Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 222: Battle In The Tunnel (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

The explosion in the dark night woke up Zuo Qingyun and others. He quickly picked up his rifle, and the people around him also entered a fighting state in an instant, and quickly moved towards the direction of the explosion. When Qingyun arrived, the gunfire had stopped.

Zuo Qingyun suddenly realized a problem, yes, even they wiped out more than 3,000 people with captives, it is impossible for the reinforced regiment of the Ace Division to have such a small force, it seems that these captives still have something to say.

"Go, call me Zuo Qingyun!" At this time, Li Wenyao also knew the situation, and directly asked the soldiers of the security squad to find Zuo Qingyun, because it was very close to the headquarters, and Zuo Qingyun would arrive in a few minutes.


"You should know what happened just now, these guys are still the same as before!" Li Wenyao sneered, "Twenty years ago, there were many tunnels in this underground, and it seems that they have come in handy now, this task is entrusted to you .”

"Yes!" Zuo Qingyun saluted, and then walked out. Zuo Qingyun returned to the place where the monkey army attacked. If they want to annihilate them, they must first find the tunnel entrance. Zuo Qingyun carefully observed the direction 387 was facing, his legs were blown off, and there were long trails on the ground, and he was still wearing the uniform of the Yanhuang Army, following his gaze, Zuo Qingyun noticed Arrived at a slightly abrupt hut not far away. Their camp is on the outskirts of Gaoshan Town. After all, their discipline does not allow them to occupy private houses, and the civilians of these monkey countries are not very friendly to them.

To be honest, the sewers are obviously easy to hide. After all, the current high mountains are not the high mountains of twenty years ago, and they also have basic urban facilities, but compared to their core positions, the surrounding houses are still very dilapidated.

Zuo Qingyun walked towards the hut, Guo Lin led a few people to follow quickly, the hut is very dilapidated, it looks like no one has visited it for a long time, the surrounding furniture is covered with dust, but only one candlestick is still clean net.

Zuo Qingyun made a hand gesture, and the surrounding soldiers quickly alerted. Zuo Qingyun suddenly lifted the covered iron pot, and two grenades plus a string of bullets went in. Zuo Qingyun took advantage of the situation to cover the pot, and accompanied There were several screams from the explosion of the grenade.

This tunnel combat was also played by the Yanhuang Army during the Peninsula War. This group of Monkey Country people are very proficient in learning. The key is that when the Yanhuang Army created this method of warfare, they didn't even think about how to crack this thing, let alone the Monkey Army. It has been repaired for several decades.

"The old way, we will pretend to be the monkey army for a while. From what I saw just now, they are wearing our military uniforms to mess with us. Now we will pretend to be them. Do you have the guts to go down with me, your battalion commander?" Zuo Qingyun looked at The person behind him said with a smile.

"How can you get cubs if you don't enter the tiger's den!" Chen Hu said.

"I'm the first to sign up, so don't compete with me!" Ran Feng said fiercely.

"Go, take the weapons and equipment of the monkey attacking army and replace them with theirs. Veterans go, recruits forget it!" Zuo Qingyun said decisively, Guo Lin had no choice, the instructor was not around, and no one could persuade the battalion commander.

However, it was the first time for Zuo Qingyun to use the famous M rifle. He was not used to it, because it was almost dawn, so Zuo Qingyun and the others rested for the time being. After all, unless they were brain-dead, they would choose to attack during the day. There will be a second visit, so Zuo Qingyun decisively chose to sit on the sidelines.

"According to our previous design, we hide in the house, and once someone comes out, we will kill them immediately, understand?" Zuo Qingyun said to his own people outside the hut. It was completely dark now, and it was time for this group of monkeys to take action .

For this reason, several people had to hide in this hut. While waiting, Zuo Qingyun was thinking, what would Yingjiang's troops do if they were defending? What if the mountain was completely controlled by our army? Next, (dbai) they wouldn't do that at all, because it's meaningless. To a certain extent, the Monkey Army, as a student of the Yanhuang Army, still inherited some of their characteristics, for example, they couldn't swallow this breath.

"Hey!" I don't know how long it has passed, but the sudden sound made everyone's heart ring with alarm bells. After a few minutes, another sound came one after another. This sound was very small, but the people in the room could clearly hear it. But Zuo Qingyun's plan is also very risky. After all, there are few people coming out of the monkey army, so we can't go in too much, and the fewer people, the greater the possibility of being exposed.

After a while, a few more dark figures appeared in the room, a total of fifteen people, they were wearing the military uniforms of the Yanhuang Army, they didn't know that the genuine Yanhuang Army was watching them in the darkness. They were very careful, and even sent two people to throw stones to ask for directions. After confirming that there was nothing wrong, they carefully drilled out. Only then did Zuo Qingyun notice that there was a small hole over there.

It also took a long time before they acted, and they were indeed very cautious. Zuo Qingyun knew that the battle was about to begin.

"Bang!" There was a series of gunshots outside, and then there were explosions and crackling outside the house. Zuo Qingyun moved. In order not to be exposed, he asked everyone to pay close attention to him, and once he made a move, they would quickly move closer.

At this time, they were the only ones left in the house, and they were waiting for the monkey army outside to retreat. After a while, the sound of gunfire outside was very close, and the bullets began to penetrate the wooden planks of the hut. Zuo Qingyun immediately lifted the lid of the pot, which was The door of the hut was suddenly opened, and several monkey soldiers rushed in from the outside, and then the wooden door was quickly closed, and a string of bullets penetrated the wooden boards and knocked down some people. Don't think about it, these monkey soldiers must have slipped through the net.

Just as Ran Feng was about to make a move, Zuo Qingyun stopped him. Zuo Qingyun thought it would be easier to sneak in with these few real monkey troops. Because only Zuo Qingyun among them could speak monkey language, so he hurried over to give them first aid, while talking to them insignificantly, and casually fired two shots outside.

There were only four people who entered the hut, one was seriously injured, two were not seriously injured, and one was not injured. Zuo Qingyun frowned slightly, and while the other monkey soldiers were not paying attention, he directly stabbed him in the abdomen, silently. It is not difficult to deal with him quickly, the sound of guns outside is a good cover, no one was killed, after all, many people were killed by stray bullets, it can only be said that he was unlucky.

Zuo Qingyun led them into the tunnel, and at this moment, a question from the monkey army came from inside: "Password!"

"Yanhuang!" A wounded soldier shouted loudly, Ran Feng and the others were immediately shocked by Zuo Qingyun's wit, and at the same time they were a little fortunate that these monkey troops were indeed very cautious, and soon Zuo Qingyun and the others entered the tunnel. .

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