Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 235 I Will Confess To Her (Please Subscribe! Please Flowers! Please Collect!)

Zuo Qingyun walked into the gate of the Central Military Medical University, because he had never been here before and did not know where to find Du Feifei, so he asked the guards where Room 512, Building B, was, and then walked directly towards his destination , because Du Feifei sent him the schedule, this point should be there.

"Why do I feel that this officer looks so familiar? I seem to have seen him somewhere before?" The guard looked at Zuo Qingyun's back, recalled his face, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his head, and he patted his thigh, "Damn, fight!" Hero..."

Zuo Qingyun came to the classroom according to the instructions of the guards, but it seems to be in class now, Zuo Qingyun looked for the figure among a group of white coats through the classroom window, suddenly, a smile appeared on his face, this little girl You're pretty serious when you're in class.


"Come in!" Looking at Zuo Qingyun standing at the door, the professor looked at him with some doubts. This is a woman in her forties. Zuo Qingyun looked familiar to her, but he didn't think much about it at the moment , the female professor asked: "What can you do, comrade?"

"Oh, I'm Du Feifei's elder brother, I have something in B1 at home, let me bring it to her!"

"Oh? Is that so?" A smile appeared on the female professor's face and she looked at a figure covering her face with a book, "Student Du Feifei."

"Ahem!" Hearing this, Du Feifei couldn't pretend anymore, she just left her seat, grabbed Zuo Qingyun's hand and ran out of the classroom without looking back, and ran for a long time until she was far away from the classroom , she stopped, panting with her hands on her hips.

"What's wrong?"

"What's the matter?" Du Feifei, who was relieved, looked at Zuo Qingyun helplessly, "Why did you come to Yanjing? Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I received a temporary task, let me go to Beijing, I arrived yesterday afternoon, I want to give you a surprise.

"Surprise? Scared?" Du Feifei's face showed a touch of playfulness, "Do you know how my mind fluctuated when you said it was my brother just now?"

"What psychological fluctuation?" Zuo Qingyun knew from her tone that she seemed to have done something not very good.

"I was thinking, you are such an idiot, you can't find any reason to say it's my brother!" Du Feifei lightly punched Zuo Qingyun in the chest, she raised her head, her eyes rolled, as if there were stars in her bright eyes In Shining, "That professor just now is my mother."

"Ah!" Zuo Qingyun was dumbfounded.

"Stupid?" Du Feifei smiled, "It's okay, my mother has known you for a long time, it's just the first time I really saw you, and you came back just in time, and my father is at home these days. Anyway, this lesson I can’t even make it, let’s go, let’s go out.”

"Okay!" Zuo Qingyun nodded, and then went out with Du Feifei. It was five o'clock in the afternoon, autumn is always early in the sunset. Without going anywhere with Du Feifei, the two of them walked slowly along the avenue.

Walking, Du Feifei stopped by a small bridge, the sky was completely dark, and the neon lights around the bridge were flickering. Suddenly, Du Feifei opened her arms and hugged Zuo Qingyun directly, whispering softly: "Don't move, let me hold you for a while."

"Zuo Qingyun, how long have I known you?"

"Two years, eight months and ten days!"

"You still remember it quite clearly." Du Feifei chuckled lightly, and she pressed her head against Zuo Qingyun's chest, a sweet feeling welled up in her heart, "Hey, when you were on that mountain, you were thinking what?"

"I was thinking, what would happen to the two of you if I sacrificed, but after thinking about it, there are two women who are sad for me and still have a sense of accomplishment!" Zuo Qingyun said with a chuckle.

"I'm serious!" Du Feifei said with a hammer.

"I'm thinking, it seems that I haven't confessed my love to someone, and I'm still a poor single dog at the end of my life. If I have another chance, I will..."

"What will happen to you?" Du Feifei raised her head, her clear eyes fixed on him, and a nice blush appeared on her face.

"I'll take another good look at the world."

"Zuo Qingyun!" Du Feifei let go of the hand hugging Zuo Qingyun's waist, like an angry female leopard. Zuo Qingyun, who sensed something was wrong, turned his head and ran, and suddenly he heard Duo Qingyun's voice With an exclamation, as soon as he turned his head, Du Feifei threw himself into his arms, and the two hit the ground directly.

"I will confess my love to her properly!" Zuo Qingyun's words sounded in Du Feifei's ears, her eyes turned red immediately, and she opened her mouth and bit Zuo Qingyun's shoulder directly.

"Pain pain pain!"

"It deserves it!" Du Feifei let go of her mouth, and she nodded in satisfaction looking at the bright red tooth marks left on Zuo Qingyun's shoulder.

"I like you, Du Feifei, please be my girlfriend, someone who can get married." The corner of Zuo Qingyun's mouth curved slightly. The reason why she said that was because Du Feifei's age was not up to standard.

"Cut, who wants to marry you." Du Feifei said arrogantly, but she couldn't hide the smile in her eyes.

"Didi!" At this moment, Du Feifei's phone rang suddenly, she stood up, faced the river bank and answered the phone, 537 "What's wrong, Mom?"

At this time, Zuo Qingyun approached quietly and hugged her directly, making her breathing stop suddenly.

"Oh, come back to eat at night? Take him with you, I'll ask him." Du Feifei took the phone away, glanced at Zuo Qingyun, who was playing tricks on her, and gave him a blank look, "Meet the parents, go not going?"

"Go, why don't you go, I'm a great fighting hero, what are you afraid of?"

"He said he's going, OK, let's go home now!" After hanging up the phone, Du Feifei turned around and was gagged by someone...

Half an hour later, outside the door of Du Feifei's house, Zuo Qingyun suddenly became a little apprehensive, "Isn't it too good that he didn't bring a gift?"

"Why, are you scared now? You are very courageous when you steal food?" Du Feifei gave him a hard look, "Isn't someone a battle hero? Are you still afraid of this kind of scene?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Du Feifei directly took out the key and opened the door, "Mom, Dad, we're back."

"Hey, I'm back!" Zhang Xiu smiled and said to the two people, she looked at them and said, "Succeed, I'll cook first, you two have a good chat first."

As soon as Zhang Xiu said that, he walked into the kitchen, and on the sofa in the living room, a senior colonel dressed in army uniform with a shoulder resistance of two bars and four stars looked at him expressionlessly...

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