Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 86 The battery experts all over the world have collapsed! 【Subscription】


Inside the Tesla factory.

At this time, Musk, as well as energy battery experts from several major manufacturers around the world, have disassembled all the ten Chitu Wuling batteries that were airlifted from Xia Guo.

Send the vehicle to Tesla's R&D department to be disassembled for research.

Ten plasma batteries have been placed in the laboratory.

Musk has been staying in the lab for several days in order to study the plasma battery.

But in the past few days, Musk is about to collapse.

"Can't you open it yet?"

It was originally thought that with the technology of the global battery industry, the technology of Wuling's integrated liquid plasma battery could be reversely developed.

What breaks him down is.

Ten plasma batteries have been removed from the body for five days.

He couldn't even open the case.

More than a dozen battery experts have also tried their best to find that the metal protective shell of the plasma battery cannot be opened.

Cutting machines, hydraulic pliers, and even high-power metal-specific water-cutting machines have all been used.

But the metal wrapped around the battery cannot be cut open, and even so many machines can only leave a trace on it.

The structure and liquid components inside were not seen at all.

"It's so fucking immoral, what kind of metal is this, why is it so hard!""

"This metal, used to wrap battery packs, is simply wasteful.

"Damn Wuling, Mr. Musk, why don't you go directly to the punching machine, the 10,000-ton punching machine can definitely smash this metal. 39

"That's right, there's no other way now."

"No, if you go to the punching machine, the layout and composition inside the battery will be destroyed.

"You can't cut this metal without a punching machine.

More than a dozen battery energy experts simply hate Wuling.

They don't know what the metal that wraps the plasma cells is made of.

It is really the hardest metal they have ever seen, none of them.

The highest-power metal cutting machine, hydraulic pliers, and water cutting machine are all unable to cut this shell.

five days of work,

The first step is to make everyone scold.

"You can't get on the punching machine, you wait, I will go to the military to borrow a light cutting machine.

Musk doesn't believe it,

There is no metal in this world that cannot be cut.

He knew that the metal wrapped in the plasma battery should be the aviation-grade alloy memory metal developed by Wuling.

Killing Musk would never have imagined that the hardness of this thing was so terrifying.

And the first time I saw the true face of the plasma battery, Musk couldn't figure out how this metal and battery were combined and produced together.

Inside the metal shell is a liquid battery, but the metal itself is conductive.

Without the existence of insulating components, what should the positive and negative electrodes do?

These are all things Musk and battery experts can't figure out.


It can only be understood after cutting the inner 25 parts and checking it.


The Musketeer relationship borrowed a ray cutter from the military.

This cutting machine is specially designed to cut the hardest metals in the world.

Because infrared rays can change the metal molecules and melt the metal directly, so as to achieve the purpose of cutting the metal.

The military's ray cutting machine cost 50 million US dollars alone.

The ray cutting machine with 100W kilowatt power, after starting, is like a scene in a science fiction movie.

A terrifying red ray burst out in an instant, and changes began to appear on the plasma battery.

"Look, something has changed, haha." 5

"It really does work.

"I'll go, this alloy is really amazing, even a 1 million kilowatt ray cutting machine can only grind it a little bit."

How long does it take for this ray cutting machine to cut a 10 cm thick alloy steel?

the answer is.

Less than 10 seconds.

You can see the horror of it.


The metal covered by the plasma battery, the ray cutter, can only be slowly ground away.

These people count the time,

It took 10 minutes to wait until the battery was cut open.

This is simply burning money.

In 10 minutes, the core parts of the ray cutting machine need to be completely replaced, and the cost of replacing one time is 20,000 US dollars.

But it's all worth it.

After a plasma battery was cut open, Musk and others were ecstatic.

Finally able to see the ingredients inside.

The battery was cut in half, and the liquid components in the battery burst out immediately, but they prepared professional utensils in advance to hold the battery solution.

"Research immediately, analyze the components in the battery. More

The equipment in the laboratory is very complete.

Soon the composition table in the liquid solution of the plasma battery has been analyzed.

But when the result came out, it surprised everyone.

"What is the situation, impossible!!"

"Absolutely impossible, isn't this a traditional ternary lithium battery?

