Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 44 Entering My Den Of Thieves, You Can't Escape. 【For Collection】

"Mr. Ye, fortunately not to be humiliated, this time I went to Xigong University, and the other party heard that it was your company's recruitment, and was so excited."

"President Tan said that if Wuling is short of people, all the students who graduated from the School of Automotive Engineering this year can come here to work as an intern."

"As for whether we can keep it or not, it's up to us."

Wuling factory.

In the office building, in the chairman's office.

Xu Dabao came back from Xigong University and brought good news to Ye Qiu.

"The old principal is really a chicken thief. It's hard to find jobs for fresh graduates now. Let's go, originally to provide jobs for students."

"It's like I owe him a favor."

When he was in school, Ye Qiu knew very well what kind of character Principal Tan had.

But that's okay.

own alma mater, the old principal used to be kind to himself.

Think of it as helping your alma mater to solve the employment problem of fresh graduates.

"How many students are willing to come?"

There is a serious shortage of workers in the factory.

Two automobile production lines, permanent magnet motor workshop, battery production workshop.

There is also the workshop of the mechanical god.

In the huge workshop, production is 24 hours a day.

There are only less than 100 workers in the factory, which is not enough. During this time, all the workers are working overtime almost every day in the Contest Condition.

There are many talents needed.

Major in automotive engineering, major in automobile design, major in machinery, major in battery, major in electronic control, major in numerical control, major in forging and so on.

Many people are needed.

Before going, Ye Qiu told Xu Dabao to recruit as many students as possible.

"Hey, Mr. Ye, don't worry, I brought back more than 1,000 students to our factory this time."

"All kinds of professional you need are available!"

good guy.

More than 1000 fresh graduates.

They are all graduates of Western Polytechnic University.

Absolute bullshit.

"When are the students coming?"

These are talents.

In the future, the production capacity of the factory will expand and the scale will expand, and there will be a lot of people in need.

"Basically, within seven days, all of them can reach Zhongyun, and I promised them that if you come to Wuling and don't want to work here, you can leave at any time, and the company will include food, drink, and travel expenses."

This is also impossible.

Today's college students are very proud and difficult to manage.

Slightly unhappy, just fired the boss directly.

"Okay, you can arrange this."

When Xu Dabao was working, Ye Qiu was very relieved, he would definitely be able to arrange those students well.

"By the way, Mr. Ye, I heard that our factory has a new product? It's called the Mechanical God? What is that?"

As soon as he came back today, he has been listening to the workers say that the factory has developed a brand new product called the Mechanical God.

That thing is terrifying and invincible.

It made Xu Dabao very strange.

I have only been gone for a few days, how come I came back with a new product.

"Uncle Xu, you can find out by going to the construction site of the new workshop yourself."

Ye Qiu waved his hand and let Xu Dabao see it for himself.

He was too lazy to explain.

"Then I have to go take a good look..."

Xu Dabao smiled and immediately went downstairs to the new factory.

Driving a Hongguang mini, he soon came to the new factory site.

"Fuck, what the hell is this!"

As soon as he arrived here, Xu Dabao saw a four-meter-high mechanical monster, busy on the construction site.

The terrifying two robotic arms were digging holes on the ground like a dog digging.

When digging the pit, there was a bang, and it should have encountered an underground stone.

The mechanical arm immediately stretched back and replaced it with a breaker.


The mechanical arm turned up and smashed it down directly at the stone.



From a distance, Xu Dabao could hear the sound of the stone being smashed.

at last,

The mechanical arm changed back to the mechanical claws, and grabbed all the gravel, like a human being, and threw it aside with Solaceon.

That's a big rock weighing several tons.

Like a pebble, Solaceon threw it.

Continue to dig the foundation.

"This... what kind of machine is this?"

Xu Dabao was stunned.

"Stupid, this is a mechanical god, an artifact of engineering. Manager Chen of our company ordered five of them for us."

