Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 88 Hardcore Off-Road, Tank 300 Cyberpunk! 【Subscription】

"Bang! 35

"Bastard! Five billion swindled by that little bastard!"

That night, Wuling's lithography machine was transported to SMIC, a company located in Magic Capital.


The chairman looked at this lithography machine, and his heart was bleeding.

Five billion.

Just bought this machine.

If it weren't for his political achievements, would he have the cheek to go to the minister and boss, thinking about going to the White Wolf with empty gloves to get this machine.

I can't imagine killing this guy.

Why did the minister protect Ye Qiu and Wuling so much.

It took such a high price, but fortunately, I got the machine. As long as SMIC can develop and break through the 14nm lithography technology, then 7nm, or even 5nm.

Success is not far away.

When the chairman thought this way, he felt a lot more balanced. If he was slaughtered, he would be slaughtered. A mere five billion yuan was exchanged for his own name in history and future prospects.



A month later, SMIC's optical experts told him that with the current SMIC technology, he did not understand how the original 96nm lithography machine was transformed into 14nm.

Understand the principle, understandable is one thing, can make it is another thing.

In a word.

this machine,

Bought for nothing.

Because after their research, they found that SMIC could not do this technology at all.

When he heard the news, the chairman of the board was said to be so angry that he vomited blood.

"I'll go, Ye Qiu, tell the truth, we rested these days, what did you do, did you go rob.""

"Inline six-cylinder engine!!! How did you get through the patent barrier?

"The 10AT gearbox, Ye Qiu, the technology of this thing is much more advanced than ZF's 8AT.

"Did you go robbery?"


Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran, who had rested for nearly ten days, finally returned.

As soon as the two came back, Ye Qiu came to them to discuss the new brand and model.

When Ye Qiu took out the technology of the in-line six-cylinder engine and the technology of the 10AT.

Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran's eyes were about to pop out.

The two were also skeptical of Ye Qiu's words at first.

Can there really be an inline-six that bypasses the engine barrier completely?

Is there really a 10AT gearbox?

Isn't that the junk 8AT from Shengrui made in China?

With a skeptical attitude, the two studied the technical drawings, and the more they looked, the more trembling they became.

good guy,

See what technology this is.

Twin cams are, well, normal, the mainstream technology for six-cylinder engines these days.

The fuel injection method of the combustion chamber is a bit interesting, directly using the multi-hole nozzle solenoid valve injector, or you can also use the HPI direct injection method.

There are two optional fuel injection methods.

"This injection method, if equipped with a good turbocharged exhaust gas recovery system, can reduce fuel consumption by about 6%-9% while improving power. 35

The piston inside the cylinder is a closed piston with a diameter of 83.2, which is about 7mm wider than the piston of the traditional BMW inline six-cylinder N55 series engine.

The structure of the piston, the first layer is rectangular, the second layer is the nose cone ring, the third layer is the vf system ring, the bottom is the piston ring steel ring, the first piston ring groove, the second piston ring groove, the oil scraper ring groove, lubrication Oil drains fear, and finally a graphite coating.

The overall structure conforms to the engine piston specifications of the mainstream car companies in the world today.

Except for the larger diameter.

But the larger the diameter of the piston, the larger the impact force of the explosion.

In contrast, the power output performance is high.

The crankcase design makes a big difference.

The layout design of cooling channels, cylinder liners, grooves, exhaust side oil return channels, and intake side oil return channels are very different from the inline six-cylinder engines of Mercedes-Benz and BMW that they both know.


The most cash part of this engine is the cancellation of the traditional belt power output.

For example,

After the traditional engine is turned, if you want to transmit power to the wheels, you need to use a belt to link the engine and transmission together.

The engine transmits power to the gearbox, which transmits the power to the wheels through the drive shaft.

some of,

All the output torque of the 920 comes from the belt link between the engine and the gearbox.

Whether it is a traditional six-cylinder or four-cylinder, or an eight-cylinder engine, it is all belt-linked.

But this in-line six-cylinder cancels the belt link and instead installs an electric motor in the timing system to directly link with the gearbox.

The advantage of this is that the power output is faster and more stable.

And the addition of a motor can also save fuel economy even more.


Correspondingly, the post-maintenance cost is high.

"Boss, tell the truth, have you robbed the Mercedes-Benz R&D department? The technology of adding a motor to this engine was first made by Mercedes-Benz on a four-cylinder engine."