"The composition is almost the same, but there are many differences in the proportions, although some other radioactive materials have been added."5

"But in the end, it's still the same composition as a ternary lithium battery. 99

Liquid solutions in plasma cells.

After the research, these people found that it was not much different from the ternary lithium battery used by Tesla.

Although the proportions of the various ingredients vary widely, and many other ingredients are added.


After all,

This is also the core of traditional solid-state ternary lithium batteries.

Just because I know,

So surprised.

Because they all know that it is absolutely impossible for the components of traditional solid-state batteries to become liquid.

The structure of the molecule has already determined those materials, and it is impossible for them to become liquid.

But these materials in plasma batteries are obviously liquid solutions.

"The question arises in this step, how did they do it, convert the materials of traditional solid-state batteries into liquid."5

"If the research understands this, then our liquid battery can definitely be successfully developed.

"Nonsense, can I not know, but the question is how to study it, which violates the laws of traditional physics and chemical formulas."

"My God, this solid state is converted into a liquid state, it's amazing how it is done.

More than a dozen energy battery experts are in awe of Wuling's mysterious technology.

Killing them can't figure it out.

How exactly is this done.

"Boss, we really can't do anything about this, we can't do this transformation technology at all.

"Yes, Wuling definitely has one of the world's top battery geniuses, and the person who invented this solid-state-to-liquid technology is definitely the greatest inventor of this century.

"If he is willing, then this year's Nobel is definitely his.

"That's right."

For battery experts touting Wuling's words, Musk just took it as fart and didn't bother to listen.

What he cares about is whether he can successfully develop the same technology.

"Just tell me whether this technology can be developed if you give you enough money and resources."

The plan to annex Wuling was completely lost.

Musk and Ye Qiu have completely become undead enemies.

If Tesla doesn't have battery technology that can rival plasma cells.

It was only a matter of time before the Chitu surpassed Tras.

He didn't want to see his competitors, step by step, to erode the market that originally belonged to Tras.

And rubbed the car empire that he built by himself, and rubbed it on the ground, and finally destroyed it.

Hearing his words, more than a dozen battery experts frowned and began to discuss.

Discuss whether this technology is possible.

at last,

Everyone collectively gave Musk an answer.

"Impossible, we can't do solid-state-to-liquid technology, and we can't produce liquid batteries at all.

Hearing this news, Musk felt like falling into the abyss.

If you can't develop liquid batteries, you won't be eligible to compete with Wuling.

Do you really want to watch, the rise of Chitu a little bit, so as to completely crush Truss in the global market?

"Is there no other way?"

It was hopeless.


These experts thought about it, but they came up with another possibility.

"Although we can't completely convert the solid state into a liquid state, we can change the way of thinking. Now that the plasma battery has been proved, the power storage capacity of the liquid battery is more than three times that of the traditional solid state."

"Then we can convert the solid composition structure as much as possible using traditional indoor methods. 35

"Although the standard of pure liquid cannot be achieved, semi-liquid, or even one-third liquid standard, should be achievable after research. 99

"At that time, even if the power storage cannot be compared with the plasma battery, it will definitely be much higher than the current ternary lithium battery.

After studying the composition table of plasma batteries, these experts seem to have opened a whole new door.

In the original battery composition table, so many chemical elements can be added, and the original ratio can also be done in this way.

Although they don't have the ability to fully convert solid-state battery packs to a liquid state. ,

But there is a direction, and a list of ingredients.

Even if the solid state is converted into a semi-liquid state, as long as the research and development is successful, it should be able to increase the performance of a lot of batteries.

"Really? Then what are you waiting for? My requirements are not high. As long as I can do it, and the cruising range of Tesla can easily exceed 1,000 kilometers, I will have the determination to fight against Wuling."

When Musk hears it, what are you waiting for.

R & D now.

No matter how much money is spent, how much human and material resources are invested.

As long as the battery storage capacity can be increased and the cruising range of the vehicle can exceed 1,000 kilometers, then he will have the capital to wrestle with Chitu Auto.


Musk is still fantasizing.

As long as the technology can be achieved in a semi-liquid state, the technology of completely transforming liquids will still be far away.

Technology is a breakthrough.

As a technophile, Musk knows it better than anyone else.


He immediately invited top experts from all over the world to gather in America's Truss laboratory.

Musk has only one requirement, that is, no matter how much manpower and material resources are spent, a semi-liquid battery must be developed in the shortest possible time.

