Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 218 A Real Hero! (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

"Zuo Qingyun, I didn't let you die, you just let me live." At this time, Li Wenyao's words sounded in Zuo Qingyun's earphones. I was shocked by the sudden appearance of the Yanhuang tank unit, but at this time, the scouts of the monkey army who sent the information came late.

As a last resort, all the tank regiments hidden in Nangao had to go out to start a tank battle with the synthetic battalion in an area of ​​less than 3 square kilometers. The mechanical infantry accompanied by the tank company immediately got off the infantry fighting vehicle and quickly adjusted the 120mm. mm anti-tank rocket launcher. Vehicle-mounted anti-tank missiles have also entered a state of full combat readiness.

"Swoosh!" Shells flew, nearly a hundred tanks and thousands of infantry strangled together, and from time to time tanks were hit, and then turned into a mass of daytime fireworks, but most of them were still the tank troops of the monkey army. The 90-style castrated version that Xiong sold them was no better than the 97-style that Yanhuang used for himself. The gap in technology and individual soldiers gave the synthetic battalion the upper hand.

"Come on!" Zuo Qingyun quickly picked up the rifle and magazines that fell beside the corpse of the Monkey Army soldier, and charged forward quickly.

"Come on, follow me!" Shangguan Yun and the chief officers of several companies roared in unison, and the soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion, who were already red-eyed, headed towards the retreating 447 regiment like a tiger descending the mountain. , their original regiment of more than 2,000 people lost a battalion in the one-day battle, and their morale was completely low. Facing the reconnaissance battalion with only more than 300 people left, they couldn't afford any resistance Consciousness, no matter how the chief officer shouted, they all rushed back in a swarm.

"Swish, swish!" At this moment, four fighter planes flew towards the sky with long tail flames, and the ground attack rockets mounted on their wings roared towards the ground. The retreating monkey army Dazzling flames erupted from among the soldiers, and the defense line that Pu Dengwen had painstakingly built in Nangao quickly collapsed [the infantry regiments of the ten main divisions completely collapsed under the strong impact of the five battalions of Yanhuang.

An armored regiment without infantry protection is extremely fragile. Almost every squad of our mechanized infantry carries two rocket launchers, and an enemy tank can hit at least five or six rockets on average.

"Bang!" Li Wenyao was in the 97 tank, observing the enemy's situation, and shouted in his communicator: "Will wipe out the enemy, the infantry will get on the infantry tanks and attack me, all tank companies must destroy the enemy's tanks! "


After half a day of fierce fighting, the battle at Nangao was completely over. Flames, corpses, broken tiles, and the wreckage of various armored vehicles and tanks were everywhere, and the entire Nangao had completely turned into a scorched earth.

"How are the casualties?" Li Wenyao, who established the front point at Nangao, said to a staff officer. The four synthetic battalions have established a solid line of defense here, and follow-up reinforcements are coming in.

"Report, the four synthetic battalions lost 6 Type 97 tanks, 8 Type 4 infantry fighting vehicles, 76 people were killed, 39 were seriously injured, minor injuries were not counted, and the reconnaissance battalion lost 63 people, 52 were seriously injured, minor injuries were not counted! "The staff officer reported that Li Wenyao was silent. If they had arrived in time, these brothers in the reconnaissance battalion would have been able to

"Go, follow me to the scout camp!"

At this time, the remaining 300 people in the reconnaissance battalion looked at the 63 corpses lying in front of them, and remained silent. Many of them could not even find a complete corpse. Returning to Jian, they took their men away.

"Comrades, war is cruel, and their sacrifices are not meaningless!" Shangguan Yun looked at everyone and said loudly. At this time, if he, the trainer, does not stand up, when will he stand up, his military uniform has been covered with blood Drenched, his ferocious gaze facing the enemy has been replaced by gentleness at this time, "We delayed the 447 regiment for a day, and they used their sacrifices to make outstanding contributions to the entire battle situation. We killed more than 400 monkey troops, Brothers, they are our heroes, and they are eternal monuments in the history of the Iron Battalion!"

"Fight for the motherland!"

"Revenge on the invaders!" Everyone shouted in unison, tears in their eyes, this is a real good man, who treats his own kind with tenderness, faces the enemy resolutely and resolutely, at all costs, such a soldier What can beat them.

Li Wenyao who rushed over nodded, Zuo Qingyun looked behind her and found that Li Wenyao had already arrived, Zuo Qingyun hurried over and saluted, "I'm sorry, Brigadier Commander, the military appearance is a bit out of order."

"No!" Li Wenyao shook his head, put his hand lightly on Zuo Qingyun's shoulder, and said in a word: "This is the most rigorous military appearance I have ever seen. You have proved that you are right with your actions. Loyalty to the motherland, though I never doubted it!"

...asking for flowers...

Zuo Qingyun's face was scratched by shrapnel this time, and it has scabbed over at this moment. He looked at his comrades again. War is fair to everyone, whether it is himself or the enemy. It is not known how many families have been broken, how many wives have lost husbands, how many parents have lost sons, how many children have lost fathers. But the rest of them cannot back down yet.

"Lieutenant General, the First Brigade has captured Nangao!" A staff officer of the First Army pointed forward and said to Lieutenant General Du.

"Those Nangao mean that we have gained the initiative on the battlefield and directly cut off the connection between Gaoshan and Moshan!" Mo Fan, chief of staff of the First Army, nodded and said, the rest is the Gaoshan Battle, now The Seventh Brigade, Ninth Brigade, and 171st Brigade have already besieged Gaoshan heavily. "


"Let the fourth brigade take over from the first brigade to station at Nangao, and let the first brigade go to Mosang Town to rest for a day, and then turn to the attack on Gaoshan!" Lieutenant General Du nodded and said.

"Yes!" The staff officer walked out.

At this time, the first brigade was building a field airport. At this time, a car was escorted by a platoon of soldiers to Nangao.

"Brigade Commander, this is Su Qian, a reporter from National TV Station. She wants to interview Commander Zuo!" The platoon leader negotiated with Li Wenyao. Su Qian frowned slightly, but he also knew the importance of publicity.

"Hello, brigade commander, I'm Su Qian from National Television Station!" Sensing Li Wenyao's gaze, Su Qian walked over and introduced herself.

"Okay, you, send this lesbian to Zuo Qingyun!"

"Yes!" The deputy platoon leader of the guard platoon saluted, and then said to Su Qing: "Qing!"

Seeing Su Qian walking out of the door, Li Wenyao chuckled, then lowered his head and went to busy with his own affairs. Now the rest of the troops of the first brigade have arrived, but after handing over to the fourth brigade, they also have to transfer to Mosang Town. However, how to deal with these hundreds of captives has become a big problem, which is really a headache, so let the political commissar do it. .

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