Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 220: Street Fighting (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

"Whoosh!" A red flare shot into the sky, and then the violent bombardment began, and the whole mountain was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames. As the bombardment gradually weakened, Zuo Qingyun seized the opportunity and shouted: "Come on!" !"

The three companies immediately spread out and headed directly towards their intended targets. Their speed was very fast, because the monkey army was still huddled in the fortifications on the reverse slope at this moment. The shelling had just ended, and they also began to come out of the fortifications and began to go up the hillside. Chong, but obviously, the speed of the reconnaissance company is faster.

"Fight!" After running up the hill, Guo Lin yelled as he watched dozens of monkey troops charging towards the hill. The dozen or so machine guns in the group opened fire immediately, and the dense rain of bullets quickly covered the mountain top. At the same time, several grenades exploded among them, and blood and flesh flew all over the place.

Soon, they gave up the charge and started to retreat. After all, they had the advantage of the terrain, and their firepower was stronger than them. There was no point in making unnecessary charges. After all, they were ace masters, and they knew how to consume their opponents to preserve themselves. The situation of the other two 31st companies was similar, Zuo Qingyun was surprised by how smooth the attack was.

"The enemy is shrinking their forces and planning to fight us in street fighting in Gaoshan Town!" Zuo Qingyun decisively judged their strategic intentions, but what's the point of dragging them into the quagmire of street fighting.

"Let them strengthen the line of defense to prevent the enemy from attacking!" Zuo Qingyun said, and then went directly to the mountain. He took a telescope to look at the situation in Gaoshan Town. With the development in 2000, the scale of Gaoshan has slightly expanded, but the specific defensive situation has hardly changed from 20 years ago. After all, you can’t level all the mountains, can you?

The units of the 309A Division are basically scattered on various hills, and our army has always liked to concentrate its forces. The isolated and helpless hills are the opponents of our troops who concentrate superior forces and artillery firepower. It is only a matter of time before they are cleared. Pu Dengwen was very aware of the disadvantages of such a layout, but under such circumstances, there was no better way. If he withdrew from the mountains, Yanhuang would be able to drive straight along the plains and reach the inland rivers. Thousands of troops besieged, and it was only a matter of time before they were destroyed, so many fortifications were set up near the mountains.

"Take the tank unit as the vanguard, and the infantry will follow behind them. It doesn't matter if you fight them in the streets!" Li Wenyao said, looking at the field data transmitted in real time. Now the strongholds on the mountains outside Gaoshan Town are being conquered step by step, entering Gaoshan Town It's just a matter of time, "If you are not sure where the enemy is hiding, just bombard me, the artillery has sufficient firepower to support you!"

Now our troops have the advantage in firepower, and Li Wenyao will not be stingy. In his opinion, the lives of his soldiers are far more important than a few shells. In the past, the firepower was insufficient and he could only fill it with his life. Now the firepower is even overflowing. There is no need.

"Order the 329A division to reinforce Gaoshan!" After knowing the current situation in the periphery of Gaoshan, Pu Dengwen decisively sent out the ace division.

"Order, all subordinate units immediately attack the core position of Gaoshan Town, and quickly annihilate the enemies of Gaoshan Town before the enemy reinforcements arrive!" Lieutenant General Du ordered decisively. The brigade advanced rapidly under the advance of the tank infantry fighting vehicle.

The surrounding blocks were already burning with soaring flames, burning vehicles and buildings were everywhere, and corpses were lying everywhere.

"Bang bang!" Zuo Qingyun shot at a window with a rifle. A monkey soldier was shot in the chest and fell from the window. The whole town was filled with explosions and gunshots, taking advantage The powerful Yanhuang Army broke through directly to the center of Gaoshan Town from all sides.

Suddenly, a monkey soldier stood out from a pile of rubble, holding a rocket launcher in his hand.

"Bang!" The gunshot rang out, and the rocket was shot deflected, hitting a building directly above the heads of Zuo Qingyun and the others. Countless fragments scattered and smashed on the helmets on their foreheads.

"Da da da da!" Suddenly an armored vehicle appeared on the other side of the street. There was a monkey army machine gunner in the car, and the heavy machine gun on the car opened fire suddenly. The cannon rang, and the armored vehicle was instantly wiped out by Kunke.

When Zuo Qingyun's men charged forward, the soldiers of the monkey army were also defending, but they had no power to resist under the fierce firepower. It was only when Guo Lin himself used the heavy machine gun on the armored vehicle that he could not resist. Five or six people were killed.

In front of their assault, with Shiyuan Avenue as the center and three kilometers around it is the core position of the monkey army. This place hit the provincial government building and the party and government center of Gaoshan Province. All the remaining troops of the Monkey Army began to gather here, Yanhuang's drones circled continuously in the air, and Li Wenyao commanded the armored troops to charge forward.

But the two tanks on the attack were destroyed by the enemy's anti-tank missiles and stopped in the middle of the road, making the other tanks unable to advance at all. Zuo Qingyun crossed the battle line and found Li Wenyao

"I still underestimated Pu Dengwen. He knew that he couldn't hold this place, so he asked the troops here to give up the 340 outlying positions. The main force of one of their regiments, as well as various police units and militiamen were concentrated here!" Li Wenyao cursed angrily. At the intersection over there, there are all kinds of armored vehicles parked, and even the police's explosion-proof vehicles are placed here.

Here is the real elite. And because they have already entered the town, their firepower advantage cannot be used. There are many residential buildings and civil buildings around, so there are too many factors to consider. They can't bombard residential buildings and be charged with massacring civilians.

"Zuo Qingyun, quickly find their command center, take them out for me, and the people who take them will break through to them according to the company-level system!"

"Yes!" The four battalions quickly launched an attack on the enemy's defense line. On this road, there are soldiers from the first brigade everywhere. Their task is not to annihilate them, but to try their best to enter the center of the battlefield and rush quickly. Because of Li Wenyao's deployment, the deployment of the last remaining regiment of the 319A Division was completely disrupted. Ma Miao, the commander of the 319A Division, had to change headquarters frequently, which was seized by Zuo Qingyun.

Because in the frequent mobilization of the regiment on the opposite side, Zuo Qingyun found that there was a company that was not frequently mobilized, and Zuo Qingyun realized that it was probably where the 319A division headquarters was located. .

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