Wuling factory.

After Ye Qiu went back yesterday, he kept thinking about what kind of new Wuling fuel vehicle brand would be.

At last he had an idea in his mind.

But this idea needs a lot of things and help.

Wait until Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran come back to work, and then explain to them.

"Mr. Ye, bad news. It is said that Truss secretly purchased ten of our Chitu new cars, and they were airlifted to Meilijian. I suspect they are trying to study our battery technology."

"And in the past two days, it seems that many of the world's top experts in the battery industry have all gone to America, and many physicists and chemists have also been invited by Truss."

Xu Dabao didn't know where the news came from, so he found Ye Qiu as soon as possible.

Ye Qiu frowned upon hearing this.

What should come is still here, and there is no escape.

The power of the plasma battery has touched the interests of too many people.

They will definitely look into it.

Musk has no way to take Wuling. If he doesn't want Tesla to be eliminated in the wheel of history, he can only reverse the research and development of plasma batteries.

Although the aviation grade alloy memory metal has the highest hardness in the world.

But in this world, if there is a hard shield, there is absolutely a spear that can destroy the shield.

The composition table of the solution inside the plasma battery is absolutely unreliable. Unless Ye Qiu doesn't sell the product, others just want it.

Open a plasma battery, and after analysis, you can easily analyze the composition table and ratio.

But Ye Qiu was confident.

Even with the ingredient list, they absolutely cannot do the process of converting solid-state batteries into plasma.

Because that requires the plasma converter of future technology.

"With the technology level of Musk and cash, they have found the development direction and got the ingredient list, which should be able to make a semi-liquid battery."5

"It's unavoidable."

Ye Qiu's guess was right.

If it is not possible to convert all of them, then try to make the solid-state battery pack as semi-liquid as possible by all means.

This can also increase the performance of the battery and improve the power storage.

What's more, the person who does this is Musk, the tech madman.

Ye Qiu knows,

He absolutely can do it.

It's just the length of time.

"I see, but don't worry, they can't imitate our battery technology.

Xu Dabao didn't know why Ye Qiu was so confident.

He hadn't been to the power plant and didn't know how plasma cells were produced.

He was just thinking.

What we, Wuling, can do, a terrifying monster like Tras, can certainly do it.

If Truss masters the technology of plasma batteries, then...

With the shameless old beauty, even if it is a patent, it cannot block them, because the importance of the plasma battery is too strong.

Ye Qiu didn't go to explain this to Xu Dabao.

Xu Dabao originally planned to leave, but suddenly remembered something, turned around and smiled and said:

"Mr. Ye, the girl waits for people at the door every day. The influence is not good. Recently, the employees in the factory are talking about it. You'd better deal with this matter."

"Feifei is a good girl, I like her very much.""

Recently, Xu Dabao can see Xu Feifei every day. When he gets off work, he is waiting in the security room at the entrance of the factory.

Who are you waiting for?

Needless to say, of course it was Ye Qiu, the love brother.

Xu Dabao did not dare to intervene in the matter between the two.

But this is always bad.

The little girl waited at the door every day, and she was so beautiful that many young people in the factory drooled every day looking at her.

He felt that Ye Qiu could just look for a little lover. You could change somewhere else, and Feifei couldn't be waiting for you at the door every day.



Ye Qiu was stunned when he heard it.

good guy.

Xu Dabao, you can do it.

The woman you raised, you let me handle it for you?

My boss is enough to give you face, you have a mistress, and I also gave her a car.

Now people are waiting for you at the door every day, how could Ye Qiu not know.

Every day, the girl Xu Feifei stared at the passing employees in the security room, making many young people want to get into trouble, and rumors spread throughout the factory.

Many people are guessing who this woman is looking for and why she comes every day.

It was just to take Xu Dabao's face into consideration, Ye Qiu didn't say anything.

But you are so good, you even let me, the boss, handle it for you.

It just doesn't make sense.

"Mr. Ye, just treat me as I beg you, okay, Lao Xu, I have been working for Wuling for so many years, but I have been working for Wuling. You can deal with it."

Seeing that Ye Qiu's expression was wrong, it seemed like he was going to freak out.

Xu Dabao knew that he was talking too much, and Mr. Ye was obviously not happy that people would interfere in his own affairs.


