Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 75 If you can't get it, destroy it! 【Subscription】

After Musk returned to the magic capital, he didn't even stop, went directly to the airport, took his own plane, and flew back to America.

He must directly cut off the supply of the most important chips before the Chitu car goes on sale.

if not,

Truss will get harder and harder.

"Just received the news that Wuling is going to hold the launch conference of the Chitu brand in three days."

When leaving,

Musk received news that Wuling will hold a launch conference for the new Chitu new car in three days.

"I don't know how many chips they have in storage, if less, that would be great.

Generally, car companies will store a batch of chips before the launch of a new car for use in the production of the first batch of models.

Musk doesn't know how much Wuling has saved.

He only knew that Wuling's chip supplier was Qualcomm.

Car chips are different from mobile phone chips.

There are only a few chip manufacturers in America that can make automotive chips in the world.

Qualcomm, Intel, Infineon, STMicroelectronics, Texas Instruments.

Pure electric vehicles, especially Wuling and Tesla, have extremely high requirements for electronic control systems.

Then it is necessary to adopt a chip with a faster operation speed and a better matching.

Tesla's electronic control system, in order to achieve the ultimate performance.

Chips from traditional manufacturers of Qualcomm have been abandoned.

Instead, it uses chips specially developed by Tesla for its own models.

This is due to the manufacturing process of American firm in the world, especially the layout of semiconductors.

It has made America the largest chip country in the world.

Without the high-end chips in Chitu, the car would be impossible to produce unless they had enough chips in stock.

As for giving up foreign chips and using Xia Guo's chips?

forget it,

Xia Guo himself does not have high-end car chips.

Now the chips that Xia Guo SMIC is developing are only for mobile phones.

And it still lags behind the chip technology of several generations of foreign technology.

Not incapable of designing.


There is no ability to produce high-end chips.

The semiconductor industry base is too backward.

More than ten hours later, Musk returned to New York.

And after getting off the plane, he went to Qualcomm for the first time.

Look for Qualcomm President Ammon.

"Hi Musk, long time no see.

The tech madman Musk, before he founded Tesla, was very well-known in the tech circle of Silicon Valley.

Now the presidents and CEOs of many technology companies have been friends with him for many years.

Everyone is a person from the same era.

Especially in the semiconductor industry, Musk has more relationships.

Ammon was very surprised why Musk came to him in such a hurry.

In Ammon's office.

He made a cup of coffee for his friend himself.

After the two sat down, Anmon asked: "Musk, you have been feeling very bad in the past few days, I think you came to me, definitely not to catch up with me.


Musk nodded and said: "Anmon, we have been friends for many years, and I will not hide from you, I need you to do me a favor.

The relationship between the two does not need to be said much.

Interests are bundled a lot, and private relationships are better.

"You said, only I can help.

An "Nine Twenty" Meng is a very affectionate person, and it is rare that Musk, the arrogant technical madman, is willing to ask for help from himself.

Musk took a sip of coffee: "Wuling Motors over there in Xia Guo, is the chip supplied by you Qualcomm? 99

Xia Kingdom?

Wuling Motors?

Hearing this, An Meng was not impressed for a while.

Qualcomm has too many customers, and almost all mobile phone manufacturers in the world use Qualcomm chips.

Even Apple needs a lot of technical help from Qualcomm.

car manufacturers,

Also more.

A Wuling car in Xia Guo, he has no impression at all.

This is not a super big client.

"I'll ask someone to check, you wait."

An Meng called an assistant to inquire about Wuling Motors.


The assistant came to reply.

"BOSS, I found out that Wuling Motors in Xia Guo signed a contract with us for SDXC-1821 car general-purpose chips. The first batch of 20,000 chips ordered has been sent to the Wuling factory and has been signed for."

"The second batch of chips, in production, is ready for delivery in five days. 35

When An Meng heard this, he was a little surprised.

Fortunately, the sdxc-1821 chip is specially developed by Qualcomm for high-end pure electric vehicles.

This chip was used by Tesla before.

Later, Musk disliked the poor match between this chip and Tesla's system, so he began to develop his own chips.

It can be said,

The price of this chip is not the highest, but it is definitely the highest chip used in the current 200-100 million pure electric vehicles.

"20,000 yuan?"

As soon as Musk heard it, Wuling had only reserved 20,000 chips, and finally felt relieved.

20,000 sounds like a lot.

But for a car manufacturer, that is one month's sales.

Even Musk can foresee that after Wuling Chitu goes public, the sales in the first month will definitely break through the sky and reach an unimaginably terrifying level.


They only have 20,000 chips now.

