Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 229 The Final Battle (Please Subscribe! Please Flowers! Please Collect!)

For a moment, several rifles were aimed at the figure, and under the light of the flashlight, they could see clearly what kind of person this was, a colonel officer who was drenched in blood all over his body.

"Help me, I surrender!" The officer raised his hand, he no longer had the resolute resistance before, and there were no weapons beside him, Zuo Qingyun knew that he had really surrendered, after going through such a desperate situation After the scene, no matter how strong a person is, his will will collapse.

"I'm the captain of the Monkey Army's spy brigade. As long as you don't kill me, I'll say anything..." Seeing that Zuo Qingyun didn't make any sign, he hurriedly said that he had already noticed that Zuo Qingyun was the highest-ranked officer here. As long as he nods, his safety can be guaranteed.

Zuo Qingyun was a little puzzled as to how he survived "707". He looked around him and found a vent, a rifle beside him, and countless scattered shell casings. He knelt down and carefully inspected the corpses of the Monkey Army. Many of them were killed by rifles. It was obvious that he killed his own men and all those who competed with him for air. For a moment, everyone around Everyone shuddered.

Zuo Qingyun looked at him with a touch of contempt in his eyes. This captain, who is now groveling, may have vowed to encourage his subordinates to fight bravely before, but in order to survive, he turned around and shot at his comrades who shared life and death with him. irony.

"I'm really the captain..." The monkey army seemed to be still worried that Zuo Qingyun would not believe his words, tremblingly took out a blood-stained military officer's card from his jacket pocket, "This is my officer certificate with my number and name on it

"Take him out!" Zuo Qingyun said coldly, but since he is the captain of the secret service team, he should have the information they wanted. After they left, the tunnel was completely blown down by them. It didn't work either.

Back at the camp, the brigade headquarter immediately sent someone to pick him up, and at the same time called Zuo Qingyun to the brigade headquarter to wait.

"I said, why are you fighting everywhere?" Yang Yong couldn't help but smiled, "The guy you caught this time is much more valuable than the commander of Division 319A. That guy is still in a coma."

"I don't want to either. I'm born to be a war fighter." Zuo Qingyun smiled wryly. She had never fought a war in her previous life. Why did she come here?

"You must be busy with this battle report!" Yang Yong shook his head.

Zuo Qingyun was a little helpless, if he didn't write a diary every day, this battle summary would be really hard to write.

"You guys have a new mission!" At this time, Li Wenyao walked in with a serious face, and then said to Zuo Qingyun, and he pointed to a red circle drawn on the electronic map and said, "According to the surprise attack on this special agent captain, During the interrogation, Pudenwen’s command post was set up in a cave here. According to him, Pudenwen had strengthened all the troops he could send to the front line, and there was only one guard company beside him. The superior asked us to send a troop in. Capture him alive, Zuo Qingyun, this task is entrusted to you, and Wolf Fang's Lone Wolf Team B will also cooperate with your actions!"

"The success of your mission will determine the end of this war. As long as you take him down, the war on the Eastern Front will end here. How about it, can you complete this mission!" Li Wenyao looked into Zuo Qingyun's eyes With a touch of trust and seriousness, ending the war a second earlier can reduce the casualties of many people.

"Promise to complete the task!" Zuo Qingyun stood at attention and saluted solemnly.

"At night, we will launch an offensive. At that time, you will lead a company of you to rush over and break through their defense line in the dark. The time is set!"


At nine o'clock, the artillery in my rear launched a violent bombardment on the enemy's line, opening a gap in their weak forces. They did not notice that a detachment of a hundred people took advantage of the darkness to avoid their blockade and headed towards Following Pudenwen's headquarters, he went straight through.

At this time, Pu Dengwen was in his hiding place. He sat on a chair and let out a long sigh of relief. The war had reached this point and there was no way to continue. There was an indescribable sense of loss in his eyes, and at the same time I am very disappointed with those people in the central government... Out of the nine divisions, only two divisions are left that are capable of fighting.

There are no troops around him, so if he continues to fight, he can only mobilize the masses, but how can the armed masses compete with the regular army, not to mention that the monkey country has not fought for 20 years, they want peace, but the central government still He didn't intend to end the war, instead he was obsessed with fighting to the end without any reflection. He was not a militarist, but he hated those people in Secret Service Headquarters in his heart. But he couldn't help it. From the previous telegrams, there was a faint intention to replace him with Ruan Haowen from the Secret Service Headquarters. As for his fate, there is no need to say much.

"Report, we lost contact with the secret service brigade!" At this moment, a staff officer came in and reported, and it could be seen that his face was also very ugly.

"Really?" Pu Dengwen said with some tiredness. He just hopes that someone will replace him soon. As for the secret service team, he doesn't care, or they haven't listened to his command from the beginning to the end. "If you lose contact, you will lose contact." Bar.

At this time, Zuo Qingyun was leading a company and lone wolf B towards the hiding place of Pudenwen. Because they knew where they were, they directly bypassed the villages. It only took four hours to march 213.1 km to this location.

"According to what that guy said, there is only one guard company around Pudenwen, and that cave should be where he is." Zuo Qingyun looked at a cave. Under the display of the infrared sensor, there are dozens of red ones inside. The figures, as well as the figures of various sentries on the periphery, are all under their sight.

"Go and clear all the sentries around them!"

"Yes!" Several groups quickly separated from the troops and headed towards the forest. Twenty minutes later, all the surrounding sentries were eliminated.

At this time, the company commander of the monkey army guard got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and suddenly found that the surrounding area of ​​the concealment was eerily quiet. When he turned his head, he found a black hole pointing at him.

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