Qin Mengyao knows all kinds of engines in all the current car companies in the world.

This year, Mercedes-Benz announced that on the traditional L4 four-cylinder engine, the timing belt was cancelled and replaced by the control of the motor to achieve the effect of saving fuel economy and improving power.

this effect,

In fact, it is the same as the current car companies that install a 48V light hybrid system in the car.

Nowadays, many car manufacturers are using 48V mild-hybrid systems in the context of global energy conservation and emission reduction.

The system is divided into two versions.

BSG and ISG.

The former is to build an external motor, drive the motor through the transmission belt shaft, and use a 48V high-voltage battery through a DC converter to improve the power output of the vehicle, reduce emissions, and reduce fuel consumption.

It is a very effective auxiliary device, and the cost of BSG is low, because it does not need to change the overall structure of the engine, as long as the motor is installed outside.

It is also the technology adopted by many domestic autonomous car companies today because of its low cost.

But the disadvantage is also obvious, which is easy to cause the power transmission efficiency between the engine and the motor, resulting in energy loss, which is unavoidable.

While ISG,

That's the technology used in this inline-six engine.

It directly connects the motor to the output end of the crankshaft of the engine, and is fixed by the rotor of the motor and the crankshaft of the engine, which changes the structure of the engine as a whole and cancels the traditional belt linking method.

Comparatively speaking, ISG's high technology content is not a little bit, and its effect should surpass BSG in all aspects.

And there will be no energy loss.

It's just that the technical content is too high, and domestic car companies can't do it.

Not to mention domestic car companies.

At present, Mercedes-Benz is the only company in the world that can do this kind of technology.


After Qin Mengyao saw this technology, she doubted whether Ye Qiu had robbed the R&D center of Mercedes-Benz.

But after a closer look, this system and Mercedes-Benz have a lot of surprises.

In short, it looks very similar at first glance, but after careful study, there is nothing like it.


"Just tell me, how long will it take to fully understand the technology of this engine, I have already obtained the production line, and when the new factory is built, you can understand the technology, and then you can start mass production.

The engine has a matching production line, which saves Ye Qiu a lot of things.


The 10AT gearbox had no production line, so Ye Qiu could only buy it with money.

The production process design of the gearbox is naturally designed by Xiuxiu.

Finally, all the machinery and equipment must be ordered from foreign manufacturers.

"10AT, the maximum torque of this gearbox, can it withstand 980 Nm?"

"I'm going, it's too scary."

The universal 10AT gearbox can withstand a maximum torque of about 800 Nm.

ZF's 8AT can theoretically withstand a maximum torque of 850 Nm.

This is why ZF's 8AT is recognized as the best AT gearbox in the industry.

In an AT gearbox, the more gears and the denser the gear ratios, the higher the fuel economy and the less frustration.


The most important of which is the control of the shift logic, which is the most important.

As an engineer, Yan Ran is the most sensitive to data.

With a maximum torque of 980 Nm, it can be directly installed on a supercar.


On the torque bearing range,

Still have to look at the dual clutch.

Although the dual-clutch mechanism is simple, it is the most selected gearbox for all supercars.

Ferraris are all 7-speed dual-clutch gearboxes.

Because of the burst of torque that the dual-clutch can withstand, it is the top of the line other than the traditional MT manual transmission.


Ferrari's dual-clutch, that's performance for the money.

It's not the dual-clutch used in traditional cars that sell for 100,000 to 200,000 yuan. It's not the same thing.

"Ye Qiu, you are amazing, with this engine and gearbox, we can directly challenge the BBA! 99

This is also just wishful thinking, but the two work as car designers and engineers.

Who doesn't want to let their car company become an existence that can challenge the BBA.

The main technical fields have reached the same level, but the brand value is still far behind.


At present, Wuling does not have a new brand of fuel vehicles.

"Ye Qiu, give us 10 days, we can definitely understand the technology of this engine and gearbox, and then we can develop a new model. 99

"What do you think, what price do you plan to pay for our new car?"

The specific positioning of the new car brand is still up to the boss, Ye Qiu, to decide.

Although Qin Mengyao is very handsome, she really wants to directly wrestle her arms with BBA and directly raise the new brand positioning.

But this is very unrealistic.

Because the inherent impression of domestic cars to consumers is that they are cheap.

No matter how good you are.

Look at the Great Wall, Liji and Changan and other car companies will understand.

Decades of development, even if they launched their high-end car brands.