That is to say, even if you receive an order for 1 million units, you can only produce 20,000 units.

"Anmon, good brother, I need you to do me a favor, and also do us a favor to Tras.

"As a nation, it's about the nation and our dignity.

"I want Qualcomm to immediately stop supplying chips to Wuling, and immediately announce to the world that it will not supply chips to Wuling in the future."5

"As for the liquidated damages, I will pay, and I will pay for the SDXC-1821 chips produced in this batch.


Musk was quick to make his demands.

If he wants to cut off Wuling's chip suppliers, he has to negotiate all of these chip factories.

Anmon is only the first.

After hearing his words, An Meng was obviously taken aback.

But after thinking about it, he understood.

Because when he was looking at the order just now, he saw a name called Chitu Auto.

In the past two days of the joint, Chitu cars and plasma batteries have been popular all over the United States.

Anmon knew.

Musk is panicking.

A plasma battery, under the control of capital, made the Tesla stock market evaporate more than 100 billion US dollars a day.

If a car equipped with this battery is listed, it is foreseeable.

Tesla's global sales will suffer a devastating blow.

The five Tesla super factories established by Musk around the world and the investment of hundreds of billions of dollars may be lost.


If the contract with Wuling is terminated like this, it is a flagrant breach of contract.

And people with discernment can immediately understand that Qualcomm is cooperating with Truss to suppress Wuling.

This is very immoral.

Especially for a Qualcomm company, it will greatly impress the company's reputation.

Now Qualcomm has many customers in Xia.

Covers the mobile phone and automotive industries.

If Qualcomm cooperates with Musk, it will suppress the Chitu brand and cut off the supply.

the consequence,

It may be that Qualcomm will face huge credit losses. Once the public anger of Xia Guo people is aroused, Qualcomm will lose a lot of market in the future.

"Sorry, Musk, I can't help you because of this.

as a good brother.

Ammon wants to help Musk.


As Qualcomm's president, he can't use the company's credit to help Musk.

So Ammon refused.

"Musk, you have to know that if I help you, it will be a blatant breach of contract, and it will also be suspected of suppressing other companies, and the FBI can't get through it.

"Furthermore, the Qualcomm board knew about this and would never allow me to do so."

"Take a ten thousand steps back and say that even if I help you, we are not only Qualcomm manufacturers that can provide high-end automotive chips. 99

"There are also Intel, STMicroelectronics, Infineon, Texas Instruments.

"I understand that you want to cut off the production process of Chitu brand new cars from the root cause, so that they have no cars to sell."

"But... to do this, you can't find us, you have to find a high-ranking official in the Federation."

"If you can convince them to issue a ban on this matter, then I can assure you that all chip suppliers in the world will never dare to supply Wuling Chitu. 99

Originally, Ammon's refusal disappointed Musk very much.

But the next words made Musk's eyes suddenly shine.


Rather than persuading these companies, there is no guarantee that Wuling will be completely banned in the end.

It would be better to go to those people in the Federation.

A new federal ban will take effect immediately.

just right,

Mr. President, who just took office recently, has an unusual relationship with Musk.

Because when the president came to power, Musk backed a lot of money.

"Thank you, Anmon, I will go to the Black Palace immediately.

Musk said goodbye to Anmon, and after leaving Qualcomm, he first went back to his private manor.

And call the assistant to the president to make an appointment to meet.

just right,

When the other party heard that it was Musk, he told the president that it was time.


Musk went to the Presidential Palace with some collections that he regarded as treasures.

Negotiate for about five hours.

Musk left contentedly.


Just after he left, in the early morning of the next day, there was a letter in the black palace about the plasma battery of Wuling Motors, which was suspected of endangering the interests of the American people.


The ban clearly stated that it is absolutely forbidden for domestic chip suppliers in the United States and the semiconductor industry in the world to supply Wuling.

Whoever supplies chips to Wuling will be sanctioned.

This ban came out.

In extreme time, it spread all over the world.

Astonished the whole world.

"What happened? Why did the Black Palace issue such a ban?"

"Because of a battery, can it threaten America's interests?"

"Wuling? Who is Wuling?

"I know, Wuling is the parent company of the recently popular Chitu Automobile. 35

"I buy Karma, it turned out to be Chitu, I like that car."

"Me too, I'm waiting for when the new Chitu car will go on sale in North America, but I'm actually waiting for sanctions?"

"Why sanction Wuling Chitu?

"I don't know, but the president definitely has his own ideas.

For some of the behavior of the new president, it is even more extreme than the previous Trump.

Strange bans are often introduced out of nowhere.

