Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 87 Boss, she likes you! 【Subscription】

Ye Qiu was going to find the girl named Feifei, have a good chat, and try to let her stop pestering Xu Dabao for the time being.

The emotional disputes between the two can't be resolved privately.

"Boss, this kind of girl's heart is hard to say, as a woman, I know very well that if I anger her, I may even do some extreme things.

On the way to the factory gate, Xiuxiu listened to what Ye Qiu "told" to her about the chaotic life relationship between Xu Dabao and Feifei.

Xiuxiu burst out laughing.

"Let's see the situation in a while. I never thought that Feifei is such a girl. When I saw her at the auto show, I didn't see it."

When I was at the auto show before, Fei Fei was a simple little girl.

Why do you like to adore vanity and become entangled with Xu Dabao?


"Maybe, all this is because the boss has misunderstood you. It is also possible that they are waiting for you every day."9

Xiuxiu took Ye Qiu's arm, and didn't care about the strange, envious, jealous eyes of others around her.

Now the young employees of the factory know it.

In addition to Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran, there is another goddess-level Lin Xiuxiu in the factory.

Therefore, there is one more object of their love.

But seeing the goddess actually holding the boss's arm, she went to get off work very intimately.

These little boys feel their hearts are broken.

And the female employees in the factory are very uncomfortable.

Because Mr. Ye has another confidante, he is still so beautiful.

Today's Xiuxiu, wearing tight jeans, a white shirt tucked into the jeans, stepping on a pair of high-heeled shoes, and her long hair loosely scattered.

Show off your perfect body.

But in her eyes, there was always only Ye Qiu alone.

Those eyes full of love, which man can not love.

Not to mention Ye Qiu.

at this time,

The two had already reached the factory gate.

Dotingly pinched Xiuxiu's cheek, Ye Qiu snorted angrily: "What you said is even more false than a fairy tale, how could she be waiting for..."


Before Ye Qiu finished speaking, he suddenly heard a weak but full of surprise voice.

"Little brother, I finally waited for you!!!

After 42 days of waiting.


Feifei didn't know how he persisted.

Every day is like going to work. When it's time, I will wait for the little brother at the gate of the Wuling factory.

Even looking at the strange eyes of Wuling employees every day, she felt ashamed.


The desire to see that little brother in her heart made her persevere.

Mainly because Feifei found out that she seemed to really like that little brother who had only met once.

The other party not only willing to lend her a car to test, but also asked Wuling's boss to give him a million-dollar luxury car.

Such behavior,

For a time, Feifei thought that the little brother was interested in him.

Otherwise why be so nice to yourself.

She has to see him, talk to him in person, preferably to spark love.


The emperor pays off.

Feifei finally saw the appearance of the figure in his heart today.


Regardless of the others, she hurriedly ran all the way, panting to meet Ye Qiu, looking at him excitedly.


Feifei soon noticed.

Lin Xiuxiu, who was beside Ye Qiu, the beauty of this young lady made Xu Feifei, who is a woman, instantly lost.

That kind of softness, that kind of enchantment of a royal sister fan, is the temperament that Xu Feifei has always wanted but did not have.

"Ah~~~ does little brother have a girlfriend?

Seeing Xiuxiu holding Ye Qiu's arm, the two walked over talking and laughing.

Obviously, the relationship is very close.

Feifei suddenly felt very sad.

After waiting for so long, I finally saw that person, only to find that he already has a girlfriend.

So after the excited shouting, she found that she didn't know how to speak.

"Are you waiting for me?"

Even killing Ye Qiu would never have imagined that this girl was actually waiting for him?

Looking at Lin Xiuxiu, both of them were confused.

"Well, I've waited for you for 42 days, and I'm here to thank you.

He was very uncomfortable, but Xu Feifei replied with a smile when he heard Ye Qiu's words.

"Waiting for me for 42 days? What the hell is going on? If you want to find me, just go to Xu Dabao and let me know if you don't." "?"

Ye Qiu is getting more and more confused.

I wonder why you came to me.

Shouldn't you be looking for Xu Dabao? Besides, even if you want to find me, just tell Xu Dabao directly and let him bring you over to see me.

Why wait at this door for 42 days?

"Ah? That...I...I'm embarrassed to tell Uncle Xu to find you, and I don't know what your name is, you didn't tell me."

Hearing Ye Qiu's words, Xu Feifei blushed instantly.

She was originally a shy girl. Although she was very cheerful, she was shy about certain things.

for example,

Find someone you like.

How could she tell Xu Dabao.

Xiuxiu whispered to Ye Qiu quietly, "Boss, something is wrong...

She could see that the little girl looked at her boss in a wrong way.

That look, as a woman's Xiuxiu, immediately understood.

This girl is in love with the boss.

