Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 219 Repairing, Attacking The Mountains (Please Subscribe! Please Flowers! Please Collect!)

"Battalion Commander, there is a reporter looking for you!"

"Looking for me? Why are you looking for me?" At this time, Zuo Qingyun was very busy. They were arranging the positions of mines and various sentry positions outside to hand over to the 4th Brigade, and he also had a summary of the replay of this battle. It is their tradition to sum up a battle after a battle.

"I don't know, it seems that I want to interview you. There are a lot of people here, with long guns and short guns!" The sentinel scratched his head and said.

"This is the front line, so there's no time to deal with them!" Zuo Qingyun said angrily.

"They just said they wanted to see you!" The sentinel said helplessly, "They said they were from the national TV station!"

"Okay, then I'll go and have a look!" Zuo Qingyun frowned, then followed the sentinel and walked over.

"Viewers "Zero Two Three" friends, hello everyone, I am Su Qian, the host of the national TV station, and our army has just captured Nangao Town, yes, it is the land under my feet!" Su Qian faced The camera said, "During this battle, a certain reconnaissance battalion of our People's Army went deep into the enemy's rear, delayed the enemy for a day and a night, and made outstanding contributions to this battle. The commander of the reconnaissance battalion was commanded half a year ago. Major Zuo Qingyun awarded the honorary title of second-class combat hero!"

At this time, Zuo Qingyun walked over slowly, his body was still covered with blood, aware of his arrival, the camera lens was aimed at him, the strong smell of blood faintly made Su Qian feel a little uncomfortable, but Out of professional ethics, she didn't show it, "Hello, Battalion Commander Zuo, I heard that at a critical moment in the battle, you asked my rear troops to shell you, and then rushed out of the trench to fight the enemy with bayonets. May I ask how you did it?" Who decided to perform this heroic act?"

"A heroic act?" The video of this interview was broadcast on the evening news. According to the usual practice, military academies watch the central news at night. Everyone's eyes are on Zuo Qingyun in the picture, as if expecting him to think I wanted to say something, but Zuo Si looked at Zuo Qingyun, who was covered in blood, and couldn't help the tears rolling down. She whispered softly, brother

Zuo Qingyun shook his head, he chuckled, and then said seriously: "Do you think we are heroes for the sake of heroes? If it is possible, we don't want to do it, and if we don't, you can still see us person?"

Zuo Qingyun glanced at them, "I know you want to hear some heroic deeds, if you want to know, you might as well ask those soldiers, they are the real heroes, my time is precious now, I don't have time to waste on interviews, Here on the front line, I hope you all can be more careful!"

"Boom!" A few shells landed not far away, and the huge explosion startled them all.

"The monkey army has counterattacked, everyone is ready to fight!" The screen stopped abruptly at this point, and the next news began to be broadcast.

At night, the Synthetic First Brigade has switched defenses with the Fourth Brigade and retreated to Mosang Town for repairs. This is the first important stronghold that our army has won. The logistics supplies are continuously gathering here. The officers and soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion are rare. Had a full meal.

"Have the families of the martyrs called to express condolences?" Zuo Qingyun asked Shangguan Yun beside him.

"I have already called..." Shangguan Yun was silent for a while and then said, if possible, he would like to call these family members to tell them the news of their son's meritorious deeds, but now... "The seriously injured have been arranged to be sent to Southwest General It's over, don't worry too much."

Zuo Qingyun didn't speak, he didn't dare to imagine how those brothers who lost their arms and legs would live in the future. They are still so young and still have a good time, but now they can only lie on the hospital bed covered with bandages.

"Have you received the next order?" Zuo Qingyun asked.

"Repair!" Shangguan Yun leaned his back on the ammunition box and exhaled. He never expected that as an instructor, he would lead his soldiers to the enemy group one day, and still fight with bayonets.

"Why, still thinking about the day's affairs?" Seeing his exhausted appearance, Zuo Qingyun smiled, closed his eyes, and said softly, "You and I probably won't rest until the end of the war, I guess by taking us off, we wanted us to attack the mountains with them."

"Yeah, the mountain is a tough nut to crack, but if you win the mountain, the battle will probably be over soon!"

"Stop talking so much and have a good rest!"

At this time, the monkey army pointed forward, Pu Dengwen's face was gloomy, Nangao had already been occupied by the Yanhuang army, and they were repulsed by them several times. Now, out of the nine divisions deployed by the monkey army, two were defeated and four were trapped. On the Gaoshan-Moshan line, 20,000 of the 100,000 soldiers in the northern part of the Monkey Kingdom have been wiped out. Once the Gaoshan-Moshan direction is broken through, the entire Monkey Kingdom plain will be unobstructed...

"Damn it..." Pu Dengwen felt a deep sense of powerlessness for the second time. He planned to give up, so as to retain most of the armed forces for the Monkey Kingdom, but the president didn't think so. He still wanted to continue fighting. I also couldn't bear it, those soldiers who followed him through life and death became cannon fodder like this. He couldn't help but hate the secret service group to which the General Staff belonged. If it wasn't for their deliberate provocation and repeated probing on the edge of the bottom line, the result would definitely not be like this.

After a day of rest, the physical conditions of the remaining three companies of the reconnaissance battalion, totaling 307 people, returned to the state they had just crossed the border. The entire first brigade set off quickly and reached the mountain in one morning.

At this time, a total of four brigades of combat troops were gathered here, and Zuo Qing went to the headquarters to accept the task.

"Zuo Qingyun, under the cover of artillery fire, you must take positions 7 to 9 at the fastest speed!" Li Wenyao said. The general task of their brigade is to break through from the flank of the mountain. To this end, the surrounding enemy defenses must be eliminated. the highlands.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Zuo Qingyun called several company commanders, Zuo Qingyun did not intend to let the technical reconnaissance company rush up, after all, this company is basically technical soldiers, so the main attack is the reconnaissance first company, the second company and the fire support company.

"Gao Yuan, you are responsible for taking down No. 7, Guo Lin No. 8, and Guo Yanlin No. 9!" Zuo Qingyun assigned combat missions, and he glanced at the three of them. , you have to rush up as fast as possible, understand?"


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