Today, a car company from Xia Guo was suddenly sanctioned for no reason. The reason was that the plasma battery developed by others would cause damage to the interests of the American people.

Don't say that people in other countries don't understand.

After seeing the ban, the American people were very puzzled.

After the black palace ban came out.

Those chip manufacturers around the world immediately issued a document expressing their support for the decision of the Black Palace.

Anyway, Wuling has no cooperative relationship with them.

Nothing to lose.

As for Qualcomm, which is responsible for supplying chips to Wuling, the president personally called Qualcomm's board of directors.


Ammon received a letter from the board of directors.

Let him immediately stop supplying chips to Wuling, and compensate the corresponding liquidated damages according to the contract.

Ammon didn't know that Musk paid as much to facilitate this.


He just did what the board ordered.


On the same day, Qualcomm immediately announced that due to irresistible reasons, Qualcomm had to stop its cooperation with Wuling Motors.

Completely stop providing automotive chips to Wuling.

and is willing to pay any damages arising from the breach of contract.

It's daytime here in Meriken.

After Qualcomm announced, it immediately contacted Wuling Motors on the other side of the ocean.

And notified Qualcomm's foundries, TSMC and other foundries to stop producing chips for Wuling Motors.

And all the chips that have been produced will be shipped to America.

A ban on the American side.

supported by the European Union.

Manufacturers that provide automotive semiconductors such as STMicroelectronics, Infineon, and Dr. NXP indicated that they would not supply Wuling.

Mainly because of fear.

Whoever supplies Wuling will be sanctioned by the United States.


Renesas in the island country, which is also a giant company in automotive semiconductors, immediately announced that Renesas would not supply Wuling when it saw the black palace ban.

The little devil is afraid of Lao Mei's father, but he is afraid of not wanting it.

summer country.

late at night.

Ye Qiu was called out urgently.

"Mr. Ye, it's not good, something has happened. Laomei has just issued a ban on our Wuling, not giving us Chitu new cars, and supplying chips and semiconductors."

The call was from Yu Yang, experienced in the Purchasing Department.

The purchasing manager was personally promoted by Ye Qiu from the old employees.

Diligently responsible for all purchasing matters of the factory every day.

Don't dare to be sloppy at all. As for making extra money, you absolutely don't dare.

He wanted to acknowledge Ye Qiu's kindness for promoting him.

just now,

Yu Yang received a call from someone from Qualcomm, saying that it was the American company that issued a ban on Wuling today, which prevented Qualcomm from continuing to provide Wuling with the supply of chips and semiconductor components.

And very helpless, said that they are willing to pay compensation in accordance with the contract agreement.

This news,

Let Yu Yangqi scolded mother at the time, the kind of scolding.

Then he immediately contacted Ye Qiu.

Explained the details to Ye Qiu.

"Is there such a thing? I know...

Ye Qiu frowned fiercely. His first reaction was that this matter had nothing to do with Musk.

He failed to invest in Wuling in the front foot, and the black palace issued a ban on Wuling in the back foot.

Where is such a coincidence.

Although Wuling Motors is developing well now, it is only a car company in Xiaguo, and it is not as good as the eyes of Heigong.

Even if the plasma battery is very strong, it will never let Heigong specifically target Wuling.

We are not Huawei.

On 5G, it can pose a powerful threat to the interests of the entire Laos and the United States.

"How many chips are in the factory now?"

No need to think that Ye Qiu knew it.

After the ban came out, semiconductor companies around the world would not continue to supply Wuling.


for a short time,

Wuling's stock chips are particularly important.

"Mr. Ye, now we have 20,000 SDXC-1821 chips in stock, power semiconductors, sensors, ADAS, COMS image sensors, AI main control components, lidars, MEMS and other stocks are similar."

"If it is produced, it can produce up to 20,000 new cars, and there is no way to do it later."

The composition of automotive chips is complex.

It's not just a single chip.

There are many semiconductor components needed in the whole system, which need to be supplied by foreign semiconductor companies.


Others are not important, even if there is no foreign, domestic can also be used.

can be the main chip.

Domestic ones will not work.

The domestic automobile chip, the operation speed, can not meet the matching requirements of the advanced electronic control system and the plasma battery and the motor.

"Okay, I see."

After hanging up, Ye Qiu thought about what to do.

Ye Qiu sneered at Musk wanting to use chips to limit Chitu.

It was so naive to think.

Thinking that stuck with the supply of my chips will leave me at a loss?

"Fortunately, during this time, my points have not been spent indiscriminately, let's see if I can solve this problem.

After all, we are also systematic people.

If this can get you stuck in your throat, then I'll just go straight to death.