Even the technology has adopted the most advanced international.

But as long as you think that this car is produced by your Great Wall and Liji, it is not worth that much money.

This is because,

Now domestic people, the general thinking is that when it comes to the three major items of automobiles, foreign ones are always the best.


forget it.

Ye Qiu had already considered this issue.

"Our brand new brand, I don't plan to be in the market below 200,000 yuan, because the competition in this market is too fierce, and it is a market for domestic car peers and German and Japanese cars. 35

"If we want to do it, we will directly take the high-end route. The brand value of Wuling, we have the bonus of Chitu Automobile, and subconsciously, the public will have a much better high-end impression of our Wuling than other car companies."5

The starting price of Chitu Auto is around 200,000.

The top matching Red Rabbit Lightning, starting at 799,000, is more than 100,000 if you choose some things, and the full configuration is directly 1.23 million.

Such an expensive pure electric car, Chitu sold a lot.

In more than a month, the red rabbit lightning with 1.23 million fully equipped has reached 1,400 orders.

This number is already a lot.

It shows that people have generally accepted the price of Chitu.

In the bottom of my heart, I think that the Chitu brand is worth the price.

Then, as the parent company of Chitu, Wuling's brand value has improved a lot in the hearts of consumers.

at this time,

If Ye Qiu can launch a brand new fuel vehicle brand, and has enough technology and successful car exterior and interior design to support it.

The first car, directly priced at more than 300,000 yuan, or even more than 400,000 yuan, has a great chance of being accepted by consumers.


This entry point is important.

If it is a traditional C-class, or even a D-class sedan, it will definitely not work.

"For the planning of the new car, I have already made a layout. If we want to directly position the new brand in the luxury car position, we cannot start with the traditional B-class, C-class, or even D-class cars. 39

In the office, Ye Qiu told Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran about the strategic planning of his new car.

"Do you want to start with SUVs instead of sedans? This is indeed a good way. Nowadays, Chinese people love SUVs far more than sedans. 35

Qin Mengyao thought about Ye Qiu's words and nodded.

Chinese people's character is like this, they like big things.

Cars in China, cars below 300,000 can be called transportation.

But a car with a price of more than 300,000 yuan is a standard face project.

Do rich people buy luxury cars for comfort?


Because of the luxury car, it can reflect his identity.

Especially a large or full-size SUV.

It can also add a lot of face.

"Then our first car is a full-size or large city SUV?"

SUVs are divided into five levels: miniature, compact, medium, large and full-size.

The representative Mercedes-Benz GL series SUV, GLA belongs to miniature, GLB belongs to compact, GLC belongs to medium, GLE belongs to large, GLS belongs to full size.

Same goes for sedans.

Class A−, Class A, Class A+, Class B, Class B+, Class C, Class D, corresponding to the size of the vehicle.

Mercedes-Benz's A-Series models are the standard A-Class.

The C-series sedan is the B-segment.

The E200 and E300 series belong to the C-class car.

The S series belongs to the D-segment car.

Yan Ran means that if a brand-new brand wants to enter the luxury car market in one step, then if it is an SUV, it must start with a large urban SUV.

But Ye Qiu shook his head directly and asked her a question.

"Do you think large city SUVs from luxury car companies are selling well now?"

Mercedes-Benz GLE, Audi's Q7, BMW's X5.

Three world-renowned large SUVs are currently selling very poorly.

"It's really not easy to sell, because consumers are already fatigued, and the rich are no longer interested in such luxury cars that are all over the street."

Yan Ran thought about it too, she herself was a standard rich person.

What is the mindset of the rich.

The streets are full of things, and I definitely don't want them.

"We can do hardcore off-roading. Big G is selling a lot now, and a car starts with a price increase of at least 500,000 yuan, and it takes more than a year to pick up the car.

"Just here, there are countless rich people waiting. (cfah)"

Qin Mengyao probably understood what Ye Qiu meant and got a little excited.

Compared with traditional urban SUV models, she prefers hard-core off-road.

There are only a few brands in the world that do full-size hardcore off-road.

Mercedes Benz, Land Rover, Toyota, Lexus, Nissan, Ford, Dodge, Cadillac, Lincoln.


If you talk about the most popular hardcore off-road sold in the world.

The first is the Land Rover brand, but in recent years, the sales of Land Rover have declined seriously, and there are too many small faults, and the Chinese people are increasingly disapproving.

