Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 89 What's the difference between this and a free gift! 【Subscription】

The development of new models takes time.

New factories need to be built, new factories need to be built, new production lines need to be designed and customized.

It all takes time.

At the very least, everything is done, and it will take more than three months at the most.

"First go to the official side to talk about the new factory site-.

Next to the Wuling Automobile Factory, there is an unused piece of land. Although the place is not large, it is next to the Wuling factory and is suitable for expansion.

Basically, all the land on this side of the industrial park has been owned, and only that piece of land is left.


Ye Qiu made a special call to make an appointment with Wang Youwei, the chief executive. The other party was very happy to hear that Ye Qiu needed the land to expand the factory.

It's good to expand the factory.

As long as you are willing to build, I will absolutely support you and give you a street light and the best policy.

"But Mr. Ye, the land next to your Wuling has already been sold, and the other party is also preparing to build a factory recently, so it is estimated that it will not work.

But the land next to Wuling has already been sold.

It's just that the other party didn't build a factory.


This is really not good news.

“Now that there is almost no place to build a new factory in the entire industrial park, it seems that I can only consider building factories in other cities. 99

Ye Qiu muttered.

Building a factory in Zhongyun is mainly convenient, the industrial chain is combined together, and the production efficiency is high.

But Zhongyun didn't have a suitable place. Ye Qiu planned to go to the north and build a factory in Jincheng.

As one of the largest automobile production bases in China, Jincheng has perfect supporting facilities.

Doctors, ZF, Aisin and other auto parts suppliers have all set up domestic factories in Jincheng.

In addition, Jincheng has one of the largest ports in the country, Jincheng Port. In the future, Wuling's models will be exported to other countries, and the transportation is also very convenient.

Mainly because the policies over there are also very good.


When Wang Youwei heard Ye Qiu's muttering, his heart tensed.

Can't let Wuling go to other cities to build factories.

Originally, Zhongyun belongs to a third-tier city, and the government is facing great pressure in terms of economy and employment.

Today, since the rise of Wuling, it has solved many high-end talent jobs for Zhongyun City.

It has also brought in countless technical talents for Zhongyun.

Those employees of Wuling are all 985,211 graduates from all over the country. Among them, there are few undergraduates, and most of them are masters and doctoral students.

These are all talents.

So many people have worked in Zhongyun Wuling for a long time, and they cannot settle down in Zhongyun or buy a house in Zhongyun.

After buying a house, you are not allowed to get married in Zhongyun, have children, and live here in the future.

With so many high-tech talents settled, many people need to buy a house, and Wuling's salary is the most envied by all other companies in Zhongyun City.

The basic salary is the highest in the city, and the welfare benefits are the best in the city.

Don't you have to spend when you have more money, and consumption will stimulate the economy?

I don't know how many people want to work in Wuling.

Wang Youwei saw it.

With the development of time, the scale of Wuling will only increase.

If the scale is large, doesn't that require more workers.

As long as these workers settle in Zhongyun, they can bring great help to the economy.

It's a virtuous circle.

The larger the scale of Wuling, the more economical it can bring to the city, and it can also support many other supporting industries, and the supporting industries can also support many marginal industries.

This is the benefit of a huge company that brings a city.

The benefits that an Ali group in Hangzhou has brought to the entire city makes the people of the Hangzhou government almost wake up laughing from their dreams.

From a second-tier city, because of the listing of Ali Group, countless high-end talents have entered Hangzhou, driving consumption and driving the economy.

In a few years, Hangzhou has now become a first-tier city in China, second only to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Wang Youwei has long wanted to make Zhongyun City a first-tier city in China.


is the greatest opportunity.


He couldn't let Ye Qiu build the factory to another province.

"Mr. Ye, as an excellent entrepreneur of Zhongyun, you can't set up factories in other cities, how can Zhongyun be convenient in other places, you say yes, wait, don't you just want land, I am Mr. Shi will go and find it for you now, to ensure that the place is good, the land is large enough, and the transportation is convenient, and it will not be too far from your Wuling headquarters."

Wang Youwei asked Ye Qiu to wait for him, and quickly hung up the phone.

Ye Qiu was stunned for a moment, then said with emotion, "Uh...that's really long.""

Wang Youwei is right, there is no Zhongyun convenience in other places.

There are really not many bosses who think so much about the city's enterprises.

Although Ye Qiu also knew that Wang Youwei didn't want to set up factories in other cities.

But he knows that people need a good place for their political achievements.

Under the cooperation between the two parties, it can bring economic take-off to Zhongyun, which is the best result.

Today's Wuling is the largest company in Zhongyun City.

Big taxpayer.


Wang Youwei put down the phone and immediately called all the directors of the various bureaus in the office.