Ye Qiu is very fortunate that his points have not been spent indiscriminately recently, and he has been keeping them.

Now the total points of the system are about to reach 500,000, and there is only 19 points left.

And he has nearly 350,000 points available.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, the total points have reached 500,000, and the unlock achievements will continue to work hard, and the designated type of lottery will be awarded once. 】

After waiting patiently for a while, Ye Qiu finally waited until his total points reached 500,000.


The familiar designated type of lottery has finally appeared again.

"Hey, it would be nice if you could designate a chip for the lottery."

【Automobile】【Aviation】【Heavy Industry】【Light Industry】【Black Technology】

Five options.

Among them, the [Black Technology] option is gray and cannot be selected. Ye Qiu must perform the designated lottery for other categories four times.

Only then can you designate the black technology lottery again.

"Let's smoke a car. 35

As Wuling's main business, this lottery is naturally a car type.

"It would be great if you could get me a production line for automotive chips.

But Ye Qiu is not about the technology of automotive chips.

but production equipment.

If there is a foundry like TSMC in China, Wuling can design the chips on the car, and it will be perfectly matched with its own plasma battery and electronic control technology.


TSMC is under the control of America, and they say that it is banned, and he will never dare to supply domestically.

【Whether to formulate a car type lottery?】


After the lottery started, the familiar wheel reappeared.

"Fuck, there are actually three golden grids!!"

on the turntable,

Among the ten grids, three golden ones appeared this time.

Ye Qiu widened his eyes, feeling incredible.

"I don't know if I can get it...

He was always curious about what was in the golden lattice.

Because Ye Qiu had drawn the highest level, it was the purple grid.

White, blue, purple, gold, black.

Checkered in five colors.

The most advanced level that has appeared so far is gold.

But Ye Qiu never drew a single one.

This time, three golden grids appeared at once.

He was very excited.

Three golden plaids.

A purple plaid.

three blue plaids,

Three white plaids.

nearly one-third chance.

"There's no reason not to draw a golden one.

Ye Qiu didn't believe that his luck would be so bad.

Click to start the draw,

The turntable started to spin, getting faster and faster, and at the fastest time, Ye Qiu pressed pause.

"Golden, golden, golden!!! Your uncle's!!!!

Mouth roaring for gold.

one-third chance.

If this can't be drawn, then he will really scold his mother.

The pointer turned slowly, getting slower and slower.

At the last moment, the pointer stopped at a distance of less than one millimeter from the golden grid, and finally stopped in the purple grid next to it.

Ye Qiu was so angry that he wanted to smash the system.

"Lottery draw, draw your grandma's prize!

Just a little bit, and I got a gold.

"Purple, so-so."

Although Ye Qiu was disappointed that he didn't get a gold one, he was very happy to get a purple one.

"Look what I got..."

Ye Qiu clicked on the purple grid.


A burst of light flashed, and a line of words appeared in front of him.

【Congratulations, you have obtained a senior automotive engineering equipment manufacturing expert. 】

Ye Qiu:????

What the hell?


Looking left and looking again, to make sure there was nothing else, Ye Qiu was instantly angry.

You tell me,

I have worked so hard to save 500,000 points.

Just get an automotive engineering expert?

This is not an engineer.

Brother, I lack everything, but there is no shortage of automotive engineers.

[Please choose the gender of the expert, as well as various attributes. 】

Last time,

The system reminded Ye Qiu that if he obtains an expert again, he will give Ye Qiu a choice of gender and age, as well as options for any other attributes.

In general,

The experts given by the system belong to the generation of nothingness. If you don't mention it, you will always be the wretched little old men like Lin Yi and Lin Er.

You choose by yourself, then this expert will be shaped according to Ye Qiu's own wishes.

"Uh... experts, I have no shortage of experts, I really want to change this expert..."

Ye Qiu sighed.

He really doesn't want this high-end automotive engineering equipment manufacturing expert whose name sounds tall.

But in the end,

Not an automotive engineer.

"Forget it, just find yourself a perfect female secretary."

Ye Qiu started to set it according to his own wishes and completely according to his own personal preferences.

Gender: Female.


Weight: 95 catties

Measurements: Don't ask, ask is the most perfect.

Personality: Naturally, she is the royal sister.

No matter how good the loli is, where there is a royal sister who will be sultry and hurt.

The appearance cannot be selected, but the system guarantees that the appearance is absolutely completed according to Ye Qiu's personal aesthetic standards.

After selection.

A flash of light flashed.

A woman appeared in front of Ye Qiu.


This woman was wearing an ordinary long white dress and her long black hair was loose. Ye Qiu didn't know how to describe her appearance.