As Feifei's godfather, he really wanted this girl to have a higher weight in Ye Qiu's heart, so that he could have a son for Ye Qiu in the future and inherit some of Ye Qiu's huge business empire in the future.

Otherwise, she has no weight in Ye Qiu's heart, it can only be a short-term plaything.

this won't work,

You have to help her.

Therefore, Xu Dabao immediately had the cheeks and used his years of friendship to make Ye Qiu treat Feifei well.

Seeing him pitifully begging for his appearance, he even moved out to talk about his hard work in Wuling for many years.

Ye Qiu, who was originally displeased and was about to reprimand him, suddenly softened.

"Forget it, after all, I've been with my family's loyal old man for so many years, so let's help once."

Ye Qiu thought that there might be some quarrel or something else between Xu 920 Dabao and Feifei.

Or something Xu Dabao did to make her feel sorry for her.

As a result, Xu Dabao did not dare to see Feifei.

The little girl waited for him at the gate of the factory every day and asked for an explanation.

"Oh, my life, the dignified boss, actually still has to help my subordinates with their personal affairs. 35

Shaking his head mockingly, Ye Qiu threw Xu Dabao away with an ugly face, saying that he would deal with it after get off work.

Xu Dabao looked happy and left.

Ye Qiu had a headache.

Because of this kind of thing, it is difficult to deal with.

What is he going to do about the relationship between two people.

What should I tell that girl.

"Xiuxiu, Zhenzhen, Aiai, Yiyi, you said that if a man has let down a woman, causing the woman not to give up on him, what should you do at this time, but say this woman and leave the man?

no way,

Ye Qiu could only call his secretary group over and ask for advice on the spot.

Lin Xiuxiu, Ma Zhenzhen, Chen Xinai, Song Ziyi.

Women know women best, Ye Qiu can only ask them for help.

"Ah? President Ye, are you provoking a romantic debt?"

"Mr. Ye, you disappoint me too much, people are so close to you every day, you actually eat the weeds outside.

"Hmph... all men are like this, home flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers. 99

"Hee hee... Boss, this question of yours makes all three people jealous!


Hearing Ye Qiu's words, the three beautiful secretaries other than Lin Xiuxiu were immediately unhappy.

It must be that Ye Qiu provoked women outside, and it was difficult to get rid of them, so he asked them for advice.

what is this.

This is scumbag.

A typical scumbag, the kind of scumbag among scumbags.

But what they were angry about was not Ye Qiu being a scumbag.

Instead, he was angry. Ye Qiu had so many beautiful female secretaries beside him.


Ye Qiu sighed, rolled his eyes, glared at them, and said angrily:

"What kind of mentality do you have, your boss, in your eyes, is this kind of person?

What's the matter with the tone of voice like that of a grumpy woman?

"Boss, I can't help you with this!"

"Me too, huh, people won't help you.

"That is, the things that you cause, you will solve by yourself.

"People won't like you any more in the future, hum."

good guy.

Ye Qiu was just a little bit fierce, and the secretaries all snorted coldly and left.

Not afraid to offend the boss at all.

"Xiuxiu, what's the situation? 59

Xiuxiu is still good, but why is this girl smiling so happily.

"Boss, don't you know that your three beautiful female secretaries all like you, you made them jealous.

Xiuxiu explained with a wicked smile.

Ye Qiu heard the words and shook his head with a wry smile.

"What's the matter, forget it, it's useless to expect them, I'll go meet that girl myself."5

like me.

They don't just like me.

but with a purpose.

Besides, although these female secretaries are beautiful, they are not Ye Qiu's food.

If it's Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran, or Chen Mengna, that's fine...

Looking at the time, it was time to get off work, so Feifei should be here.

Ye Qiu decided to meet this girl and talk to her, how can he not pester Xu Dabao.

"Go, get off work.

PS: Today's update is late. In order to compensate everyone, there is another chapter to update at night. I saw a reader in the book review area who said that I only wrote about the lithography machine, and did not write about the development of the chip. ...Actually, I wrote it, you have to read it carefully, but there is nothing to write about the chip development process, because I don't understand, all my plots, I try to write the most reasonable logic, and it is not too much. Exaggerated, but cool, there must be some exaggeration, hee hee!

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