Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 221 Take Down The Mountains And Wipe Out The 319A Division (Please Subscribe! Please Flowers

Zuo Qingyun found Ma Miao's location on the back side of the street. It was a ten-story building with a very strong defense, and there were several armored vehicles on the periphery carrying out blocking and fire suppression. Zuo Qingyun observed the enemy defense area on the opposite side of the main road, which happened to block their advance route, and with this building as the center, a large number of fortifications were built in the surrounding buildings and yards.

"Send the coordinates here and ask for a mortar attack!" Because there are too many buildings and in order to avoid harming innocent people, Zuo Qingyun requested a mortar attack, and the vehicle-mounted mortar immediately adjusted its parameters and quickly turned its muzzle.

"I lead the assault!"

"No, Battalion Commander, I'll go!" Guo Lin gritted his teeth and insisted.

"Yes, Battalion Commander, you still have to command, let us go!" The soldiers around shouted in unison, and they looked at Zuo Qingyun with trust in their eyes, even if they knew that the commando team would definitely die. May this moment be with them in mind, caring for their battalion commander at the risk of sacrifice.

"Fart!" Zuo Qingyun cursed angrily, "We are comrades-in-arms, and I am the battalion commander. If I don't go up first, whoever goes up first, Guo Lin, you stay here to build artillery positions, and let the support even use their mortars." come over!"

"Follow me!" Zuo Qingyun rushed out first, and more than two hundred people quickly ran towards the building from several directions. Fierce gunshots rang out suddenly, and the two sides started a closer street fight.

"Boom! Boom!" The armored vehicles suppressed by machine guns in the middle of the road were directly killed by anti-tank rocket launchers. The soldiers were running densely, with a fierce momentum.

On the right side of the building, there is a compound covering an area of ​​several hundred. Ma Miao is currently on the second floor of the courtyard observing the nearby battle situation.

"Teacher, their main force has infiltrated!" The deputy commander rushed to the second floor in a panic and shouted, "I asked someone to open the door to the backyard. Where are you going to get out?"

Numerous dense beads of sweat appeared on Ma Miao's forehead. He glanced at the Yanhuang soldiers who were constantly attacking below, and immediately ran down with his rifle, "Don't send more troops there, and now deploy troops to block them. Don't stay in the building, rush out to fight with me!"

"Teacher, hurry up and go, they are obviously coming towards you!" The head of the monkey army stopped him.

"Get out!" Ma Miao pushed the regiment leader away and shouted angrily: "Is there a battle like this? The outer positions were all lost before doing anything, and now they are running around here like chasing rabbits!"

"No, it's too dangerous outside, sir!"

"Isn't it dangerous in the back? How do you know there are no Yanhuang people behind?" Ma Miao yelled angrily, and then he looked at his deputy division commander, "You stay, if I die, I will be in command."

At this time, Zuo Qingyun had led the troops to less than 200 meters from the compound, and the mortar had already washed their way forward. Their main defensive center of gravity is in the compound, "Mortar, bombard me, shoot out all the ammunition!!"

Ma Miao, who was commanding the troops to increase troops, did not expect that the Yanhuang Army directly used artillery fire to open the way, countless shells fell in the compound, and the monkey army troops that were rushing out were instantly baptized by the explosion. Ma Miao hadn't reacted yet , was escorted by more than a dozen guard soldiers, and headed towards the building, but under the attack of powerful artillery fire, it had no effect at all.

When Ma Miao, who was running, saw that she was about to reach the bunker, she suddenly heard a loud noise from the left, and a big hole was blown out of the ground in the courtyard, and the mud splashed. After a huge push, he fell on his back next to an armored vehicle.

"Master, division commander..." Two officers who crawled out of the pile of dead people rushed towards Ma Miao immediately. Ma Miao looked down at her left rib, the military uniform was broken, the skin was turned out, and the white bones were exposed...

"I'm fine..." Ma Miao just wanted to support herself to stand up, but she fainted from the great pain, but what they didn't notice was that their deputy teacher had quietly left and got into the tunnel

"Come on!" Seeing that there was no movement in the compound, Zuo Qingyun decisively ordered to charge. For a while, soldiers of the Yanhuang Army poured into the compound, not seeing the two monkey army officers who had surrendered and the horrific Ma who passed out in a coma. Miao sneered.

"Hurry up and send this guy to treatment. In addition, call the brigade commander, we have already taken away the 319A division headquarters!"


Half a day later, the sound of guns in Gaoshan Town gradually subsided. Zuo Qingyun was deeply moved as he walked on the dilapidated street. Looking at the ruins, no one would have thought that a day ago, this was a peaceful town, and the soldiers around The streets and corpses have been cleared, and they will use this as a logistics center for the next battle.

"々. We have already captured the mountain, and it is meaningless for the enemy to support here. However, in view of the exhaustion of the troops besieging the mountain, the former commander ordered us to build a stable rear base here, and the sixth brigade and the second brigade will continue to carry out the attack task.” The First Brigade Headquarters, where all the battalion-level cadres held a meeting, Yang Yong emphasized the current task, he looked at the chief officers at all levels, and sighed, “Hurry up to repair and restore combat effectiveness! "


"Battle statistics have been released. Synthetic First Brigade lost 93 people and seriously injured 89 people. The Seventh Brigade lost 123 people and seriously injured 87 people. The 171st Brigade lost 111 people and seriously injured 88 people. The Ninth Brigade lost 103 people and seriously injured 189 people. , a total of 430 people were sacrificed, 453 were seriously injured, more than 2,200 enemy soldiers were killed, and more than 1,400 were captured. His division commander (Ma Hao) Ma Miao was captured by us, 47 artillery pieces of various types were seized, and 57 armored vehicles of various types were destroyed. How many guns and ammunition!" The First Army pointed forward, and a staff officer reported statistics to Lieutenant General Du.

"En!" Lieutenant General Du nodded. Such casualties are acceptable, but for the Yanhuang Army, which has been at peace for too long, this number is indeed shocking. Although it is a big victory, it does not make people happy at all. , "Let the sixth brigade and the second brigade quickly attack the 309A division, just stick to them and don't let them rest, wait until Gaoshan's troops are repaired, and then make plans!"

Now the war has lasted for four days, the Eastern Front has basically completed the original strategic goal, and the progress of the Western Front is also very smooth. The Monkey Army combat troops on the Moshan-Gaoshan line have been beaten seventy-eight by the powerful offensive of the Yanhuang Army fall.

However, at night, the fighting in the mountains resumed again. .

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