Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 93 Fuck, it's cheap!! 【Subscribe!】

Ye Qiu knew that Audi's top management would not change technology so easily.

So he is in no hurry.

Business negotiation is like this, it is very rare to be able to negotiate for the first time.

Basically, you come and go, bargaining back and forth under various conditions.

Finally, a condition that both parties are satisfied with is reached.

that's it,

After waiting for nearly an hour or so, Simon finally came back.

"Sorry, Mr. Ye, after our senior management of Audi, we feel that the approach you mentioned is inappropriate, quattro is the foundation of Audi's foothold, and the technology will never be easily transferred.

Ye Qiu was not surprised by this result.

"If that's the case, then let's talk beautifully?"

Ye Qiu shrugged, expressing regret, holding back in his heart, he was about to ask a few people to leave.

"No... there's something to talk about."

Simon's face changed, and he spoke quickly.

You guys don't play cards according to the routine.

At this time, shouldn't you ask me if there are other solutions.

This directly drives people, which makes people a little unbearable.

"Huh? Didn't Mr. Simon say that if you kill Audi, you won't transfer technology?"

Ye Qiu snorted coldly, playing hard-to-get with me, thinking too much.

But the surface still pretended to be curious.

"This... Although the technology cannot be transferred, we can cooperate. The headquarters means that we can agree to supply the quattro four-wheel drive system to Wuling.""

"But the condition is that Mr. Ye must also supply us with plasma batteries of the same specifications as Chitu Auto.

Audi thought that its concession would make Ye Qiu compromise?


Ye Qiu shook his head directly and said: "This matter is not negotiable, because I don't necessarily want the quattro four-wheel drive. The battery supplied to you, only this standard, is enough for you to roam Europe and beat Tesla. already."

"I only want quattro's technology, not supply, if this is not achieved, then there is no need to talk about it.

Who sells the battery is not for sale.

Why have to sell you Audi.

The extra 30,000 units of battery capacity produced every month can be sold to Great Wall at a high price.

And people also took the initiative to say that the castrated version will be made.

Ye Qiu can set the price freely.

Uncle Wei is so nice.

However, with a production capacity of 30,000 yuan, the Great Wall is estimated to not be able to consume that much.

"Simon, let's not talk about it! It's so deceiving!"

Ye Qiu's inhumanity made Kate very angry, and she even became angry.

"Don't worry!

Simon reassured her, she was speechless, this eldest lady is so irritable, talking about business, how can you be like this.

"Mr. Ye, wait a moment, I'll make another call."


Ye Qiu agreed with a smile.

In order to prevent Kate from angering Ye Qiu, Simon pulled Kate away this time.

When the two came to the lounge, Kate immediately complained to him.

"Uncle Simon, this Ye Qiu is too deceiving, why do you continue to talk to him."

Originally, Kate was very supportive of coming to Wuling to discuss this matter.

But after being pissed off by Ye Qiu a few times, her personal impression of Ye Qiu was extremely poor.

"Did you forget what your father explained before you came? Did you forget the new 920 from Daimler?"

"Do you still want to prove to your father that you have the ability to bring Audi to the next glory?"

Speaking of this matter, Kate finally stopped talking.

Why Audi must talk to Wuling about plasma batteries.

Not yet to hit Daimler.

The Chinese only know that the parent company of Mercedes-Benz is Daimler.

Just think that Mercedes-Benz is Daimler, and Daimler is Mercedes-Benz.

Actually not.

Daimler, Mercedes, Benz, these are the three forces.

in the country,

The famous Carl Benz, and Gottlieb Daimler are the inventors of the world's first car.

Mercedes-Benz invented the first three-wheeled vehicle, and Daimler invented the world's first four-wheeled vehicle.


As the first company in the world to develop automobile engines, Daimler is the originator of automobile engines.

Engine technology for all cars in the world.

But then they were not satisfied with just making engines and wanted to make their own cars.

but lack of money,


At the time, an Austrian car dealer, Emil Jelinek, offered to finance Daimler on the condition that Daimler's car must be named after his daughter.