And still unrequited love.

But this confused her.

The boss didn't say that this girl and Xu Dabao...

What's the matter.

Xiuxiu's big eyes were full of curiosity, and she was looking forward to watching a good show, a standard gossip girl.

"Hey... what the hell is going on, let's go, leave here first.

Ye Qiu was also confused.

After a long time, it turned out that she was looking for herself.

"My name is Ye Qiu, I'll remember this time, if you say you are too, just ask Xu Dabao directly if you are stupid.

Ye Qiu also understood a little.

You may have misunderstood something.

Looking at the girl's still pure eyes, it definitely doesn't look like she has an unclear relationship with a fool like Xu Dabao.

"Ye Qiu? You are the boss of Wuling!!!??"

When Feifei heard Ye Qiu's words, his mind went down.

She couldn't even think of killing her, the little brother she had been looking for.

It turned out to be the CEO of Wuling.

"Yes, it's no wonder that from the day I first came to Wuling to borrow a car, I took out my business card, and the uncle of the security treated me so well.

"Uncle Xu is also very polite to me..."

"It turns out that it's because he's the boss of Wuling."

"Feifei, Feifei, you are really stupid..."

this moment,

Feifei finally understood.

Why did the boss of Wuling give himself a million-dollar Red Rabbit Lightning?

turn out to be,

He is that little brother.

"Yes, let's go, I have something to ask you, Xiuxiu, go and drive over.

"Hmm. 99

Xiuxiu went to drive, Ye Qiu and Feifei chatted a few words, and finally decided.

I really misunderstood.

No wonder Xu Dabao kept contacting Feifei and always mentioned her in front of him.

It turned out that this guy really recognized her as his goddaughter, or Xu Dabao's wife brought it up first.

No wonder he had to figure it out by himself today.

It turns out that Xu Dabao also misunderstood, thinking that his relationship with Feifei is unclear.

I thought at the time,

A goddaughter is a goddaughter.

I didn't expect it to be a real daughter.

Ye Qiu couldn't help laughing, what was this all about.

"Hey... How can I say hello, I'm saying you're stupid, I'm afraid of hurting your self-esteem, I'm saying you're smart, what you do is no different from a fool."

Of course, Ye Qiu wouldn't say these things when he was killed.

Otherwise it's too embarrassing.

Being reprimanded, Feifei lowered his head and blushed even more, because what Ye Qiu said was right, it was too embarrassing.

"Actually, I just wanted to thank you in person..."

Knowing that Ye Qiu has a girlfriend, Feifei felt that he still had to express his thoughts.

think of this,

She mustered up her courage, looked up at Ye Qiu, and said, "Little brother, if you hadn't been willing to lend me a car for testing, I wouldn't be where I am today, you know, my number of fans on the entire network is almost here. to 20 million.

"I've made a lot of money recently, and I just want to thank you and treat you to a meal. 99

Originally, Feifei wanted to develop some relationship with Ye Qiu.

But after seeing Lin Xiuxiu, she dismissed the idea.

Nothing else.

Just a little ashamed.

Look at Xiuxiu, her figure, her temperament.

Looking at herself, although she has a good figure, her fierceness is much smaller than hers, and her temperament is not as good as hers.


Ye Qiu's identity is too noble, and Feifei felt that he couldn't climb high in his heart.

The boss of Wuling.

A billionaire guy.

The identity does not match at all, she is even more inferior.

Don't dare to express your thoughts.

"Invite me to dinner, okay, let's do it now.

Ye Qiu was happy.

Although I don't know what Feifei is thinking, but now that she knows that she is not the kind of woman who messes around, her good feelings for her come back again.

Probably out of debt to her random guessing, Ye Qiu was ready to make up for her.

Give her a chance to eat by herself.

Thinking of this, Ye Qiu laughed and joked with Feifei: "I tell you, I'm very picky about the taste of dishes, have you made enough money recently, what are you going to treat me to eat?

Being teased by Ye Qiu, the cheerful Feifei quickly stopped thinking about the impossible things in his heart.

Ye Qiu is questioning his wallet.

Although you are rich, I am not poor.

"I've made tens of thousands of dollars recently, and it's definitely enough to treat you to a meal. 99

Since leaving BAIC, he has been a car reviewer.

It's been half a year.

Feifei finally made money by relying on Chitu's test video last month.

However, her money is based on the guaranteed salary earned by the platform based on the amount of video playback.

But together, there are more than 40,000.

"Well, let's go then."

Xiuxiu drove the car over, Ye Qiu sat in the back row, Feifei was embarrassed to sit with Ye Qiu, so he sat in the co-pilot.

Be nice.

That is the boss of Wuling.

Who would dare to sit with him?

Along the way, Feifei kept looking at Xiuxiu's figure, and then looked at himself.