"Find it for me immediately. Is there any suitable place to build a large-scale factory near the industrial park? The requirements are that it is close to Wuling Group, convenient transportation, and the land is large enough."5

These bureau chiefs are very anxious to see the boss, and they seem to be angry and angry when they can't find it in the next second.

Suddenly a little scared.


These people transferred all the planning and design drawings of the land next to the industrial park, looking for a suitable place to build a factory.

Needless to say,

What made Wang Youwei so anxious must be because Wuling is going to build a new factory.

Wang Youwei was afraid that the other party would go to another city to build a factory.

Subordinates can understand Shi Chang's painstaking efforts.

For this city, he exhausted countless energy and efforts, and Zhongyun has changed from a small coastal city on the edge to what it is today.

Along the way, it is not easy.

Mr. Shi wants to make Zhongyun City go a step further and become a first-tier city in the country.

Why don't they want to.

"Lord Shi, look at this piece of land, right next to the industrial park, it used to be a port, but then the port moved to Xingang in the east, and the land here has been abandoned.

"This place is absolutely convenient for transportation, with several two-way 8-lane roads leading to viaducts, expressways, urban areas, and industrial parks.

"And the land is definitely big enough, the 3 million square meters of land is definitely enough for Wuling to build a new factory.

3 million square meters, that is, 3 square kilometers, 300 hectares, 30,000 mu of land.

The plot is definitely big enough.

Even if it is a factory building of 300,000 square meters, 10 can be built.


Wang Youwei looked at the document, and suddenly patted his forehead, how did he forget this place just now.

This port, built many years ago, was built by the previous chief, who wanted to make Zhongyun the second magic capital.

It is used as a distribution center label for domestic and foreign export trade.

But later I found out that I thought too much.

Zhongyun couldn't compare with Modu at all. After the port was built, it continued to suffer serious losses for a long time.

After Wang Youwei took office, he cancelled the port.

In order to facilitate the import and export of Zhongyun Enterprises, a temporary transit port was built on the seaside near Mocheng.

In cooperation with the Magic Capital, Zhongyun New Port is not large in scale and exists exclusively as a subsidiary port of the Magic Capital. Many freighters waiting to unload there will be arranged to come here.

Anyway, Zhongyun is not far from the magic capital, and the traffic on the road is direct at high speed. As an affiliated port, it is very profitable.

So this old port has been abandoned.

Such a large piece of land, all the foundations have already been built, and there is even a huge office building. After some repairs, Wuling can use it.

As the foundation for the construction of the port, it can definitely be used as a factory building.

Because of the accumulation of containers like mountains, the strength of the foundation can be imagined how terrifying it is.

"Great, I'll call Ye Qiu right away.

Originally wanted to call Ye Qiu, but Wang Youwei thought about it, no, he had to go to Ye Qiu himself and take him to see the land.

"Arrange the car and go to the Wuling factory immediately.

on the road,

Wang Youwei is sitting in the car, which is a standard Audi A6, a long-class exclusive car.

A8 is a car only for provincial bosses.

"The Red Rabbit Lightning is indeed much more comfortable to sit in than this car. My daughter bought one of that car, and it is really comfortable to sit in.

Wang Youwei's daughter also bought Wuling's Red Rabbit Lightning.

He has been in that car, and it is really much more comfortable than his Audi A6.

Here, Ye Qiu received a call from Wang Youwei, saying that he had found the most suitable place for him and asked him to take a look.

"So fast……


Shi Chang's car entered the Wuling factory, Ye Qiu personally received it, the two chatted for a while, and then they got closer.

"Let's go, I'll show you the land, you're guaranteed to like it. 99

Wang Youwei laughed.

"Mr. Shi, why don't you take my car, you parent official, you can feel the products of our car company, and give me some advice.

Ye Qiu invited Wang Youwei to make a car with him.

"Okay, let's go.

When Wang Youwei heard this, he laughed even more happily, looking at Ye Qiu, he could speak more.

The two sat in Ye Qiu's extended version of the Red Rabbit Lightning model together.

"This car is different from what my daughter bought!"

Sitting in the car, Wang Youwei was attracted by the starry sky on the roof and the delicate embroidery inside the car.

The space in the back row is very large. With a height of 1.85 meters and a weight of 200 pounds, he can easily sit in the back row and raise his legs.

You can see how scary the space is.

This is a four-seater model, with only two seats in the rear, and it is completely independent. The comfort of the seats is made by the factory according to Ye Qiu's requirements.

That feeling, Qin Wan, secretary of the Minister of Industry and Information Technology, was full of praise when he sat on it.

Wang Youwei enjoyed it even more.

"How about Wang Shi, how does this car feel.""

