is an accident.

The construction company is fully responsible.

After the construction unit entered the site today, it was measured and found that the underground of the construction plant was full of various large stones and old-fashioned reinforced concrete blocks.

The existence of these things makes the work of the excavator very difficult.

Twenty excavators transferred by Chen Mengna worked together, but they have not yet dug.

You can see how hard those stones and concrete are.

Buried deep in the ground, there is no way to start.


Ye Qiu remembered that the land was filled later, and it was originally a huge small pond, which was the predecessor of Wuling Motors.

That is, the Zhongyun Second Machinery Factory, in order to expand the area, the place was filled directly.

The landfill materials used are various boulders on the nearby mountains, plus construction waste concrete transported from other places.

The plan was to expand the factory.

Later, the factory was not built, and the machinery factory closed down.

After Wuling Motors took over, the place has been used as a temporary parking lot.

This time, there are two brand-new factories, which is the best building address.

Although the excavator was able to shatter these stones and concrete and dig it out.

But it takes time.

Excavators are the most used heavy machinery in the engineering industry.

Digging foundations and demolishing houses is what it is best at.

But the efficiency is really not high.

Especially the underground of Wuling's new plant is still so difficult to dig.

Just grind it slowly.

"It really doesn't work, I'll call dozens of excavators here."

The only solution now is to increase the number of excavators.

If twenty is not enough, then sixty, and if it is not enough, Chen Mengna will adjust it again.

In short,

Complete the own promise anyway.

Even at a loss.

"Wait, don't tune in, I'll let someone try it."

Ye Qiu stopped Chen Mengna because he remembered the industrial beast in the second production workshop.

Mechanical god.

Just finished installing the power system today, and it's preparing to test it there.


Just use the foundation of this land to test it.


"Ye Qiu, do you have any machines in your factory?"

How could you, a car manufacturer, have more equipment from our company specializing in construction.

Chen Mengna felt that Ye Qiu was comforting herself.

But Ye Qiu smiled mysteriously and said, "Come with me and show you the brand new products in our factory."

"A brand new product?"

Chen Mengna was a little confused.

Her curiosity was aroused by Ye Qiu.

go downstairs,

The production workshop is some distance from the office building, so Ye Qiu is in the factory area, and Normal drives directly.

What car are you driving?

Of course, it is own Hongguang mini.

"Uh, you just drive this car?"

When Ye Qiu invited herself to sit in this Hongguang mini, Chen Mengna felt that her own merits doubted her life.

She had been suspicious before.

I've been to Ye Qiu's office a few times, but I haven't seen a good car downstairs.

the best,

It's like an Audi A4.

That is the car of some employees.

The identity of this kind of car certainly does not match the image of Ye Qiu's corporate boss.

Even killing Chen Mengna would never have imagined that the dignified Wuling boss would actually drive such a small car?


Chen Mengna felt that Ye Qiu was too different.

"This is the most popular Hongguang mini sold recently by your Wuling. Not to mention, it looks small, and there is quite a lot of space to sit in."

After sitting in, Chen Mengna felt that this car was quite interesting.

It looks small from the outside, stupid and cute, but after entering, the space is unexpectedly large.

And the seats are comfortable too.


Nothing compares to her Maybach.

"If you want to complain, just say it directly, do you think there is something wrong with me, a business boss who drives such a small car, haha."

Ye Qiu detected her thoughts, and Chen Mengna giggled while covering her mouth.

Beautiful big eyes, squinted into crescent moon.

The meaning was obvious, but it just felt that Ye Qiu had something wrong.

"You don't understand. No matter how good other cars are, they are not as good as the ones made by themselves. It is an achievement to drive a car from your own factory to get off work."

"Ye Qiu, you are really different from the peers I know."

What kind of peers does Chen Mengna know?

Basically the rich second generation.

At this age, take the money at home, eat, drink, and enjoy life.

All kinds of supercars, luxury goods.

But Ye Qiu was different at all.

It is definitely the ability to save Wuling from the brink of bankruptcy at a young age.

And in his speech, his pride in his car company is so strong and contagious.

the first time,

Chen Mengna became curious about Ye Qiu.


The two drove the Hongguang mini and soon arrived at the second production workshop. Chen Mengna kept staring at Ye Qiu on the way.

It made Ye Qiu feel a little embarrassed.

I thought this woman looked weird.

After getting off,

Ye Qiu opened the small door of the workshop and walked in.

The second production workshop, the door has been closed Contest Condition.


I was finally able to open the door and let the big guy inside come out and meet the sun.

"Huh? This...this is!!!"

As Ye Qiu entered the workshop, Chen Mengna saw the industrial beast standing not far from the door at a glance.

The sci-fi appearance, two huge mechanical arms, and the impact of metal.

It made her eyes widen for a while, incredible.

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