Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 43 Wuling, Maybe You Can Try It! 【For Collection】

Although he lost, Qin Mengyao was not convinced.

The reason why she chose the subject of automobile is that when she was young, she saw the blockade of automobile technology in my country abroad.

In addition, under the influence of Uncle Uncle since childhood, she likes cars very much.

So after graduating from high school, she directly entered the RWTH Aachen University with excellent grades.

There is the cradle of the entire Deutsche Autobahn.

Qin Mengyao was not convinced after losing the game today.

"Qianqian, it's okay, although we lost, it's just the limitation of the vehicle itself."

"If we don't modify a Hongguang mini, but a car with a low drag coefficient, we will definitely win."

Yan Ran was right.

Although Hongguang mini lost.

But not ashamed.

The car itself is not for racing.

"Well, let's go, go have supper, by the way, Qianqian, where's your friend?"

Qin Mengyao also figured it out.

If you lose the game, you have a lottery, and you lose tens of thousands of dollars.

She doesn't care about money.

It's just that today's tone, she will find it back one day.

"He's gone...Sister Yaoyao, you know, the identity of the little big brother, speak out and scare you to death."


Qianqian hated Ye Qiu, although he gritted his teeth, the bad guy cheated him for 1,000 yuan.

But inexplicably, she liked Ye Qiu very much.


Mainly because I like Ye Qiu's bad character.

Especially when it comes to cheating people, it's just like oneself.

Qin Mengyao was surprised: "What identity?"

"Also, I was embarrassed just now. It turns out that the Wuling engineer we have been scolding is him."

Yan Ran sighed, feeling very Losing face today.

"Ah? Is he an engineer from Wuling?"

Sure enough, Qin Mengyao was shocked.

good guy,

When was Wuling's engineer so idle, he even came to him.

But after a little guess, she thought of the reason.

The other party must have heard that there is a match between Hongguang mini and Tras today.

So just come to see the fun.

"Also, he is not only an engineer of Wuling, but also the boss of Wuling."


Qianqian's next sentence surprised Qin Mengyao.

"Sister Yaoyao, when the little big brother left, he said something, I should definitely tell you."


Wuling's boss, Qin Mengyao, could never have imagined that a match like this would attract such a character.

Although Wuling Motors has just recovered.

But through the recent period of time, Wuling's operation.

Qin Mengyao knows,

The new boss of Wuling is a very capable person.

Qin Mengyao was very curious about what he said before leaving.

"The little big brother said that if you want to build a car of your own design that you like, you can go to Wuling to find him at any time."

"And sister Yaoyao, just now he saw the design drawing of your model and kept complimenting you, saying that he likes your design style very much."

"How about it, Sister Yaoyao, didn't you always want to design and build a car you like by yourself?"

"Would you like to consider going to work in the little big brother's company?"

Jk Mitsumi's daughter Qianqian, even though Ye Qiu was cheated for 100 yuan, she still spoke for him.

don't say,

Her words made Qin Mengyao yearn very much in her heart.

"Go to Wuling? Design one yourself, your favorite model?"

this proposal,

to be frank,

Qin Mengyao was really moved.

The two years of experience in Li Ji actually made her a little disheartened.

Domestic car companies, the current cognition, seems to be the best design team dug by foreign car companies.

The domestic design team, no matter what they do, is better than the other.

If you go to Wuling.


Ye Qiu is a different person. Maybe he trusts and attaches great importance to domestic car designers.

"Yaoyao, we agreed to open a modification shop together, you won't regret it."

Yan Ran knew her cousin too well.


The dream of the world's first car designer in her heart has not been extinguished.

"Uh... Let's talk about this, everyone has already left."

"Even if I think about it, maybe in a few days, people will forget it."

Shaking his head, Qin Mengyao stopped thinking about it.

at this time.

Outside the garage door, several supercars drove over with the roar of the engine.

Ferrari, Lamborghini, Koenigsegg.

Behind the three supercars, a Tesla edamame 3.

A group of young men and women got out of the car.

Among them, the man who opened Edamame 3 was very handsome, wearing a racing suit, and came to the workshop.

"How about it, Yaoyao, I said, this kind of domestic car is industrial waste."

"On pure electric, only Truss is the most professional in the world."

"Fuel vehicles, domestic production is not enough, you still don't believe it, haha."

There was a smile on his face that he thought was very sunny, and Li Zhixian was slightly proud.

"Cut, domestic cars are industrial waste? That's not the case with Teslas. After they are domestically produced, it's not a simple match. It's a lot of garbage."

Qin Mengyao snorted disdainfully.

"Look, Yaoyao is angry, don't be angry, this is the truth, you can't accept it, it's true that China can't make a good car."

"The domestic simple match of Tras is to reduce the price. How do you think the price of hundreds of thousands of dollars has come down, otherwise, how can those poor people be able to buy Tras."

Qin Meng and Yao are too lazy to pay attention to him.

This kind of person is the standard double-standard dog that is often referred to on the Internet.

It is obvious that Trass is making money in China, but he is said to be thinking of the people.

The same price, configuration and materials of domestic cars are many times better than those of Las, but they are called technology garbage and can only be sold for configuration.

"Zhixian, if you talk about it again, Yaoyao will be really angry, haha."

"That is, although domestic cars are not good, you have to be euphemistic."

"I'm not talking nonsense. Domestic cars are not good."

The rich second-generation next to them laughed.

They are all people in the same circle, and they have no scruples.

It is very familiar to play the car on weekdays.

Li Zhixian shrugged, very innocent, because he felt that he was right.

The attitude of these people not only made Qin Mengyao unhappy, but Yan Ran was also unhappy.


They remembered Ye Qiu's words. ;

"If you want to design and build a car you like, come to Wuling and find me."

"Wuling, maybe you can try it."

Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran looked at each other.

Both of them could see the Covet hidden in their hearts from each other's eyes.

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