His daughter, named Mercedes.


That's how Daimler-Mercedes was born.

Later, the Mercedes-Benz car of the Karl family also joined the Daimler Group.

After the reorganization, Daimler as the parent company and Mercedes-Benz as the car brand name.

The three jointly hold shares in Daimler's parent company, but the Daimler family occupies an absolute controlling stake.

The grievances between the two Porsche and Daimler have to be entangled in the generation of the founders of Porsche cars.

It is difficult to explain the disputes over the interests of these big families.

Before Audi was acquired by Volkswagen, it was called the Auto Union, and the four circles represented the four alliances.

Audi originally belonged to Mercedes-Benz.

It's just that Mercedes-Benz later disliked Audi's garbage, so it sold Audi to Volkswagen.

Originally, Porsche was going to take over Audi at that time, and everything was negotiated on the price, but in the end the Daimler family intervened and it was not sold to Porsche, but to the Piëch family of Volkswagen.

This pissed off the Porsche family.

The flames of hatred are not planted in a day.

The Porsche family and Piech failed to compete for the controlling share of Volkswagen, and they did not lose anything, but made a profit, becoming the second largest antique of the Volkswagen Group.

And still in control of Porsche cars.

Even Audi is under the control of the Porsche family.

In addition to the Mercedes-Benz brand, Daimler also sells cars under the Daimler brand (cfah) in Europe, although they all use the Mercedes-Benz logo.

But belong to different manufacturers.


Daimler Motors announced that it will launch a new power car in Europe to counterbalance Tesla.

He also ridiculed Audi and Volkswagen, and will focus on the development of electric energy. In the future, renewable water energy is the direction of the Daimler Group.

The new car they launched is a transitional model of water energy, and a hydrogen-powered car jointly developed with Honda, but it is only promoted in Europe.

BMW and Toyota team up on hydrogen power.

Daimler is working with Honda.

However, Daimler's future energy direction is still renewable water energy, and hydrogen power is only a way to make money in a short period of time.

The old rival Porsche family, of course, was not happy when Daimler was so arrogant.


The person in charge of Porsche said, Daimler must know that electric energy is the direction of future cars.

How to prove it?


Let's get out of the new car together.

Whoever has the highest sales volume is the king, and has the qualification to despise the opponent.


During this time, the whole of Europe knows that the duel of the century between Porsche and Daimler.

Porsche uses the Audi brand to start a war with Daimler, not Mercedes-Benz, but Daimler in the direction of new energy.

Just at this time,

Plasma batteries appeared.

The emergence of this subversive battery technology has given Audi full confidence.

So I bought the battery and went back to disassemble and analyze it.

But the result is that battery experts have become mentally ill, and do not know how the principle is realized.


Porsche is simply heartbroken. If it can't make it by itself, it will cooperate.

As long as you hang Daimler, it's worth it.

The Piech family also supports it.

The struggle between Piech and the Porsche family belongs to the infighting, they are all one family, one ancestor.

You Daimler to mock, of course, we are unanimous.


Then Simon and Kate came to Wuling to find Ye Qiu.

The cooperation of the plasma battery is imperative, and it must be a full version of the plasma battery.

"Uncle Simon, you wouldn't really agree to replace the battery supply with our Audi's four-wheel drive technology?

Simon must be crazy, Kate thought.

"Kate, you have to know that Wuling will definitely be able to control the battery technology of the new era in the future. They are still in the development stage. If we reach a cooperation with Wuling at this time, we will maintain a close relationship. 39

"Then in the future, whether it is Volkswagen, Audi, or Porsche car brands, all will benefit. This is an investment, an investment in advance."

Simon saw it very clearly.


The era of fuel vehicles will be a thing of the past in at most a few decades.

Audi's four-wheel drive technology is good, but maybe Wuling will be able to develop a more excellent four-wheel drive than quattro in the future.

"What your father means is that it is good for everyone to use four-wheel drive technology to make friends with Ye Qiu and tie up our interests.

