Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 76 Xiu'er, you are really talented! 【Subscription】

Ye Qiu is really in a hurry, Xiuxiu can actually transform the lithography machine?

If this is the case, then Ye Qiu will be rich.

With the lithography machine, not only the chip problems faced by Wuling were solved immediately, but also the problem of lithography machine production for the country.


Chip production does not only require lithography machines, but lithography machines occupy the most important position in the entire chip production process.

Any other production link, the domestic industrial base, and hard work can be solved.

Except for the most important lithography machines that burn circuit diagrams on silicon wafers.

Plasma etching machine, ion implanter, reactive ion etching system, single crystal furnace, wafer dicing machine, wafer thinning machine.

These machines, at the domestic industrial level, can basically meet the production of automotive chips.


It's just a car chip.

Wuling customized SDXC-1821 chip from Qualcomm, which belongs to 14nm automotive advanced general AI chip.

This is the most widely used AI chip technology for high-end electric vehicles.

A car is not a mobile phone, and it does not need the super computing power of a mobile phone.

14nm is completely sufficient.

Moreover, car chips and mobile phones are two different things.


Ye Qiu knows that Tesla is working with Samsung to develop a 5nm process for automotive-specific chips.

Once the research and development is successful, the biggest benefit is that it can improve the accuracy of the car's automatic driving and the calculation speed of various road conditions.

At present, Wuling's autonomous driving system has reached the L3 level, which is also the most stable level of autonomous driving that automobile manufacturers can achieve.

If you want to completely realize that there is no human control, the vehicle is fully autonomous.

That's still a long way to go.

The first thing to be solved is a set of super-strong AI artificial intelligence system in order to fully achieve automatic driving.

This kind of AI intelligence, the current technology, can't be done at all.

but it doesn't matter,

Now what Wuling needs is a 14nm chip, which is enough for the new car of Chitu.

This was done by Musk.

Ye Qiu said no, it was impossible.

Commercial competition, even using the power of the state to sanction.

Ye Qiu was very disdainful of Musk's character.

He now needs to verify whether Xiuxiu can modify a lithography machine to achieve the craftsmanship that Chitu needs.

"Wait, I forgot, it's useless to go to the factory 25, and there are no lithography machines and other equipment in the factory.

Holding Xiuxiu, Ye Qiu remembered when he walked to the door.

good guy,


There is no such equipment in the Wuling factory.

If you want to modify Xiuxiu, you can only order machines from other domestic manufacturers first.


Ye Qiu calmed down in an instant.

"Boss, why don't you leave?

Xiuxiu said it was strange.

"I just remembered that there is no such thing as a lithography machine in our factory, and it is useless to go. 35

Ye Qiu shrugged, then thought about asking Xiuxiu.

"If I give you a 96nm lithography machine, can you transform it into a machine that can produce 14nm?"5


The most advanced lithography machine in China is the Microelectronics Group of Magic Capital.

The 96nm lithography machine they developed, although the technology is many generations behind foreign countries.

But it is also the only machine that Wuling can buy.

As for SMIC's, it is estimated that they can't be bought.


Xiuxiu heard the words, thought for a while, and then said: "Boss, I can change it, but the cost is very high, and I need you to buy a machine in the mall. 39

If you want to transform 96nm to 14nm, the technical gap that needs to be crossed is not a star and a half.

That is, Lin Xiuxiu is a senior engineer in industrial equipment.

dare to say such a thing.

If the domestic chip experts heard Lin Xiuxiu's words, it is estimated that her saliva would be sprayed to death.

96nm to 14nm?

What a joke.

How to change it?

How to solve the problem of light source.

How to solve the problem of refraction.

How to solve the chip problem.

There will definitely be a lot of questions coming up.

But Ye Qiu absolutely believed that if she said she could change it, it would definitely change.

"What machine do you need?"

There were so many things in the system that Ye Qiu couldn't finish it.

"Boss, in the black technology, there is something called a handheld see-through wafer grinder, I just need one of this machine.

Handheld see-through wafer grinder?

What is this stuff?

Ye Qiu opened the system mall, and in the black technology, he searched according to what Xiu Xiu said.


A small machine appeared in the picture.

Handheld see-through wafer grinder: 100,000 points.

An amazing machine capable of grinding all kinds of wafers and see-through lenses.

The introduction is simple.

The price is okay too.

100,000 points.

It's not bad, it's just too expensive, it costs 100,000 points for such a small thing.

Anyway, Ye Qiu couldn't understand what this thing was doing.

But to be able to appear in the black technology column, it must be a powerful existence.

"Bought it.

Gritting his teeth, Ye Qiu still bought it.


A metal box with a sci-fi shape, about the size of a normal tool kit, appeared in front of Ye Qiu.

"Is it this thing?"

"That's right.

Xiuxiu nodded, happily picked up the metal box, opened it, and saw that the machine inside was not big, but the shape was very sci-fi and cool.