The best-selling one is definitely the Big G, with the blessing of the Mercedes-Benz brand, plus the classic retro styling, as well as those that have been circulating in China in recent years.

Big G represents the scumbag and the sea king.

Picking up girls, the first choice is big G, which is more effective than super running.


It is Lexus and Toyota, the two belong to one company.

Lexus LS570 and Toyota Land Cruiser are all benchmark models for full-size hardcore off-road.

No matter where you buy it, you will have to pay more.

Then there is the best domineering sold in China, and it also belongs to the hardcore off-road, the artifact of the preservation rate.

some time ago,

Because Toyota announced the overbearing stop production, leading to domestic overbearing cars, used cars once rose to the point where they were much more expensive than new cars.

Although a lot of capital is driving the price increase, the reason is the recognition of this car by the people.

"Yes, Yaoyao is right, the entry point of our new brand is hardcore off-road. 35

"In terms of traditional luxury sedans and city SUVs, we certainly can't compare to BBAs at first, but hardcore off-road is a segment. 39

"Now more and more people like to travel by car to the western regions such as Tibet and Xinjiang, and the domestic demand for hardcore off-road is even higher.39

"And now, both men and women, after appreciating countless streamlined models, they prefer retro models.

"Look at our Red Rabbit punk sales, I asked Xu Dabao to do a survey, and almost 70% of the people who bought the punk series were girls.

"It means that girls like this retro model more.

"And men buy a car, especially a hardcore off-road vehicle with a high price, do they really want to run bad roads?"

Having said this, Ye Qiu looked at the two girls with a smile.

"Is not it?"


Women naturally can't understand why men buy big G's.

A few are for real off-roading.

It's not all because the ladies like big G, know that this car is more than 2 million, and it is a Mercedes-Benz.

The little brothers bought it, it must be to pick up girls.

Seeing that the two of them were a little confused, Ye Qiu snorted angrily.

"Idiot, men buy big Gs, of course, to attract girls, because ladies and sisters, they all know that big Gs are good, big Gs are expensive, and those who drive big Gs are rich people."

This is the reason why the Mercedes-Benz Big G can be popular.

As for the off-road performance, forget it, the off-road performance of the big G is just like that, just so-so.

"Cut...these guys are so boring, hum.


Although the two were disdainful, they had to admit that Ye Qiu's statement was right.

Women are so shallow.

When you drive a good car, you know you have money.

When you get into your car, you immediately feel hot and want to drag your clothes.

Even if it was three or nine days, and it was more than ten degrees below zero outside, she still felt hot.

This is a car that brings the effect.

At present, Ye Qiu does not plan to do super running, because there are too many technologies involved in super running, and the current Wuling does not have that kind of technical reserve.

Traditional sedans and urban SUVs cannot open up the market very well.

That can only be done from hardcore off-road.

"I already have an idea for the new model. This is the design drawing I made myself. What you need to do is to change it for me based on my design drawing, and change it to this car. After letting the lady see it, the first At first glance, this is a vehicle with the same price as the big G!

Technically, Wuling now has an engine and a gearbox, three of which are complete.

Chassis issues, as well as engine supercharging, four-wheel drive system, differential lock and other things, etc. After establishing the design of the new car, Ye Qiu will then consider what brand to use.

"What model? Come and see. 35

Upon hearing Ye Qiu's words, Qin Mengyao's people immediately looked forward to it.

The models designed by Ye Qiu are really eye-catching.

The Red Rabbit Punk car made Qin Mengyao admire Ye Qiu's design skills.

just right,

Qin Mengyao is also a hardcore off-road enthusiast.

She really wanted to know what the hardcore off-road designed by Ye Qiu was like.

Yan Ran is the same.

To this,

Ye Qiu didn't hide and tuck.

When he took out the design drawing of the model, he was actually a little embarrassed.

Because it's all wool.

And he still caught a sheep.

Red Rabbit Punk, Ye Qiu directly copied the Euler brand electric car of the Great Wall in his previous life.

As for this hardcore off-road, he was even more shameless. He copied the 300 tanks that were popular all over the country before he passed the previous life.

The Great Wall of this world, Ye Qiu asked Lao Wei, there is no development project for this car, so Ye Qiu naturally used it.

Although I feel a little sorry for Lao Wei.


In order to improve the appearance of the vehicle, Ye Qiu did not copy the plain car of the Tank 300.

It's a cyberpunk version of the hot tank 300.

