Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 201 Sea, Air And Land Integrated Strike System (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Pl

The battleship moved forward rapidly, and Ai Liu Island soon appeared in front of their eyes. Zuo Qingyun decisively woke them up, and at this time Xiao Qingke was commanding the battle.

"The first battalion, the second battalion, and the third battalion forcibly break through from the front of our side, and attract the enemy's firepower for the amphibious reconnaissance brigade to break through from the rear!" Xiao Qingke issued an order. Their ultimate goal is to quickly destroy the enemy, so the large frontal force A feint attack and a surprise attack from the rear are the best attack plan, not to mention that I have the advantage, using three battalions plus one amphibious reconnaissance brigade can still deal with more than 200 pirates?

"Order, listen to my order and fire after the main ship's guns enter the range!" Landing ship captain Xiao Liu said to the gunners. The missiles equipped on modern warships are mainly aimed at air and sea, and do not have the ability to strike the ground. , Their only fire support weapon is the three double-mounted 127mm caliber naval guns loaded on the three large dock landing ships.


At this time, Zuo Qingyun could already see through the binoculars that the pirates on the island were running in a panic, and now they found the warships of the Yanhuang Navy approaching not far away. They were making defensive preparations, but their will to fight was weak How can a pirate who only knows how to rob houses and homes be an opponent of the Yanhuang Navy, which is well-equipped and has a strong will to fight?

"Fire!" Xiao Liu ordered, and for a while, the artillery on the landing ship continuously fired shells, and the shells blasted big holes on the beach, turning over the entire beach in just a few minutes, Zuo Qingyun looked at the scene in the binoculars, it was very spectacular, but he didn't seem to see these pirates in the flames of the explosion, maybe they also knew that if they stick to the beach, they will only be hit by the gunfire of warships.

"Assault!" Xiao Qingke boarded an amphibious combat vehicle, and then ordered the troops to move forward. Suddenly, the hatch of the dock landing ship quickly opened, and a dozen infantry combat vehicles rushed into the water and headed towards Ailiu Island. .

During the approaching process of the infantry chariot, there was hardly any resistance, and the smoothness made Xiao Qingke realize that the pirates must be making some small moves. When the chariot was only five kilometers away from Ailiu Island, Zuo Qingyun heard the whistling of shells Voice.

!" The left side of Zuo Qingyun's infantry vehicle was suddenly blasted into a water column several meters high by the artillery shells, and the nearby sea surface was completely covered by artillery fire for a while.

Xiao Qingke frowned slightly. You must know that infantry vehicles are at their most vulnerable when they are attacking, and the mortars used by pirates are all behind the bunkers. There is almost no way to directly aim at infantry vehicles. He decisively ordered Said: "All tanks speed up, all artillery load smoke bombs, block the beachhead!"

"Bang! Bang!" The smoke bombs fired by dozens of tanks quickly covered the surrounding sea area, and soon it became white, with no vision at all, but the bombing around them continued, and all land The soldiers of the war team are all in the car, and the war army is flying around in the sea.

"Boom!" A mortar shell exploded directly on the top of an infantry tank. The huge impact knocked everyone in the tank off their feet. If it weren't for the protection of the helmet, a group of people would have suffered concussions. , They looked at the big hole that was blown out on the top of the infantry tank, and they were relieved.

In just ten minutes, the infantry chariot rushed to the beach, and Zuo Qingyun and others quickly got off the vehicle.

"Be optimistic about Jiang Xiaoyu!" Zuo Qingyun said to Deng Jiuguang, he was very relieved of everyone, except Jiang Xiaoyu.

"Yes!" Deng Jiuguang said, Zuo Qingyun and others followed the infantry chariot and rushed forward. The companies that rushed to the beach quickly resumed their organizational systems and quickly built the beachhead landing site according to the previously formulated combat plan. The two companies and the new training squadron quickly went to love The front of Ryushima advances.

The entire area of ​​Ailiu Island is about 100 square kilometers, and their core defensive position is in the center, so no matter which direction they break through from, they will have time to prepare.

"Da da da!" The sound of a heavy machine gun suddenly sounded in the grass, and a soldier who was following the chariot was knocked down instantly. His right arm was directly broken by the kinetic energy of the bullet, and he immediately fell to the ground. At the same time, The infantry chariot quickly adjusted the muzzle, and a single shell killed the firepower point.

"Hygienist!" shouted his platoon leader, and he picked up the soldier's severed arm, tears streaming down his face.

"Don't cry, platoon leader..." The soldier's face became pale due to blood loss, and the health worker quickly came over to bandage him, and his face was also a little heavy.

"Leave one platoon on the periphery of the infantry fighting vehicle to guard and advance, and the others, get on the infantry fighting vehicle!" The company commander of this company ordered decisively, after all, the armor of infantry fighting vehicles is relatively weak compared to tanks

But it can still defend against some light weapons attacks, but the infantry fighting vehicle is very fragile without the protection of the infantry, and the side armor of the Type 4 amphibious infantry fighting vehicle cannot resist the direct shooting of the rocket launcher.

Perhaps it was because these pirates had used Ailiu Island as their base for a long time, so its fortifications were also very complete. Although it was rough compared to the regular army, it also caused them some trouble.

"々. The new training squadron reported that the enemy's fortification strike position is 7 left and 4 distance 3000 away!" Guo Tian reported with a telescope. After he reported the coordinates, this simple fortification was immediately hit by our naval guns, and the soil clods And gravel suddenly splashed. At the same time, the strike drones equipped by the Marine Corps also appeared on the stage. They quickly cleared the fixed-point fortification targets and the firepower points that the pirates had exposed.

At this time, all the chief officers of the East China Sea Fleet Headquarters looked at the battle scene presented by the drone, and were immediately shocked by the modernized landing warfare system. The ability has become so strong?

"Do you think the strength of the third brigade has become stronger, don't you?" Looking at a group of generals, Cao Zhongguo shook his head. He looked at everyone present and said seriously

"No, the third brigade is still the third brigade, but with a different tactic, it showed such an effect."

"The other party is just a group of pirates. Is such a tactic still useful when dealing with the enemy's regular army stationed on the island and under equal sea and air conditions?" asked a general.

"How many enemies do you think can have the same naval and air forces as us?" Cao Zhongguo glanced at him indifferently. Everyone knows that there are enemies who can have the same or even superior naval and air forces as Yanhuang. The country "is only ten.

"Let's take a good look, everyone. The future landing war will be like this. We will attack others like this. Our goal is only one, how to solve the opponent more quickly and occupy the important factories!"

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