"You can't be so aggressive in the future, otherwise how can you take over the entire Audi car company?"

What Simon said, of course Kate understood.

For the big family, the immediate interests are nothing.

They are looking at long-term development.


Now the prototype of the future overlord is revealed, and other big families may think about how to suppress it.

But not Porsche and the Piech family.

What they wanted was cooperation. Volkswagen and Audi, as the first car companies to enter Xiaguo, deeply understood the character of Xiaguo people.

For collaborators, they are kind and friendly.

For the enemy who was suppressed, the people of Xia would definitely retaliate, and would never give up.


Simon heard the news that the official Xia Guo seems to be paying attention to Wuling Motors, interested in wanting to separate FAW's Hongqi brand.

Then hand it over to Wuling for development.

What does it mean.

Ken took Xia Guo's son, Hongqi, independently from FAW and handed it over to Wuling.

That is to see Wuling as his own son.

Under such circumstances, if Wuling does not take off, who will take off?

They don't want to be enemies with Ye Qiu, a partner is a very good way.

The best thing is that in the future, through Xia Guo, the Piëch family or the Porsche family and Ye Qiu's Wuling Motors will have a cross-shareholding strategy to promote a closer cooperative relationship.

That couldn't be better.

"Remember, take a long-term view..."

Simon told Kate a lot, and Kate understood it very well.

But she understood, she was just personally unhappy with Ye Qiu.

To this,

Simon also shook his head and said nothing more.

The two returned to Ye Qiu's office.

"Mr. Ye, we have discussed using quattro four-wheel drive technology in exchange for the supply of plasma batteries, including the purchase of Wuling's electronic control technology and automotive chips.

"However, the performance of the plasma battery supplied by Wuling to Audi must be the same as that of Chitu, and it needs at least 15,000 batteries per month.

Regarding the capacity of the plasma battery, Ye Qiu talked to Simon before.

A maximum of 60,000 standard batteries can be produced per month.

Simon estimated in his heart that if Audi's new car equipped with plasma batteries goes on sale, under the hot conditions, 15,000 a month can definitely be reached, or even not enough.

But earlier,

He didn't dare to say too much, otherwise it would be troublesome if he couldn't sell it by then.

At most, if the sales are booming later, then look for Ye Qiu to grind, grind a little bit, and grind up the supply.

"Deal! Mr. Simon is indeed a happy man, and I like to do business with a happy man. 39

Is this business doing well?


With the supply of plasma batteries, Ye Qiu got a set of the world's top four-wheel drive system.

As for the contract, it still has to be signed.

First of all, Ye Qiu asked that Audi's new cars equipped with plasma batteries can only be sold in Europe.

This is the most important point.

Anyway, in the European market, Ye Qiu knew very well that his own brand would not be able to enter.

Because there is the birthplace of the world's automobiles, and dozens of automobile brands compete in that market.

War is cruel.

give up temporarily.

Let's talk about it in the future.


The battery supplies Audi with 15,000 pieces per month. Each battery is calculated at 80,000 rmn, which is less than 10,000 euros. This price is already very conscientious.

The cost of the plasma battery is 30,000 yuan.

Among them, the biggest cost comes from electricity bills.

A plasma converter costs more than 80 million yuan per month for electricity.

A plasma converter that produces 30,000 batteries per month.

The electricity cost of each battery is 2666 yuan.

It seems Billy is very small.

But this is the electricity bill.

I have never heard of the cost of any product, including the electricity bill, and it still accounts for more than 2,600 yuan in the cost.

Simply outrageous.

Now Ye Qiu has two plasma converters, and the electricity bill per month is more than 160 million.

Plus the production workshop and other electricity consumption of the mechanical god.

Guarantee estimates that the monthly electricity bill of Wuling Energy Plant has to pay 200 million yuan.

That's it,

It was Ye Qiu, who was the latter, who applied with Shi Changhuang Youwei to build two more super substations next to the energy factory to meet the power demand of the factory.

30,000 cost.