This car, at first glance, gives the impression that it is expensive, luxurious, and beautiful.

Ye Qiu wanted this feeling.

As for the interior, it is time to let Qin Mengyao redesign and improve on the original basis.

Because of the interior of the Tank 300, to be honest, the luxury is not very good, and it is a bit like the Mercedes-Benz interior.

Bring the tablet over.

Ye Qiu called out the design drawings he had drawn.

Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran took a look, and they immediately felt a strong sense of surprise.

In the picture, it is a pure white body, a square model, which looks very retro.

The domineering air intake grille is matched with the two retro round headlights.

The finishing touch is that on the two headlights, a light strip is added that runs through the headlight group horizontally.

After the headlights are turned on, the whole front of the car looks mighty and domineering, revealing a little bit of cuteness and playfulness.

Waterfall-style grille design, wide surround below, and two Y-shaped fog lamps.

The raised air intake design on the engine cover, matched together, the visual effect is extremely strong.

"Oh my God!! This car is so beautiful.

"It has a cyberpunk style, it's beautiful."

The extremely strong cyberpunk style made the two of them look a little excited when they looked at this car.

"The exhaust design of this car is a side exhaust?

"Yes, because it looks advanced.

The original tank 300 exhaust was hidden under the car, but Ye Qiu changed it to the same side dual exhaust as the big G.

Do not ask,

It's more advanced and looks more valuable.

"External spare tire, this spare tire box is square and looks a bit interesting, with a pure white body, but the interior is also pure white, it is a bit monotonous, if it is a white body, with a Bordeaux red interior , that must be beautiful.

"Porsche's most classic Bordeaux red interior, coupled with this pure white body, is absolutely beautiful.

"The size of the wheel hub, Ye Qiu, this 18-inch is a bit small. The wheel must be matched with a 21-inch wheel to look harmonious and more atmospheric, but the body cannot be too high, and it must be equipped with an air suspension."5

"In terms of the design of the central control screen, I think, it is best to have a central control layout with a sense of technology, retro and technological luxury, it is a perfect match.

Ye Qiu only drew the exterior of the vehicle, but did not draw the interior.

But Qin Mengyao, as a designer, saw countless interior layout designs in his mind the moment he saw the appearance.

The first point of luxury cars is luxury and high-end.

In terms of appearance,

This tank 300 cyberpunk version has successfully attracted Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran.

"Take back the design drawings, remember what I said just now, and make fine-tuning based on this, just to let the young lady think that this car is expensive, good, and luxurious at first glance.

"Looking at the interior, it is more high-end, luxurious and not tacky, but also full of technology."

"And to meet the aesthetics of men, the physical buttons are the same as the Chitu brand, and the layout and use are reasonable. All functions of daily operations must have physical buttons."5

What Ye Qiu dislikes the most is that some car companies now directly cancel the physical buttons and replace them with a large central control screen.

At first glance, it is ok, but daily use is very troublesome.

"This is a non-load-bearing body. In terms of size, the space is better than that of the big G, and it is necessary to ensure comfort and off-road passability for people who are driving or sitting in a car."5

As a full-size hardcore off-road, the rear space of the big G is a joke.

The size of the new G63 can be bigger.

But the old G500 has a pitifully small rear row.

A car with a wheelbase of about 2900 has too little space.

What Ye Qiu wants to do is definitely to have a larger space,

And the comfort, if you want people to sit in, they don't want to get down.


Hardcore off-roading is ultimately measured by off-road capability, so the ground clearance of the vehicle cannot be low, at least 200mm or more.

In the future, it will also be equipped with air suspension to improve comfort.


All this has to wait for Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran to fully understand the technology of the engine and gearbox.

Ye Qiu is not in a hurry.

"I know, this car, I will definitely see it become the mainstay of the new brand, don't worry. 99

The name of the brand, the price of these issues, are the last thing.

After determining the design direction of the new car and the powertrain, we will consider it.

The two hurried back to study the technology.

Ye Qiu called Xiuxiu and asked her to design a professional non-load-bearing body production line according to the model.


The most important thing is the production line of the 10AT gearbox.

"Don't worry, boss, I can design it for you within a month at most."

Xiuxiu is very happy when she has a work assignment. Although she is also very happy doing secretary work every day, the happiest thing is to do what she is best at.

PS; Uh... Recently, my routine has changed again and again, and I am very helpless. If I update the time, I may also change it. Basically, it is updated at night or in the early morning, sorry everyone.

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