Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 381 Ye Qiu's small move caused another sensation! 【Subscription】

Ten thousand dollars?

There was an uproar at the auction site.

Even Zach couldn't help but look in the direction of the voice.

But the other party lowered the brim of his hat, covering half of his face.

Coupled with the dim lighting in the guest seat, it was difficult for Zach to see what he looked like.

After the uproar,

Everyone was whispering below.

Those who dare to make such a bid are usually because they are bound to win a certain collection, so as to suppress the audience with their aura.

But there is a downside to this,

Malicious bidding is prone to occur when it is known that you desperately want to buy the collection.


Generally, veterans who frequent auction houses will not do this.

They tend to keep a low profile, and even if they want to, they won't show any particular attention to a collection.

And the one who bids $10,000...

Newbies, or upstarts.

Someone whispered.

at this time,

Out of bad taste, someone is going to bid maliciously.

"Mr. 23 offered $10,500, is there anything higher?"

When the host saw another bid, he got excited.

"Ms. 55 offered $11,000, is there anything higher?

"Ouch, Mr. 62 offered $11,500, has anyone else followed up? 55

"Mr. 11907 offered $12,000..."

More and more people raised their placards, and the host became more and more energetic.


The asking price of the check came to $14,500.

Zach originally just wanted to take the check away in a muffled voice, but now it seems to be impossible.

He had to follow the bid.

"Mr. No. 38 offered $15,000, have you followed up? 99

The price of $15,000 is still below the valuation of the check.

Another round of placards.

Zach continued to follow up, and the asking price was raised to $17,000.

At this moment,

Finally, no one continued to make bids, and the people with bad taste stopped raising their cards.

Because they saw the person who asked for $10,000, and after making one bid, there was no movement.

"This guy is also here to bid maliciously." Everyone discussed privately.

"Fortunately, I didn't fall for him and stopped raising the placard in time."

The price stopped at $17,000 for Zach.

No one raised a placard.

The host begins to hammer the mallet.

"Fortunately, the price was much lower than expected, so I took the check." Zach muttered happily.

After being annoyed by the "Battle of the Century" with Wuling for several days, I finally encountered something that (cfai) was happy with.

Zach was overjoyed.

But who knows...

"Twenty thousand dollars!"

It was that shout again, this time he directly raised the asking price to 20,000 dollars.

That price has approached the valuation of the check.

More than 26,000 US dollars, not more than 30,000 US dollars, is the valuation given by the market.

This bid directly put the good mood that Zach had just established, and looked at the origin of the conference.

Is this guy here to find fault?

Zach was sullen.

But there is no way, he can only continue to bid.

When he just raised the number plate, the voice sounded again.

"Thirty thousand dollars!"

There was commotion again.

Everyone is basically sure that this guy may be a nouveau riche, who came here to spend money to enjoy a sense of superiority.

But the host doesn't think so much.

"Mr. 66 bid $30,000, wow, is there anyone else to follow up?"

$30,000 is already the highest estimate for a check.

If the price goes up, it will only be harvested as leeks.

But Zach didn't want to just give up.

He still wanted this special check in his heart.


He tried to raise the card again.

"Mr. No. 38 offered $30,500, please

Before the host finished speaking, No. 66 interrupted him with a placard.

"Forty thousand dollars! 9

Boom one by one

There was another uproar at the scene.

"Crazy, for $40,000, buy a check for less than $4,000. 35

"Even if the check has the signature of the Apple Joe gang leader, it can't be worth so much money, can it?"

"Is there anything special about this check?"

"What can be special, it's not just an ordinary check.""

"Then I don't understand..."

Zach was even more confused.

Obviously it's just an ordinary auction, and he just wants an ordinary check, why does it keep being intercepted?

If $40,000 goes up, it's definitely not worth it.

Although Zach is rich, he doesn't like to be taken advantage of.


Can only reluctantly cut love.


Zach's mood has been gloomy, and he has not been able to adjust his mood until the end of the auction.

that's it,

When it came to work the next day, he was still brooding about it.

"If I gritted my teeth and raised my cards again last night, I would only raise my cards one more time, would No. 66 give up."

During the meeting, Zach thought about it again.

As a result, the subordinates' reports were not heard clearly, and he just nodded vaguely in agreement with the other party's suggestion.

Afterwards, I remembered to ask some questions, and then scolded people again.

The subordinate's plan, he did not pass.

Office people found,

I don't know since when, Zach's temper has become capricious.

When everyone encountered him again, they tried their best to avoid him.

facebook headquarters,

Where there is Zack, it has become a forbidden place for employees.

As for Wuling,

Everything is much more harmonious.

The farther Ye Qiu went, the more the girls had to detour and chase to the front, and then pretend to meet him by chance.

"Hello Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye, you are so handsome today.

"Low-key, low-key, it just happened accidentally." Ye Qiu teased.


The girls blushed, covered their faces and walked away.

Ye Qiu returned to the office.

Not long after, someone knocked on the door.


A burly middle-aged man walked in and handed a box to Ye Qiu's desk.

Ye Qiu opened the box, saw the cheque signed by the gang leader Qiao lying inside, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Well done, let's go.

The man was last night's buyer No. 66.

He was entrusted by Ye Qiu to fly to Meriken to bid for the check, and then brought it back overnight.

That is,

In fact, Ye Qiu was the one who took advantage of it.

But Ye Qiu didn't think so.

The deeds of the leader of the gang during his lifetime gave him a lot of inspiration.

Ye Qiu has reached the status he is today, and there are many people who compare him to the leader of Qiao.

In general,

Ye Qiu is the most Qiao gang leader, both respect and regret.

Since there is no chance to meet again, let's leave some traces of him.

Ye Qiu picked up the check, took a photo with his mobile phone, and sent it to the circle of car friends.

"No matter how many obstacles there are, they can't stop me from recalling the past of Gang Master Qiao and cherishing it. 35

The circle of car friends posted by the president of Wuling immediately attracted countless onlookers.

There are also quick-eyed riders who took a screenshot of Ye Qiu's post and sent it to the Dragon Son S forum.


This one caused quite a stir.

Zach was sitting in the Facebook office, looking at the top post on the Dragon Son S forum, his hands were shaking with anger.

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