Sell ​​you Audi and earn 50,000 per battery.

Not too much.

The profit rate of only 166% is simply the conscience of the capital world.

Originally, Ye Qiu wanted to sell it for 100,000 yuan. Later, he was afraid that Audi would think he was too dark and vomit blood, so just think about it.

for this price.

Simon expressed his understanding. After all, the cost of new products must be high, but it is a little more expensive than the current ternary lithium battery pack, not much.

The same battery pack, the price of ternary lithium battery is around 50,000.

Plasma batteries sell for 80,000 yuan, and the performance is three times that of ternary lithium.

Good deal.

"Mr. Ye is really the most conscientious capitalist I have ever met. On behalf of the Porsche family, I am very grateful for your sincerity. After I go back, I will tell the patriarch about it, from the friendship of Mr. Ye Qiu."

Simon was very satisfied with the price that Ye Qiu gave, he thought it was Ye Qiu's showing off with Audi and the Porsche family.

"This person doesn't look so annoying, and he has a little conscience.

Even Kate, who was unhappy with Ye Qiu, felt that the price Ye Qiu gave was really conscientious.

"Crap, it's cheap!!!!35

at this time,

Ye Qiu regretted it, if he hadn't been concerned about his face, he would have wanted to shred the price and renegotiated it.

I would have sold you 100,000 if I knew it earlier.

But the words have been said, even if it is a loss, you have to break your teeth and swallow it in your stomach.

Ye Qiu could only smile and sign the contract with regret in his heart.

"Pleasant to work with."

"Happy cooperation!

After everything is finalized, as the owner, of course, you can't be rude, after all, you will be a partner in the future.

Have to treat customers to a meal.

And Ye Qiu, Simon and Kate, didn't look like they were going to leave.

Apparently ready for a meal.

"Mr Simon, Miss Kate, if you don't mind, why not just have a meal with us?"

"Of course, I'm not bragging about it. The chefs in my factory are all chefs I invited back from the best restaurants in China. Whether it's Western or Chinese food, as long as you want to order, there is nothing they won't cook."

Ye Qiu was very proud.

Wuling's chef team now has more than 200 people.

That's it, it's not enough.

As long as you can think of the cuisines in the world, there is no chef in Wuling Canteen that cannot cook.

"Fuck, I want to eat national food, will they do it?"

Kate was not convinced and thought Ye Qiu was bragging.

Simon laughed and said, "It would be disrespectful to use your Xia Guo words, haha..."

Ye Qiu guessed right.

This old man is going to leave after preparing to eat.

"But before eating, there is still a period of time, I actually want to visit the research and development center of Wuling, I don't know if I can have this honor.

He is most interested in Wuling's R&D center.


Kate also shines, and is obviously very interested in Wuling's R&D center.

Because they want to come, Wuling's plasma battery is definitely from the research and development center.

There are definitely many technical talents there.

There are even many black technologies that they have not seen before.

To know,

Audi's technology has always been known for its black technology.

"Of course, let's go, I'll show you. 99

What's the secret of the R&D center?

Of course not.

Tank models, even if they are seen by two people, it doesn't matter.

Because Audi and Volkswagen do not produce pure hardcore off-road.

Moreover, this car is used to compete with the big G in the market.

The quattro four-wheel drive just exchanged from Audi is also prepared for the tank.


Looking at Simon and Kate, Ye Qiu had an idea in his heart.

Wuling's turbo problem has not been resolved yet.

Come forward, BorgWarner and Honeywell are asking too much.

It is estimated that if you find a special turbine developed by Bosch Mahle in Europe, you will also be asked by the other party for a sky-high price.


If Audi came forward, you must know that the Volkswagen Group holds shares in Bosch, and is a shareholder or a major shareholder.

The other party would never dare to ask for money.

"Master Simon, he is a good man."

Thinking of this, Ye Qiu laughed immediately. Since you brought it to the door yourself, don't blame me for being rude. I cheated you once and saved tens of millions of dollars.

Why not pit.

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