It's like a beam gun in a future world.

"Boss, with this machine, as long as you give me a 96nm lithography machine, I promise to transform it into a 14nm one.

Xiuxiu is confident.

Ye Qiu smiled with satisfaction.

"I will order the machine tomorrow, and by the way, I will buy all the machines needed for the chip, and now I will go to rest.

The chip thing is solved like this.

Ye Qiu was in a better mood than ever.

Xiuxiu is a talent.

What a fucking talent.

I thought she was just an ordinary car engineer.

I didn't expect it,

The direction of the lord turned out to be industrial equipment.

Xiuxiu is proficient in all the spare parts manufacturing equipment required for automobile production.

It's just horrible.

"Okay boss, then let's... go to rest first? Hee hee~~~"

Xiuxiu was like a little goblin, holding Ye Qiu's arm and shaking it, Ye Qiu's eyes were dizzy.


next moment,

He directly picked up the little goblin and entered the house.

the next day,

The two got up early, and Ye Qiu drove her to the Wuling factory.

along the way,

Ye Qiu's phone almost exploded.

They were all executives of the company, asking Ye Qiu about the chip and how to solve it.

"Wait until I get to the office. 35

Ye Qiu took Xiuxiu to the mall first, and bought her a lot of clothes, all of which were professional wear, and some skirts that Xiuxiu liked.

Because Ye Qiu likes to see her in a dress, so she likes it.

When the two went to the company.

at this time,

The entire domestic Internet has been detonated by the Black Palace's ban on Wuling.

Woke up early this morning,

A message suddenly appeared in the entire Internet world.

Douyin, Kuaishou, and Weibo are full of people sending a message.

"American time, at 9:00 this morning, the Black Palace issued a new ban, targeting the new plasma battery developed by my country's Wuling Motors, because it is suspected of threatening American's interests and only restricting it.

"And notify all semiconductor suppliers around the world to prohibit the supply of chips and semiconductor components to Wuling Motors.

What does this news mean.

After the Huawei incident, the people in China are very clear.

This is what Laomei wants to sanction Wuling.

A country, to sanction a car company, this company is still the domestic conscience car company Wuling.

Everyone who saw the news was outraged.

"Shameless old beauty, this is urgent, this is fear.

"Absolutely, plasma batteries are all gimmicks. Lao Mei is afraid that after Wuling's new Chitu new car is launched, it will cause a devastating blow to Tesla, so she came up with such a disgusting way to impose sanctions, so that Wuling can't even produce cars. come out."

"I didn't think that plasma batteries were awesome before, but now, when I look at this, I feel that Wuling is really awesome.

"Old beauty will do this, and when she can't beat it, she will play sanctions, which is really disgusting.

"I feel sorry for Wuling. The technology that it developed and subverted the times was limited by a chip."

"I really want to know now what is the reason for the old Meihei Palace to take action and impose sanctions on Wuling.

"I know this news. I have a cousin who works in Wuling. According to him, Musk went to Wuling in person yesterday and asked Wuling's boss to discuss the purchase of plasma batteries, but the boss refused. Today there is a ban, you product, you carefully product.

"Is what you said above true?

"No way, Musk is so cruel?"

"If you can't get it, destroy it? 99

"You should know that just the day before yesterday, after the opening of the US stock market, because of the emergence of plasma batteries and the negative news of Tesla, the stock price of Tesla collapsed.

"Yes, Musk must be in a hurry to lose more than 100 billion US dollars in market value a day."

"Musk doesn't care about negative news alone, but the emergence of plasma batteries is tantamount to a nuclear bomb for the pure electric vehicle market."

"Musk can't buy it, and he wants to destroy Wuling directly, his heart can be punished!""

"I'm angry, but I can't help it.

"I don't know how Wuling will respond."

"How else can we deal with it, there is absolutely no way to do it. 35

On the Internet, countless netizens scolded Lao Mei and Musk for shamelessness.

The other side is distressed for Wuling.

Between countries, they naturally support national enterprises.


There are also some idiots who lick dogs and speak slanderous words.

"Wuling? The brain is really sick. Truss has a crush on Wuling's battery technology, so it's better if he can't sell it directly.

"That's right, it's alright now, I've been sanctioned, let's see how you still produce cars."

"Didn't Wuling announce the day before yesterday? Tomorrow will hold the launch conference of Chitu new car, I see, this conference does not need to be held, haha. 99

"Deserving of it... It's been a long time since I looked at Wuling. 35

This kind of troll or licking dogs, the words that are said are yin and yang, which is quite irritating.

Other netizens immediately started spraying when they saw such a person.

But you are not afraid of trolls. The more you troll him, the happier he will be. In his mind, if you troll him, it proves that you are in a hurry.

On the contrary, I will never tire of spraying with you.

Because this kind of person is generally a social bastard without any culture and unsatisfactory life in reality, he may not even earn 2,000 yuan a month.