·For flowers 0

on the road,

Ye Qiu chatted with Wang Youwei.

"Okay, great, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, this is really the most comfortable car I've ever been in, there is no noise in the car at all, listening to soothing music and enjoying the seat massage, it's simply too pleasant , ""

"Ha ha……"

What Wang Youwei said was the truth.

"How about this, isn't the government going to replace a batch of official vehicles recently, how about purchasing our Wuling Red Rabbit model, I can give the lowest cost price."

Ye Qiu smiled and said his purpose.

Zhongyun City and the 18 counties under the jurisdiction of the urban area will have to replace a batch of official vehicles recently.

This is a good opportunity.

Chitu can't become a national official car, so let's start with becoming a Zhongyun official car.

As long as the relationship is good, the government's use of cars is also very profitable.


The first batch of models must be given a friendly price to grab the qualifications for subsequent replacement.

"You, I know that your kid is not at ease. Okay, now the national policy is to save energy and reduce emissions. It is indeed possible to use pure electric vehicles for government vehicles."

"In the past, we actually thought about using pure electric models to replace existing cars, but pure electric battery life is a big problem, especially for police cars.

"Many police cars that go out to execute characters, if the battery life is insufficient, it will be very delaying."

The Chitu model is used by the Zhongyun government to purchase.

Very suitable.

Because the cruising range of Chitu is high.

1521 kilometers, certainly enough to use.

Even when executing a character, it is absolutely enough to hunt down.

In the past, government vehicle purchases were all distributed uniformly by the state.


Now it's up to the place to decide.

Therefore, Wang Youwei was able to make this decision.

Moreover, purchasing Chitu's car can also get closer to Ye Qiu, so why not do it.

"That's it, I'll ask someone to find you when I look back to discuss the purchase of the first batch of models.

a few words,

Ye Qiu was very happy after negotiating an order with a very different meaning.

chatting and chatting,

We came to the location of the old port.

The vehicle drove directly to the downstairs of the office building in the port.

Ye Qiu got out of the car and saw that this place was familiar to him.

The old port from which Zhongyun shipped.

With a land area of ​​nearly 3 million square meters and a solid foundation, the 10-storey office building in front of you is a little old, but it only needs to be repaired, some internal circuits and elevator equipment are replaced and redecorated.

Another splendid office building.

Wang Youwei pointed to the port, only the wreckage area of ​​the gantry crane remained: "How is this place? As your new factory in Wuling, it should be enough, right?"

Ye Qiu nodded.

It's more than enough, it's simply not enough.

"Enough is enough. It is 8 kilometers away from the Wuling factory in a straight line. The traffic roads are well developed, and it is close to the seaside. You don't even need to build the foundation, you can just build the factory directly on it.

"You don't have to worry about the price. The official conditions for you are that you are rent-free for 10 years, tax-free for 3 years, and you can sign a lease term of up to 40 years with you, but the condition is that you must recruit at least 3,000 people locally to work in the factory. .

"Of course, if you want to buy this piece of land directly, it is the best, 2 billion, and sell it to you directly.

In order to keep Ye Qiu, all the factories after Wuling were kept in Zhongyun.

Wang Youwei has made a lot of money.

Not to mention Ye Qiu was shocked when he heard this condition.

When the other people next to him heard it, they couldn't help but want to cry.

If you rent, it will be rent-free for 10 years, and the maximum contract will be 40 years. Which company can have this treatment.

The worst thing is to sell directly.

3 million square meters of land, still such a good port location, will sell for 2 billion.

This is no different from giving it directly.

You know, it's only 5 kilometers away from the city.

The housing price in the urban area is more than 30,000 yuan, and the developers take a piece of 200,000 square meters of land for commercial residences. The starting price is one billion or two billion.

It is 3 million square meters, 5 kilometers away from the urban area. It is also a good location such as a port and a place with complete electric power facilities.

Only 2 billion.

What is the difference between this and Bai giving to Ye Qiu.

The key is to also give 3 years tax exemption.

Wang Youwei said it so clearly, how could Ye Qiu not know what to do.

"Sign the contract and buy directly!


Definitely buy it.

In the future, the new factory will definitely recruit workers, and Zhongyun will recruit 3,000 people locally.

Happily signed the contract with Wang Youwei, and 2 billion was directly transferred away.

This area, from now on, belongs to Ye Qiu.

"We have to find Nana again."

I haven't seen Chen Mengna for a long time, but the two chat on WeChat every day.

Recently, Chen Mengna went to South Africa. Haohan Group has developed a new investment project in South Africa, and she needs to take charge of the overall situation.

Ye Qiu didn't know if she was back.

Thinking of this, he sent Chen Mengna a WeChat message.

"Nana, have you returned to China?" Seven.

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