If it is purely about beauty, it may be on the same level as Yan Ran, Qin Mengyao, and Chen Mengna.

Because these three women have reached the ceiling of their appearance.


This woman was constructed entirely according to Ye Qiu's aesthetic standards.

Every part of her body, in Ye Qiu's opinion, is so beautiful.


The voice of the voice is good, it's the soft and waxy Yujie's voice that Ye Qiu likes.

"Boss, you are so handsome. I don't know how happy I am to be able to work for you in the future. 35

have a look,

Sure enough, he was the most loyal to Ye Qiu.

As soon as the woman appeared, she immediately started to flatter Ye Qiu, and approached Ye Qiu, a little reckless.

"You are too happy too early, I am very dissatisfied with the result of your lottery.


Ye Qiu's words made the woman stunned, very innocent, and felt so pitiful.

It was rejected by the boss.

"Boss, I actually play a big role, and there are many others."

She was a little unconvinced.

As soon as he came out, he was disliked by the boss. How could he follow the boss from now on?

"What do you know? Do you make chips?

Will there be many?

Ye Qiu asked with hope.

The woman shook her head and said, "No. 35

"Then do you design new cars, design car circuits?

The unwilling Ye Qiu asked again.


The woman still blinked innocently, sitting in front of Ye Qiu, shaking her head pitifully: "No.

"Okay, then tell me, what are you going to do?"

Neither will this, nor will that.

What do I need you for as an expert?

"Boss, I will design all the basic industrial equipment needed by the car, and I can refit the existing equipment into brand-new equipment. As long as the boss needs, I can manufacture and modify all the basic production equipment in the auto industry. .99

In order to prove her ability to Ye Qiu, the woman proudly told him.

I am an expert in basic industrial equipment.

As long as Ye Qiu needs any basic industrial equipment, she can design and manufacture it.

"After all, it's useless if you don't, forget it, you can be my secretary.

"I'll give you a name first, I'll call you Lin Xiuxiu."

"Well, the name of the boss is really nice, the boss, in fact, they are really strong, you will know later.

Xiuxiu looked at Ye Qiu affectionately.

All eyes are on his own boss.

Ye Qiu was very happy to tell the truth about her eyes.

Who doesn't want to have a woman who is all over you by her side, and who can guarantee that she will never betray you.

Ye Qiu didn't care what Xiuxiu said that she would.

Because he believes that the basic industrial equipment for automobiles that Xiuxiu refers to is the automobile production line.

Wuling now has no shortage of production lines, so she cannot be used.

In this case,

Then be yourself a secretary.

The kind that takes care of yourself every day.

"Boss, it's still dark, let's... go to sleep? 35

Xiuxiu blinked at Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu looked at the time and saw that there were still more than six hours before dawn.

You can take a good rest first, and we have to have a meeting tomorrow to find a way to deal with the chip.


Ye Qiu did not reject Xiuxiu's idea of ​​being with him.

Since she appeared, it has belonged to Ye Qiu's private property.

As it should be,

its own.

After lying down, Ye Qiu felt very comfortable, just as Xiuxiu lightly touched his forehead, her eyes rolled, and she was about to continue.

Ye Qiu suddenly asked her a question.

"By the way, Xiuxiu, you said that you will manufacture all the basic industrial equipment for automobiles. Then, will you do the chip equipment required by automobiles?"

Ye Qiu swore that he wanted to continue asking out of his unwillingness to give up.

I thought Xiuxiu would say that she wouldn't either.

Who would have thought, after Xiuxiu heard it, she said with disdain: "Boss, you look down on others, I'm a senior equipment engineer, and you can give me a 14-nanometer production line for such equipment as automotive chips, and I can immediately Change it to 3 nanometers or even below for you."5

It seemed that Ye Qiu, the boss, did not believe in his own abilities so much.

Xiuxiu was angry.

She decided to let the boss see her other abilities first.

"Boss, people are starting...! Hee hee!

Xiuxiu's hand was just on Ye Qiu's body.

However, when Ye Qiu heard her words, he didn't have the mind to do other things.

Can Xiuxiu make chip production lines?

Can a 14-nanometer lithography machine be transformed into a 3-nanometer or even below?


If this is true, then it is really an incredible talent.


Ye Qiu sat up suddenly, and then hugged her.

"Wait for this first, and follow me to the factory!

"Ah? Boss, are you in such a hurry?"


PS: Sorry for the late update today, my cousin’s son went to play in the morning and was caught fighting with others. My cousin and sister-in-law were not at home. I dealt with it. Young children today, why are they so impetuous!! !Ugh……

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