Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 236 Family Banquet (Please Subscribe! Please Flowers! Please Collect!)

"Hi sir!" Zuo Qingyun saluted Du Jianzhong.

"What are you doing saluting to him? What an old man!" Du Feifei pulled Zuo Qingyun to the edge of the chair and sat down without even looking at Du Jianzhong, which made Du Jianzhong look helpless.

Dinner is a very simple home-cooked dish, but to Zuo Qingyun, it tastes better than anything else, but Zuo Qingyun seems to have no regard for what the people around him think when eating, Zhang Xiu has a understanding smile on her face, After all, grassroots cadres naturally eat a lot, and Du Feifei's face is full of distress. She feels that she needs to call the chief secretary, but Du Jianzhong has no idea, and eats with Zuo Qingyun, because Alcohol is prohibited, so Zuo Qingyun and Du Jianzhong did not drink alcohol.

After dinner for three rounds, Du Jianzhong took a deep breath and said: "I basically understand all the battles you fought. At the age of 24, you can be said to be the first person in the younger generation. Even Long Xiaoyun and You are still far behind in comparison."

"It should be. Zuo Qingyun accepted Du Jianzhong's compliment unceremoniously, which made the corners of his mouth twitch unconsciously.

"Dong dong!" There was a sudden knock on the door, followed by a male voice, "Uncle Du, I brought you the documents you asked for."

"Yo, it's Xiao Chen." Zhang Xiu smiled, and then walked over to open the door for him. The person who caught Zuo Qingyun's eyes was a lieutenant colonel officer. As soon as he came in, Zuo Qingyun felt a strong sense of hostility The keen Zuo Qingyun soon realized that it was because of Du Feifei.

Du Feifei saw the displeasure on the visitor's face, and a hint of boredom.

"Who is this?" The officer in his thirties asked in surprise when he saw Zuo Qingyun who was sitting and eating with them in the room.

"Oh, I'm Zuo Qingyun!"

"Zuo Qingyun?" the officer murmured in a low voice, feeling that the name sounded familiar, but he quickly ignored it.

"This is Chen Jiahao, a staff officer of the Training Section of the General Staff Department. He and Feifei have known each other since childhood. Jiahao, you came at a good time. This major just came back from fighting in the Monkey Country, and we happened to listen to his front-line combat experience together. This may be helpful to you. A little bit of help!" Du Jianzhong said with a smile, his eyes glanced at Zuo Qingyun slightly, wanting to see how he would react in this situation

"Hehe..." Chen Jiahao was a little embarrassed by his luck, "Okay, then let me hear what Comrade Zuo Qingyun has to say?" In fact, what he said was polite, but Zuo Qingyun could still hear a hint of provocation from his words Unconvinced, Du Feifei later told Zuo Qingyun that Chen Jiahao's father was the deputy chief of staff of the Yanjing garrison and a former friend of Du Jianzhong. He had indeed grown up with Du Feifei since childhood.

Zuo Qingyun was happy, even if he was not stupid, he could tell that he had thoughts on Du Feifei. Du Jianzhong didn't continue to pay attention to him, but said to Zuo Qingyun: "I heard about your infiltration warfare. Troops pretending to be monkeys went deep into the enemy. In the area, even their own people didn't find out, and they took down an artillery group on the way, well fought, I toast you."

Although Du Jianzhong intended to test Zuo Qingyun, he still admired his approach. It has to be said that according to his military exploits, as long as he wanted to, the children of generals like Yanjing would not be able to help him.

"Actually, this is also very risky. I am ashamed to say that I am the only one in the entire battalion who can speak monkey language, and it is also because of our electromagnetic interference that they cannot communicate normally, so I was able to hide in Nangao!" Zuo Qingyun was very pleased He said modestly, and then drank the tea from the woods in one gulp.

"Hey, don't say that, it's not like we didn't fight monkeys before, if it were someone else, we really couldn't think of such a way." Du Jianzhong said with a light smile, all of them had fought

Although Zuo Qingyun said it lightly, but if it were him when he was young, he wouldn't dare to do this.

"Comrade Zuo Qingyun, I don't know which military academy you graduated from?" Chen Jiahao raised his glass to Zuo Qingyun from afar.

"Oh, Wudaokou Soldiers Academy." Zuo Qingyun said casually.

"Oh, it's not easy to come out of that place and become a major!" Chen Jiahao had never heard of such a military academy, but he pretended to be calm so as not to show his ignorance. Said: "If you need my help to recommend, I can"

"Chen Jiahao, do you know where Wudaokou Soldiers Academy is?" Hearing the obvious contempt in Chen Jiahao's tone, Du Feifei immediately became upset. I can bully my man, but others don't even think about it, "々.中心The military academy is not at the same level as you who got into Yanshu Bule Academy through your relationship, okay?"

Chen Jiahao was immediately embarrassed, but he pretended to be calm and said: "The one who came out of the Central Military Academy may not necessarily be able to fight. He is just lucky. I am sorting out the report of the war recently, and there are still people at the grassroots level. Considering many issues from this point of view, it is still necessary to start with improving the quality of cadres.”

"Yes, yes, but military qualities are all cultivated on the battlefield. You, a staff officer in the staff department, have never seen you on the battlefield. Do you know what the battlefield is like?" Du Feifei's words made Chen Jiahao's face pale. It's red and white.

"Okay. Feifei, don't say that." Du Jianzhong obviously didn't want to embarrass Chen Jiahao too much. It can be said that Du Jianzhong knew Zuo Qingyun's deeds from the bottom up. Compared with this, (are you alright) Chen Jiahao is really nothing. "Xiao Zuo, tell me your opinion on the performance of the combined troops on the battlefield after the military reform."

Zuo Qingyun nodded. The western theater is basically composed of division-level units, so Du Jianzhong, as the division commander, also wants to see how effective the combined troops are.

"I'll just talk about the battles of the first brigade!" Zuo Qingyun took a sip of tea and said, "The main task of the first brigade in the early stage is to occupy the middle plain between the two mountains, which is Nangao. A regiment of the enemy's elite 319A division, and a 90th tank regiment was hidden in it. I first broke up the reconnaissance battalion and penetrated into the defense line. The distance between the groups did not exceed 200 meters. After gathering five squads, we found An anti-aircraft company disguised itself after killing them."

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