Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 202 Breaking Into The Inner Circle (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect

Zuo Qingyun was advancing with the first class at the moment, he suddenly saw Jiang Xiaoyu hiding behind, he immediately shouted: "Jiang Xiaoyu, are you still a man!"

"Captain, I..." Although Jiang Xiaoyu usually talks a lot, but this time he became silent, Zuo Qingyun knew why, this kid's family also had an old lady who was bedridden.

"Follow your squad leader!" Zuo Qingyun yelled, he turned his head immediately, and the rifle in his hand fired quickly, killing two pirates immediately, and the other people around them also formed a fighting formation, taking cover and advancing alternately. The woods were all burning, and this paradise created by pirates instantly became their burial place.

"Boom!" The drone's air-to-ground missile directly destroyed their mortar positions, and the last obstacle of the landing force disappeared immediately. The troops of the three battalions immediately gathered on this small island of 100 square kilometers. The front advances.

"Boom!" At this time, a pirate suddenly appeared in the grass, and a rocket shot directly towards the flank of a chariot. burn up.

"Extinguish the fire!" The pirate was killed, and a lieutenant quickly put out the fire, and the body of the sacrificed soldier was rescued from the vehicle. Seeing them in 680 degrees of darkness, everyone was silent for a moment, and then quickly followed the infantry vehicle to Before the dash, the battle is not over, now is not the time to be sad.

At this time, Long Baichuan led the amphibious reconnaissance team to sneak in from the rear of Ailiu Island. Unlike the artillery fire in front of the sky, the place seemed to be very calm. Under the water, Long Baichuan signaled a dozen soldiers to land from the side, and he led the group More than 20 people attracted firepower to them from the front, and drones flew over their heads from time to time, so as to give them firepower support at any time.

"Da da da!" Looking at Long Baichuan and the others who suddenly appeared on the sea, several pirates left behind opened fire immediately, and one person hurried back to report and ask for support, but the drone cruising in the air directly blasted through them with a missile , Long De

"Hurry up, quickly break through to their core position!" Long Baichuan ordered decisively, this time, they must completely wipe out the banditry in the Yanhuang southeast sea area.

At this time, the Anxi Republic Naval Command.

"What did you say, Yanhuang directly dispatched the fleet to wipe out the pirates on Ailiu Island?" Du Qi, the chief of the navy of the Anxi Republic, said in surprise, he paced back and forth in the headquarters

"Where is our fleet?"

"Report, our fleet has already set off as planned and will arrive in an hour!" said the staff officer.

Du Qi felt that Yanhuang Navy's move was very abnormal. He knew that Thomas and the other pirates had gathered on Ailiu Island, but he chose to ignore them because they didn't touch their interests. The tacit understanding between them is that they cannot do anything to their ships.

"Go, ask the president to meet Yanhuang's ambassador in Anxi immediately, we need a reasonable explanation!" Du Qi sneered, it depends on how you Yanhuang take this trick.

"Yes!" The staff officer saluted and walked out.

At this time, the Yanhuang Commander-in-Chief received a call from Ambassador Dai Xudong. Hearing his report, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, "They want ten explanations? What explanation? The pirate group who explained the headaches for all countries turned out to be them Behind the scenes?"

"Since they publicize our violation of their sovereignty, then we should also release our things. After all, as a big country, we naturally have to fulfill our responsibilities, and let other countries know, don't they want to play?" ? Well, we can have a good time by joining the group together." The commander chuckled lightly, and these guys are not worthy of his attention.

At this time, the pirate group was even more disorganized. Previously, because Thomas was with them, they could gather together (dbbc) to act together. Now, facing the strong attack of the Yanhuang Marine Corps, almost everyone has no intention of resisting. They just want to know how to Taking advantage of the chaos, they escaped from Ailiu Island, but to their disappointment, all escape routes had been cut off, which aroused their madness for a while, because their rear was very empty, causing Long Baichuan to advance much faster than For the assault troops in front, he is now less than one kilometer away from their core position.

The newly trained squadron led by Zuo Qingyun has also made a quick breakthrough. He looked at the pirates in the binoculars who were constantly shooting around, with a sneer on his face. He quickly reported the target position, and the naval guns and drones immediately The attack was carried out, and the roaring machine gun suddenly fell silent.

"Stop the bombardment, we are starting the assault!" Zuo Qingyun reported that the naval guns and drones immediately stopped supporting fire in their direction, and directly turned to support the assault troops in other directions.

Zuo Qingyun led the new training squadron to advance from the ruins. Suddenly, a pirate stood up from the ruins and rushed towards Jiang Xiaoyu who was behind with a grenade. Facing this scene, Jiang Xiaoyu was immediately caught He was too scared to move, Liu Xiaoshan on the side quickly reacted, he raised his gun and fired quickly, the pirate was killed, and the grenade in his hand quickly rolled down, Liu Xiaoshan hugged Jiang Xiaoyu directly on the ground.

"Boom!" The grenade exploded, and Jiang Xiaoyu looked at Liu Xiaoshan who threw himself down, as if something was touched in his heart.

"You boy..." Liu Xiaoshan's voice was a little weak, Guo Tian and others ran over quickly, Liu Xiaoshan's back was already scorched black from the blast.

"Jiang Xiaoyu, you..." Zhang Chong suddenly shouted angrily, "You bastard!"

"Zhang Chong...don't blame him..." Liu Xiaoshan said.

"Du Chen, Deng Zhen, take your squad leader down, and the rest follow me in to search!" At this time, the team led by Long Baichuan has also arrived at the villa behind the core position. The two teams began to enter the villa one after the other. .

When Zuo Qingyun first entered, she found several hot foreign women in bikinis shivering in the corner, the leader one had exquisite facial features, she had all the advantages of western women, she looked pitiful, In particular, there is no clothes on the body at all, which makes all the team members feel a little at a loss.

Seeing that they didn't respond, the blond woman stood up and walked towards Zuo Qingyun slowly.

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