Even food and clothing are difficult to solve, hatred of everything.

This can make a lot of people too popular.


After all, such people are in the minority.

A domestic car company that can make the Black Palace fear and sanction.

Definitely the pride of the nation.

at this point,

Everyone is very clear. ,

Because we are strong enough, people will be jealous, even fearful, and desperately try to punish you.

Now many consumers who are concerned about Wuling Chitu's new car want to know how Wuling will respond.

Originally scheduled for tomorrow's new car launch conference.

Can it still be held.

A ban from America's Black House.

Completely popular all over the world.

Because this is the first ban on Xiaguo enterprises after the new president of the Black Palace came to power.

There are many factors involved.

The official Xia Guo noticed this incident for the first time.

In an office with a brightly colored flag, an old man was quietly looking at the documents sent by the secretary today.


The first one is about the ban issued by the Black Palace this morning.

In addition to these, all personal information about Wuling Motors and Ye Qiu is inside.

After reading the cause and effect, the old man thought for a long time with a calm expression.

He finally snorted and said dissatisfiedly: "These old beauties are really becoming more and more lawless.

But he wasn't going to interfere with it.

The state will not interfere with the affairs between enterprises unless it is a last resort.

Even if the old beauty is shameless, sanctions against a car company.

But the old man knew very well that this was just a capital transaction between the new president and someone.

The other party's purpose is not only to sanction Wuling, but also to give Xia Guo a signal.

I'll do what I want to do with you.

If it is other aspects, the state can provide help to Wuling.

But the chip,

Really powerless.

This is the biggest shortcoming of Xia Kingdom's industry in this century.

"Plasma batteries? Liquid batteries? Interesting.

"Continue to pay attention to this matter..."


As soon as the secretary heard it, he immediately understood that the old man was concerned about Wuling's affairs.

I want to observe the development of the incident and then intervene according to the situation.

he knows,

Even if Wuling can't produce the 920 Chitu new car for this reason, the country will make Wuling's plasma battery completely rise in other aspects.

Wuling factory.

conference room.

All the executives were anxiously waiting for Ye Qiu to come to the meeting.

The matter of sanctions is a fatal blow to Wuling.

If there are no chips and other supporting semiconductor components, the brand of Wuling Chitu will be dead.

A car brand that has become popular all over the world before it is listed on the market, making countless consumers look forward to it.

Just like that.

This is something that the whole Wuling cannot accept.

"Huh? So pretty..."

"Is this Mr. Ye's new love?"

"Hi... Director Qin and Chief Engineer Yan have competitors. 55


When these executives saw Ye Qiu came with what they thought was a super beauty, they were instantly stunned.

"Humph, vixen! 99

“Ye Qiu has bad taste. 35

When Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran saw Lin Xiuxiu beside Ye Qiu, the two women suddenly felt threatened.

Out of women's instinct, they are a little hostile to Lin Xiuxiu.


Heart murmured.

Ye Qiu naturally didn't know what these people thought.

He sat on the main seat, and Lin Xiuxiu sat beside him.

"Mr. Ye, what are we going to do next, the ban on Laomei has completely blocked our Chitu brand road.""5

There was anger on Xu Dabao's face, which was caused by Lao Mei.

"Yeah, Mr. Ye, now everyone knows that we are going to hold a new car launch conference tomorrow, and as a result, Lao Mei issued a ban today, and now we will be embarrassed."

"No, it's not that we are ashamed, but the shameless old beauty. 35

"They are afraid, because once our Chitu goes on sale, it will have the biggest impact on Terras. 99

"Not only Tesla, but all new energy car companies in the world, and even traditional car companies, will be greatly affected."

"I don't know how many people from car companies are watching our jokes.

What these people say is the truth.

The listing of the Chitu brand is not only the greatest threat to Tesla.

It can even impact traditional fuel vehicle brands.

Because of the cruising range, it is too invincible.

On a single charge, it can run 1521 kilometers.

It is equivalent to the mileage of two tanks or even three tanks of fuel for traditional fuel vehicles.

Everyone was angry, but also helpless.

Not sure what to do next.

Ye Qiu didn't show any anxious expression when he heard their words.

He just said indifferently: "It's just a ban, and I can tell you responsibly that chips are definitely not the only factor that restricts the listing of our Chitu. 99

"Tomorrow's press conference will be held on time. We still have 20,000 chips and supporting semiconductors in our factory, enough to support one or two months."

"I have found a solution to the problem of missing chips, you don't have to worry about it. 35

"Yu Yang, you are responsible for discussing the procurement of semiconductor components with domestic semiconductor manufacturers. There are no foreign ones. The domestic brands of these components are used the same, and the effect will not be much worse. 35

"Yan Ran, Qin Mengyao, you two will come to the office with me later, I have something to explain.

"Others, dismiss the meeting, what are you going to do?"

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