"Yeah, I can't wait to drive this car right now."

"Crap, I forgot what I saw just now, Lao Xu, that bastard, is it time-out, let him get down to rest and replace him."

"Yes, that's right, this old boy has been driving secretly for so long."

Beside Xu Dabao, the excavator masters of the original construction team of Haohan Company.

I have long been too lazy to drive the excavator that has accompanied me for many years.

Although their excavators are also 32 tons, they are also imported Morty excavators.

A large excavator that sells for more than 3 million.


After learning to drive the mechanical master, they said that they would never want to drive that Morty excavator again.

Not a class thing.

There is basically no need to teach the control mode of the mechanical god.

A few masters went up to think for a while, and Lin Yi was simply telling them how to change the tools.

Learn in a few minutes.


This mechanical god was temporarily driven by these excavator masters in turn.

A mechanical god, the efficiency of top 20 excavators is still high.

The excavator looks very tasteless in front of it.

Seeing that the time has passed, several masters immediately contacted the driver and let him get off, and became addicted to it.

With the mechanical master, the masters feel that work is no longer boring, even if they are allowed to work overtime until late at night every day, they are very happy.

"This is the mechanical god? Is it the excavator that President Ye said before?"

"Isn't it?"

Xu Dabao was a little confused.


"Mr. Ye, someone came to you and said it was from the magic capital, three Stephanies."

Secretary Zheng Qiu went to Ye Qiu's office to tell him that someone was looking for him.

Originally Ye Qiu didn't have a secretary.

But now there are too many things every day, so he temporarily found an employee to help him handle things by himself.

"Three Stephanies, the magic capital?"

"Could it be them?"

Ye Qiu was a little surprised, could it be Qin Mengyao and the others?

"Bring them here."

"it is good."


After a while, three handsome Stephanies came to Ye Qiu's office.

It was Qin Mengyao, Yan Ran, and Ye Qianqian.

"Wow, little big brother, is this your office? Well... chic."

As soon as we meet,

When Ye Qianqian saw Ye Qiu's office, it was hard to imagine how the dignified boss's office could be so broken.

It's like the small leadership office of the 1980s seen on TV.

It doesn't fit Ye Qiu's image of a company boss at all.

But Ye Qianqian didn't dare to say it, so she could only change a word euphemistically.

"This is only temporary. Our new office building and R&D center will start construction soon, and it can be put into use within a year at most."

Ye Qiu gave a simple explanation, and then touched Ye Qianqian's little head.

"Hate, don't touch my head, hum."

Being touched by Ye Qiu, Ye Qianqian pouted and seemed very unhappy.

Ye Qiu laughed and ignored her.

Instead, he looked at Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran, and said, "You are welcome to join Wuling. Believe me, one day in the future, you will definitely be glad that you made this decision today."

When the two came here, it was obvious that they had figured it out.

Otherwise it won't come.

"You are so confident, we are here to work for you?" Yan Ran blinked.

"That's right, in case we just came to have a look. Now that we see Wuling's office, I think this matter has to be considered."

Qin Mengyao's mouth twitched.

Ye Qiu was stunned for a moment, but then shrugged his shoulders with a wicked smile, and said helplessly:

"I'm sorry, you can't escape if you entered my den of thieves. If you don't sign a contract with me today, I will lock you three until you agree."

"Wow... The little big brother is so handsome, so you have to do this to be attractive as a man."

Qianqian's eyes lit up.

"Cousin, it seems that we have indeed entered the den of thieves."


Qin Mengyao and Yao smiled bitterly, but since they came, they had already made up their minds.

"Okay, let's stop joking, you two are welcome to join Wuling."

With a sunny and handsome smile on his face, Ye Qiu stretched out his hand to the two of them.

"Mr. Ye, please take care of me in the future."

The three looked at each other and smiled.

Ye Qiu has acquired two top automotive engineers and designers.

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