She felt very inferior.

The little brother I was thinking of, turned out to be the boss of Wuling, and the identities of the two were too different.

And they have such a beautiful girlfriend.

I definitely don't have a chance.

Thinking about it makes it even more uncomfortable.

Xiuxiu noticed Feifei's expression and probably guessed what she was thinking, but she just curled her lips and didn't say much.


The three of us had a meal together and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Chatting and chatting, Ye Qiu gradually realized that Feifei is not an easy girl.

She has worked in BAIC for a long time before, and is very good at promotion and public relations, and this girl even worked as a new car tester.

Many of her ideas are eye-catching.

""" Have you ever thought about going to work in a car company again? Or do you plan to be a self-media all the time?

Ye Qiu is a little bit shy.

Wuling is just short of a manager of the public relations department.

Feifei is quite suitable.

However, this is still subject to the wishes of the other party.

Feifei shook his head and said, "I'm going to be a self-media, because I don't like those intrigues in car companies.

After resigning from BAIC, Feifei hated every day intrigue, stalking, and harassment by certain leaders.

Ye Qiu nodded, since he didn't force it, it was inevitable that there would be intrigue within the company.

Even inside Wuling, it exists.

After all, where there are people, there will be interests involved, and there will be factions.

As the boss, Ye Qiu would not care about this situation.

He will only lead the competition among those departments.

Such an enterprise can have long-term development.

The current Wuling is divided into three factions.

The sales department led by Xu Dabao, as well as the publicity and public relations departments tied to sales.

The production department led by Li Changxing, as well as the bundled purchasing department.

There is also the research and development department led by Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran.

R & D, production, sales.

There will definitely be intrigue between departments, and competition will definitely exist, which is unavoidable.

Don't look at Xu Dabao and Li Changxing on the surface.

But in private, the fighting between the two is also very fierce, especially now that Wuling's scale is getting bigger and bigger.

In the future, Wuling Motor Company will be upgraded to Wuling Group.

There will be bigger positions and powers waiting for them, so whoever makes good performance, let Ye Qiu see, whoever has the opportunity to take charge of Wuling Group in the future.

Feifei didn't want to enter the company, and Ye Qiu didn't force it either.

Eating and chatting, time passed quickly.

after dinner,

Feifei and Ye Qiu said goodbye, and she said that she was going back to the capital tomorrow.

"If you want to find me in the future, call me directly, or send WeChat, but don't do such silly things. 99

Both the phone and WeChat were sent to Feifei.

"Well, I see, goodbye, Ye Qiu.

Reluctantly bid farewell to Ye Qiu and flew away.

"Boss, this girl is in love with you."

Xiuxiu covered her mouth and snickered.

"How is it possible, people just thank me (promised) me."5

Ye Qiu didn't believe it.

The two plus today have only met twice.

Xiuxiu softly nodded Ye Qiu's forehead, and said in a coquettish manner, "No wonder your little secretaries say you are a straight man, hee hee, it's so obvious that you can't tell."

After she said this, Ye Qiu thought about it, it seemed that there was such a possibility.

"Let's go with the flow, who makes me attractive."

Feeling a little smug in his heart, Ye Qiu laughed and went home with Xiuxiu to rest.


Xiuxiu was in high spirits, and Ye Qiu couldn't take it anymore.

When I woke up the next day, my waist was still sore.

"If only there were potions that could improve physical fitness."

Seems like I still need more exercise.

The two came to the company together. As soon as they got here, the secretary informed Ye Qiu that someone from SMIC was here.

Last time, Qin Wan, as a middleman, negotiated the price of the 14nm lithography machine with Ye Qiu.

SMIC expressed its willingness to buy 5 billion to make up for Ye Qiu's loss.

Although he knew that it was slaughtered by Ye Qiu.

But this machine, they have to get.

Because this is related to the performance of some people, and it is related to whether SMIC can become an opportunity to leave a name in the history.

The person who came was a general manager of SMIC.

Ye Qiu did not receive him personally, but asked Xu Dabao to deal with him.

5 billion reached Wuling's account.

Ye Qiu asked Lin Yi to load the lithography machine that Xiuxiu had rebuilt again, and the people from SMIC took it away.

"I made another 5 billion, this business is really good."

made 5 billion.

Wuling has more than 16 billion cash on its books.

The money,

Ye Qiu decided to use it to plan a new factory area and order a new production line.

As for the new car, Ye Qiu is absolutely ready for what to do.

Now waiting for Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran to come back.

PS: God, don’t scold me, I admit that I really don’t know how to write romance, because the poor author is still a single dog and has no girlfriend. I’m crying, and I’ll never write romance dramas in the future. What about women? Yes, there is no code word fragrance.

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