Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 382 The cancer of the empire! 【Subscription】

"Ye Qiu, it's you again, are you trying to get along with me?"

Zach looked at the headlines on the Dragon Son S forum and had the urge to smash his phone.

He looked at Ye Qiu now, and it was not pleasing to the eye.

for no other reason,

Ye Qiu is like a big mountain in front of Zach, no matter what Zach wants to do, it seems that he has to cross this mountain.


Since Ye Qiu appeared in his competition, he has won again.

Even a tie would give Zack a little comfort, but no.

Really... not once.

Zach suddenly remembered the competition between Truss and Wuling, which seemed to end in frequent failures~.

As an absolute titan of the social world, Zach refuses – likening himself to Musk.

In his eyes, Musk is the representative of failure.

Proud self-esteem, so that Zach can not accept the failures that keep coming.

Even if he just lost a cheque signed by the Joe Gang master with a valuation of less than $30,000.


This is more than just a simple check battle.

last night,

A paparazzi disguised as a staff member sneaked into the Poly auction.

Holding high-definition cameras, they not only photographed the whole process of Zach and No. 66 fighting for the check.

Also patted Zach's face down as much as possible.

Although the venue was dark,

But through the slightly less clear outline, netizens can still judge.

Last night at Poly Auction House, the number 38 who lost the signature check of Joe's gang master was Zach.

Originally, this matter was not a big deal, but the fault was that the person who stole the check was Ye Qiu.

When Ye Qiu's post about the check appeared on the Dragon Son S forum, netizens naturally boiled over.

"As expected of the 'Battle of the Century', has the two presidents started to fight openly and secretly?"

"The reason for everything is the acquisition of Dragon Son S Forum, Wuling has won an absolute victory, and now Ye Qiu has more checks that Zach wants to get.

"I read the report, and with the speed of Facebook Zach's bidding, it was obvious that he wanted to take the check. But the 66th shot was too arrogant. At first, I thought it was someone who took advantage of it, but I didn't expect it to be the president of Wuling, Ye. Qiu. Thinking of it this way, everything is reasonable. Ye Qiu is provoking Zach, or declaring war. I don't know what Zach will do after that. I'm looking forward to it.

"Although I am from the United States, I still stand on Ye Qiu's side. On the one hand, I really like the Dragon Son S supercar, although I may not be able to afford it in my life; on the other hand, I just watch I'm not used to Facebook, I'm not used to Zach's hypocritical face, I hope Facebook can disappear from America as soon as possible.

"I also support Wuling. Wuling has now become the world's top technology company. Rationally speaking, Meriken is falling behind, so the industry of Meriken needs Wuling to motivate, and Wuling can be asked for help when necessary. And Facebook... ...the cancer of the empire.

"How much I hope to give Facebook a disease, may the disease overcome Zach as soon as possible.


Foreign netizens, today's comments are full of hostility.

When it came to Xia Guo, it caused a lot of goodwill.

"Wow, how strong is my big Wuling, does this include all the netizens of the empire?

"Wow, I really didn't expect that this 'Battle of the Century' is just the beginning, and foreign netizens have undergone such a big change."

"Maybe this is the charm of Wuling, you don't need to do much, a supercar will buy the world. 99

"Judging from the current situation, Wuling has indeed won too much, and Facebook has been losing ground."

"Seeing that Wuling is so confident, it even brought me a lot of confidence. What's the matter with a strong sense of honor suddenly surging in my chest?""

"It shows that we are growing stronger, and Wuling is proud.


very rare,

There are almost no sunspots in the Xiaguo forum.

It's just that in unknown places, undercurrents are surging.

Ye Qiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw everyone's comments.

Why did I buy a check just for fun, and it was linked to the "Battle of the Century"?

It's human nature to buy something you like and post it on the forum for a post, right?

Isn't it like the circle of friends?

Zach is too careless, can it hit the muzzle of the gun?


Ye Qiu is not a person who cares, and he will not follow the netizens' eager comments to make a difference.

But Zach doesn't think so.

He would only feel more and more that Ye Qiu was deliberately targeting him, and it was only targeting him.


Is it just coincidence that these two things happened together?

......・ Flowers 0

"It's abominable, don't think you pretend you don't know anything, and I'll let this pass."

Zach's face was full of anger, "What is the battle of the century, it's me and you Ye Qiu is endless. 35

Under his anger, Facebook's employees' work atmosphere became weird.

And Wuling on the Xia country side,

The relaxed and carefree environment is in stark contrast.

Ye Qiu was too lazy to pay attention to the so-called "Battle of the Century", and turned to other posts in the car circle.

The order for Dragon Son S has ended, and the actual car has been delivered to the owner one after another.

Ye Qiu also wanted to know the experience of car owners.

It's been a while since it was released, and there are still many posts about Son of Dragon S in the circle of car friends, most of which are quite attractive.


Just like this one,

The owner of the post is like telling a story, attracting countless netizens to watch.

one week ago,

magic city,

This time the protagonist is not Kuo Shao Huang Yuan, but a rich second-generation named Sun Xiangwei, known as Wei Shao.

the beginning of the story,

Sun Xiangwei was walking out of the bar with his friends.

Neither of them were drunk, but their walking was still a little unsteady due to the effects of alcohol.

"Old Huang, how can you say that I am not worthy of her, why do you let her escape me like this?"

Sun Xiangwei said to the person under his shoulder while burping his wine.

The two are buddies, old Huang Dasun Xiangwei is two years old.

"I said Wei Shao, there is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world, why do you have to hang yourself under a tree with a crooked neck?

Old Huang had an expression of hating iron.

"People say that the rich second generation likes to mess with flowers and play with flowers, and they are all proper scumbags.

"Why did I come to you and become a pure and good man instead?"

"Are you still the Westbrook I know?

If replaced before,

When Sun Xiangwei took his brothers to spend the day and drink, it was really "passing through thousands of flowers, but not a single leaf sticking to the body"


the old days,

That was a dashing one.

"Tonight's consumption, all of which will be paid by Westbrook!

Such rhetoric rings out in bars several times a week.


Sun Xiangwei met her.

The girl who appeared at Lao Huang's birthday party crashed into Westbrook's heart at once.

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