Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 228 The Burning Flame, The Scene Of Hell (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please C

"Da da da!" At this time, a squad soldier who was staring at Shimen closely saw the Shimen open, and shot directly at it with a long point, but without exception, no one appeared. Zuo Qingyun judged at once that the stone door opened inwards, as expected of a secret service team, and even thought of this.

At this time, a cylindrical object was thrown from the entrance of the tunnel. The moment they threw it out, Zuo Qingyun shot quickly, hitting three smoke bombs with three shots, and immediately knocked the three smoke bombs away by the impact of the bullets. Knocked down the cliff, this point, the monkey army in the tunnel naturally would not know.

"Quickly annihilate them!" Guo Lin said calmly. How long does it take to fight a platoon with a third? Hearing his words, everyone quickly took out the grenade, delayed for two seconds and threw it out, and then Quickly concealed, airburst grenades immediately covered the place where the monkey platoon army was, but their gunfire did not stop.

There was no movement in the next few seconds, Zuo Qingyun knew that they wanted to wait longer until the smoke filled the air, so they also waited. Suddenly, three monkey army agents with rocket launchers emerged from the three tunnel entrances. They are also wearing gas masks, which will affect their vision, but since they dare to do this, it should be an incendiary bomb.

"Bang bang!" Two bullets were shot from the muzzle of Zuo Qingyun, instantly killing two people, and the remaining one was also shot by Guo Lin, and the two circular tunnel entrances were instantly blocked. Taking this opportunity, the monkey army Directly coming out of the square tunnel entrance, the two monkey troops ran directly towards the outside, but under the blockade of peripheral firepower, any attempt to come out would be shattered.

The monkey army in the outer platoon was also eliminated, and there were almost no casualties in the reconnaissance company. At this time, their tunnel entrance was already full of corpses, and the battle was over soon. The tunnel was completely silent, but Zuo Qingyun They also know that it's just that no one has come out, and the brigade inside is probably still inside. But Zuo Qingyun and the others didn't think about rushing in, they all knew that the tunnels built by the Monkey Army were very complicated, and blindly attacking would only lead to losses in vain.

Zuo Qingyun and a group of people stared at the outside, this problem can not be solved, suddenly, Zuo Qingyun had a flash of inspiration, and thought of the old method, the tunnels are all confined spaces, the reason why they opened the vent is to prevent Not enough oxygen, but now the vents are clogged, so just make a fuss about that.

"Fire attack!" Li Qingke suddenly shouted, looking at the people around him, "Fire needs oxygen to burn, once the oxygen is exhausted, they have to come out! As long as we light a fire in the vent..."

"Just do it!" The soldiers around are at least high school educated and have studied physics, so they naturally understand Li Qingke's meaning, but there is a problem. They cannot rule out whether there are only these two tunnels. I don't know how big the underground space is, but the oxygen stored inside should be enough to consume for a while.

"Gaoyuan, bring the second company and incendiary bombs to our place immediately!"


"Go and measure the height from the cliff to the vent first, it will be useful later!" Zuo Qingyun said to them.

A group of people got busy, hoisted the rope to the air vent, and then measured the length of the rope. Zuo Qingyun didn't want to pay attention to them. At this time, Gao Yuan had already arrived with a batch of equipment. He said to Gao Yuan, "You release the incendiary bomb. Fuse, fall on the rope, and hit the vent!"

The cannonball was hung on the rope to draw a circle, and then slammed into the ventilation hole closed by them on the cliff. For a while, the cannonball exploded rapidly, and a raging fire burned rapidly around the ventilation hole, and then there were three loud noises, and the tunnel entrance also burned There was a flame, although the vent hole was closed, but the burning of the flame made them very uncomfortable at this time, they had to send someone to clear the vent hole, but they looked at the explosives hanging on their heads through the small window Package exploded.

"Boom!" The ventilation hole was dredged immediately, and then the incendiary bomb was thrown in again. At this time, the burning bomb in the tunnel was the big one, and now their ventilation hole was dredged, there was no way to stop Zuo Qingyun They threw Molotov cocktails in. At the same time, various panicked shouts resounded in the tunnel.

"Surrender, you have no way to survive!" Zuo Qingyun shouted in monkey language, and after a while, there were several gunshots inside, which made Zuo Qingyun happy, and they actually started to fight among themselves, presumably there was something Some people were unwilling to surrender and fought with those who wanted to surrender, Zuo Qingyun was not in a hurry, they were happy to watch the fun, "But I still threw two pieces every other day.

...asking for flowers...

"We surrender..." suddenly came their shouts, Zuo Qingyun and the soldiers around looked a little helpless, how could this scene be so familiar? They only had one thought in their minds, this group of guys were planning to engage in false surrender again, This makes us stupid, why does every monkey army play like this. Their eyes were all on Zuo Qingyun, and the words had already been spoken, what should they do? Zuo Qingyun could not let them take this risk no matter what.

"Throw!" They carried out this order without the slightest hesitation. No one would care about Zuo Qingyun's violation of battlefield discipline. They originally wanted to be a young man who had served as a conscript for two years, but the cruelty of the war made them change. Be cold-blooded.

Three hours later, when there was no more sound, Chen Hu first threw a grenade into the tunnel, and when the grenade exploded, he got in directly, and after a while, he came back again to signal safety.


A group of people turned on the night vision goggles and walked forward. The inside was as hot as a steamer, and there was a faint smell of burning. Everyone felt a churn in their stomachs. In this narrow space, they Instead of using rifles, they collectively took out their pistols, and the tactical lights of the pistols shone back and forth. Suddenly, the tunnel in front of them gradually widened, and there were corpses and several charred cannons in front of them. The flame was still not extinguished, Zuo Qingyun didn't know how to describe such a scene, he wrote in the later battle report.

"There are still unburned flames outside the ventilation hole. The ground illuminated by the fire is red, and the inside is full of charred corpses of the enemy. It is like a hell-like scene. This is all caused by my decision, but I don't want to regret…"

This place has been filled with corpses, it is unimaginable that in order to avoid our attack, the monkey army special agent brigade or important commanders hid here, and now they all look like this. Although they are all enemies, but they died in such a tragic way, the shock in their hearts is beyond the comprehension of others.

"Ouch!" Many people vomited directly, and they swore that even hand-to-hand combat would be countless times better than this method of death.

"Help me..." At this moment, a pair of bloody hands suddenly stretched out from the darkness and grabbed Zuo Qingqu's right foot. .

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